
Let Me Orbit Your Sun {Joining}


07-24-2014, 04:54 AM

Spring's paintbrush had painted the lands, in which should stood, with fields of emerald vegetation. The emerald colors were even more radiant due to the the setting sun. A flood of colors pooled over the land and the heavens mirrored her eyes of pink and blue. Pink in which consumed most of the atmosphere and the blue was slowly dying. Traces of silver stained the horizon, melting in with the hues of light blue. Stars were visible on the eastern horizon, though, the flecks of white were faint.

Only a few trees protruded from the turf where she stood; however, the border was coated in them. She would be careful to avoid the thick vegetation for her safety. This was pack territory. Venus strolled toward the opening of the land. The field offered vast views so her vision would pick up welcome visitors. Yes, welcome visitors. She had came here to join the pack in which she had been tracking. It was the only pack aroma should had came across since her chance at liberty and she dared not pass down the opportunity of joining it. For a pack offered protection and security, but better yet - it offered men. Men in which she would desire to woo with her galactic beauty. She wanted to orbit them as if they were the sun.

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7 Years

07-24-2014, 05:51 PM

Golden eyes gazed out across the expansion of water that rested before him, the first few stars reflecting in its depths as night began to show. The large boy rested his white head on his same hued paws, sighing softly as he took in the beauty. Crickets sang their song as the night dwellers began to emerge, the last swash of colours fading into endless blue as daylight lost its daily battle. Such beauty was held in these lands, and it was all his. Abaven ruled here, and they were blessed with the abundance of prey within their own lands. Bass stood up then, stretching out his muscular body before hopping off the top of his den. He was about to enter the rock cavern, but a strange scent wafted towards him. His eyes cast towards the borders, but he could not pick anything out in the darkening landscape. Narrowing his eyes slightly he let out a huff, what was it with wolves not howling at the border anymore? Oh well, as least he was always on the hunt for strange scents.

Bass began his walk towards the edge of Abaven, not in any real rush. He was growing tired, and his den had been calling for him. Motif needed to hurry up and fight him so that he could be lazy and make her do all the night work. He chuckled at that thought, knowing that she would never be up for it. Cresting a small hill, the boy then saw who was poking at his border. He paused for a moment, his eyes wandering over her two toned coat. It was unlike anything he had seen before, a mix of cream and black. Often contrasting colours, but it just looked... right on her. And as he began to walk closer he noticed her eyes as well, coloured with two shades just like her pelt was. Smiling softly, his own golden gaze met hers. "Good evening Lady, are you in search for something?" He asked, his voice breaking the steady silence that had spread.


07-24-2014, 06:33 PM

Eyes were set upon the falling sun and she watched the brilliant orb melt into the horizon until it was no longer visible; however, it's orange and pink hues still decorated the horizon, but soon they too would fade into darkness. The moon had become visible, only slightly, it being at it's waning crescent phase. Faint moonlight painted the grass with soft silver and stars shone all the more brightly against, the now, onyx canvas.

A figure painted in the color of winter's frost would soon come into her sight. He carried the aroma of the pack she was seeking and surely he was their leader or of a higher rank. His posture told her so. She would behave herself, for now. She would only display her intelligence and hold a regal posture in which kings would envy. Though, later, perhaps she could show him her transcendental beauty at its best.

Her dominant personality would not allow her to direct her gaze away from him - her eyes would meet his and never glance away. She wanted him to recognize her bravery and confidence. Yes, traits in which an alpha would desire. Or at least she hoped this one did. Some alphas could be completely sadistic and prefer those in which were cowards - slaves. Her greeting would be thorough, answering possibly all questions at once.

Wolves address me by the name Venus. I am actually in search of joining your pack - I assume you are of a high rank. My heart is that of a warrior. I possess strength, though my frame may not be incredible large as most fighters. Experienced in battles and I assure you I can be of importance to your pack. I am not one to simply mooch off of the benefits a pack has to offer. If accepted, I can promise you won't be disappointed. Venus's last words being a slightly flirtatious purr.

