
Bringing Sexy Back


07-23-2014, 02:21 PM

before they even know what I've come here for

The massive brute stalked across the dry, cracked earth, rolling his shoulders and stretching his muscles as he went. Deep in his throat, a snarl could be heard. The threatening sound continued in an endless stream, pressing through the air like raging waves of thunder. Charon was ready for his first fight in this new land. His muscles were pulled taut, adrenaline singing through his veins as he readied himself for his first opponent. Who would be the unfortunate creature? Who would dare to challenge the ebony beast? He let out a huff, interrupting the snarls only briefly before they started up again. Whoever that creature happened to be, they were going down. They would regret standing up to someone of his nature. If it were up to him, he would make them regret ever being born. But this was only a spar. Just a friendly spar. Charon repeated those phrases over in his mind, letting them tumble through the dark labyrinth of his thoughts. Well, I'm ready, he called out silently to any willing challengers. Come and get me.


07-23-2014, 04:20 PM

The woman was thirsting for a spar. A fight. To taste blood slide down her broad throat. She was a massive being. A scary Wolf. One of huge statures. Fort inches flat. Huge masses of muscle and skin. The girl would look of a male at first glance but she moved like an elegant being. Each step was dramatic and dark. Each word was worse. Her tones were stitched with a horrible glorified darkness. The woman heard a call from a blood thirsty boy within the battle lands. The Saxe vixen sauntered that way with ease. Her tail was high and her head higher to show that she was indeed the dominant one. Yet, as she arrived her eyes fell upon a black and gold creature. A male. The female eyed him up and down shamelessly, observing his rather nice size. The purple hued bitch moved about eight feet away and stopped. Her paws dug into the earth below. "We shall fight, boy." A little snarl would grow upon her lips. Her voice would emit once more. "My name is Nausica Saxe. Just so you know who is about to crush you." The woman was a bitch indeed. Though, she would let forth another round of horrible words. ""I shall let you have the first move." The woman would wait for him to act.


zero one two three



07-23-2014, 07:39 PM

before they even know what I've come here for

Soon an opponent arrived. It was a female, something that could only be identified by her scent. Her figure was impressively large and stacked with bulk, making her a suitable opponent. He gave the woman a mock bow, those deadly fangs showing as he smirked at her. "Yes we shall, my lady... my name is Charon Olympus," he growled. "Just so you know who is about to make you eat your words." He rolled his shoulders and flexed his toes, muscles rolling under a blanket of obsidian. The bitch had been so gracious to give him the first move, so he tossed her a wink before aligning his defenses. "Wonderful. Let's begin."

The man called to mind all of his childhood training as he distributed his weight evenly through four massive legs and feet. As his balance was corrected, he let his claws sink into the earth. Hackles immediately raised, responding to the threat. His knees unlocked and became slightly bent, giving him ease of movement. Then he tightened the muscles in his abdomen and back, pinned his ears, and bared his sharp teeth. His jaws would unhinge as he tucked his chin. Then he pushed his shoulders up to bunch the skin and fur around his neck. Brows would scrunch to provide protection around his eyes. Every defense had been set, and the dark brute was ready for action.

He would glare at the woman for several seconds first, looking for any weaknesses as he calculated his first move. Charon was never the type to just run into a fight without planning first. He thought things through carefully in every aspect of his life, and this was no different. Careless behavior in a fight could lead to injury. And it almost always did. So he took in a deep breath and raised his tail, preparing for movement as he planned to strike.

Charon jumped into a sprint, closing the distance in seconds. He moved his path slightly to the left, coming up on his opponent's right side. He jumped at the last second and extended both paws, attempting to hit Nausica's throat with his right paw and her upper stomach with his left paw. Claws remained out and ready; if he was successful in hitting her, those claws would bite into flesh and keep a secure grip on her. At the same instant, Charon was lashing out with his jaws, attacking from underneath her head due to the slight difference in height. His upper jaw would seek to pierce her right cheek while his lower jaw would latch under her chin. If she were to try and shake herself away, fur and flesh would tear away. And he remained in a position that made it difficult for her to bite him in return. Difficult, but not impossible. So the man stayed ever alert as he waited for Nausica to attack in the seconds that followed.


