
We Were Never Here[P]



08-07-2014, 08:22 PM

Still a bit wary of leaving the pack lands and still very much in heat alabaster paws would not carry the dainty princess too far from home. Still, she found herself needing the alone time. With so many wolves within Ludicael?s borders it was hard for her to really stay as reclusive as she felt she needed to be. She didn?t feel confident anymore, and she certainly had lost much of her self esteem. No matter how many times Dhiren called her beautiful she found it hard to believe. Not that she?d let him know that of course, she?d smile and act sky, hiding the fact that she was really a spoiled core beneath her happy exterior.
Since her encounter with the brightly colored stranger she?d felt her insides growing hollow and weak, like she had nothing to base her beliefs upon anymore. What was love, what was happiness, did she even have any genuine qualities anymore? Her mind was always racing, always criticizing her decisions since that day. Guinevere didn?t know what Normal was anymore, she just tried to keep living and make it through the day with out breaking down.
She did well most days, and could cope with out thinking about him through even longer amounts of time but still the stranger would find his way into her head even while he was miles away. The Adravendi girl had no intentions of wanting to see his face again, so her paws would stop as she drew in sight of the labyrinthian crypts. She?d already gone too far.




5 Years
08-07-2014, 09:20 PM

The crypt was somewhere that he was familiar with, he had spend the time learning its twists and turns. He stayed here most of the time, having fun spooking any wolves who dared to tempt the fates within these caverns. He was in them now, going a littler farther than he had before, making sure to stop and follow his own scent back until he knew the path. It was when he was following his scent that he picked up the smell of a female, one that was faintly familiar too. But who was it? He had taken many bitches, so trying to put a face to the scent was not easy for him. Rounding a slight turn he couldn't help but chuckle as he saw the dame, he hadn't quickly forgotten that crimson tainted beauty, she had been so lost and innocent. Goldilocks. "Lost, little dove?" He asked softly, his silver eyes looking almost black within the darkness of the cave. He hadn't seen her for a few weeks, or was it more? He didn't keep track of time too much, but he knew that it had not been yesterday. "Are you fairing well, sweet Goldilocks?" He asked, drawing his large frame closer to here. There wasn't many places that she could run without risking getting lost. Stretching out to nuzzle her cheek, he took in her smell. It wasn't hard to sense that she was still in heat, and it didn't make him want her any less. That scent was toxic, and she had yet again brought it away from the safety of numbers. Had she not learned from the first time that beasts lingered in the dark? That smell of hers was like a beacon, and he already knew how to win her over.

He waited for her to speak, tongue lapping over her ear as he hoped to draw those precious little shivers out of her again. "Did you not learn your lesson the first time? Or have you come back for more?" He asked, that wicked grin cracking his black lips. Yes, he was not a nice guy. But Charaz didn't give a fuck about anybody, because nobody but himself truly mattered.



08-08-2014, 06:18 PM

She didn?t feel fright within her, there was no reason to be alarmed. She was alone within those walls, and even though she had no clue where she was she could always follow her scent trail back out. As she stopped the first evidence of not being as alone as she thought would be heard. The quite dropping of feet upon stone. Curiosity would keep her still as a dark face would appear from behind a bend in the path. She could feel herself freeze and gasp as the realization of who it was overtook her. Ears would fall against her skull as they caught the sound of his delighted chuckle, it seemed he enjoyed tormenting her.
She couldn?t get away and she couldn?t win, if she wanted solitude all she was faced with would be this bright orange man. She couldn?t stay within her pack lands because there was always someone to ask her what was wrong. Though now that her thoughts would process the information she wished desperately she had taken that option. His deep and seductive voice would call out to her, obviously he recognized her petite form. Snow white paws would cause her retreat though her rump would end up against a wall, allowing him to loom over her as his chosen pet name slipped from his lips.
She wanted to retch as soon as his scent flooded into her senses, her stomach would twist and quack as her body?s still eager need would make itself known again. She?d found after he?d allowed her to leave the first time the feeling had been easy to ignore, now as he whispered to her and nuzzled her delicate features it would become unbearable again. Who was this devil-man? Surely he was a demon sent to torment her. Her throat tightened and she could no longer answer his words. Not that she really wished to give him the satisfaction of hearing her distressed lyrics. Instead of a real answer she?d feel a pitiful growl well up within her throat. She?d release it as she bared her fangs at him, like a cornered beast she?d glare.
He?d pay her no heed as his tongue caressed her sensitive ear, doing exactly as he wished by playing her body. She?d feel those tingling shivers race down her spine, her growl would intensify but would only be drowned out by an unintentional whine as he spoke. "I never wanted to be here again." anywhere else in the world she would have preferred than being within his grasp again, she?d feel her voice break and an emotional tidal wave crash over her. Tears would well up in her eyes as her teeth clenched together, her growl would continue but they would continue to sound more and more like helpless whimpers.