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7 Years

07-24-2014, 07:57 PM

Her bold motion would send a ripple down his spine, a lopsided grin making its way onto his maw. He liked her guts, he was instantly approving of this two-toned fae. And when she spoke, he couldn't help but blink at the onslaught of information that she tossed his way. Boy, was she effitiant. Well, that saved him asking all the questions, she pretty much touched base with every one he would have to ask. The brute couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle, his rump folding until it met with the landscape. "Well Venus, you assumed right. I am Bass Descrution, and I am indeed Azat of Abaven, which is the alpha rank. I don't have much to ask you miss, as you seemed to have empty my mind of all its questions." Bass said, another chuckle slipping forth.

"We are always looking for strong fighters to rise within our ranks. Mruni is our base, starting rank. You may rank up by a mix of spars and training, or challenging for a higher rank is always an option." He searched her face, seeing if the words 'challenge' lit up her features. She did indeed seem like a strong fighter, even if her body did not speak the same tale. Her mind was sharp, Bass could see it glittering in those pretty eyes of hers. He had a feeling that she would move through the ranks quickly, challenge or not. She had spoken of mooching, which had grabbed his attention. Rising from his seated state, he closed the gap between the two of them with a few long strides. "I am glad that your mind is sharp Venus, I can tell that it is. I need someone like you within my pack, and I know that you will do well." Flashing her a grin, she rubbed his head against her flank, rubbing the scent of Abaven on her. "Welcome to Abaven." He breathed, backing away from her.


07-24-2014, 08:50 PM

Her kaleidoscopic eyes never left his eyes as he would move his frame to a sitting position. She had impressed him with her dialogue, or at least that is the vibe she had received from the male - the male in which titled himself as Bass Destruction, the Azat of the pack titled Abaven. Bass seemed to be at ease with her presence as well, that was a welcome sign.

He dubbed her Mruni and spoke of ranking up. Indeed, she desired to be so much more than a base level. Her expression remained serious for this was serious. It determined much of her future. I believe such a position would suit me well. Sparring runs through my veins as if it were venom. No brawl will I flee from no matter the odds. My heart is that of a lion. The alpha brushed the aroma of his pack upon her flank - an official sign that she were accepted among his kind. Thank you for accepting me among your ranks. I, too, know that I will do well among your wolves.

All the while she spoke, her confidence and bravery shone through with radiance that outshone the sun. Venus felt her first impression was a good one. Being of bottom rank would not do for her for she knew her worth. When the male backed away from her, her motley gaze would meet his eyes again. I stand by my words with my life. I will not disappoint you, my king. And that she meant.

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7 Years

07-24-2014, 10:30 PM

Again her bold and quick words both shocked and pleased the Azat. She was a loyal wolf it seemed, and for that his smile was relaxed and easy. He had never before been so quick and willing to accept another into his pack, not since his own siblings of course. He knew that she would be good for Abaven, perhaps a little bit of a kick-start that he had been waiting for. "I am excited to see your work Venus." He said simply, dipping his head to the female. Yes, a great addition indeed.

"Do you wish to know anything else about your new home?" He asked, his pale tilting slightly to the side. He knew that she had answered all the questions that he needed to know, but that didn't mean that she didn't have any questions for him. Joining a new pack could be something that brought up many questions, and as always he was happy enough to answer anything she wished. Plus, he was having a hard time looking away from those eyes, they were so mesmerizing. He had never before seen eyes with mixed colours within them. His sister had one eye a different colour than the other, but it was not the same as these. His golden eyes were plain in comparison.

His attention was drawn away when Venus called him her king. He felt heat rush up to dance upon his pale cheeks, a small huff of air passing through his nose. He still was not used to that term, King. It made him feel as if he sat upon a throne, which he guessed he sort of did. "I know you won't, lady Venus. I know that you will do all of Abaven proud." Yes, they may have just met, but it was a hell of a first impression. He had no doubt what-so-ever that she would do well for him, for all of them.


07-24-2014, 11:26 PM

Ah, the two of them were off to a good start, she could feel it with every particle that created her body. The remark of being excited to see her work made that clear. Soon she would prove her worth. Soon she would awe Bass with her potential - her mastery in the art of battle and the art of making intelligent decisions in which would, unquestionably, benefit his pack.

Bass would speak again, this time asking her if there were anything she wished to know. Mmm, indeed there was. As Mruni, I think it would be beneficial to know your standings with other packs. Your enemies would need to be watched closer than the rest and your allies protected. Are there any particular wolves in the pack that should be watched after closely? For packs will sometimes send in their members to spy. To ensure the safety of your pack, these questions will need answers. Yes, those things were of much importance. Never had she had the opportunity to lead a pack of her own, but one could mistakenly assume she had. Being the alpha's favorite slave of a former pack, she was familiar with how things usually work. To her benefit, the pack was heinous, giving her an inside view of how malevolent plots were made.

