



8 Years
08-07-2014, 02:33 PM

He was miserably lost. Without Valhalla, and his siblings- he turned to all that he had left, the little family he had found with Emer and her children. He almost felt still as if he'd intruded into their lives- even though Cecily had come to see him as her father. Gods, he'd failed in that area. Lost too much in his own rage at the defeat of Erani to be the father his daughter needed. Where had she ended up? He'd made note to travel to Abaven, and meet the Bass she had spoken of- words needed to be exchanged there. He returned to the abandoned land, of Wolfpaw lake, hoping to stumble into Emer. He hadn't seen the young mother since before the challenge- and with at least one of her daughters missing- the one they'd almost lost in the epidemic... she would most likely be fretful. A low baritone call rattled his chest as he called for Emer, and any of the children she may have with her. It was time for them to build a new life- to find a new home, and start anew.



7 Years
08-07-2014, 03:09 PM

Emer wasn't doing well.

The challenge had left her homeless and not only that but found a way to break and scatter her family. Cecily, Signy had vanished only Taddeo was by her side these days. Even Valerius had left her and whilst she'd always known he never really had any reason to remain committed to her little family the fact that he had gone so suddenly was just as devastating as her other losses. Even whilst Valhalla had still been around she had come to rely on the male so much and without him, without her little family she was taking steps backwards. All that recovery she'd gone through had been completely undone.

She hated the affect her behaviour was bound to have on her son but with the majority of her family, he world missing Emer simply couldn't help it. The dark male had begun haunting her dreams once more, taunting her whilst her daughters were trapped behind him. By day she couldn't recover from those nightmares either, once more she found herself too frightened to move, terrified of course for the safety of her daughters, but unable to dare leave the lake, the closest thing she had to a home and haven for herself and Taddeo.

Her hunting efforts were poor and it was perhaps only through her son's aid that Emer had managed to keep eating. She'd lost her appetite though and had lost a little weight. But it was the fear that had really left her looking so frail and she once more resembled that broken figure that had turned up on Valhalla's doorstep a little less than a year ago.

As Valerius' howl sounded over the lands she would barely move at first. A part of her was convinced it was a dream, there had been many a time to begin with that she had imagined she had heard him and her daughters though of course each time she had been left disappointed as reality would strike her and reveal the truth. It'd take a few moments before she realised that this wasn't a dream however, that truly was his voice. What should she do? Countless times she had imagined Valerius returning to her though now he was here she was so uncerntain of what to do.

A part of her hoped that he would have Cecily and Signy with him, that perhaps he had been caring for them in the absence and now finally the family could be reunited. The girls hadn't called to her though and it meant she had no idea still where they were, where he had been. Rather than rush towards him, her den, or prison perhaps was a more fitting description really, kept her enclosed as her mind continued to wonder.

Eventually some strand of sense pulled through. Whether he was back for good or just here to say a proper goodbye he was Valerius, she would be safe with him even if it was just for a few short moments. She longed for that safety once more and so she would move and make her way towards him finally he would be in sight. He was alone and he was well. She cared little about her own state, cared little about where he had been now and would simply close that last bit of distance to embrace him. It had been a long time since she given any physical contact to any beyond her children but there was certainly something about Valerius that was different and after so long apart from him, her protector and crutch, she simply couldn't hold back her joy at seeing him once more.



1 Year
08-07-2014, 03:45 PM

At first the boy had figured his siblings were playing an elaborate game of hide-and-seek, and had simply neglected to tell him he was ?it.? But as time had gone on and Taddeo had been unable to locate his sisters, they had neglected to return at all, despite him loudly declaring at one point that he had given up and they could come out of hiding. That, he had been sure, would bring them out; triumphant grins upon their faces. He had been willing to conceit defeat if only they would stop hiding. That had not happened as it was, and as it turned out there were many more things he would be willing to give up if only they hadn?t hidden themselves away in the first place.
He had been tempted to go off in search of them, but the boy was reluctant to leave his mother alone. Had Valerius still been around he might have been more willing to venture out; despite his age he could tell Emer was taking their loss pretty hard and wasn?t willing to risk losing her as well. Why that thought had never crossed his sister?s minds, he did not know.
The earthy boy was out at the moment, stalking around the edges of the lake, all senses on alert. He was not an exceptional hunter but Emer?s condition had forced him to learn at what was probably a faster pace than for most. Topaz orbs were locked on a small form, a water vole. Hardly a meal but the lake wasn?t exactly abound with prey; Taddeo might have considered fish if his other endeavors hadn?t ended with him soaked to the bone and still hungry.
A vaguely familiar call echoed inside his head and Taddeo lifted his head suddenly, gazing off into the distance. He remained like that for a moment before a familiar form rose from her den and went off to answer it. The vole forgotten, the child turned to follow, cream paws carrying him after his mother. As he arrived after his mother, the child stayed a few paw steps back, watching with some hesitation as his mother rushed forwards to embrace the chocolate male.