5 Years
08-11-2014, 09:11 PM

He found himself very interested in this woman, her red face staring at him at he made himself known to her. He couldn't help but devour that sexy body of hers with his silver eyes. She didn't even know how much he craved her right now, and by the scent of her heat he knew that he could win her over again if he wanted to. Who could resist him anyways? He was damn fine, and he knew that he could work his magic on her again. Plus, she was the dumb broad who left the pack lands alone again. Surely she just secretly wanted him, and her paws just lead her right to him. Snorting softly, he walked towards the two-tones beauty, his ivories flashing in a toothy grin.

Taking in her flattened ears, he just let out another low laugh as she backed up until she hit a wall. She had to know by now that he didn't just give up, not when her sweet toxic scent was screaming to him. He was a bit surprised when a growl slipped out of her maw, but it didn't slow him down. "Has my sweet angel suddenly grown a back bone?" He asked softly, his teeth nipping into her cheek. This time he would not be as gentle, this time he would show her what it was truly like to get fucked. Her pretty little teeth were shown, but he only raised his left paw and dragged his dull claws softly down her foreleg, hoping to draw out those delicate shivers from her. He liked to watch her squirm, it fed his ego and drove him forward.

Growls and whines would come from her maw, as well as pretty little words spilling out. Meaningless words, because it was she who had come to him. "Oh but Goldilocks, it is you who left the safety of your pack. You are the one who found me, remember? I didn't follow you here, maybe it was you who followed me here." He said, his voice a soft coo, words ringing true. He hadn't even been seeking her out, it was her scent that wafted towards him in these cavern walls.



08-11-2014, 09:52 PM

She could feel his eyes all over her, he was playing her again and she knew it. Why was she back in his presence? Why did she have to worry about being outside of her pack lands. She wasn?t a prisoner, she shouldn?t have had to keep herself from the world just because he couldn?t control his urges. Not that he?d given her any chance to ignore hers. He?d just laugh at her pitiful defenses, she?d startle as her rump hit the dark wall. Even through her growl he would continue closer, his teeth scouring over her cheep. She could feel the pinch of his teeth this time, the heated anticipation coiling beneath him. A dangerous overpower presence he would become, not the subtle casanova he?d been before.
She could feel as he exerted a power over her now, he?d had her once, easily, now he was just taking her for the fun of it. She?d feel her jaws open as she tried to bite at him, to ward him away from her space. She didn?t want this. Her first time with him had been an accident, she wasn?t about to let him take her again. He?d rake her delicate skin with his dulled claws, and she?d feel her weight give out from the touch. She?d fall into his chest and find his whispers in her ear. ?No. No. Never,? She?d growl again as she scrambled to her feet, pushing herself closer to the wall.

