
All About That Bass



4 Years
07-22-2014, 03:21 PM (This post was last modified: 07-24-2014, 01:57 PM by Anzhelika.)
The large ivory babe would sashay towards The Orchard, hips swaying with the movement. She knew she wasn't some skinny, small size 30 inch wolf, but she could shake it shake it, like she's supposed to. She had all the right junk in all the right places. She knew every inch of her was perfect from the bottom to the top, she knew boys liked the hips, her enticing curves and pelt with violet and golden eyes- she was just stunningly gorgeous. The darling would seat herself in the scenery of the orchard, the overgrown trees providing a nice canopy from the spring sun. She would dip her ivory crown to the ground, taking a sniff at a peach. The aroma of fruits intoxicated the air here, this little orchard seeming to be a peaceful world itself inside of the land Alacritis. The woman would seat herself under the large trees, violet and golden gaze flicking around.
[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

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Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!

Rune I


5 Years
07-24-2014, 02:32 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

For the first time since his move to join Covari, Rune stepped beyond the pack's borders. He had been adjusting, as was the rest of his family, to the new territory, the new scenery, their new pack mates, but even after weeks of being there he still felt on edge. The wolves there were all strange to him, and somehow his aunt's approval of them being in her pack did not make him feel any better. Not even the pack meeting had settled his nerves, which he had been hoping for. No, a confrontation had nearly escalated into a fight, but somehow the two parties involved had managed to separate before blood could be shed. As much as he wanted to feel a part of this place it still did not feel like home.

He had needed a small break so he had given a quick word to Alamea before he had left - not like anyone would know he was gone; he was sure only his relatives even knew who he was there - and slipped quietly from the side of the Range toward other once-cultivated lands, this one lacking the same structures and odd machines that the main pack land held. Here there was some kind of hint at order beneath the chaos of the overgrown vegetation, and as Rune walked aimlessly through it, breathing in the thick scents of the fruit trees while listening to the insects whine and buzz about in their business, he thought he could almost see it. Strangely it was easier to handle than the oddities of the Range, and he found himself almost relaxing.

The scents of the fruits were so heavy on the air that he nearly missed the scent of another in the vicinity, catching the telltale smell just before he found the wolf in question. He did not stop his meandering pace upon seeing her, only cast her a glance across the distance that separated them. Another Covari wolf looking for a little fresh air? A stranger just enjoying a moment within the shade of the trees? He did not know, nor did he entirely care. He was not here to meet others or make friends. He only wanted a moment to think without feeling like he needed to be on guard at all times. So his acknowledgement was curt - a short, quick inclination of his head just to let her know he knew she was there - and he kept the distance between them, for himself if not for her as well. With no intentions of stopping, Rune continued along, searching out a quiet place within the trees for himself.