
The More The Merrier



3 Years
07-24-2014, 05:01 AM

It was two nights. Two nights. Two nights with him. With Caeto. She told him he was welcome to come to her home, but she had no sign of him for the past couple of days. She was desperate to see him again, just to be with him. And now she was sitting out here, in the chilly frosty morning, waiting for the tanned boy to tumble in. Head was held high as a curious green gaze would search across the meadows that bordered the willow kingdom. No other wolf in sight. Damn. What if that was her last time with Caeto? No. It couldn't be. He must want to see her too. He must be on his way right now. Just...ever so slowly. Oh what was she doing? She was talking to herself and she had zero patience! She looked like a sitting duck! Maybe it would be best if she got back to her home, carried on with whatever she had to do. Maybe Dusk and the rest wouldn't meet Caeto today. No. Just a little longer out here. It wouldn't hurt. Just a little longer to wait. Wait for him. Wait for Caeto.

Walk "Talk" Think
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07-24-2014, 09:13 AM

Now it seemed to be Titania who would be wandering off for days. Winter had grown restless as time ticked by - the girl was still young, not even an adult yet. For her to be gone for nights was dangerous, yes? Though, she appeared capable of taking care of herself. Winter had decided to search for her this dawn. Surely Dusk was worried about her as well.

Titania's aroma was fresh in these pars of the willows. The girl had to be around here somewhere. As he continued his journey, Titania would finally come into view. Ah, she was safe! But something seemed different about her, but it may just be her growing up. Winter approached her slowly, a worried look upon his face. Eyebrows raised slightly and wrinkles creased the bridge between his eyes. Titania, are you ok? You have been gone for a while. Surely Dusk is worried sick.

Winter watched her curiously. She had been holding her head high as if she were in search of something when he had spotted her. Hopefully nothing was chasing her. What if she had gotten herself into some trouble? Youngsters did that from time-to-time. Ah, the joys of parenthood. The things had to look forward to. Though, interestingly, his paternal instincts and desire to protect have seemingly grown much stronger since Misha's pregnancy. Perhaps his paternal love was spilling over onto Titania which is why it worried him so much that the girl had been gone so long.


Love Like Winter by AFI on Grooveshark



6 Years
07-24-2014, 05:42 PM

He had finally found his mother. And though he wasn't reunited with his father, it was enough. He worried of why Maverick and Epiphron had gone separate ways, but his mother insured that they would be together soon. He had met up of Arian, and soon Isolde. Isolde had come to see mother as well as Finiarel, so he would see them soon enough.

Now that his worry was set aside, he had thought of one thing: Titania. He surely didn't have strong feelings for the girl, but definitely a friendship. And he would take it to heart.

He remembered she had told him of her home in the willows, and so he thought it would bee a good time to visit her.

He would step into the forest of weeping trees, taking in the different scents of wolves who had been here, and probably the ones that actually lived here as well. Titania's scent was strong, freshly brought to the land as the wind turned him in her direction. But he would stop, spying the dark fae and then seeing the white man standing beside her. The thought that this brute could have been one of the wolves that resided with her slipped his mind, but he was sure it was not Dusk. The two didn't have much of a structure similarity, but the man seemed older than her.

He would stay still, almost thinking of turning and leaving but he reconsidered believing that he wouldn't stir up too much trouble. He approached the two, eyeing Titania as he made his presence known. A tiny curl would pull at his maw, but came straight as he stopped in front of her. Only then would he look to the male almost questioning his presence but not to be brutal. Caeto held his neck low, as he always did, which made an impression that he wasn't here to harm. Hopefully the male would understand that.

Walk "Talk" Think


07-25-2014, 03:10 AM

Something had been troubling his cousin lately. The man could only wonder. Her den was empty, her scent freshly leading out from their home. What was she doing? She recently wasn't her lively self, she was in more of a quiet state, and that was unusual for the bubbly character. The man thought for a while, next deciding to follow her scent trail. Maybe he could ask her what was wrong. It was polite to do so. What if it was something serious? Perhaps not, there was nothing serious in the young girl's life. Or was there?

A black shadow lumbered through the sparkling green trees, fresh dew clung to every emerald blade of grass. Her scent was entwined with Winter's, perhaps the ivory wolf had the same idea as him? Oh well, two were enough to ask her what was wrong. If there was anything bothering her. Distant cyan optics would find the quiet sitting girl, with Winter approaching her. The other man asked if she was alright.

Surely Dusk is worried sick.

He closed his eyes and let out a long sigh.

If only you knew.

Was he worried over her? Well, concerned. Titania was a fine and brave woman, there really was no need for him to protect her. And she's still growing up, only a yearling she is. She has much to achieve before she reaches her adulthood, though she certainly was no puppy. She was just a wonderful and carefree wolf, though a little careless.

The man would emerge from his spot behind the tree, a warm gaze resting on his cousin.

"Something's been bothering you, hasn't there?" He asked softly as he approached the two. He didn't want to sound like a worried father, because he wasn't. Yes, just concerned.

