
Lets prove this title isn't given; Spar

Motif I


4 Years
07-25-2014, 12:26 AM (This post was last modified: 07-25-2014, 03:31 PM by Motif I.)

It was high time Motif challenged for her right to be beside Bass, she had spent a few days truly mulling over the consequences of taking the duties, practising and a great deal of time running wild and free. She was done with all that now and had made her final choice ? she would take Bass up on his offer, and would share the burdens of leadership with him. She found herself pacing to the Battlegrounds, this felt too serious to take over a simple play in the Serpent Plains as she had done with him plenty of times in the past ? this wasn't play, this was the future, and as she had had decisions to make she knew also that he needed to know she was strong and capable, that she could handle leadership beside him.

She would reach the Battlefield and loosen up her limbs, stretching out and ensuring she felt ready for the trails to come ? she was certain that after today nothing would be the same. This done the girl would raise her head and let out a howl, it was strong and sure filled with the confidence she had found over her life. She was ready for him, come on brother, give it your best shot.




7 Years

07-25-2014, 12:39 AM

Ever since Bass had asked Motif if she wished to rule at his side, something seemed to have sat within his belly. He was unsure if she would call him to the battle, to howl for him to prove her worth. Bass himself knew that there was no one else he would rather have by his side, but he had put rules in place for a reason. He feared that without the proper challenge, members of Abaven would not respect their Azgrat like they should. So he told her to call him when she was ready, but would that day every come? The young boy had set himself up for all this weight on his shoulders, taking on a pack so young. But his pack was growing by the day, even to the point where he needed to consider claiming new land for them.

As the alabaster brute sat on top of his rocky den, that very howl he had been waiting on sounded across the land. Motif called for him loud and clear, her confidence shining in her song. Bass grinned as he looked up at the sky, almost picturing the notes of her howl flitting over to him. It was time. Stretching atop the flat rock that made the roof of his den he jumped on to the earth, and pounded towards the battlefield.

It was a short run for Bass, the field was not too far away from his home. Skidding to a stop when he saw his brown sister, he padded up and rested his head on top of hers for a moment. He said nothing, just stood there in this strange embrace, his breath tickling her ears. The two of them always played around and joked, but this time it was for real. This was a serious matter that went far beyond their years. It was no time for playing games and teasing each other, for this was a serious battle in which wounds would be dealt. Letting out a soft breath, Bass stepped back from his sister, but not before pressing a soft kiss on her cheek.

"Motif, I am glad that you called me here today. This will be a challenge for your rank, for you to once and for all prove your skills to me and your pack. This will show that you are willing to combat any challenge head on, and protect Abaven until your last breath." Bass spoke, his words holding a lot of meaning to the yearling. His golden eyes grew sad for a moment as he gazed at here, they certainly were not pups any longer. Shaking out his limbs he took in a deep breath, the wolves standing only a few paces apart. At last the time had come, and he was ready.

Motif I


4 Years
07-25-2014, 01:50 AM

Motif did not need to wait before her opponent, Alpha, and brother was before her, all rolled into one. Without speaking he made his way towards her until they stood face to face before he rested his head above the top of her own. Neither of them spoke for a moment and Motif found her eyes flitting closed until she was breathing in the scent of him and nothing else, an oddly peaceful moment that she would have given anything for to share every day with her brother, this little sign of respect and love.

Her eyes would open to the feel of his soft touch against her cheek and before she knew it he had moved away. She made no words of teasing today since she also felt the gravity of the moment and was in awe of the power and knowledge she could feel in his gaze and stance as he stood before her. She didn't look like her brother, not the Bass she knew who would roll in the grace or splash in the waves with her, who would as readily stick his tongue out at her as he was to playfully swipe with a paw ? not, there was not of that, and the man that stood before her today was her Alpha.

His words where as equally serious as his stance and she found herself listening carefully to his words, before she knew it her eyes where alive, sparkling with the unshed tears that stood just behind her lids. ?I swear to you Bass, if I show myself capable of protecting and caring for your pack after this day, that I will uphold its laws and beliefs for as long as there is breath in my body? she whispered, there was no joke in her tone, not now.

She took a few steps back from Bass and took in one last look of his face before closing off her mind to her brother ? she knew that proving herself worthy was more important today then protecting her brother ? even from herself, attacks will be landed and blood will be spilt, and it would be her honour to do so. She settled herself now and began the familiar moves of setting up her defences. Her paws would be spread in balance beneath her, and her toes would spread out as her claws dug into the earth for traction. Her tail would flay out behind her and her head would lower to align with her spine, her muscles would tense and lock beneath her. Her hackles would raise and her shoulders rolled forward to protect her neck. She would partly close her eyes to protect them. Her teeth would be bared even as she tucked her her chin ? she was ready.

Motif Vs Bass for Rank

Round 0 of 3?

Defences: Paws spread, toes spread, claws dug into ground, tail out, head lowered to align with spine, muscles tense, shoulders rolled, hackles raised, eyes partly closed, teeth bared, chin tucked

Attacks: none yet

Injuries: none yet