


07-25-2014, 11:18 PM

She didn't understand why he had led her here. Once again he had sought her out, speaking of secrets and surprises. Confusion clouded her features but she followed nonetheless. They didn't have to walk to far, before the ended up with in a forest that was only vaguely familiar. Verdant gaze would settle on him when they stopped, a brow lifting in a silent question. "Are you going to tell me now?" She would smile, though her expression was still confused. Her tail curled at her hocks, crown, tipping to the side in question. Things had slowly begun to relax between them, the tension and awkwardness slowly fading away. But now, she stood before him, tattered ears at attention, eyes bright but confused. What was so important that he dragged her all the way out here into a secluded forest that neither had any ties to? A nervous anticipation flared in her chest as she shifted her weight, unable to stand the wait any longer. "The wait is killing me." She would laugh nervously. Brows pulling together briefly before smoothing out once more.

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2 Years
07-25-2014, 11:51 PM

He had brought Sib here first, wanted her approval wanted know if she thought this would work. It was shortly after his talk with Vi that he had sought her out, he was certain Vi would have told her of her leaving in her own time and so this secret of moving was his own. He would take her to the Weeping Woods he had decided to claim and kept her moving without telling her why. He was grateful that she had agreed to do so and already he could feel his energy and excitement thrumming in his veins.

He would be surprised to see the sure and strong Sib looking uncertain and nervous but he would smile gently to reassure her as they stood in a clearing of the woods and surveyed the land around them. ?What do you think, Sib? Would you consider this place a home? your home, a new place to build a pack?? he laughed now, a nervous sound as he waited for her words.


07-26-2014, 12:03 AM

He would try to soothe her with a smile and it would only help a bit, but it wasn't until he spoke that would relax entirely. Confusion was quickly replaced with shock and surprise. Eyes would widen, jaws slackening. What was he talking about? Her home? A place to build a pack? Brows furrowed once more as she leaned back onto hind legs. She didn't understand. "What do you mean?" Her crown would tip to the side as she replaced her weight onto all four limbs. A fore limb would reach out and gently push against his chest, an uncertain smile tugging at her lips. "What are you talking about? Are you starting a pack here?" She would lean forward, pushing a little harder against his chest before replacing her paw back on the ground. Her tail would wag slowly as she allowed excitement and happiness to creep through her veins. Her smile slowly grew, her nervousness falling away as her smile stretched across her face into a grin. Her body would quiver with excitement as she bound forward, colliding with him in a happy embrace. It wasn't until a second later that she had realized her actions and would back away shyly, unsure if she had crossed a line or not. She was still so uncertain of where they stood, what would happen, how their relationship would continue. A smile remained plastered on her face even though she now looked shy once more.

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7 Years
07-26-2014, 12:15 AM

Ekko was not yet at her ladies side, she was sitting a bit off from the two, just watching them. It drove her nuts that his stupid man was using his charm to woo her lady, love was the sickest emotion of all. It was fake, plastic. The small dame would not stand by and watch her mistress fall for this buffoon. So she just sat away from them, her small fox like body hiding within the shadows with ease. She listened as the stupid male spoke of a new pack, and her ears perked. A new pack? Oh... this was new. Letting out a soft bark, she announced herself without the need of words, padding to the russet queen's side. Her pale eyes glanced up slightly, rested on the bridge of her nose. The female felt bold, and rose a single brow, as if to question her ladies wish for all of this. Sibelle was a queen, not a pawn in someone else game.

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2 Years
07-26-2014, 12:19 AM (This post was last modified: 07-26-2014, 12:33 AM by Crucifix.)

Sibelle was rendered only more surprised by his statement and for a second shock would flick behind his own orbs ? had Vi not spoken to her before she had left? Truly? He frowned for a moment, knowing it would have sounded better coming from Vi rather then himself and knowing that now only he could tell her. He would nod his head, still without words for a moment as she pushed against his stomach with a paw.

He would realise then that she didn't look upset, quite the opposite she seemed excited with the prospect of him creating a pack and his smile would spread wide again as he took her in with his eyes and nodded. That would be when she jumped forward and he would let out a surprised laugh and embrace her back before she stepped back again. It seemed they where still getting use to where their friendship was and both seemed to want a closeness. ?Yeah, I was going to recreate Covari here under the name of Solstice, and I wanted you to help me, to have an advisory leadership position? he would say then.

