
Stengthen Our Bond



3 Years
07-25-2014, 02:39 PM

I'll be TWISTED its my turn!

Gone. That news hit her hard, and the girl was still trying to fathom what it was that had her brother fall for the Olympian princess. But a vow was vow, and she could respect that. If he truly cared for her and she cared for him then it was fine this way, was it not? But the girl was troubled, so very troubled as she took a walk that morning. She was trying to cope with the fact it would be harder to see any member of her family. Sure Arisu wasn?t some snuggly-wuggly sister, but she still cared about them! A good shake of her head and a growl would silence the thoughts, at least for now.

Tan legs would carry the girl on, and she would look along the range. Hunting practice was on the agenda today, if she could keep her mind upon it. She knew she needed to find some actual sparring partners soon, to truly test her skills, but no skill, she decided, would be ignored. The girl wasn?t necessarily aiming to become heir, no, she expected Fia or even Vivek to claim that position. However she would not cut herself short. No heir had been chosen yet... And she had decided she would aim high, no matter where it landed her. She wanted to become a legend someday in her own right, like she saw her mother was becoming in her own eyes.

The girl would slow as she scented those hoofed animals... Horses she believed they were called. They moved in a herd, and weren?t all that different, to her, than the deer she would eat when she was younger. They were large animals... But maybe if they had a younger one she could manage to pick it off on her own. Wouldn?t that be good? Then she could bring some of the extra meat to her mothers, so that they wouldn?t have to worry about getting it themselves. The girl would lower her body some, ears perked forward as she stalked ahead. Now all that came was finding these things before they saw or scented her. The girl wasn?t considering someone else possibly running into her first.

"Hear My Voice,"

'Read My Thoughts.'



2 Years
07-26-2014, 03:42 PM

Ebony coated the girl as she raced after her sister, unwilling to let the russet girl out of her sights. Finally, she relaxed as her sister stopped, and she raced forwards. The horses raised their heads, but relaxed once they seemed to think there was no threat. "Arisu.......Calm down. Please." Her ebony chest huffed as she struggled to regain her breath, but her blues eyes shone. "I was mad at him, I asked him what about you. Arisu......" There was a pause as the girl began to speak, and she murmured. "If you leave, I'm coming with you, no doubts."

The scarred girl glanced at the horses, and smiled at her sister weakly. "I may not be able to spar with you, but we could still have a competition. Whoever, down and killed, wins. That sound fair enough to you?" Without waiting for an answer, Hestia let out a low bark. "Now!" She raced forwards, her paws barely touching the ground as she moved faster than she thought she would be able to. The horses scattered, in all different directions, and the female stopped, panting and staring at the ones nearby. She needed to injure one.

Waiting for a moment so her sister could have an advantage, or what she thought of as an advantage, Hestia raced forwards, She hoped that her sister would win, in a way. But she wanted to win, too. Maybe they could kill one at the same time, unlikely as it sounded.




3 Years
07-30-2014, 06:22 PM

I'll be TWISTED its my turn!

Hestia. The girl would lift her head, turning her acidic green gaze upon her sister. She would give a small nod, a bit glad that the other had stuck up for her. Hestia wasn't one to get along with the rest of the family, but Arisu saw no reason to fight with her sister. She was the only one who bore a coat of black, but she was still family. It was her loyalty, even when they were not the most bonded, that made Arisu feel perhaps a bit of warmth. A bit more of that 'love' that might have been under her cold and manipulative exterior. "Hestia..." She couldn't help but feel more respect for the other fae.

Her sister would even propose a competition, and one that Arisu was in fact surprised by. Whomever caught a horse and killed it first won? She smirked slightly, though she knew such a contest could easily be misjudged. Depending on how far the horses ran, and which way they went, they could be too far to judge the contest properly."We can give that contest a try... and there are other things we can do yet. There are many years left in our lives." Spending some time with Hestia, to ease her pain of losing her brother. She could not mope forever, right?

With a nod to Hestia the russet girl would set off. Muscles would ripple under her coat as she selected her target. She had never hunted a horse before, and certainly not on her own. She was not prepared for things to go wrong.

But go wrong they did.

There was a reason such large animals were usually taken down by several wolves, and the female, nearing the beast, would get a taste firsthand of a failed hunt. As she lunged for the creature's back leg it would lash out with hind legs, it's hoof striking her in the chest. The russet girl would fall to the earth, the wind knocked from her lungs, as she closed her eyes tightly.


She was aware of pain as it ignited in her chest, spreading throughout her form. She had luckily not broken anything, but there would definitely be bruising. It felt like her world was spinning... and the thundering hooves sounded even louder in her ringing ears.

"Hear My Voice,"

'Read My Thoughts.'