Table by Lu - Code for Ala Only
[Image: wssc54.jpg]



5 Years
08-11-2014, 10:09 PM

He would not be so soft with her this time. He had played it her way to get what he wanted, but he already had what he wanted. This was for the hell of it, was because her heat sang out its sweet song to him. He would knock her down another peg and take her again, he didn't care if she ended up with pups. He wouldn't be around to see the little bastard children anyways, he didn't give a shit if they knew their sperm donor or not. Because that's all he was. He wasn't in it to have pups, he just wanting a good, rough fucking. And here his Goldilocks was, her jaws opening and snapping on the side of his neck. This only made him inhale sharply, her teeth biting into his flesh turned him on. Pupils dilated as he let out a low growl, his silver eyes becoming almost black as his need for her grew. "Careful Goldilocks, I bite back." He hissed, his teeth attempting to bite into her shoulder. He wasn't going for too hard of a bite, just enough to perhaps draw blood. His own bite mark stung, his skin had peeled back slightly enough to make it throb. The slight pain only drove him forward, standing at full height over her. Mmm, yes. This bitch would be his again. He dared her to bite him again, she might walk away with worse wounds. To him the pain was sexier than anything, he didn't care if she thought otherwise.

The dame fell forward, and Charaz tried to wrap a forelimb around her and pull her in closer, hopefully stopping her steps back. "Oh yes, yes." He said in a mock cry, his lips pulling back even further until all of his teeth could be seen. "Believe it or not, babe, you found me this time. You want me, and you know it. Just give it, the sooner you do the sooner it will be over." He whispered softly, his teeth pulling forward to try and gaze over her tender ear. Oh yes, all signs of gentleness were gone, he wanted it rough, fast, and hard. She would feel it for a week, most likely bruising was to follow.



08-11-2014, 10:36 PM

She?d make contact with her razor like teeth, his flesh would get caught up in her teeth. Instead of a hasty retreat he?d only let out a pleased growl. She trembled beneath him, not out of excitement this time but a feeling more akin to fear. His words would hiss at her then, bringing the retaliation as he slithered by her neck jaws would part. Her flesh would be sliced open as his teeth cut into her shoulder. No one had ever made her bleed before, and even though the cuts were not deep they cut through her more harshly than just a physical wound. She?d cry out as he brought his full height over her, releasing his grip on her shoulder.
She wanted to bite him again, to rip into his flesh and share with him the agony she was goinf through, but he proved a fight would be rather useless. Every attack she aimed at him he?d offer back to her. Obviously he could enjoy the letting of his blood, but she didn?t wish for any more puncture wounds. As she fell into him he?d take the chance to grab her, holding her as she futilely tried to back into the wall. He?d mock her as he held her, helpless. His evil grin growing more wide, not that she could see it from her incapacitated vantage point. Words were oh so familiar to the she wolf as he whispered in her deep russet ears. No, she couldn?t give in this time. He didn?t hold the same power over her anymore right? ?No! You can?t!? Her voice was desperate, pleading as she continued her struggle. She?d whimper and protest, only wanting to get out of his grasp.

talking to you



5 Years
08-11-2014, 10:57 PM

She fought against him, but wasn't able to pull back. As her words came out he just laughed in her ear, nuzzling softly against her. A touch so soft in a grasp so hard. "Oh but I can. The question is, can you stop me?" He whispered, dropping his leg and letting her go from his grasp. His eyes bore into her own, challenging her. "Can you really fight back against me? Can you deny what your body craves for?" Charaz moved his body forward, pushing himself against her. Could she really betray these urges that claimed her body? She had let go once, but was he pushing it trying to get her a second time? Only time would tell to see if she could fight free from him, to get away from his seductive grab.

Charaz pushed his chest harder against her own, his head pulsing off of him to surround her. He began to whisper sweet nothings into her ear, giving her a taste of the sweet and harsh side of him. He was teasing her, tantalizing her with the promise of that she would get. She knew how good it felt, how her heat feelings would dull after their little joining. But this would do more than just blow over her desire, because he would make her feel it longer. She would be sore, and think of him every time her insides churned. Yes, he had this little bitch right in his paw.



