
Just The Night Stalker



2 Years
08-09-2014, 12:45 AM

The dark ash pelt blended in with the ancient silver boulders as the lumbering man made his way through the rocky highland. Many would say this was a dangerous terrain for a wolf to lead his paws, but Mikal thought otherwise. Feeling as free as he could get away from his hungry life, the man would attempt to find the best peak for his eyes to look across. The view might be worth it, and heck, this could be his home. Eh, probably not, but where else could he go?

Calm yet alert golden eyes looked out to the East. These lands looked spectacular and amazing, all the rivers and greenery. He felt like a soaring eagle, or even a king. A king? Why not? He was alone, away from the irritations of others, why not rule these craggy peaks? Ah yes, a fine young emperor he would be, watching over his empire and palace, but for now he would relax. Amongst the heavy mist he seated himself by the ledge, satisfaction coming to his mind. After all, he was alone, right?




3 Years
08-17-2014, 09:20 AM

The crucifixion was mandatory, at the stake her soul was a lit with flames. The demons that threatened to tear down her walls and reveal the secrets that may beneath them, they were slowly accomplishing what they intended to unlock. The goddess crept down between two trees, her colossal frame rupturing with a murderous growl. Knowing she wasn't alone at this point, even if the devil on her shoulder something still didn't feel right. Deprived by the very essence that consumed her, the vessel of her "partner in crime", as some may call it -- slowly drifted away from the mighty temptress that was dressed in ivory and alabaster highlights. The black markings on her countenance rippled as a slight snarl drenched her features, aiming to make her look like the socipathic killer she was. Glowing blue gem stones sparkled lightly as the suns power grew stronger by the second, it's nightmares fueled Zyrix's endless hunger for fear and wrath. She fed off that, especially in battle, those two deadly sins out of the seven were her ultimate main courses while maiming the very pelt of her opponent. The rumbling muscles reflected against the light as little sun seized through the blinds. She hadn't the slightest thought of what was to happen today, but she did know one thing -- hunger. Hunger dispelled a huge anatomy within her, her aroma was aching from the starvation she was becoming weak with. It was something she had to ravish first before anything else, and devouring someone's lust or either wrath sounded plentiful at the moment, maybe she'll choose wrath -- just for the hell of it.

The dark tresses of her coat skimmed a bush, the breeze current carrying the strong scent of a masculine. For a moment she was enraged, then a new found tactic came into play and she knew that if she were to feed off of his emotions that he will only fuel her fire, aiding kerosene to the flames. Hoping to start a fight and maul someone's retinas out, or better yet turn cannibal and eat them from the inside out. But that was neither her cup of tea, so she'll stick with mauling. That is, if he was man enough to take her on. Her bodice was tainted with any scars, though many of them were hidden beneath the thick cloak she wears. The women knew how to fight, the gladiator side of her never did seize to amaze. So, all she had to do now was wait and see whom she shall be ravishing tonight. Unless he was half her size and weak, then she'll make an acception, but he'll be walking a very thin line.

A masculine shall be the only lethal opponent you face, and that's perfectly fine with you..




2 Years
08-20-2014, 03:46 AM

Whenever he wanted to be alone, it turned out he wasn't. Damn. Someone always had to tumble in. Why couldn't he just have the solitary company he's always had? But then again, what was wrong with meeting others? He had to get out and about, show the world who he really was. It could be...fascinating.

The howling wind carried a bold feminine scent to him. A faint grin came to his jaw before turning his head. He would sit upright in the same position, though his magnificent golden tanned eyes would search for this other life. Why would they not? The scent grew stronger. She had to be close by, whoever she might be. This creature held a different type of scent, not as sweet and delicate like other females. This woman carried a thick and powerful scent, that of a warrior's. The man would not have given a damn if some cute wolfess paraded around like a fighter. A soldier yet a lady? Oh please, what next?

Fool! Are you only interested in looks?

Perhaps women had their strength, and where there's strength, there's weaknesses.

"It seems someone else has joined me today." Those words rolled off his tongue, an emotionless gaze looked out to the East. He would let the lady start the act, however she wanted it go. Only if she's remotely interested. If not, he would be off.

"Speech" Thoughts