It would be then that Ekko would announce herself and move forward and Cru would find himself smiling at the girl, he was certain she didn't like him but Cru respected that she looked out for Sib. She seemed to have something to say now and he glanced at Sib himself with a smile

"My sounds""My Soul"


07-26-2014, 12:32 AM

First he would frown, as though he was surprised by her surprise. Apparently only a few people knew about Covari disbanding. But soon he was smiling, and laughing, caught off guard by her sudden embrace. He would say nothing about her step away, he seemed to be just as unsure as she was. But when he spoke, she was smiling confidently again. He offered a leadership position. "Oh Cru, I would love to!" She would beam, words soft but full of an unspoken emotion. Daringly, she would lean forward, offering a brief nuzzle to the side of his neck. A bark would catch her attention. Ekko. The small woman pressed against her but said nothing. Her gaze would leave Cru only to look down at Ekko, smiling gently at the small woman, who looked particularly unhappy. Idly she would wonder why, but then she thought back to the pack meeting, when Ekko had acted in a similar away. She would brush off the thought, returning her attention to Cru. "Who else is joining?" She had no idea if he had spoken to anyone else about this, or if she was the first. Her tail would wag at her hocks relentlessly. For the first time in awhile, things were turning around and looking up for her. Later she would ask Cru more about the rank, but for now, she wanted to explore. "Come on, lets look around." She would bump against his shoulder, heading off before him, shoulders rolling, hips swaying. Torn ears stood at attention, verdant gaze absorbing her knew home.

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7 Years
07-26-2014, 12:42 AM

Crucifix's smile was not seen by the girl, she didn't ever look up. Sibelle seemed to ignore her raised brow, causing the small girl to roll her pale eyes. She seemed to be a bit more bold when she was around these two it seemed. When Sibelle stood and walked away, Ekko purposely strode behind the russet dame as she swayed her hips, using her small body to block Cru's vision of her rump. Yes, she was totally against all of this. But a new home was nice, it was quiet here. Covari had been over crowded, many wolves in that small area. But here, the land was fresh and unclaimed, it was clear that these two ladies were the first to see it. She smirked to herself, her small tail twitching behind her. She was sure that the brute didn't want her to be here, but that was too damn bad. Ekko was an extension of Sibelle, she never roamed far from her mistress. He should know this, she would always be around.

Ekko huffed, lifting a paw and swatting gently at Sibelle's tail to draw her attention to her. "Is this home?" She asked simply, her sweet voice hushed. It was rare for her to speak more than two words, but there was something between these two wolves that made her grow a back bone. Probably because she didn't want them together, and didn't want Sibelle to carry his spawn. What if he turned around and killed them like her own had been slaughtered? She didn't know Crucifix, but she had thought that she knew her pup's father. But she was wrong, she was always wrong...
[Image: 5bf48143-5932-47f9-aae7-2ae6fa3f1e16_zps...1414622125]



2 Years
07-26-2014, 12:49 AM

When Sib spoke her words where bright and full of emotion, and all of it was positive. The boy breathed then, a big gust of breath that he hadn't even realised he had been holding. Sib seemed to not just like the idea, but love it! With that single statement seemed to be approval of his pack, this land and her position within it ? his grin then was like a young boys, and it was utterly radiant.

She would move forward and nuzzle him and his eyes would slip closed for a moment and he would grin in delight ? she held no trace of her earlier anger, and seemed to have fully forgiven him now. She made little comment to Ekko and so Cru in turn did likewise and turned his attention to her question ?Your the first ? and I would assume the second is your Ekko, after that its a matter of howling and see who turns up? he would admit.

He would turn and follow Sib even as Ekko did so and the three would walk together. Ekko would ask if it was home and Cru wouldn't answer instead he would turn to Sib with a smile and ask ?is it??


07-26-2014, 12:57 AM

He would smile at her touch, much to relief. He would answer and it delighted her to be the first to leave her paw prints on this land. He would include Ekko and would smile at the woman, who still held a sour look. He would be calling the rest of the pack later, so it was a matter of seeing who turned up and who didn't. Idly she wondered who would come. Ekko would follow her first, swatting at her tail, a question rolling softly off her tongue. She would look at the woman, glancing up at Cru, seeing the same question written all over his face. "Yes, it is." She would confirm, her smile beaming. She would place herself between Ekko and Cru, walking beside them both, knowing the Ekko would probably not be fond of the movement. Later they would talk. She would move along the forest, navigating the foreign terrain, weaving in and out of the trees, surveying the land. "I love it." She would murmur quietly, her gaze lifting, looking up towards the trees before back down ahead of her. She would give Cru and sidelong glance, her body quivering with desire to romp and play. But with maintained control, keeping an easy pace as the moved along the forest, her paw prints following her without fall as she claimed this place as her home.