08-12-2014, 12:23 PM

He would hold onto her physically and with a temptation that was hard to deny, her body wanted to let go and to allow him to have his way. It knew exactly what he planned to do and welcomed him openly. Her mind however, would fight with every fiber of its existence. She wanted to be true to Dhiren. She had no intentions of betraying him again. The fiery stranger was persistent though, and callous, he made it no secret what he wanted. His nuzzles would distract her, but his grip would keep her still. He?d answer her bold words, reminding her subtly who really was in control. He?d drop her though, making her sunny eyes meet his moon light gaze. He was presenting her a challenge. Whoever won would obviously be the dominant party and thus would be the one to advance on their will.
He wished to satisfy primal needs while she only wanted to go home without another such intimate encounter. He pushed her, chest colliding with her own. His body heat would wash over her as his close contact begged her to just let go. Her mind was reeling, she had to run, she had to go and get away from this demon. Her body had other ideas though, and Guinevere could once again feel her ability to control slipping away. An enraged whine would leave her throat as she battled internally for control. Her form would freeze as her eyes closed, concentrating on the internal battle. The needy male would fight against her, taking advantage of her weakness he?d coax her body to side with him.
He wanted her to give into the urges he was creating, he?d not forced anything but pleasure on her form. He?d pierced her flesh in retaliation, and nuzzled her softly in opposite behavior. He was chaos and lust rolled into one brilliant sun. He?d continue to push her buttons, playing her needy form. Shivers would race over her skin as he whispered into her delicate ears, further bringing her protective walls tumbling down. Her mind would blur as she fought for control, but her instincts were called forth and were much too powerful to ignore. He?d caught her in an inescapable snare of subtle seduction and she was losing faith she?d be able to hold on.
Her heart wanted to beat right out of her chest, her breathing was ragged and strained as he worked up the heated blood within her veins. Her fur was on edge from the shivers and trembles that came from his lips whispering over her ear. Guinevere would lose her focus, her vision would blur and a ringing could be heard that would start to drown out his sweet lyrics. Guinevere would feel her mind blackout, and from that moment she would forget all that would transpire.

Consciousness was a pleasant thing if this was always what it was like. She?d awake into reality with a feeling over her body that was almost overwhelming. She?d gasp loudly, feeling the weakness in her knees and the pressure that was threatening to make her explode. Veera would moan as brilliant yellow eyes searched for the cause of such feelings and she?d find herself embraced by strongly muscled arms. The instinctual being would press herself into his form, needily seeking his weight upon her back. She?d bury her features into his fur, and nip with her pretty fangs. "?Who are you?" She?d whisper curiously, finding that were he to ask the same question to her she?d not know the answer. Such thoughts wouldn?t bother her though, as her attention was hard to sway from his masculine form.




5 Years
08-12-2014, 03:33 PM

She would fight with herself with no hopes to win. She was new to this game he played, while he had been doing it for years. He not only had the practice, but the skill and the confidence that was needed to play his cards like he was now. It was like a steady trot for him, a walk that was pretty much his own. Charaz felt like he was the inventor of this game, he lived and breathed the sweet lies to get woman to flock to him. He couldn't help but smile as he watched her fight with herself, an internal battle that she would not win. Maybe if the female was not in her heat season she would be able to fight back, but she was not. That upset him slightly, he did like it when they put up a bit of a fight. It was a challenge for him, to woo them into a place were they would submit to him. It made him feel more powerful, more dominate if they fought against him. Plus the feeling of pain only drove him closer to the edge.

Charaz noses her softly, still whispering as he pushed up harder on her chest, most likely causing her backside to dig into the wall behind her with the force of it. His silver eyes shone in the dim light, glimmering with the need that he held. He wanted to tease her, play with her, bite her. Goldilocks shut her sunny eyes, most likely trying to gather her thoughts. He didn't let her have a moment of peace though, his ears pinning flat against his skull as his teeth sought to nip her flesh just behind the ear. This one was softer, more of a pinch. Oh how badly he wanted to sink his fangs into her pretty fur, to watch her pristine alabaster fur soak with the dark crimson of her blood. His eyes constricted and contracted, his own desires burning higher and higher. She wasn't moving, just standing there, and it was making him grow bored. A growl rumbled in his throat, his lips pulling back into a snarl as he dared her to fight against him. He wanted her to bite, to fight back tooth and claw as she fought for her freedom. But he would win her over, he always did.