Round ONE of THREE for SPAR

Defenses: weight evenly distributed / claws extended and digging into the ground / hackles raised / knees unlocked and slightly bent / back and abdomen flexed / ears pinned / teeth bared / jaws unhinged / chin tucked / skin of neck bunched / brows furrowed to protect eyes / tail parallel to ground

Attacks: approaches Nausica on her right side and tries to ram his paws into her (right paw aims for throat to gag and incapacitate her / left paw aims for upper stomach to knock the breath out of her and incapacitate further) if successful, claws will dig in and secure his hold... Charon lashes out and attempts to bite the right side of her face, hopefully latching on to her cheek and chin... he will try to hold the rest of his body in a position that makes it hard to attack. Defenses will remain as he waits for Nausica to make her move

Injuries: none yet, first round


07-24-2014, 05:55 PM

As the man prepared himself for battle so did the behemoth. Her bulky legs were squared. Each leg evenly spread. Her knees were bent as well, allowing her to get low to the ground. Each toe was splayed out to help grip the earth below her. Claws were dug into the earth for grip as well. Both of the defenses would help her stability and mobility. Both of her ebony ears were flattened to her skull to deny access to the tender flesh. Inky lips were curled up to show off her ivory fangs which were horribly blood stained at the gum of each tooth. Due to her lips being curled up, the fae's skin under her eyes was bunched up to protect the soft flesh of her cheeks. Speaking of eyes, her crimson orbs were narrowed to protect them from tooth and claw as well. An ink dipped tail was aligned with her spine. Her head was also aligned with her spine. Her head was tucked as well, to protect her throat from teeth. The daemon also allowed her core to tighten, to embrace for impact. She would also steady her breathing. Last but not least her hackles would puff up into rolls of flesh to protect her upper bits. Doing so would deny Charon the ability to strike a vital bite to the scruff area. She was officially ready for the assault.

As she allowed, the fae would allow her black and gold opponent to have the first move. He would come bellowing at her like a damn buffoon. As soon as he ran at her the girl would take that and attempt to run at him as well. They would slam into each other even if she did not have enough time to run at him. As he would lift his frontal bits of body up she would aim to slam her bodice into the middle bits of his chest. Though, his paws would move to jab her in various spots. His right paw came up and slammed right into her throat, causing her to take a half step back from the sheer shock of such an attack. Her breathing would be cut off for a moment, causing her to jab as well. The pain she could live with but the not breathing part made her take a moment. But, she would soon come back with a paw slammed into her right side. His left fore paw raised as well, hitting her right behind her right leg in the ribs. The fae would gasp at such an assault but she would not be as effected by that assault. Though, his claws were also out, causing him to grip at her fur more then flesh due to the fact it is known that claws do not do much to skin except light scratches. But, in such a bony area, the fae felt slight pinching in the area behind her right leg. Though, the boy was not done. His upper jaws would strike at her right cheek, just below her purple eye. Lower jaw latched on under her lower jaw, right in the corner of her own jaw and neck. Blood would be spilled and scarring was possible. But, she would not fret unless his jaws slithered up and hit her eye.

To recap, Nausica and Charon were kind of face to face but he was at her right. His center chest at her right shoulder. His jaws at her right side of face and left paw latched onto the bits of flesh behind her right leg. They were locked together, but Nausica had yet to attack, despite her attempt to slam into him as he raised up. But, that was old news. The forty inch tall beast would not leave him unmarked. As his jaws would meet her face, the horrible creature would attempt to whip her head back and perhaps even try to step back and deny him of grip upon her tender flesh much longer. But, that would not be it. Due to her position, if he kept grip or not. Her jaws would try to dive in and snap her ravenous jaws at his right bit of shoulder, near the beginning of his neck. If such an assault purchased and if his grip was still locked on her face, it would leave him at an awkward position, but she could be stopped if he pulled her back with his teeth. Though, she would also attempt to raise her right paw in attempt to hook it over his left leg and try to remove it from her side by slamming it down. Due to her massive size it would be easy to do so, but it could be easily faltered.