8 Years
08-07-2014, 08:23 PM

He waits in angst, praying that the mother is close enough to hear his cry. Anxiety fills him as he awaits her. Has Emer decided he was to blame for all of this misfortune? He left her when their world was falling apart because he was angry, confused and most of all terrified. His cerulean gaze drops to the ground, as he broods- his massive had rising as he hears the approach of another. So many emotions flood through him, as his gaze locks on the autumnal colored she-wolf. His jaws part to say something- anything yet he is speechless. Suddenly, she launches herself at him and for a second he wonders if it is an attack of anger. Nearly as quick as he thinks that, he realizes its an embrace she seeks, and he raises his head as her body collides with his own. His massive chocolate head wraps down, around the smaller frame of the wolf in a sort of hug. He feels relief, for the first time since Erani fell from her throne.

Does Emer know that he feels safe with her? He feels less like his world is falling apart. She was among one of the first wolves he met in Alacritis- a root to this strange land filled with a large family he didn't truly know. Without Vriel and Vaziel, the only two wolves aside from his mother, he'd ever known- he didn't know who he was. Yet, helping Emer with her children grounded him. Standing there so close to his only friend, perhaps the only wolf aside from his siblings he cared for- he felt secure. "Emer." A slight whisper leaves him, and he takes the moment to take her scent in- knowing that she's okay. She's safe. Looking past her at the sound of another, he sees Taddeo and a flicker of a smile lands upon his jaws, as he raises his head. "Taddeo!" He greets, wondering if Signy was with him. He'd seen Cecily, and the poor dear had been a wreck. He'd lost her again, and it wrecked him internally. What was she doing? Where had she gone? His tail fans behind him, hoping his greeting invites the young lad closer. What would they do?

I won't give up on us, even if the skies get rough~




7 Years
08-08-2014, 06:38 AM

To be honest Emer simply couldn't imagine Valerius seeming so lost and confused, nor had she any idea that he needed her to feel safe and grounded. The chocolate male seemed like he had things under control whereas clearly her own life was quick to spiral into chaos without him and her children, their children she still hoped. He had aided her almost every step of the way though she still felt he'd never had a need or reason to commit to the little family. Whilst he had left them he had returned once more and the memory of how he'd helped and her need for him, especially now, overpowered any anger of the fact he had left. She'd felt nothing bad sadness and fear to be honest, there was little room for anger in the woman's heart.

Emer would press herself closer to him as he lowered his own head to wrap around her, his warm voice softly whispering her name. This certainly was the safest she had felt in a long time and right now she longed to savour that feeling as his touch and scent engulfed her, the world around them fading away, her worries and fears lessening slightly. Losing her family had been crippling, now he was back, Emer wasn't certain she could bear to lose Valerius again. "Please don't leave again." She would plead quietly.

So caught up in Valerius she wouldn't instantly notice Taddeo's arrival at the scene. Her son had been a star throughout everything, no child should have to see or care for their parents the way that he had. To make matters worse, Emer had always longed to keep her fears to herself, to never have her children suffer. Though he still knew nothing of the dark male that was haunting her again, the effects were obvious and he was no fool, could surely tell that something was wrong with her. Now though upon the mention of Taddeo's name she would lift her own head and turn slightly to search for the boy. He should certainly be part of this, what would hopefully be the start of the family reuniting. Valerius would surely know what to do to find Cecily and Signy, this was the start she prayed, perhaps they would all be together again in time.



1 Year
08-08-2014, 12:22 PM

No matter the circumstance Taddeo did not think anything he had done to be particularly important, he had done what was necessary nothing more. He was certain that had it been him that had sequestered himself away Emer would have done as he had. Still the thought of Valerius having returned seemed to lift some pressure from the boy. He was half a year old and despite getting bigger every day he still felt quite young and the thought of continuing to look after his mother had not been a promising one, even if he had accepted it. Even so the boy was not quite sure what to make of the man?s sudden return.
He stood where he was for a moment, unsure, shifting nervously. His name being spoken was the only encouragement he needed though as he slowly began to approach the pair, Emer turning to look at him being the final reinforcement as he picked up his pace. Taddeo pressed into his mother?s side and gazed up at the adults. "What are we going to do?" He asked, hesitance and an eagerness to be moving forwards mingling together in his voice. The boy wasn?t sure what he wanted to do exactly, but he did know he was glad that they finally weren?t alone anymore.



8 Years
08-08-2014, 07:32 PM

He hadn't intended on leaving Emer- he hadn't attended to be a deserter. Wrapped around Emer, he felt at home for the first time in nearly a season. Her plea meets his ears, and they fall flat against his chocolate hued head. Lids fluttered over his azure gaze and he let out a soft whine. His head would tilt back, his eyes seeking her amber gaze. "I'll stay as long as you'll have me." He vowed, his voice hoarse. His heart raced in his chest, his throat dry as he stared at Emer. He hoped the sincerity in his words rang true. His eyes flicked upwards again, as Taddeo moved closer to them, pressing against his mother, and Valerius smiled softly at the boy. He understood all to well, what it was like to lose the siblings you'd grown up with.

