
Intermission from the world


07-02-2014, 06:44 PM

Winter was gone and spring was vastly reappearing. Everything was slowly waking up and becoming colorful again. This was evident for the scenery of the Algoma Prairie. Trees were slowly letting leaves return to their branches, flower buds only tiny little specs until the weather completely warmed up. The flowers located near the trunks and grasses were slowly growing above the ground, eager to show off their vast colors. Deer and buffalo had yet to return for grazing, but that made it better for the young girl. She preferred the quiet.
Pandora's slender frame slowly approached the edge of the Prairie, eyes silently looking out and about. Most of the evidence of winter's presence was gone and she couldn't be happier. The sun was slowly rising, giving off a warm shine to her coat and making her skin prickle. A smile appeared on her face and she bravely stepped across the edge to safely touch ground with the unfamiliar setting. Golden-dipped paws kissed the green grass beneath her as hips swung back and forth behind her. Turquoise blue eyes continued to brighten as she took note of the bright colors around her. For the moment, she was content.
Ever since Maija had arrived to Arcanum, she was more than happy to settle within the pack and its closest ally: Covari. Her pelt held the perfumes of both packs, intertwining themselves around her head, neck, legs, and body like a python. She thought they were equally sweet, considering her family was a part of both packs. There was no way she could choose one over the other...yet. Thoughts of Scorpion brushed her mind and she couldn't help but sigh at the idea of his masculine frame. The sparks that had been ignited between them were private...and she intended to keep it that way.
Once Pandora reached a particularly warm piece of grass, she lowered her front legs to roll across the ground. Her thoughts circled around the dream she had a couple of weeks ago, making her eyes close as she rolled on her back and sides. Legs stretched out and toes flexed, showing off the white claws she had hiding. Pandora dreamily sighed again, feeling like she was the only female in the world to know what it felt like to daydream of a man. Her tail lightly thumped against the ground before sweeping it across the soft blades.

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3 Years
07-03-2014, 07:29 AM

Talvi didn't often venture from the Glaciem lands, her last experience of doing so had led to her facing a rather shocking and unpleasant discovery. It had taken the girl some time after that to get herself back up to her usual standards, displeased and hurt by the revelations she had found. Her father had simply abandoned her, her mother and siblings though in favour of another family it seemed. She still hadn't dared to ask Argent for the truth on the matter, she had only just gotten her mother back after all and didn't want to bring up the past. What did it matter really now anyway? She had never known him and it didn't seem likely to change when he had his other children to care for.

Once more she would make her way out of the lands, with the epidemic far behind them now as well, the change of season bringing about other changes Talvi had found her usual confidence returning to her once more and with it the urge to explore. Perhaps this time she would find herself with better luck for locating her missing sisters or maybe even run into Eris and set the minds of the pack at ease. The former healer simply had to be ok.

Instead however as misfortune would have it, Talvi would come across a familiar form lying in the grass though it wasn't one that she could say she cared to see again. Introductions hadn't actually been given on their last meeting, only the knowledge that they were half-siblings. She had come to terms with it now though it still wasn't a fact she liked in the slightest. "You again." She would state simply, her voice certainly lacking warmth as she eyed the other girl. She may have pushed the feelings away but there was a bit of anger rising within her once more, what on earth did this girl and her family have that made them so much more desirable to the man that had sired them?


07-03-2014, 11:24 AM

Pandora's eyes had closed when she felt the sun hitting all the right parts of her body. The light pressed against her closed lids, daring to attempt to try and make her opts open. She rolled to the other side, back towards the sunlight, and comfortably rested her head on the grass. Lantern yellow eyes brightly stared at her behind her closed lids, and she couldn't be happier in that moment.
A change in the atmosphere happened as soon as her happiness reached its peek. The cobalt babe was no longer alone, but instead had a familiar presence abruptly appear. The yellow eyes disappeared and she heard the voice of a memory made a couple of seasons ago. There was no warmth, no indication of happiness to be there, and Pandora's own positive vibes melted away. Her golden-tipped lids opened and she rolled back to her left side to see the familiar form of Talvi. Well, this was a surprise indeed.
A sigh escaped Pandora's lips and she pushed herself onto her paws. Golden-dipped front feet stretched out, followed by her front legs. She shook her fur free of any debris and watched Talvi with a burning, intense gaze. "Hello, sister," she replied, tones rich with her Romanian accent. "No need to be upset that we crossed paths again..." The facts had been given to the richer version of Taurig and now that she knew her father's past, she was relieved that he wasn't around.