Venus noticed the male seemed to be in a trance-like state - gazing into her eyes as if they held him prisoner. Perhaps, he had been hypnotized by her extraterrestrial beauty. Mmm, my king. . . Seems my eyes have hypnotized you. A soft chuckle would escape her lips before continuing. It is alright. Most seemed to be enthralled by them. It seems to be a rarity. Your eyes painted in gold are quite captivating as well. She was probably pressing her limits, but she simply could not resist. Him being royalty made this one all the more attractive. When he spoke his final words, Venus simply acknowledged them with a nod. Lady Venus. . . she liked the title.

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7 Years

07-25-2014, 12:11 AM

Bass exhaled, his lips murmuring to let out a soft mmhh sound. That indeed was a question that he wished all new members would ask, as it was of the utmost importance. "We have strong ties with Glaciem, Tortuga, and Ebony. Those packs are close allies and we will aide them where we can, and treat their members like they were our own. Ludicael is probably our strongest ally, as it is run by my Grandparents. Elysium and Valhalla are not our allies, but they have not made themselves known to be enemies. However, the whispers I hear about those two packs are not good ones, all members of those packs should be dealt with caution. As for Covari..." The Azat trailed off, one side of his lip curling up as he pondered. His meeting with the purple queen of Covari had been interesting indeed. "I am not quite sure where we stand with them as of yet." Soon though, because Bass needed to tie up that loose end.

When it came to members that were untrustworthy, it did not take him long to think about it. "Vendetta seems to have a strange muse for Mirabelle, which is why Vendetta has my sister as a guard. She is being watched until she can prove that she is no threat to us, although Motif will most likely remain her guard. She used to be an assassin, and I am not quite sure where I stand with that one." Mira used to be an assassin as well, but she had worked hard to prove her worth to Bass. He could only hope that Vendetta would do the same, she would be a powerful member if she decided to let the past go. He rather liked Venus, he considered bumping her right up to Bjundi.

Heat flooded Bass' face as Venus pointed out his staring. It was a little hard to miss, he just couldn't help it. "I'm sorry, I have just never seen something like your eyes before. I do find them quite mesmerizing. My sister Harmony has each eye a different colour, but never before have I seen two colours mixed into each eye." He found himself moving closer, chuckling as he looked into both pools of hers. She tossed a compliment back, flattering Bass. Of course he had no idea that he was flirting, he was rather clueless when it came to stuff like that. To him, he was just stating what was in his head. He didn't realize that she may be flirting with him, he just took the complement to heart. "Nothing compared to yours, lady Venus." The title was respect and him being a gentleman, although he too liked the way it sounded. Perhaps they should all by lords and ladies! It was nice to hear, it buffed ones ego.


07-25-2014, 08:28 PM

Venus listened and was sure to engrave every bit of information into her mind. It would be valuable and possibly life-saving in the future. It was marvelous that the pack was at good standing with most of it's neighbors. Hopefully the pack would keep neutral. Making enemies would be like wildfire. Starting with one and then spreading to them all and eventually they would form together and leave nothing but burning embers of Abaven - a reminder of what once was.

Following the information of the pack, Bass elaborated on the member named Vendetta. Ah, perhaps soon she could apply some extra pressure to this Vendetta. One's true colors will come out once under pressure. Soon. Soon, she would have the opportunity to do so. I will be sure to keep an eye out for this one named Vendetta.

Bass would then reply to her response regarding her galactic eyes and then move closer as if he were trying to get a better view of them. Ah, her eyes typically had that impact on others - holding wolves prisoner and refusing to release them. You are welcome to gaze into my eyes anytime you wish to, King Bass. I am glad you are quite fond of them. Venus would smile softly at the alpha before continuing. Perhaps at dawn you could show me your borders.

