
Tonight the foxes hunt the hounds


07-25-2014, 05:36 PM
Come on make it easy

Say I never mattered

White and colorful paws hit the ground in a steady pace. Mismatched eyes, with pale colors of blue and gold, narrowed as the wolf dog moved closer to the land that he wanted to join. A pack, and it seemed that it would be a strong pack. A god like him would have no trouble taking over. Or at least getting a high rank. He was a creature that no wolf would want to deal with, because he was slightly intimidating.....To other wolf dogs. If there were any in this land, which he doubted. He was a creature of power, obvious in his rippling muscles and raised tail. He was dominant. For now, at least. They would know his name. Soon enough, they would all know the wolf dog.

"Lezette." His name slipped from marvelous jaws, allowing a small smrk to stretch across his features. He would be helpful. If there was a war, or anything, he would have to be helpful. Tilting his head, the male let out a loud howl. Now he just needed to wait.

Run it up the flagpole[Lezette]



9 Years
07-25-2014, 10:59 PM (This post was last modified: 07-25-2014, 11:02 PM by Schon.)

The beautiful being was patrolling her borders in peace. The meeting had gone well. She gained a few more members, mostly female, but it would due. Though, she was slightly worried about cat fights, but she would not fret to much. The elegant creature scented her borders, they would stay the same. But, the girl did indeed change the name of the pack. It was now Niflheim. A dark, Norse Myth. She was horribly excited about the change. It rolled off the tongue when thinking of a pack leg by a Cannibal Viking. What other person should lead a pack named Niflheim? The yearling was of power and it made her happy. She was also happy her mother was now happy. The former Kaiser had led multiple packs. Birthed multiple litters. Conquored and loved. The woman felt it was time to retire before her death. Schon was very accepting of such for she knew of her loving mothers struggles. Schon had power, her religion, family, and her pack. It was all she could need and she was ready for the struggles.

But, as a howl was heard the fae was pleasantly surprised. A call from a former Valhallan territory. A lake. The fae perked up and her paws instantly quickened in attempt to get there quickly. The call was obviously for her, it beckoned a leader and she was the closest to him. But, if she were mistaken the girl would not be hurt. Though, as she quickly arrived she was not dissapointed. A boy stood, alone. The ebony, cream, and white femme let a little grin appear on her lovely lips, eyeing the Wolfdog. Her strides would end at about eight feet away from the man. Her bodice would tilt forward into a bow before leveling back out. "Hello sir, I am Schon Finnvi, Kaiser of Niflheim." Her skinny head shifted into a tilt to the right as more vocals filled the spring air. "What have you called for?" She got right down to business, like she usually did.

Warning: Schon is prone to swearing, violence, and gore. This character is a cannibal. Thread at your own will.


07-27-2014, 01:44 PM
Come on make it easy

Say I never mattered

It wasn't too long after Lezette snapped his jaws closed that a female walked forwards, her posture obviously that of a queen's; and a queen she was, a perfect example of one. At the sound of her beautiful vocals, introducing herself as the Kaiser, Lezette lowered himself in submission as he stared into her fiery eyes. "It is nice to meet you, my queen. I am Lezette, a hybrid. I have no claims to fame, except for children at my home land." At her second question, asking what he had called for, the wolf dog relaxed. "Miss Schon, I have called you so I could request to join your pack." He paused, almost regretting what he was about to say next, and watched her face for an reaction. "As I said, I have no claim to fame. But, if you allow me to join, may I request a fairly high rank in Niflheim?" The question was out of his jaws before he could take it back, wrapped in his smooth vocals. Allowing his tail to wag a little, the wolf dog glanced backwards, at a rabbit grazing. It was not on the pack borders, and it seemed to be a perfect gift to the queen, so he could earn her affection and be a pack hybrid.

"Excuse me, my queen, while I get a gift that you will love and hopefully find sweet in flavor." He turned around and stalked the rabbit, his mismatched gaze narrowing as he stared at the rabbit. The creature grazed, unaware of the beast about to pounce and kill it. White and brown paws hit the ground, grazing the rabbit. Racing forwards, Lezette chased it until it lost its strength and slowed down, allowing him to pounce easily. The rabbit struggled wildly, terrified. Lezette stared down at it, sinking his fangs into its head and piercing it, watching the white fur as it began to be stained red. Licking the blood a little, the hybrid relaxed and gripped the rabbit. He raced to Schon, and dropped it at her paws like a toy or something. Wagging his tail, he lowered his head. "I'm sorry, my queen. Nothing else around." His voice was soft with regret as he stared at the rabbit. "The blood is sweet, though." It was no surprise to the hybrid that the rabbit's blood was so sweet.