Her eyes were closed, blocking him out from the change that took place in her mind. All he knew, was that something had gave within the innocent damsel. She let out a gasp, and then a moan, pushing back up against his chest. Confusion over took him, making his body grow stiff for a heart beat. He knew that something had to give within her, but this was different. Goldilocks was different. Her face buried into his chest, and he rumbled lowly as her nips covered his sensitive skin there. He asked him who he was, but he didn't answer right away. Instead he stretched his head towards the back of her neck, his teeth trying to bite into her scruff with more force, testing to see if this dame had truly changed. "I'm me Goldilocks, I'm your Sunset Prince." He cooed, not sharing his given name. He chuckled when he used the nick name that the golden viking lady had given him. If she ever asked for his actual name, Charaz might just share it with her. He didn't give a shit about her name though, to him she would forever be his Goldilocks.

A new need was burning in the female, he could feel it bubbling through her bodice as it grew warmer. He was still a big confused at this whole thing, had she truly snapped? "Where have you been hiding, my sweet dove?" He asked, knowing that something was different. It was hard not to, the Goldilocks from before would not be brushing up against him like this. Even in their first coupling, she didn't show him affection like this. This is what made Charaz think that this was someone else, something that had been sitting dormant within her sweet little form. Not that he didn't like it, he loved it when they brushed against him like this, when they longed for him to stand over them. It was his favorite when they fought back, but he couldn't deny the shudder that her nips had brought forth from his body. It wasn't often that the bitches he was will gave him equal pleasure and teasing, but he wouldn't push her away.



08-12-2014, 04:03 PM

She?d nibble him teasingly as she fought the urge to position herself beneath him. He would wait a long few moments before answer, taking hold of her scruff with force. He?d elicit a needy whine as she gasped between labored breaths, "Harder," she?d manage an almost demanding growl, "Bite me harder." He?d continue, revealing his calling as well as hers. She was Goldilocks. The whole situation should have caused her confusion and alarm, but the warm embodiment of the sun itself would occupy her thoughts. He?d turn the question around, seeking information from her.
She was unable to answer. Only these last few moments would keep within her memory, He was all that she knew. She would ignore the fact that she had no knowledge of herself and the world, the only importance was his body and hers. He?d seem to freeze though, obvious more curious about what she was then she had given thought to. "Does it matter?" She?d caress his neck with her nose, her teeth nipping as she traveled over his neck. She?d whine, needing him closer to her.
She?d be inspired by his own display, her features would travel over his skin again. She would move slowly, her jaws opening and seeking to grasp his loose flesh. She?d bite down, simultaneously pushing herself up against him, wanting to get her rump away from the wall and available for his purchase.




5 Years
08-12-2014, 04:31 PM

When she commanded him to bite harder, a dark thrill racing through his orange body. He would gladly listen, his teeth crunching down harder on her scruff. Hard enough to draw blood, and most likely hard enough to possibly scar if he was allowed to. His tongue snaked out to lap at the dark liquid, the taste of it driving his sex drive to a whole new level. Every part of his body was on fire, his silver eyes alight with the rough passion that filled him. He would not be gentle with her, not now that this other side of her seemed to open up. He would drive her up the wall, and claim her for his own. He knew that this female had someone that she loved, which only drove him to fuck her more just to rub it in his face. This bitch was his and no one else could take her away. He had claimed her body once, and now he seemed to have her mind within his grasp too. A loud growl sounded from his jaws as he let go of her, let him out of his damaging hold.

She asked why it mattered, and it didn't. All the bastard cared about was mounting her and make her scream. He wanted her moans to bounce of the walls and echo out to any nearby. And he would. No more words would be uttered from his maw, because there was no need for them any more. She was a new wolf, and he was her. All his. His growl was possessive as it slipped from his muzzle, her wet nose sliding around his neck as sharp little bites followed. But then her jaws bit down hard on his shoulder, enough that blood would coat her red and white muzzle. His next growl was very low, a grunting moan following. Yes, yes! This is what he wanted, this blood slipping fuck that even he would remember tomorrow. She pushed against him, and he could read her mind. She wanted to back up, to free herself so that he could mount her. He pulled back slowly, not knowing if she would let go or not when he moved. Blood trickled down his shoulder, the throb matching the beat of his heart. It drove him to his more darker side, the one that he was too lazy to act upon all the time.