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7 Years
07-26-2014, 01:15 AM

The girl said nothing as both wolves spoke, her face still sour as Sibelle turned to look at her. She seemed to give her a we-will-talk-later look, and the small beast huffed. Fine, as long as the big gray oaf wouldn't be there. When Sibelle moved herself so that both wolves flanked her, Ekko's hackles rose. She didn't like him being near his lady, and she also didn't like the shiver that she felt course though the russet babe's body. Oh no. She knew what that was. Tossing a sideways look at her Queen, the girl let out the smallest of growls. She would never be mad at her kind owner, but she would not watch them fall in love. She did not want to pick up the broken pieces after he broke her heart.

It was then that Ekko faltered in her steps. She had never told Sibelle about her past. Her master never asked, so she never stated her terrible tale, on why her faced was scared and why she could only hear out of one ear. Maybe that is why she was at a loss for her actions, why she had no idea why Ekko was so stand-offish around Crucifix. Freezing, she felt her whole rusty-red frame quiver. Sibelle had no idea what the notion of love did, of the darkness that single word had. She needed to warn her, needed to tell her of this evil before it consumed her. But he was here, and that was not information that would be shared with him. Letting out a soft breath, she sprinted until she was trotting behind Crucifix and Sibelle, attempting to squeeze her small body between the two wolves. This was a day of secrets indeed.

[Image: 5bf48143-5932-47f9-aae7-2ae6fa3f1e16_zps...1414622125]



2 Years
07-26-2014, 10:55 PM

Sib's words where all he needed to hear ? she was ready and willing to accept this place as her new home. He knew he would miss old friendships and from this day forth everything would be different, but so long as he the support of Sib ? a powerful, beautiful and brilliant wolf he knew they could do it together. Crucifix has taken this territory in himself a while ago, had explored it in whole to ensure it could sustain a pack and had been pleased then with what he had found. Back then it had been Ahmose who had helped him explore, since that brute had made a home here and he found his thoughts drifting to that brute, he hadn't seen him in a while and hoped he was still keen to join Cru's pack.

He would be brought back from his thoughts as Sib spoke, voicing her love for the place. It was peaceful and vibrant with love ? mostly untouched by packs thus far and had a lot to offer them. There was a lake to their North Eastern border and a stream that encompassed most of their North West, with such bountiful fresh water came herd animals and the protection of the forest offered burrows and small caves that could serve as dens.

?Thank you, Sib for sharing this with me. I would like you by my side when I call for the pack? he would say now, buzzing with anticipation himself ? he was eager to see who would join with him and what the wolves might think of their new home. Sib's acceptance had given him great hope that others might see this place the same way.



07-27-2014, 05:14 PM

They would walk in silence until Cru spoke again. Thanking her for being there. She would turn and smile, feeling honored by his request. "I would be honored." She would bump her should against his. Jaws would part, a question forming on her lips but a small growl would have her crown swinging around. Ekko's hackles as bristle as the woman fell back behind them. A frown would pull her features down but she would continue to move beside Cru. It wasn't until her shadows tiny form attempted to wedge herself between them that the russet woman would halt. Irritation flared in her chest as she whirled on hind paws to face the woman, forcing her to either stop or collide with her much larger form. Eyes narrowed, chin tucking as she peered down at the smaller woman. Never had she questioned her odd behavior, or forced her to share her past, but she was going to put an end to this. Lips peeled back, revealing ivory daggers. "What is your problem?" Words seethed from between clenched jaws. She would a step forward, a brow lifting in question. "Go." The quiet command would leave her scarred lips as she rose to her full height before pivoting once more and resuming her walk. She would take a moment to shake herself out, reining in her irritation before resuming her conversation. "Now, what will this rank entail?" Words rolled like silk off her tongue, her verdant turning towards him as she attempted to lighten her mood again.

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7 Years
07-27-2014, 06:40 PM (This post was last modified: 07-27-2014, 06:42 PM by Ekko.)

She knew that she was pushing her luck with Sibelle, but she felt so strongly about all of this. The larger dame had no idea what love could do to her. Hell, at one point she was ready to fight this beast! And now? Now she was playfully bumping into him and laughing. No, no. It was all wrong, all wrong! It was taking her sweet Sibelle away, and she didn't want to see her get hurt again. So she tried to push her way between them, only to have Sibelle reel around to flash her teeth at Ekko. She bumped right into her flank, a yelp passed between her jaws as she cowered, her form hugging the ground as her body trembled. "Don't hurt me." She pleaded softly, unable to stop the words as they slipped past her lips with a whine. This was all Crucifix's fault, never before had Sibelle growled at her, not until he came along.