3 Years
07-03-2014, 03:16 PM

It was bitterness that would irate her now, misplaced anger that had no other outlet than the girl before her now, the one that had brought her the news in the first place. Had she known that their father had now shown his true colours to his family and abandoned them also perhaps she would be a little more compassionate though for now the fact would remain unknown and the coldness would remain within her.

The gold marked girl would stir now, rising as she gave a greeting and certainly remained more civilised than Talvi. Pandora had certainly been more accepting and welcoming of the additional family than Talvi had though, even after hearing that her father had apparent abandoned another family. The silver and blue girl however had been hurt and still clearly was. Pandora did have a point after all, there really was no need to be upset and yet she simply couldn't help these emotions that had overcome her.

"There is no reason to be pleased by it either." Talvi responded simply. She wouldn't expand certain that the other was smart enough to work it out for herself. She was the one that had stirred the revelation that they were related after all and surely daddy dearest hadn't left Argent and her children for a family that lacked intelligence. Isardis had called him waste of space apparently but the word stupid hadn't been thrown around.


07-03-2014, 06:26 PM

Talvi's retort made Pandora smile. She was not offended by the anger that came from her half-sister. Pandora knew that she had caused unexpected drama within Talvi's mind, giving her every right to be upset with her. Golden-backed ears remained erect as she reclined to her zebra-striped flanks without much effort. "Either way, we have collided again, and that is a true fact." She blinked softly, revealing the long lashes Maija had passed down to her.
Her golden-dipped paws pressed into the ground tenderly as she watched Talvi with an interested expression. She wondered what her sister would choose to do next: leave or stay. Pandora wasn't sure which would be better, but she knew which one she wanted. Her mind slowly worked around the facts she had been given by Aunt Sibelle and she felt the desire to tell Talvi her discoveries. Still, she was not sure if she should or keep them to herself. She licked her lips with her pink tongue as she continued to think over the choices.




3 Years
07-06-2014, 04:15 PM

As Pandora seated herself, Talvi would remain stood. Right now the girl wasn't sure what to do with herself, she saw no reason to stay and continue to speak with the other and yet for some reason still found herself somewhat reluctant to move. Perhaps it was a hint of pride, not wanting to be the first to give in and walk away, it'd been a mutual decision before after all.

Clearly it was a fact that they had ran into each other again, the girl before her was certainly real and whilst Pandora had mixed emotions, Talvi mainly sought isolation once more, a reason to escape from this situation. Still however she remained reluctant to make the first move and remained stood there silently. What was there to say anyway? Small-talk was out of the question and therefore asking about their shared father was certainly not going to happen either.


07-06-2014, 10:43 PM

After Pandora spoke, it became more of an awkward staring contest. Both girls were unsure of what to do next and Pandora figured that maybe it would be all right to tap open the chest of truths. Sibelle had told her what she wanted to know about Taurig, his past, and the crap he went through with his family. Her blue eyes blinked and she watched Talvi with a gentle gaze of interest. So much of her half-sister reminded her of Taurig, it kind of startled her. Still, that didn't hold Pandora back from trying to make an effort. "He's gone..." she started with, knowing that Talvi probably didn't want to know. "I thought he was home to stay, but apparently, he had other plans..."
Dare she say any more? She felt like because she had started this, she should let Talvi know. Yet, another part of her was unsure. She went with the lighter half anyway. "I found out some things...involving our father..." She cleared her throat and wrapped her tail around her haunches. "I wanted to tell you as soon as I found out, would have been weird, wouldn't it?" A light sigh escaped from her as she waited for Talvi's response.

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3 Years
07-13-2014, 12:52 PM
ooc: I keep getting caught out by sneaky posts lately, sorry I didn't see this sooner!

Talvi had been the only of her immediate siblings to inherit Taurig's blue colouration yet with the colouring all around her it had never struck her as odd that some of her half-siblings resembled her even more so than her full-blooded ones. With other similarly coloured wolves in Glaciem she had figured it a common colour, even now she wouldn't know any differently really. She would likely never know it had been inherited from her father, that she was in fact the perfect little balance between her two parents were her siblings had skipped a generation in their colours.