Run it up the flagpole[Lezette]



9 Years
07-29-2014, 12:02 AM

The beautiful creature watched the man before her with mild interest. They would size up each other before his replies to her various questions were spread through the air. "It is nice to meet you, my queen. I am Lezette, a hybrid. I have no claims to fame, except for children at my home land." The babe nodded, "Nice to meet you, Sir Lezette." The fae was polite in those moments like she usually was until someone fucked it up. Though, he would quickly continue speaking before she could get another set of words out. "As I said, I have no claim to fame. But, if you allow me to join, may I request a fairly high rank in Niflheim?" The fae scoffed before eyeing him up and down. A random man wanting a high rank in her pack? The Viking rolled her bony shoulders. "I do not hand out high ranks to strangers calling me from distant places. I only offer you a rank of membership until you prove your worth." The bitch was stern for she had no time for foolishness. It came along with being a viking, of course. Yet, he would abruptly change the subject. "Excuse me, my queen, while I get a gift that you will love and hopefully find sweet in flavor." He zoomed off after a Rabbit. The woman took a half step back with eyes wide as he took down the prey with ease. What a bold and odd little man. The fae watched him as he dropped the meal before her, speaking once more. "I'm sorry, my queen. Nothing else around." The babe smiled softly, she thought he was quite sweet. "The blood is sweet, though." A nod would be seen before she addressed him again. "Thank you, Lez. Though, I see that you are quite the hunter. Perhaps I could extend the rank of Jager to you. The Jager are our official hunters. They are to keep the stock of food flourishing. Could you settle for such until I deem you fit enough for a higher rank?" The girl sounded sweeter then she usually was only because of his kindness. The Kaiser could truly appreciate pure kindness, everyone should. Yet, the fae waited for a reply with patience.


Warning: Schon is prone to swearing, violence, and gore. This character is a cannibal. Thread at your own will.


07-29-2014, 01:22 PM

The female would watch Lezette with interest while he answered her questions. "Nice to meet you, Sir Lezette." Lezette would smile and dip his head, his mismatched eyes easily meeting her beautiful red ones. After the second statement, or question, he had asked, the female rolled her shoulders, and the hybrid waited for a response. "I do not hand out high ranks to strangers calling me from distant places. I only offer you a rank of membership until you prove your worth." Lezette nodded, because that was expected. They had just met, after all. "I understand. I will try and prove my worth to you." There was something in his words as he said that, but not an edge to his voice. When he had killed the rabbit and dropped it at Schon's paws, she spoke again.

"Thank you, Lez. Though, I see that you are quite the hunter. Perhaps I could extend the rank of Jager to you. The Jager are our official hunters. They are to keep the stock of food flourishing. Could you settle for such until I deem you fit enough for a higher rank?" Lezette nodded, allowing a small smile at her nickname for him. "That will be fine. I will keep the food flourishing, and I will try and start soon. Wagging his tail, the hybrid waited for his leader's response.

{Just gave up on the table.}



9 Years
07-30-2014, 06:12 PM

The loved the smell of the Rabbit beneath her nose. Though, as she was done speaking he continued on. "I understand. I will try and prove my worth to you." The Kaiser nodded softly and rolled her shoulders again. She knew he would try, he seemed quite determined. But, she was not so easily impressed. No Rabbit would impress her. She would need to see activity. He was so easily folded. It excited her. "That will be fine. I will keep the food flourishing, and I will try and start soon." The beautiful Kaiser nodded once again, letting her tail flick slightly. "Wonderful, I am glad to call you a member of Niflheim. Do not prove me wrong in this decision. You may call upon me at any time. Remember our alliances. They include Solstice right now. Olympus, Ludicael, and Abaven currently hold peace treaties right now. Do not cross these people, any quarrels are to be met only with words." Schon paused. "There are plenty of places for dens within our borders of the Veronica Plains and Druid's Moore. Would you like to walk with me there?" The beauty would pick up the Rabbit and turn to walk off without question, whether he agreed or not was not her business. As long as he did his duty and did not cross certain people, she would accept him with ease.


Warning: Schon is prone to swearing, violence, and gore. This character is a cannibal. Thread at your own will.