Though at the same time he approached the two, another wolf came into the scene. He was tanned man, of a large stature like himself. Though a funny thing about him would be the spotted creamy mark down his side. It was an odd mark, perhaps it was a family inheritance. But Dusk wasn't going to judge this man by his appearance, no, by his personality. He was a quiet fellow, not saying anything at all. Yet his sapphire gaze was fixed on his cousin. Did he know her? Was this what was troubling her? Were they friends? Though not long before Dusk had that feeling. He felt like Titania was seeing someone, gradually developing stronger feelings. It felt so...true. But he could not predict the future, could he? He was only a lone hunter, not some wacky prophet.

"Greetings." He greeted the boy with a nod. "I am Dusk Oaks, do you know my cousin?"

He just wanted to know. Curiouser and curiouser.

Walk "Talk" Think



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
07-25-2014, 02:34 PM
Esti had noticed the difference in Titania. Everyone seemed to, and yet, like Esti, no one seemed to know how to handle it. Everyone traveled in and out of the willows, but Titania seemed to linger, at least in thought, more on the outside. Esti worried her friend would leave her. She told herself not to care.

Presently, there was a small gathering around the girl. Dusk, Winter, and some other brute. Wait, who was this other brute? Esti briskly entered the gathering, aiming to nudge Dusk, "Who's this?" she asked, her blue eyes surveying the male. He was a brilliant blond-tan-red with a cream speckled bit on his butt. He didn't seem threatening or scary with his posture, so Esti voiced her questions, "What's your name? Where ya from?" The male seemed to know Titania, which was hopefully good. Esti leaned towards Titania, "Please tell me he doesn't have a squirrel."



3 Years
07-25-2014, 07:22 PM

Oh, what was the point? He had forgotten about her, and now Winter had come asking her if everything was alright. Had everyone noticed her mood change? She didn't, well, until now. Was it that bad? She didn't want everyone to worry over her, especially her cousin. She was fine, really, she was.

What am I doing? I'm not fine!

And now Dusk had come asking the same thing! He was worried too! And now Esti would probably come along too!

"I'm alright, guys, it's just..." She assured, her voice trailing off as her peridot gaze found just who she was waiting for. Him. Caeto. Green eyes lit up to the sight, and his ocean-like optics stared back at her. A stammering voice would escape her maw. "Caeto! I'm so glad you came."

And now her friend, Esti had come along, also asking for Caeto's name as well as Dusk. Titania would let her friend answer that, her silent and quiet self free from her soul. She would look to the man with a warm smile on her face before facing Esti.

"Of course he hasn't got a squirrel, just a quiet and kind personality." The lively girl would reply with a laugh. It did remind her of the time Misha had come along with her annoying pet squirrel. Caeto didn't have one, or did he?

Walk "Talk" Think
[Image: 0qTRS7R.png]


07-25-2014, 09:10 PM

Winter would watch carefully as the event around him would unfold. Dusk would join him and Titania and then a strange orange hued wolf. Hmmm, this one seemed to know Titania. Ah, perhaps they were friends. Though, Winter remained suspicious of this one. Hello, stranger. Name's Winter.

Esti would join them soon as well and he could not help but chuckle at her words. The statement about the rat, he had to agree with that. I really don't like squirrels, now. . . They are way to arrogant for my taste.

His earlier assumption would be proven true when Titania would squeal out the stranger's name. This added some comfort. It meant the fella meant no harm, or as far as he knew. Another chuckle escaped his maw when Titania also mentioned the squirrel, but knowing her, she probably hoped he did have one. Since everything seems to be alright, I believe I will be taking my leave. Nice to meet you, Caeto.
Winter would then leave the scene. He felt as if this was something Dusk and Titania would need to work out. Dusk seeming to be the closest thing to a father to Titania, indeed he did not want to intrude.

-exit Winter-

my actions |
my words |
my thoughts



6 Years
07-25-2014, 09:43 PM

As his head turned to face the white male, known as Winter, he spotted another dark male that had arrived just as he had. Now this man looked more of Titania. Of course the had their major differences but were definitely related. Caeto was good with the study of structure that had taken form to a family.

And soon yet another wolf, this time female, had approached them. The group here wasn't protective, but definitely interested in a new face. He would give them all a second to wait for any more questions, Titania wanted to know much about him upon their first meeting. But it was only natural.

"Caeto Adravendi-Mathias." He would state, Stretching his front right paw out and bowing his head but quickly regaining his old stature. It was almost royal. Where was he from? A fallen kingdom. But he wouldn't speak a word of his own faults.

The wolves had spoken of some kind of annoying squirrel. Caeto tilted his chin and rose his brow not really understanding what they were all speaking of. "Nope... No squirrel with me?"

And just as he was getting well acquainted with all the wolves, Winter had spoke of his leave. And Caeto didn't quiet understand that either. "Oh, no I..." He would trail as the white man left, leaving the words hanging. Caeto turned his head to watch him go a distance but would continue his sentence bringing his attention back to the others, mainly Dusk. "I won't be staying long, just dropping by." He would turn his gaze to Esti before bringing it on Titania and showing another tiny grin that wouldn't last long. She had obviously been waiting for him, but he had finally shown.