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7 Years

07-27-2014, 01:44 AM

He was more than pleased with her words, he knew that he could trust her right off the bat. That was something that somewhat frightened him, but he accepted it. If he could gather more members like Venus he would be more than pleased. "I thank you for that Venus, you have shown yourself to be more than useful already. I know you will move through the ranks with ease." His voice was level and calm, his honey voice clashing with her silky one. A great pair of friends they would be, he knew that he would probably see a lot of her. A wicked grin crossed his features, a huff of a chuckle passing through his lips. "I have no doubt that she will not last long with you towering over her. Maybe she will be distracted by your eyes as well." He teased.

The brute couldn't help but let out another laugh at her words, his head shaking slowly. "If I were to stare at your eyes as much as I wanted to I would never get anything done around here." Tilting his head as her maw opened again, he nodded slowly as she spoke of the borders, showing them in the broad daylight would most likely be best. "Of course, but where will you stay for the night?" He wondered out loud, his white head cocking farther to the side. "Perhaps the lady would like to spend the night in my den?" His request was innocent, he was just extending her an invitation. He was more than happy to sleep on the top of his den, the flat rock would provide him with enough comfort while she slept in the warm den below him.



07-28-2014, 09:51 PM

Ah, she felt as if this was destiny - to find the scent of this pack and then to track it here. The two of them seemed to get along well and so she wished it to remain that way. Good standings with the king meant all the more safety. Mmm, perhaps this one she would play angel with, though that was definitely not in her nature. Venus nodded at his words of towering over Vendetta and ended it with a smile due to his comments of her motley eyes. Indeed, she needed to mind her manners.

Then the alpha would offer her his den for the night - a very nice gesture. Though, it took her off guard. A king did not normally give his bed to a stranger, did he? Though, she would dare not to turn him down. Besides, it was a chance to get to know him better. That is a very nice offer, Bass. I shall not decline such an offering. I grow weary from my travels. Lead the way, my king? Perhaps we can share stories of the past until sleep consumes our mind.

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7 Years

08-07-2014, 03:13 AM

She spoke of sharing stories, and he rather liked the idea. It was always nice to get too know members, and so soon after joining as well. "Just this way then, its not too far at all." He said, standing and turning away from the galactic female. He walked at a slower pace, slow enough that she would be able to observe the plains. It looked different in the dark than it did during the day, but she could still get a little bit of a feel for the lands. Grinning, they quickly made it to his rocky cavern that he made his resting place. There was a large, flat rock on top of two other rocks, making it a perfect place for him to rest upon. Inside there was a soft nest made of moss and litchis, way more comfortable than the hard rocky floor. "Here we are! It will be perfectly comfortable for you, and I will be sleeping just on top of the flat rock here if you need me." He said, easily jumping a top the rock and looking down at the bi-coloured woman.

It was rather cozy up here. It could get a little cold, but he was happier to keep her warm than himself. Plus he had a thick white coat that was an expert at blocking out most of the chill. It was the wind blowing over the water that carried the most bite to it, the touch of dampness that would make the thickest of coats shiver.


08-07-2014, 06:10 PM

The journey to the den was a short, scenic one. Even in the hours of moonlight, the lands were beautiful. When daylight consumed all the world, she would get even more familiar with these new lands. Perhaps Bass would accompany her and give her a tour of her new home. Though, tonight she desired rest. To lie down and rest and eventually let sleep, death's cousin, consume her thoughts allowing only darkness to take over.

The alpha's den was luxurious in comparison to the soil in which she had came so familiar with. In fact, she could not remember ever sleeping in a den. The bottom was padded with soft vegetation in which would help shield her from the spring night's cool air. Though, she felt bad her new king wanted to sleep atop of his chambers. It just was not right, or at least she felt that way. To let a stranger sleep in his bed - that was very kind of the young king.

Venus made her way inside the den and carefully folded her legs beneath her frame. She tugged at the vegetation to fold it closely against her sides for extra comfort. It smelled of the king and him alone - perhaps she was the only one lucky enough to share his bed. Ah, indeed she must have engraved herself upon his soul with her first impression. Though, she may be a tramp, she was loyal to her king and his rules.

Bass, why don't you join me? The rocks are no place for a king. The company would be nice. Indeed, the company was welcome. The young fellow had thus far seemed oblivious to her advances. So, she would not push it. She did not wish to make him uncomfortable, especially since his kind offerings to her. He was probably the kindest being she had came in contact with since her leave of her hell. No way did she wish to jeopardize this.

