
welcome to the danger zone


07-19-2014, 05:02 PM (This post was last modified: 07-19-2014, 09:00 PM by Ariette.)

She could almost feel at peace, the subtle air spinning around the atmospheric clouds; birds chirped here and there, up on head and next to her very being. Small lithe body moved with ease, the stocks of grass aligning in front of her vision. She could not see a thing. Though, she was determined as well to get out of here. The girl never liked having the fear of something jumping out at here at any moment. Pinning her ears back, the once flat earthed ground jutted up and onto a small hill. Though with some struggle she found herself having a short view above the plains. Almost there. She needed to get across. Her nerves jumbled up into one as she saw the grass sway one way; the left, away from her. Something was moving and the small girl felt as if she was in danger. Staying here forever though, would not fix a thing and she was determined to get out of here once and for all.

Lavender pools drifted across the top of the plains, fur aligned on the back of her drifting to a standing edge. Once she felt safe.. once. Swallowing swiftly, she crouched down before aiming to jump down from the hill aimlessly. Once her appendages met the earth, she stood still for a moment. All was still. All was silent. She was in the danger zone.

"Talk" "You" Think


07-19-2014, 05:25 PM

The dark one would stalk throughout the lands, searching for the one who always eluded his grasp. His own blood brother. Drake. A snarl would rip from his throat, how the hell had the bastard continued to elude him? Then again, perhaps it was Jet. He always enjoyed the thrill of the chase, and knew that his brother was expecting him. It was perhaps for that reason alone he bid his time...the Australian's nostrils flared then, tearing him from his darkened thoughts. Eyes flashed, the beast gathering his bearings as the scents of many washed over him. Small animals within the tall grass in which he hid, wheat, and the most prominent...another wolf. A she-wolf at that. Slowly, a grin began to spread upon his face, a silent rumble shaking his muscular body as he stalked forward, moving leftwards to circle around where the scent came from. He knew he was getting closer, he could almost feel her heartbeat in the air. The fear that haunted the land.

Jet drew closer, pausing for a few moments as his eyes scanned through the grass. He was close enough now, he could spy on the girl as he sat in waiting like a lion stalking his prey. She would leap downwards, and his own haunches rocked as he prepared to step out before her. Mere seconds after her landing, he stalked out as silent as he could. Teeth flashing in a grin as he swept beyond the grass cover. He would stand upon the location from where she leaped, looking down on her. "Hello little bird, where might you be going?"



07-19-2014, 05:43 PM

The scent only grew stronger as she pressed on, and as soon as she leaped down, an alabaster hued male came into view. Her heart sped up, and she could feel herself crouching lower and lower until her slim stomach touched the earth below. Fear traced her vision; something she never wished to show. Ears pulled back to lay upon her head, she found herself growing more and more timid as time went on. The male stared at her small figure for a moment, a haunting aura surrounding his large figure. She didn't like it at all. The small innocent was already scanning the ground to see if she could escape at any point; it would be no doubt useless though for the male's height and long legs. He was faster then her no doubt, and she wasn't about to take any chances. Ariette only pressed further into the ground, not daring once to look him straight in the eye. "Hello little bird, where might you be going?" She stayed silent, no words leaving her mouth.
The silence was too much, and if she continued, her sanity would deplete. "I-I was just.." She paused, her lavender pools narrowing as she caught her own stutter. "I was just on my way.. home." It was half true. The small girl would soon have to find a place to stay for the night. She was always the one to be adventurous, never staying in one place too long.

"Talk" "You" Think


07-19-2014, 06:57 PM

The female would turn towards him, fear evident in her stance and her notes. If she chose to run, he would give chase and force her to submit. And that he would do by any means necessary. Although he began to think that perhaps, she wouldn't do such a thing. Right before his very eyes, she pressed herself into the ground as if she hoped to sink right through. This gave him such delight, the brute jumping down the slope to join her. Slowly, he would stalk around her, tail high in a dominant effect as his intense gaze kept upon her smaller frame. He paused near her left side as she began to speak, eyes narrowing slightly as she faltered. So, she was on her way home? A smirk rose on ebony lips, an almost maniacal chuckle bubbling from deep within his chest.