Walk "Talk" Think


07-26-2014, 01:26 AM

The orange tanned boy would say his name, Caeto Adravendi Mathias. Once Winter introduced himself, he had left to return doing whatever Winter did best. And now it would just be Titania, her friend, Esti and himself. With that being said, the man would try to spice up a little conversation to get things going. He could tell Caeto was a friend of Titania, and he felt happy for his cousin befriending another wolf. But what sort of friends did Dusk have? More than just Winter and Esti. Who else had he met on his adventure through life? He had found his sister, but that was a rather horrid experience with the dark demon. That wasn't much of a meeting. Though Winter had met and fallen in love with Misha and Titania had met Caeto. And he bet Esti had met someone else too. Perhaps he should meet others as well, to get out of his small family-like home. Just for a while. Who knows who he would meet, fall in love? Nah, way too serious. Maybe sharpen his fighting skills, yes, he could do that, as there was more than just hunting. But for now, he had met Caeto, that was another good wolf to add to his list.

"Well then, any friend of Titania is a friend of mine." He spoke with a chuckle, the wonderful spring sunshine gleaming down on his coal face. Since when was he worried? He was glad and relieved. All was well. And all will always be well.

Walk "Talk" Think



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
08-07-2014, 12:43 AM
Hnng sorry... Here we go!

The orange boy was pretty cute. Esti could see why Titania liked him. Was it more than just friendship, Esti wondered. Dusk greeted the male warmly, like he always did, and Esti agreed enthusiastically, "Yup! A friend of Titania's is a friend to the whole Willow Kingdom!" Esti bowed her head at the cute male, quickly whispering to Titania, "He is just a friend, right?"

Esti straightened back and smiled warmly at the brute, maybe he wouldn't feel like just passing through if he knew the whole kingdom welcomed him. Wait... Did he even know about the kingdom in the first place? "Ah, I'm the princess here, of the willows. Princess Kigu." Esti did
another quick bow, her blue eyes peering at the equally blue eyes of Cateo, "You can stay for a while, Y'know. Titania would definitely like it, and we could prolly use the help or like you could use the food. I dunno, I think it could be good." "Speech"



3 Years
08-07-2014, 12:59 AM
All these lost posts are gonna be all over the place as I've saved some, but changed them a bit. But whatever, it's gonna be a pain but let's all stick together :D

Names had gone around, as Winter, Dusk and Esti introduced themselves politely. And not long after, Winter had left, but oh well. Less wolves, more chat.

Dusk seemed like he wouldn't mind another friend, and Esti was looking like her usual self. Esti even asked if Caeto was just a friend. Well, yes, what else would he be? Her enemy?

"Yes, Caeto's a friend." She would reply back to the larger girl. Friends already with Caeto? She had only seen him twice! My, how wonderful she was at making friends!

Esti had suggested for Caeto to stay...for a little while of course. Titania would be more than happy for that, but only if Caeto wanted to. Did he? Why not? They had food, shelter, caring and loving wolves, doesn't that sound better than a pack?

Woah my excitement is bubbling way too high!

After a quick moment of calming her hidden energy, she would look to Caeto. The green glow would drift back at the orange tanned wolf, a softened voice leaving her jaw. "Is there anything else you want to know? Or if you want to see our home?"

Come on! Say yes! She silently begged. What if he said no? Well, that wouldn't be so bad. As long as he had met her friends, perhaps organized to meet somewhere again, it was all okay.

Walk "Talk" Think
[Image: 0qTRS7R.png]



6 Years
09-04-2014, 08:08 PM

His chin tilted to Dusk as he claimed him as a friend. So long as there wouldn't be a blood bath, Caeto was capable of staying. His eyes partially rolled to Esti quietly questioning what Caeto really was, but Titania quickly responded as "just a friend."

But then Esti's next words rung into Caeto's ears and he couldn't help but let out a quick chuckle, "Princess?" Where's your crown? His head tilted inward and he closed his eyes. His voice may have been mocking, or harsh. Caeto was royalty, thinking yourself a queen, or a princess of a measly group of three wolves was simply ridiculous to him.

Immediately after he spoke, he turned to his helping of the remaining wolves. There wasn't time for another word between his. "I can help out if you need me to." His sapphire orbs turned to Titania, his face once again emotionless.

Walk "Talk" Think


09-08-2014, 03:21 AM

He watched as the other three exchanged words and questions as well as names. He could see the warmth through everyone's eyes, and he knew they were having a splendid time meeting new wolves. Esti and Titania suggested that Caeto visited their home and even help out for a short while. The bronze-furred man seemed alright with that, why not? His gaze flickered from Esti to Titania. "We better show him our home, right?"

His eyes now rested on Caeto. "Follow us."

In only a few well-spent moments, the voices of nature greeted the new visitor delicately as he emerged into their home. With the others behind him, he would let Caeto observe the dens and flora before any of them got to work. If there is any work to be done.