Charaz looked down at the red marked woman, his gaze burning into her own. "You. Are. Mine." He growled, each word punching out separately from the rest. She would not be free to wander away this time, they would stay within these twisting paths and romp until neither could move. He would try to feed this other side of Goldilocks, keeping her until her heat was over. After that, he would probably grow bored of her, unless she proved otherwise. His pupils were so wide that they almost swallowed all the silver, a lunar eclipse within their depths. He leaned forward and tried to cover her muzzle with his teeth, not hard enough to puncture but enough to keep her head level. It was a warning, a sign to show her that she was truly his. Only then would they both get the relief that they so desperately needed. He growled around his hold, letting her go and stepping back to allow her to turn around. There was no more putting this off.



08-12-2014, 05:08 PM

His teeth would draw forth her blood as she insisted upon rougher play, she could feel his teeth burst through her skin. A cry would ring from her previously untainted muzzle, a sound of pain and release. She?d whimper as his tongue lapped at the dark liquid that oozed from her shoulder. She?d press into him as the throbbing of her wounds would mingle with her intoxicated emotions. He?d growl ominously, pulling his grasp away he?d bring about more needy sounds from her throat. He wouldn?t find any more words necessary at her release, he?d growl possessively over her and shivers would race over her skin.
Petite muzzle would find her mark, her teeth catching hold of his shoulder, her teeth would easily draw forth his blood and she would feel it coat her muzzle. Along with his blood she would draw from him a deep moan, obviously pleased with her actions. She?d mirror his movement, letting her tongue caress the open wounds as he followed her lead. He would slowly free her of the close confines, though she had no doubt she?d be getting to know that wall well throughout the night.
Before he?d move further his mercury gaze would over take her golden one, eyes boring into her with a seriousness that might have frightened her weaker self. She?d take hold of it though, and keep her eyes upon his. The words were low, dark, and demanding. Veera knew nothing else than him, and the commandment would come as no surprise to her. "Am I?" The question was innocent, even though he?d already made himself clear. Still, he?d lean forward, opening his jaws and taking hold of her muzzle. She?d feel herself withdraw, knowing immediately that he was the alpha in this situation. Her tail would curl between her legs as her ears fell back and her body lowered its stature without moving her muzzle. She was his.
His growl would overtake her again, further proving his point before he allowed her release. She would make no motion to bolt, only the movements she so desperately needed to make. She?d whine, lowering her head slightly as she swiveled before him. Her body would turn, and she?d presh the gentle curve of her back into his chest. Features would turn from the wall to look over her shoulder at him, her weight squared on her four limbs. She wasn?t sure what to expect, but she knew she would not soon forget.




5 Years
08-12-2014, 07:13 PM

Her cry erupted the silence around them, shattering the barrier that had kept everything quiet. It bounced off the stone walls, echoing back to his waiting ears. The sound drove him forward, his whole body shaking with the need for her. He wanted to devour her, to take her again and again until they passed out. She pressed farther into him, their chest fur mingling until you couldn't tell the orange from the white. Shivers wound down her tense body, and he was starting to go impatient. He needed her now, before things got messier. Well, no matter how nice messier sounded, he needed to connect their bodies before he lost his mind and hurt her more than he intended to. He still wanted her in one piece, it was hard to hump a broken lump of a wolf.

Her salmon tongue lapped at his blood, making a shiver shoot down his spine at the pleasure. She was building him up higher and higher, the violence stirring in him as well. They would both walk away from this scarred, there was no doubt in his mind about that. The more she nipped moaned, the more red danced in his vision. He was out for her, blood and body. He would claim her tonight and for many nights to come, he wouldn't easily let this one go.

She questioned her being his, but it was muted by his clamp over his muzzle, his eyes cutting to the right to bore into that one golden eye. Damn straight she was his, and she always would be. He had taken her innocence, claimed her body and her very soul. No matter how far away she might try to run, he would be there to collect her. This change of character made him possessive of her, not wanting anyone else to touch what was his. She was no longer just another notch in his belt, she herself was his belt. Everyone else would fall behind her form, not only because she played her game but because she literally snapped her mind, this other side craving him even more. He adored that she had broken for him, and would not let her forget it. Goldilocks seemed to understand too, because her tail tucked and her ears flattened. Good, she got it. He wasn't about to let her forget it.

