
Mad World



07-29-2014, 12:46 PM

Pluto had told her that Enola needed some alone time, needed to relax and lose the tension that had been building up in her body. The girl doubted it was possible, being unable to see really puts her at a disadvantage and so she would always be stressed out. Scents and sounds weren't always helpful, a lot of the time it confused her to a point where she didn't even want to leave her den.

And so here she was, sitting in one of the cooler springs that were still warm enough to ease her worries. She sat on her hindlegs, back against the pool's wall, water up to the base of her neck. She had to admit, the steam and the warmth was starting to help. She was feeling relaxed almost within minutes.


Requiem I


2 Years
07-30-2014, 12:17 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

He had been told once about the Hot Springs, but they had never much interested him. The noisy Sunset Falls with all its gentle slopes and curves had drawn him to it more readily, not only with wildlife that abounded in the area but also because of the solitude the secluded little bends in it provided. Typically Requiem went there when he wanted to think or have a moment alone, soothed by the sound of the falls and quieted by being allowed to attune himself more closely with the world around him. But he felt tuned enough already, comfortable and content if not outright happy. It was a step in the right direction, and he hoped to continue making more.

Which was why he had aimed his course for the Hot Springs in the first place. He needed somewhere new to go, and considering it was one of the only places attached to his home of Ludicael he had yet to see the boy figured it was long overdue. His paws carried him slowly along, no rush to his gait, and his teal-green eyes watched closely for the telltale signs that would signify him entering the new bit of territory. He found it in the form of steam, warm and a little smothering but curious to him nonetheless. Intrigued, he continued on.

It should have crossed his mind that with as many pack members as his home sported - and with as large as his family was - that he was bound to run into someone. But even so, when he finally spotted the first of the hot spring pools and ventured closer to get a better look, seeing the young face poking up above the water still startled him. He stopped almost immediately, trying hastily to stop himself from falling forward, and felt his heart race at the unintentional scare the other wolf had given him. He was sure if she had not heard him walk up that she had at least heard him stumble to a halt, and he was quick to try and excuse his graceless behavior. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he stammered, ears tucking apologetically, "I didn't mean to..." What, exactly? Jump at the first sign of someone when he was expecting no one? "Bother you." Close enough.



07-30-2014, 07:13 PM

It was quiet, peaceful, relaxing. The girl had even begun planning out a few days she could come to this area to just take a break from her daily routine, and thought Pluto would enjoy it as well. But more importantly, the girl had to bring Faolan here, so they could spend some time together. Since she had arrive don the borders that day, it seemed the two didn't really have any time for themselves. The boy was out helping his parents or pack mates while she was either trying to get used to the new territory or trying to hone her senses.

Thinking about these things, Enola would not catch the sound of soft footsteps approaching from the steam. It wasn't till the figure had stopped near the pool's edge, that she happened to be sitting in, light shards of the ground shifting and giving away that there was a presence before her. The fact that she didn't hear them approach was what mainly frightened the girl, jumping with a surprised yelp. Eyes went wide and ears pinned back against her skull.

Enola was so close to turning and try to hop out of the pool immediately, but as she whipped around she would catch a stammering voice behind her. Whoever was the one who suddenly frightened her seemed to apologize. By time she had caught it however, that he was apologizing for bothering, well, scaring her, the girl was out of the pool and turning to face the unknown person. Head was held low, water dripping from various spots on her body, tail tucked between her legs. Where was Pluto?


Requiem I


2 Years
08-13-2014, 12:26 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Requiem felt horrible. He had not meant to scare anyone and yet he had done just that, causing the poor girl who had been enjoying the Hot Springs alone to yelp in fright and frantically pull herself from the soothing waters. There was nothing he could say to ease her worries or let her know that he was perfectly harmless, and he watched helplessly as she tensed her body in a protective arch, everything about her low and nonthreatening as if trying to dissuade him from attack. He sighed to himself, almost a whine, as he considered the horrible predicament he had put them both in, wishing there was some way to reverse it. But knowing of no such ability, he did the best he could.

"I'm sorry," he tried again, hoping that this time she might be able to hear him speak since neither of them were scrambling about scared or otherwise and that she might identify the sincere apology within his tone. His ears continued to rest against his head, his expression rueful and pleading. The last thing he wanted to do was cause such a rift that he might not be able to mend it, or that he might get similar reactions out of her later if and when they managed to meet again. Lot of good it would do for him to terrify one of his pack mates. "I wasn't expecting to see anyone here. And then all I saw was your face over the water," he explained, feeling silly as he went about it. She probably thought he might have been crazy and even more jumpy than she had been.

Feeling at a loss, he sighed heavily and said the first thing on his mind. "Please don't be scared. I can leave you want." Maybe that would have been better anyway, give them both a moment to recover and maybe try introducing themselves again under better conditions later.