The russet queen commanded her to go, to leave. Pale blue eyes flashed up to meet her gaze for a brief moment, wide with fear and brimming with unshod tears. She wanted her to go away? To leave? She didn't understand... she didn't get it. Ekko let out a soft cry, not able to move until Sibelle turned and locked her out of her gaze's hold. Then the tiny form turned and she ran, heart pounding fast in her chest. Tears finally shed, pouring down her rusty red face. Her legs stretched and reached, trying to get as far away as she could. It was over, it was all over now. Sibelle had cast her away from her side for the first time ever, even showed her teeth for the first time ever. Crucifix was winning... Ekko knew that it would not be long until she was no longer needed.

-exit Ekko unless stopped-
[Image: 5bf48143-5932-47f9-aae7-2ae6fa3f1e16_zps...1414622125]



2 Years
07-28-2014, 12:19 AM

Sib would be easily as excited as he with the prospects of what the future held, and it was hard to contain his excitement in the face of her own joy and there was a lightness to Cru's step as he walked beside her. However Ekko had other thoughts and she would attempt to wedge her way between her mistress and Cru. The boy would begin to scoot to the side to allow her room when Sibelle turned upon her follower and bared her teeth in anger. It seemed she didn't like the way Ekko was butting in and trying to draw the two apart. Well seeing the shock on Ekko's face brought down some of his joy he equally felt a thrill ? Sib wasn't going to settle for anything in-between herself and Cru, even her Ekko. His eyes moved to the face of Sib, watching her chase away the other wolf and finding himself mesmerised by the sudden flash of emotion he found there. Sib had forgiven him, was happy to see him, was working towards a future where they could spend more time together. His heart began to beat faster in his chest and heat would flood his cheeks.

Crucifix quickly turned his attention to the frightened Ekko. He opened his maw to call her name before deciding not to interfere and letting her go. In moments Sib was back to her normal self and the two continue to walk side by side once more. The boy, now without any form of chaperone would allow himself a step closer to her as they walked and his tail would swing behind him, occasionally bumping gently against her back as they walked. Sib would ask about her rank and he would smile warmly at her in turn. ?Well, you would be my secondary, my voice inside the pack in my absence, you would be allowed to answer calls, grant the rank Turbamentum and intercept intruders. If I have to leave for any reason you would have sole command in my absence.. hmm.. otherwise you would be the Leading Lady, essentially, and I just ask you follow the laws of the pack to set an example for others? he would finish.



07-28-2014, 12:39 AM

Fear would register in Ekkos eyes but she would flee, leaving behind only the echoing of her cry. The russet woman would sigh, but returned her attention to them beside her. She would find Ekko after, and figure out just what her issue was. As soon as the tiny woman was gone, Cru would take a step closer, his tail bumping against her every few steps. Audits would swivel towards him as he began to explain. Her expression would light up as he mentioned that she would be his secondary. A grin would crease her features, tail wagging to jump against him. She was getting more than she had imagined. He would go onto explain what she could do, her duties, and that she would fill in when he was away. He simply wanted her to set and example and follow the rules. Her grin would lessen into a mischievous smirk, as she looked sideways at him, peering up through her lashes. "Am I allowed to break the rules sometimes?" she would send a wink his way, bumping her shoulder against his. She didn't know why, but she was suddenly shy around him, unsure of where they stood or how to act around him. Her heart would skip a beat, picking up in speed to flutter in her chest. So much was happening so fast, but she still had no idea where they stood.

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2 Years
07-28-2014, 12:53 AM

The pair would continue to walk as through they may well end up exploring all of the Weeping Woods before their conversation was done. She made no complaint to his closeness and the subtle contact of his tail against her side which only made the boy bolder. There was a rush building inside of him, created by her presence and the soft scent of her fur in the sunlight. She would turn to him with a smile on her lips that played out with a daring glint. Her eyes would flash up at him from beneath her lashes and her words would play out before him like a challenge. A growl slipped his lips, low and hungry as he watched her expressions and heard the tone behind her words, that seemed to reach out and caress him. He couldn't help himself, she was playing with his heart strings and his body was only answering. A slight tremor went down his body and he turned his head away from her for a moment to look out at his golden forest. She had a power over him it seemed, and in a way she always had, something built of lust and need and love ? although he would not have named it such.