for SPAR




07-25-2014, 06:49 AM

before they even know what I've come here for

The man snarled with delight as his attacks succeeded one after the other. As his paws struck Nausica in their desired places, she would first gag and reel back from the jab to her throat. However, the brute would also feel bruising in the center of his chest as she crashed into him. Charon would realign his balance by slightly bending his knees and spreading each leg to evenly distribute his weight. His tail would give a threatening whip as it became parallel to his back once more. Toes would splay against the earth as he pressed his claws out again, preparing for his next move. All of this was done in a mere second as the woman lost her bearings for a moment. Now was the perfect time to strike again. Before attacking, he made sure his ears were pinned to protect the soft skin there, and he again raised his hackles to their full height. Now, at such close range, he also took care to narrow his golden eyes and protect them from fangs. His lips would curl back, scrunching flesh around his cheeks and the bridge of his nose. Eyebrows would knit together, forming another barrier of skin and fur. As his right paw fell after making his attack, he would roll that shoulder and protect his upper neck. The massive brute would open his jaws for a fraction of a second, tucking his chin defensively, as Nausica caught her breath. His jab to her side caused her to gasp again, parting her jaws and releasing the defense near her upper cheek. Charon felt his muscles tremble with anticipation, and his next move seemed to work in slow motion.

The brute kept his left foot planted on her ribcage, continuing to grip the fur with his claws. But now his right paw was free, so he used it to help him fly forward at an incredible speed, jaws still slightly unhinged from her face. He moved forward and up as the woman tried to recover, jaws crashing together once more. If Nausica saw this coming, it would cause his teeth to sink in directly below her right eye. If she didn't see it coming and had no time to react, his bite would strike home, damaging her right eye and causing lower vision there. Perhaps not blindness, though. He didn't bite hard enough for that. Only a spar, he reminded himself, blood from his opponent running deliciously across his lips.

As soon as the beastly woman regained herself, she would attack as well. Or rather, she would try to. She would step back, and the man would struggle to move with her. Then her jaws would snap forward, causing more of her own flesh to tear as she moved her head. Charon would finally understand her intention and, with his convenient grip, would try to hoist her head back up. But he was a beat too late in reacting and fangs would dig into his shoulder, tearing flesh and drawing blood. The royal man would grunt in pain, dragging her head up all the same. This could possibly cause more injury to whatever piece of flesh his teeth had sunken into. But the lady was not done with her attack. She would lift her right leg and hook it around his left, causing him to lose his grip. His left paw would fall as well, lowering his stance as he tried to gather his defenses again. Muscles would ripple under a midnight pelt as his paw struck the ground, and in the heat of the moment he made a snap decision that could sway him either way. His balance was now a bit hindered from the sudden change, so as soon as his left paw was relatively stable the brute would swipe out a right paw, hooking it around Nausica's lower left leg as he went. Charon would then attempt to pull her left leg out from under her, thus hindering her balance as well so they stood on equal ground. As mentioned before, the Olympus brute was not the type to make rash decisions. Hopefully this didn't cost him anything during the fight.

As they now stood in their current positions, Nausica and Charon were still face to face. Charon still had a grip on her face, but depending on her reaction his teeth could have fallen in two different places. Both of them would now stand on all four feet again, perhaps three if Charon's final attack proved to be successful. But the fight would press on, and more rounds were to come.