He let her go, knowing through her submission that she fully understood who he was to her now. He watched her turn her body, pressing that curvy backside into his chest. Her sunlight orbs turned around to look at him, the whole movement sending a fresh waft of her heat scent over him. He could no longer handle drawing this out, his own mind would break if he did not soon find release. Easily his forelegs lifted to grip her hips, pulling himself onto her luscious body. He held himself so close to her, his heat overtaking her. The beast leaned forward and roughly aimed to sink his teeth deep into her scruff, hoping to take hold as his head pulled back so that the skin would pull. Only then did he trust himself upon her, and not so nicely either. His howl cut through everything else as he claimed his bitch yet again. His, she was all his.

-fade to black-




08-12-2014, 07:45 PM

She wouldn?t realize the severity of his claim over her yet, nor would she have any reaction to it in the future. Veera knew very little of the world thus far, just sex and her new captor. Such would be her life, but complaints would not leave her pristine lips. Nor would she realize how highly he would prize her over those that would come after, Veera could not know how special she was, only that she was a possession. He?d take her blood, body, and mind. He?d steal away all of what she was and would replace the innocent girl with a needy concubine. Goldilocks, owned completely by her Sunset Prince.
She would not disobey as his teeth would relinquish their grip upon her muzzle, he would not leave marks on her face but instinct told her she would not be unscathed completely. He wished her blood, and she would not deny him. Still her previous would would throb, adding to her experience with him. As she moved her tail would sway by her ankles, the long luxurious fur playing at her hips. As she pushed herself against him though it would move to the left, allowing him full access to her vulnerable lady parts. The brilliantly colored brute would waste no time in finding his place upon her back. Suddenly he was all around her, taking all off what she was for himself.
She couldn?t help the pained song that would flow from her lips as his teeth found her flesh. All at once the world would become an indistinguishable plane filled with pain and pleasure. She would submit to his every touch, losing herself completely.




5 Years
08-12-2014, 08:51 PM

-after fade-

His orange mouth was tainted with her blood, the metal scent mixing with their sweat and other things. He was panting, giving her deep neck injury a few licks before he dismounted, stretching his sore muscles. Blood tainted the floor around them, a mix of hers as well as his own. He was sure that she would be more sore than he was. Nipping at her delicious rump, he rumbled softly as he took in the looks of her, stained in blood and fur standing on end. Chuckling darkly, he wondered for how long he could hold onto this new side of his Goldilocks would stay here with him, but he was going to keep her with him regardless. "Do you fair well, dearest Goldilocks?" He asked, coming around to the front of her and nuzzling his nose under her chin, sharply biting at her skin.

Charaz's scent was mixed with her own, making it very obvious that they had been together. Anyone who came by would be painfully aware of what just went down. He still wanted more though, wanted to mount that sweet ass of hers again and again. He didn't want to kill her though, because that would ruin all his fun. Nibbling all the way down to her toes he licked at her fur carefully, arranging her fur. It might seem loving, but he couldn't have his main girl walking around looking like shit, now could he?