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7 Years

08-08-2014, 01:33 AM

He listened to the dame walk into his den, about to settle himself down when her voice called out to join him within the confides of his own den. She said that she would enjoy the company, and with a shrug of his alabaster shoulders he left the rock in a single bound. Standing in front of the maw of the cavern, he peeked his eyes in to see that she had already settled herself in. Chuckling softly, he slowly padded in. At least it was large in here, big enough to fit three wolves comfortably. He saw no harm in it, plus he did say that he wanted to get to know her better. Giving her as much space as he could, he remained respectful of her bubble. This was not something that he was going to get with her or anything, after all he had invited her based on kindness, not for selfish reasons.

Settling his own from into a comfortable resting position, he rested his brown marked head on his paws as he gazed at the female before him. "So what were you doing before you came to Abaven? I can tell that this is not the first pack you have been in." He asked softly, a whine cracking open his maw. It had been a long day for him, but that didn't mean that they still couldn't chat. Plus, he did feel a little awkward having her in here, which he had not expected. Maybe it was because this was the one place that he came to be alone, and now there was another resting here with him. He easily pushed passed it though, it was nothing other than two wolves sharing a resting place. Was that so horrible?


08-09-2014, 04:35 AM

Bass seemed to accept her invitation and that eased her mind some. Venus gave the king his space, careful to make the situation as comfortable as possible for the young male. She felt as if he had yet to be with a female - his innocence had yet to be taken from him. Venus cared for this male, which was unusual. She halfway began to feel a maternal connection toward him. His mind and body was so young to take on the responsibilities of an alpha. Yet, here he was.

The question he spoke next would be difficult to answer. How to go about it so that his innocent mind could understand? To understand in a way that would not make him uncomfortable? I was born of royal blood. First in line, actually, to rule our kingdom. Though, my pack had undying trouble with another pack - a pack ruled by a demon. I was a peace-offering to the pack. Given to them by my father, but I suppose it was the right thing to do to save many members of our family. The demon had agreed to leave our kingdom alone if I were to be given to him. I was his slave. Their slave. Over time I grew strong and fighting was a must. Eventually I challenged the demon's mate for my freedom and, as you can see, I won. I had to. If I would have lost my life would have been taken, I am sure. It was a terrible way to grow up. You learn to grow up fast and strong, though.

Venus had chosen to leave out the parts of being the demon's whore. That probably would make the young Bass uncomfortable. Instead, she would leave it to his imagination to fill in the blanks. That was probably best.

A soft sigh escaped her lips, it was hard for her to think about the past. Her soul screamed for a better life, to change her ways. Though, her tainted mind would not allow it - her body craved to be a tramp. It was all that was familiar. Though, sometimes, she could not help but wonder what could have been if she had never been kept a slave. What kind of wolf she might have been.

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7 Years

08-11-2014, 01:43 AM

He listened to her tale, his eyes growing wider and wider as it went on. It seemed that Venus did not have a just life before today, and yet she was able to fight for her freedom. Bass knew that he was lucky to have been able to collect her into his pack, to have her fighting among his ranks. "That is a lot to have gone through in such a short time, I am glad that you found your way here Venus." He was a kind and gentle leader, he was not about forcing wolves into his ranks and making them do things that they didn't wish to do. Taking a shaky breath, he slowly shook his head. "How strong it must have made you, no matter the horrors." His words were beyond his years, he had no personal knowledge about things like that. He was just a year, and now leader of a pack. Bass had never had the touch of a darker life, hence why he was so innocent and at times, even naive.

Wiggling until he was comfortable, the beast gave his leg a few licks before a yawn parted his jaws, smiling at the woman after they snapped shut. "I am sorry for bringing up something like that, you know that you can ask me anything. And don't be afraid to say no if I ask about something that makes you uncomfortable." He didn't want her to think that he needed to know every little secret, because that was not the case. Every wolf was intitled to their own secrets, even as an Alpha he didn't need to know them all. If it was harmful toward Abaven, yes of course. But if not, there was no harm in not knowing.



08-17-2014, 11:38 PM

The youthful king's eyes widened as she spoke of her past. Ah, he was young and she was not surprised by his reaction, though, regardless the male listened to each word she lipped. The male had such a kind heart and it almost made her feel guilty for carrying a blackened heart within her chest. Perhaps she had something to learn from the teenage alpha.