Round TWO of THREE for SPAR

Defenses:Knees bent / legs spread / weight evenly distributed / tail parallel to back / toes splayed / claws digging into earth / ears pinned / hackles raised / eyes narrowed / lips curled / skin around nose and cheeks scrunched / eyebrows pulled together / shoulders rolled

Attacks: Charon keeps his grip on Nausica's face with his jaws, and also holds on to the skin around her ribcage with his left paw for the time being. He makes his main attack by moving forward and up, releasing his jaws slightly before crashing them down again (if Nausica reacts and moves away, jaws should meet under her right eye / if Nausica does not react in time, Charon will allow his fangs to sink into her right eye, causing minor vision damage ) on a different area of her face. This area will be determined by opponent's reaction, as listed a moment ago. When Nausica snaps at his shoulder, Charon pulls her back up, possibly causing more damage with his grip. Nausica then knocks down his left leg, ending that attack and throwing off his balance. As an attempt to make up for this loss of balance, Charon will try to hook her left leg with his own right paw, pulling it out from under her so they stand on equal ground.

Injuries: Minor bruising to chest and possibly to left foreleg, bite wounds on right shoulder.


07-27-2014, 03:27 PM
due to this not being a maim challenge i wont be having her vision being impaired at all.
the order in which you typed this confused me a lot D: so if i got anything wrong tell me.. i just kinda went with my normal order in fights.

Her various attacks would land. As she would step back he would struggle to keep up. But, as her head dove in to bite at his right shoulder he would attempt to whip her head back up with his grip on her face. But, previously he had tried to regain grip on her face. Only moments before she started her attack, he tried to unhinge his jaws from her face and snap them back down. Before he could snap them back down the girl moved her head back causing his upper jaw connect right above the eye and his lower jaws remaining at the under bits of her cheek. The bleeding and ripping of flesh would be increased, causing her a large amount of pain. But pain only increased her adrenaline. But, to continue on with her previous attacks. Due to his grip being tightened it took a bit for her to make it faulty. Her jaws wrapped around his right shoulder quickly, teeth sinking into his skin. But, he would finally be able to rip her jaws from their purchase by pulling her head up. The girl would grimace with the pain of the pulling, but it would not in fact bother her for to long. As she tried to raise her right paw up and remove his left paw from her side she was victorious. Nausica was happy, letting her paw hit the ground once again. Though, as soon as she got back on all fours, his right paw would attempt to hook her left, pulling it. Such would make her stumble slightly, but she easily regained balance on all fours.

The girl took a moment to regain her defenses now that she was back on all fours. Each leg remained bent at the knees to allow more balance and gain in mobility. Claws were dug into the earth as well for grip. Toes were splayed out for grip too, to grab the earth with her pads. Each paw was pleasantly spread out evenly for gain of balance as well. Thick hackles were raised to protect the area around her scruff from any sort of bites. The scruff would puff up into rolls of rough flesh. An ink dipped tail decided to align itself with her broad spine once again. Her head was also aligned with her spine to increase balance as well. Her head was slightly tucked in despite his grip on her face, to protect the under bits of her precious throat. Ears were flattened to her ebony skull to deny him much chance of a bite at the tender bits of flesh. Purple orbs were narrowed to deny him of any chance at a maim. Her lips were also curled up, showing her ivories for intimidation. It would also bunch up the skin beneath each eye to protect her cheeks that were already being ripped at. Last but not least, her core was tightened and her breathing steady as it could be during a fight.

In the current, they were face to face but he was at her right slightly. His jaws were connected to the right bits of her face. Both of them had all of their paws on the ground and their defenses were set. She took a moment to access whatever she would do next. The girl would be risky. Nausica Saxe allowed her weight to fall upon her haunches. Her hinds built up the weight before she allowed her body to lurch up. Front legs would aim to wrap around the beck of the ebony boys neck. Her left paw aimed to slap down in the middle of his upper spine. Right paw aimed to slam down right in the center of his shoulder blades. To perhaps inducing bruising. Her head would stay low to his due to his grip, but she would make another attempt to loosen that surprisingly harsh grip. Her head would try to whip back and to the left, trying to make his teeth slide from their purchase. Such would induce her own flesh to rip more, but it would only be temporary as most wounds were. But, such would only happen if her attempt worked. The girl would pause there to wait for possible chances of more attacks in case the grip was really weakened.


for SPAR



07-29-2014, 05:18 PM
Yeah, I originally thought that would be classified as a sparring injury but you're right, that would be a maim. So flesh will be torn but no vision will be impaired. Totally fine by me!