When he laughed it was a low, deep chuckle that rumbled along his throat. ?I suppose some rules where made to be broken? his own tone would slip out now and his eyes would glance up at her in turn. He trusted her judgement, not to ruin what he was creating and was certain she could follow the rules she needed, but that all seemed far from his mind now.


07-28-2014, 09:39 PM

He would growl, the sound hungry and alluring, it sounded a loot like the man she knew. A smirk pulled at her lips as he quivered, breaking her gaze in favor for surveying his newly claimed forest. She would watch, his laugh wiggling well into her ears and into her heart. His lavender gaze would return to her, his words holding a quiet promise. But for now she would keep her distance, only taunting and teasing rather than giving into her body's desires.

An odd feeling fluttered in her chest, one that had always been there but has simply been pushed aside. She didn't want to give the emotion a name for fear of the consequences, but she would entertain it for a bit. "I won't tell if you don't." He had grown bolder, continuing to enclose on her space, and bumping against her, tail side caressing her side, slowly things settled into old routines between them and she found herself relaxing.

Thoughts swirled in her mind, thoughts that she would not yet dare voice. Her gaze would leave his in exchange for the forest that surrounded them. So much had happen between them, from lust to anger and now something unknown that she couldn't quite explain. Her pace would slow, hips swaying lazy with each step, sooner or later they would have to part ways so that he could get things ready for the starting of the pack and she would need to make amends with Ekko. But as of right now, she wasn't ready to leave his side, wasn't ready to be alone again.

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2 Years
07-29-2014, 04:22 PM

The boy knew what his body wanted and his eyes would occasionally move from his gze to hers to roam her body in a lust and needful way. He could feel the heat rising in him, burning him from the inside out and clouding his mind of rational judgement. All the same, he tried to think through it to consider the consequences of his actions. He had made her his secondary, he could not afford to alienate her and this action may very well do that. But there was more to it then that, he didn't want her just for today he truly wanted to share this world with her. He wanted her mind, her beauty, and her time for as long as she was willing to give it.

The pair where still walking the length of the territory and even as her gaze moved away her hips swayed lazily from side to side. He watched the movement unchecked for as long as her gaze was as well and another, deep, needful sigh escaped him. ?You, Sib, are too damn smart and beautiful for your own good? he grumbled, under his breath but loud enough for her to hear. God, the boy needed a nice big body of water right now to cool off in, it was far too soon to be making a move on his Secondary, they had only just mended their friendship! And he didn't know how he would manage this without her support and friendship.


07-29-2014, 07:21 PM

She was more than aware of the desire that coursed through her veins and heated her body. But now they had more than just each other to think about. But even in the heat of the moment, she felt something more, something she wasn't ready to explain yet. She could feel his gaze on her as they walked, but it was his sigh that would have her gaze turning towards him. His words could cause her brows to lift in surprise which was quickly followed by a shy laugh. His woulds were grumbled under his breath, but spoke loud enough for her to hear. "But what would you do with me?" It was a rhetorical question spoken quietly, words taunting and laced with quiet amusement. She would bump against him before, tail moving to tickle his legs. Her pace would not falter, but rather pick up as she skittered away from him. A grin toyed with scarred lips as hips swung away from him. She moved light on her feet, weight shifted onto her toes as she danced around, hopping over roots and weaving in and out of trees. She led him deeper into the forest, leading him on a wild goose chase. She said nothing, just gave him a few glanced over her shoulder to make sure he didn't get lost as she raced along.

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2 Years
07-29-2014, 08:23 PM

Crucifix was struggling with himself in that moment, he knew what he wanted, why his heart was racing beneath his chest but his brain was screaming at him to slow down, to think. Was this not how he broke his friendship with her in the first place? He couldn't risk losing her, couldn't think that she might want him as he did her, which was not just for a night... but for a lifetime. He swallowed, shoving down the thought the moment it arose and was distracted for a moment even as she spoke. He was slow to respond but his eyes would move back to hers to connect for a fleeting moment before she was off.

A startled laugh would escape his lips before he too moved into a run behind her. The girl had a better head start then he and was already a good distance ahead of him. She didn't let herself get too far ahead it seemed and often he could see the glint of her cheeky expression cast over her shoulder before again it would turn from him. He had no clue where she was leading him but was determined not to lose sight of her. Catching up however didn't seem possible so he contented himself with the occasional cast of her eyes and waited to see where she was leading.