Taddeo's question brought a frown to his jaws, his tail stilling from its waving. I think we should find a pack to take shelter in..." Valerius began uncertainly. Life as a rouge wouldn't do well for the small family, and at least in the stable environment of a pack, they could search for Cecily and Signy. His blue eyes searched for Emer's gaze again. He was so lost.




7 Years
08-09-2014, 09:21 AM (This post was last modified: 08-09-2014, 09:22 AM by Emer.)

Those words were what she wanted and needed to hear. There had once been a time that Emer had felt bad for taking up so much of the man's time, now more than ever she would be stealing him from his own family wherever they were in Alacritia and yet now so accustomed to him there, not only dependant on his company but finding enjoyment in it, Emer would feel nothing but glad that he had returned to her own, that he'd now promise to stay. Her eyes would lift to meet his, emotions welling up inside of her.

The feeling of Taddeo now against her side and the sound of his voice would disturb her and she would turn her head to nuzzle the boy lightly. Her life had certainly lacked plans, too scared to actually create and go through with one knowing what horrors lay in the world. Valhalla had been safe place for her and her family and whilst the pack had gone now, she couldn't bring herself to completely leave it behind her, hoping that some of the safety remained for her.

Valerius's suggestion wouldn't be entirely pleasing to the woman. She had only joined Valhalla in the first place because she purely couldn't do anything else, she would have died without accompanying Jinxx back to the pack, and her children would have remained unborn. Valhalla had saved her though of course, but another pack had stolen that haven from them, how could she trust another. Would any other pack be quite so understanding of her fears as well? "Where?" She would ask, perhaps he had a place in mind, had that maybe been what he was doing whilst he was gone, looking for somewhere safe for them?



8 Years
08-12-2014, 05:29 AM

He wasn't sure how he should express the emotions welling inside his chest. That was the funny thing about a rough life, it could lead you to be emotionally constipated. With Emer, however, he felt, as if he had never felt before. It was like the taste of a fresh deer, the feeling of the warm summer sun on his back, the smell of the most beautiful flower. Could he really expect to leave her side, and face the cold darkness of being alone? He could seek his family with Emer, and though she probably wasn't aware- she'd keep him grounded. Emer's little family, had become such a large part of his life, that when he was away from them- he felt incomplete.

Valhalla had been one of his first pack homes, and he was unsure of where else they could turn. He did know that life as a rouge was harsh and unforgiving, and that was something he didn't want Emer or her children to experience. As she questioned 'where', he frowned apologetically. "I do not know, but there must be somewhere we can turn. Valhalla had allies..." His tone was searching. There were so few of their allies that he knew- he knew more enemies than anything. "If we can find somewhere, or if we cannot. No harm will come to you two, whilst I'm here." He said softly, though a deep sincerity rang in his words. He'd kill for them- hell, he'd go to war to make sure they would be safe. As he looked at the autumn hued woman, he realized, that there wasn't anything he wouldn't do for her.




7 Years
08-12-2014, 05:57 AM

No, Emer really had no idea quite how strongly the man felt about her and her children. In fact, truth be told she hadn't even really considered her own emotions. She knew she depended upon him, felt that she could put her entire trust into him. He had been so kind to her and her family, selflessly aiding them and being the father that she had never imagined her children would actually have. They were certainly the reasons she needed him, and equally the ones that she wanted him for as well.

The life of a rogue wasn't one she particularly wanted either, though it would certainly be far easier with Valerius there to help her. To be honest though, whilst she had never really fully intergrated herself into pack life, she knew she had been far less vulnerable in Valhalla than she had as a rogue, and that was even without Valerius' help. The problem was enemies certainly existed and she feared turning to the wrong pack. She knew so little about them all herself and could only help that the chocolate male was more knowledgeable.

Sadly it seemed that was not to be the case however. He too wasn't quite sure where they ought to go beyond the possibility of Valhalla's allies whoever they had been. She would trust his words though, he may have left once but whenever he was there she certainly felt far safer. She would follow him now wherever he led them, trust his decisions and she knew that she and Taddeo would be far better off that way than they had ever been alone. She would nuzzle into him once more perhaps the only action she could think of for expressing her complete trust in his words. "What do we do first?" What was his plan of action now. How would they find these allies? Or would they just search for their daughters before finding the place to settle in. "Cecily and Signy are missing." Her voice would crack slightly as she confirmed the fact, she had surely failed as a mother, losing the girls like that. She wasn't sure if he knew about that, but they couldn't settle happily as a family anywhere without them, at least not without knowing they were safe anyway.