Whatever happened from here - whether she stayed with Abaven until death, or she sought a pack of her own, she would see to it that this king was safe. No matter what the future may bring, she would offer her dark, warrior heart to him. A promise to protect and that she would be sure to hold true. The man had imprinted upon her soul as a friend. Instead of craving his innocent, she would do what she could to protect it.

Bass yawned, the male was sleepy and so was she. It had been an eventful evening for the both of them. She felt in her dark heart that the two of them would have a strong friendship and she would do her best to guide the male on his alpha adventure. Though, he seemed to not need her advice - Bass was no fool. But, she would guide him with her shield and armor.

You have my word, Bass. I will ensure the safety of you and your home no matter what the future brings of us. Though, I must warn you, sometimes I have controlling my feelings. Be it anger or anything else. Though, never will it be directed toward you or your members nor will it cause any trouble for Abaven. The man needed the warning. Yes, it will be difficult putting up with her sometimes, but in the end it would be worth it.

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7 Years

08-19-2014, 11:33 PM

He was surprised by this female time and time again. From her first impression to now, he had no doubt that he had found a great relationship within her. If she were to stay here or not, Bass somehow knew that they would always be connected. Her next words sent him blinking a few times, digesting the words before a smile replaced his frown. "I implore your honesty Venus, although I'm not too concerned about it all. Wolves are far from perfect, and we were built to make mistakes. I will not hold you against your mistakes, although forgiveness is sometimes hard to master, it is one thing I hold dear." He said, his golden eyes shimmering at this galactic being.

Resting his head on his paws, he studied his new edition to his back, tail thumping against the earth in a steady rhythm. "I know that this sounds strange Venus, but I don't think that an entry level rank is enough for what I know you have prepared to offer. Would you be against me giving you the rank of Bjundi? It is one step up from Mruni." His eyes were growing heavy, but this would be one more conversation that needed to happen before sleep ruled over them for a short time. "You have already showed me that I can do more than just trust you, and you have even shared your past with me. I think that you deserve a rank better than Mruni, but I offer it as a gift. It is your choice to take it or not." He doubted that she would turn it down, but it was an option non-the-less. Maybe she wanted to start from the bottom and work her way to to top, and not be handed ranks like this.


08-21-2014, 04:57 PM

Honest - that it was, indeed. Her adventure may eventually lead her away from her Abaven family, but regardless of possessing a tainted heart, it was an honest one. After all, she had been born an heir to her birth kingdom. Even those with black holes for a heart had be at least partially authentic to ensure their own safety. One could not simply survive without having some allies. Those in which lied to everyone and made enemies even with the grass beneath their paws were insane and tended to die an early death.

Bass seemed to have aged beyond his year, though, that was of no surprise. Him taking on such a large responsibility would demand him to become an adult before even willing to.

The next statement would be a welcoming surprise, an offering of a rank higher than Mruni. Ah, of course she would not turn down such an offer. Perhaps she would have if she doubted her abilities, but doubt she did not. Venus was very sure of herself, maybe even arrogant at times. Though, this offering would only make her wish to protect this young man even more. She wanted to see him succeed. Mmm, I happily accept your offer, King Bass. I will not disappoint you, or at least try my best not to. After all, mistakes are inevitable. Though, I will assure you I will give you all that I have. I cannot guarantee that Abaven will always be my home, but no matter where this life may lead me - I will always be your armored knight that will willingly protect you and your home.

Venus knew that this trust - this relationship, will become all the more strong in the end. It was an alliance that, on her part, could never be tainted. This king had so much potential and she wanted to see his kingdom thrive and together they would create an empire in which could never be scarred.

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7 Years

08-22-2014, 01:02 AM

Her words truly meant the world to him, and he knew that he had made the right choice in handing her a higher rank. "Than the rank is all yours, Bjundi Venus." He said softly. He wished to converse with her longer, but for now he really needed to rest. "I hope that you find yourself comfortable here, but please excuse me while I get some rest. Tomorrow you can make your way around your new home, as well as meet your fellow pack mates." He said, yet another yawn breaking his alabaster jaws. Growing more comfy in his position, he wrapped his white tail around his flank, pushing his nose into the fluffy appendage. He did not worry about falling asleep in front of Venus, he already trusted the galactic female. So with those thoughts circling his mind, he easily found the darkness that welcomed him, drifting effortlessly into a deep sleep.

-exit Bass via Sleep