before they even know what I've come here for

There was an eternal moment of pause as the two wolves stood in their ready positions. His jaws were still locked on the right side of her face, causing more torn flesh and blood with every move she made. His previous attempt to shift his bite upward was successful. Nausica reacted and tried to step back, but she didn't move quickly enough and his upper fangs sunk into the flesh above her eye. After this move was made, all was still for a moment. The pause only lasted a few seconds, but it seemed to drag on forever as he waited for the brutish woman to make her next move. Charon snarled threateningly as her blood trickled across his tongue. He watched as she realigned her defenses and contemplated an attack. Then she moved, but what she did was definitely unpredictable. She slid back on her haunches, but the male did not move with her, which meant that his fangs would drag across flesh again. Charon knew what she was about to do and anticipated it, aligning his tail and head for balance while tightening the muscles in his back and abdomen. Now that all four legs were securely on the ground, he spread them evenly and splayed his toes for balance. Claws would extend and dig into the earth as he braced himself for impact. Chin would struggle to tuck and shoulders would lift, protecting his vitals and causing flesh and fur to roll defensively over his scruff. Ears remained pinned. Eyes remained narrowed. Lips remained curled and caused the flesh on his nose to pinch protectively. All other defenses would not change as the woman collected her weight and shot it forward as she aimed to strike at him. But her head would relatively stay in the same place, giving her no chance to lash out with her jaws. Only her paws would do the attacking, wrapping about his thick neck in an attempt to bruise him and perhaps even throw him off balance. Left paw would slam down on his upper spine, but he didn't dare flinch. However, he did feel the pain of the impact and was sure that attempts at bruising would be successful. Her right paw would then slam between his shoulder blades, but his flesh was bunched there as a part of his defense. So no injury would be caused by this part of her attack. After this, it would appear that Nausica's attack was over. All she did now was thrash her head about, trying to loosen his grip on the right side of her face.

Millions of new attack possibilities were flying through his mind. But then he got an idea as she whipped her head back and to the left. The only way such movement was possible was if she lifted her chin in an attempt to shake herself free. Charon played along and loosened his jaws so she could slip free, backwards momentum causing her head to swing further up and to the left. Charon bared his fangs as he found the sudden gap in her defenses, and instantly he would attempt to strike at her throat. Of course it was only a spar... he wouldn't bite her that hard.

He made his first attack by lurching forward and aiming for her freshly exposed throat, teeth hoping to puncture flesh but not crush her windpipe or pierce her jugular. No, he would avoid those vitals in such a fight, though his twisted mind ached to do more damage. If his attempt was successful and he had a grip on her throat, he would prepare for his final attack of the spar. Upper jaw would seek to puncture the right side of her throat while the lower jaw would aim to hook onto the left side of her throat. As it was, his head was twisted awkwardly to the left. But that was about to change. Charon would try to whip his head to its original position, pinching the flesh of her throat and motivating her to fall to her left side. But just in case she wasn't motivated enough, Charon would swipe his right paw forward and try to knock her left leg out from under her one last time. If successful, the pressure of his teeth twisting her throat would throw her to the left, where her balance would be gone if his hook on her left paw was successful. Ultimately, the brute was seeking to knock the woman down, where she would be less likely to make a successful parting blow. But his parting blow had already been sent forth. He could only hope that his skills would not fail and overall he would be successful.

However, in his mind he held one final backup plan. In the unlikely event that she avoided his strike at her throat, the man would still try to knock her left leg out and move her center of balance to the left. Then, from where he stood in front of her and slightly to her right, he would attempt to continue his lurch forward and slam his right shoulder into the center of her chest. This could still give him a chance of knocking her down if her balance was weak enough. If not, he had given it his best shot. His part in this spar was officially over.




P.S. I didn't even want to write down that last backup plan because I hoped that his first idea would work, but just to be safe (and fair) I put it down. Better than having you decide to avoid the bite and then having nothing left for Charon to attack with, right? He had to have something, just in case. Haha thanks for sparring with me Canti, it was fun!