08-12-2014, 09:22 PM

She felt her blood flowing freely from open wounds all down her neck, her flesh was ripped and torn. The brilliant pelted man had not held back, his movements abusing her petite form. Not with out provocation though, she found herself asking for more damage, for a rougher ride.. As their intimate experience had come to an end though her master would tenderly attend to her wounds. His silver tongue cleaning and caressing the wounds he?d just caused. She?d feel his weight lift from her back, her body would realize the full severity of her condition. She had been beaten and bruised, but she felt indescribable. She would feel immune from the pain as her memories of the pleasure overtook her being.
Her lidded yellow gaze would take in the blood spattered floor, the smell of sex all around her. She?d whine as his teeth grazed her worked hips, she couldn?t deny that she wanted more of him, but could feel that she might break further if he were to take her yet again. She?d bask in his gaze as he took in her disheveled form, the blood would start to take on her displaced fur. He?d ask of her status as he openly showed her a rough affection, as he nuzzled her sharp teeth would nip at her delicate skin. She?d whine again, finding a hoarse voice when she replied, "Like i?ve just experienced complete ecstasy." She?d whisper as her teeth grazed his ears.
Though she felt her body still begging for him again she knew that she ought to rest if she wanted to recover and enjoy such activities again. If such acts were all he wished of her existence didn?t seem so daunting. Her sore muscles would be massaged as he tenderly groomed her fur back into place. She?d close her eyes blissfully, not even trying to hide the pitiful moans he would draw forth. She felt complete, and safe as she stood with him, trying to remain still as he worked over her. Still she could feel her legs weakening and the need to lay down would cause them to tremble.




5 Years
08-12-2014, 10:03 PM

Her words made him smirk, his teeth dragging down her cheek. She was his sweet seductive Goldilocks, but she was tired. He didn't care much about her own feelings, but if he wanted to have his way with her he would need to keep her in good condition. After her fur was pristine, he stepped back and stretched his orange body. "We will sleep here tonight, unless there are other things on your mind." He teased, winking those moonlit eyes at him. He knew these caverns well, so she would have to stay with him or risk dying, lost in the maze. He had made a little bundled nest just around the corner, and headed that way, fully expecting her to follow him.

Making his way to the little ball of grasses that he had made, he flopped down, his sore body relaxing into the nest. He awaited for Goldilocks to come to him, he knew that she wouldn't be able to resist. Chuckling softly he licked her blood off his muzzle, although his orange fur seemed much darker around his mouth. It was sweet tasting, the metal tang like candy to this wolf.



08-13-2014, 06:56 AM

He?d worked her body hard, her muscles were screaming but the satisfaction seemed lasting. He?d built her up and caused her to explode. Still, even through her tired stature he would look after her, grooming every piece of loose fur back into place. She?d find herself imagining what else he could do with that tongue, but he?d step back words leaving his lips to explain their next actions. He would tease her, arousing the fur upon her neck as he turned to lead her away from their blood soaked room. Of course she?d keep herself on his heels, Veera had no intentions of disobeying his wishes.
He?d let his body weight fall upon a dry bed of grass, she?d follow with her head down and lips silent. She?d hear him chuckle as she debated what to do with herself, eventually curling beside him. Though her head would rest upon his hip as she offered her delicate rear to him. Her tail would flop to the side, her heat scent wafting around them once again. She?d make no verbal suggestions but her brilliant yellow eyes would watch his next actions. Would he expect her to sleep or was he up for more play?




5 Years
08-14-2014, 12:35 AM

He would lay on the bed, watching her with dull silver eyes as she laid down beside him, her rump resting by his face. He couldn't help but lean over and place rough nips on that alabaster fur, a growl slipping from his muzzle. "Didn't get enough the first time, Goldilocks?" His vocals asked her, low in tone as he covered her rump in hard bites. Her scent washed over him anew, his arousal not laying dormant for very long. His sore body was forgotten about as his tongue raked over her more sensitive lady parts, teasing them with only the quickest of touches. Metallic looked up to meet her own, his nose pushing on her delicate folds. He would draw her back up slowly, not wanting to break his little treasure too soon. Their coupling had been very rough, but he was unable to stop himself from tantalizing her again. Placing one more soft kiss on her most private area he pulled back, smirking at her. He knew that she wanted more, but he had to tread carefully. His own limbs were still shaky with exhaustion.

Charaz pulled himself so that he was laying over the masked lady, his forelimbs resting on the earth to keep some of his weight off of her. Growling again he licked at her wounds, her smell on his breath. Rumbling, his throat vibrated on the back of her neck as he stretched himself on top of her, teasing her with how close he was. He wanted to hear her beg, he wanted her to plead him to take her again. His tail twisted so that it curled tightly around her rump, the tip of it twirling into her white fur. His elbows dug into her sides as he gave her a light squeeze, wanting those delicate moans to fill the crypt again.