"Home you say? Why not come home with me, little bird? After all, you shouldn't walk home's not safe." White fangs revealed themselves from behind black curtains. His throat rippling with the guttural sound of want and a savage need. She was so vulnerable, so weak...darkened thoughts brewed in his mind, his body growing hot for the want he so desired.



07-19-2014, 08:05 PM

Fear and anxiety was evident in her eyes, in her mind, in her heart, in her nerves. Her heart pounding against her eyes as she eyes the floor below her, wide lavender pools as she breathed heavily. Harsher. She knew what was happening. She was small, but her intelligence was outstanding. She hadn't noticed the beauty in the plant life until now, it was magnificent yes, but she was disappointed it had to be at this very moment. Her head would not move to acknowledge his movements as he circled around her in dominance. "Home you say? Why not come home with me, little bird? After all, you shouldn't walk home's not safe." Case closed. She knew completely of what was going home. She would not go that easily though.

She was completely aware of the situation. Just blind at what was to come in the near future. "I'm fine.. thank you though. I can walk home just fine." She then looked up and held his gaze within her own.

"Talk" "You" Think


07-19-2014, 09:51 PM

Her response would just not do. Head tilted upwards, vision angling down to stare at her pitiful frame as her own gaze lowered to the ground. His grin grew wider, the scent of fear rollin' off of her. She would claim to walk home alone, and that she'd be fine. And this would only bring bubbling laughter to his vocals. "No no, that will not do. I insist little bird, come with" He drew closer, tail waving slightly above his hips as he seemed to almost drool with what was to come. Whether she knew it or not, today she would belong to him. The beast would stare hard at the girl, his intentions slightly hidden, though when he was within a few feet of her position he would stop and smile. "You'll be much safer with me, you're not from around her, yes? I can keep you safe, lass." Charm would drip into honeyed words, the deceiver dropping lyrics that could fool and charm anyone.



07-19-2014, 10:17 PM

The fear radiated upon her skin, her heart beating like a war drum against her chest. The horrid feeling that she hated the most. Ears would pull back as a bubbling maniacal laugh would leave his lips, eyes widening as his large body came closer and closer to her. Though as he drew closer and closer, she took a step away. She didn't like the closeness. Not at all. "No no, that will not do. I insist little bird, come with" She lowered her gaze, pupils dilating for a moment before she snapped her head up. "Leave me alone!" She spat with venom, speech a distorted combination of innocence, fear and annoyance. Tail waved behind her as she backed away.

She knew exactly what was about to become. Lips would peel back to reveal her teeth, pearly white and early in age. She would not let him take her innocence away. Not now, not ever. "You'll be much safer with me, you're not from around here, yes? I can keep you safe, lass." A snarl erupted from her figure, eyes narrowing in displeasure. Safe. A lie. She could almost laugh, but she dared not to in this case. He couldn't keep her safe. She was safer on her own anyway. She would not be fooled from his charm, she couldn't see how anyone could be. Lowering herself to the ground, to defend herself, to defend her innocence, she lowered her tail, covering on her stomach and rear side. "Just.. just leave me alone.. please.." She whispered as she lowered herself once more, gaze leaving his as fear once settled upon her figure.

"Talk" "You" Think


07-23-2014, 02:28 AM

Body heaved with laughter, shoulders rolling as he bubbled with intense amusement. The girl seemed to be curling in on herself, writhing in her fears as he gazed upon her frail form. "Girl, you are morbidly mistaken if you think I'm going to walk away without a little taste." At this he would grow serious, dark frame bristling as the fur upon him rose to make himself appear larger. If it was a fight for herself she wanted, then a fight she would get. Teeth showed in a display of twisted amusement and hunger, she would become his little toy. A slave to his desires for as long as he wanted. He had no intentions of letting her go, he was going to take what belonged to him. Girls, power, the would all be his someday. He had started with the Seracian bitch that had been cross with him, and in the end he had torn her limb from limb, her blood pooled on the ground and her forbidden fruit so delightfully taken before she had been shredded apart. The banshee almost seemed to lick his lips, reveling in what he was about to taste. "If you value so much yourself, let's come to terms then, shall we?" If she refused, or chose to run or fight...he would gladly chase her down and dominate.