Those two simple words would bring a small frown to crease Talvi's appearance, she still looked far from happy though that glare had certainly been softened now in her confusion. The other would continue to speak though still Talvi still remained a little uncertain of it all, was she really saying what she appeared to be? Talvi would remain silent however, and it seemed Pandora would continue with her explanation confirming Talvi's suspicions; she had been speaking of their father. She wasn't sure whether to feel pleased or not by the news; the man lacked loyalties to any it seemed, though it was surely difficult for Pandora to learn the truth for herself, especially after he had been part of her life.

She would lower herself to the ground now, prepared to sit and speak with the other girl. It was sad that it would take something like this to persuade her to try bond with her sister though Talvi had certainly harboured a jealousy towards her. "It probably would have been." She agreed, even now it was all somewhat awkward, in the space of a minute she had gone from despising Pandora to feeling sympathetic towards her. The weirdest part however was of course that whilst technically sisters, neither knew anything about the other. She wouldn't prompt for Pandora's life history now though, instead focus upon their so called father. "What did you learn?"


08-06-2014, 06:00 PM

She continued to remain on edge, not really sure how this conversation would go. On the one hand, she could deny the girl any information about Taurig and leave her hanging. Then again, she could tell Talvi and the revelation may bring them closer as siblings. Pandora felt stuck, but wouldn't show any more feelings about the matter then. Instead, she watched Talvi as she moved to sit on the ground and appear interested. The 'Go ahead' from her sister was enough for her to let the flood gates open.
Apparently, she had been holding her breath, because when she started to speak, Pandora gave a large exhale. Blankly blinking, she recovered from retaining the carbon dioxide and let the oxygen race to her head before promptly relaying the information. "Our father was a part of Glaciem before he even met my mother. He is...was...whatever...Isardis's son. He left Glaciem to pursue a life of his own, claimed a pack, and intended to remain on good terms with our grandfather. Instead, he became an outcast and Isardis took away his birthright..." She kept a neutral face as she talked about Isardis. She didn't know her grandfather and part of her wanted to keep it that way.
"During that time, Argent was Queen of Glaciem. She met my father when he still ruled Tortuga and they...had an affair. She became pregnant and disappeared from the world. I don't know where she went, but eventually, she came back with her children..." A shuddering breath rose and fell from Pandora as she tried to remain strong. "A war broke out between Glaciem and Valhalla, giving our Aunt Sendoa the chance to leave Glaciem and remain in our father's kingdom. Isardis came to the borders and took more away from him...his sight and his ability to have children." Her tail curled around her hind legs as she imagined Taurig being beat down by a white wolf. A low growl slipped through the last of Pandora's words, but not directed to her sister.
"Aunt Sendoa went back to Glaciem and told Isardis of my mother. She had been seeing Taurig while all of the drama was going on, making it official before he became blind and barren. My father moved us away from Glaciem, and then we were born. Drama stopped and life was good..." She sighed and broke her gaze from Talvi as she concluded her story. "Then, he disappeared without letting anyone know. Mama was broken-hearted, even if she didn't show it. He returned a few months later, explaining he was sick, but some part of me didn't believe it." Silently, she tucked Maija away from prying eyes of the conversation. Her mother didn't deserve to have her business told all willy-nilly.
Her eyes looked back up to Talvi and she softly cleared her throat. "That was all I was told...It makes sense because when I saw him for the first time, he was blind and had scarring across his milky white eyes. From what I remember, he was loving, but it only lasted until he left...Since then, I've been raised by only my mother..." Eyes kept their gaze with her sister's as she softly added, "Maybe it would have been better to have not known him..."




3 Years
08-06-2014, 06:54 PM

Silently she would await the story, certainly not expecting as much detail as she had been given. From the first facts given however the blue and silver girl would be shocked. Her father had been a member of Glaciem as well, not only that but had been Isardis' son. It made the albino her grandfather, made her part of the Armada family despite the last name of Zaldun. That information alone was a lot to take in and yet Pandora continued to speak.

The island. That's where Argent had fled to. Talvi couldn't recall it's name or even location anymore but it had clearly been she and her littermates that Argent had fled with, the gold marked girl before her knew that fact even without the location. She would keep quiet however as yet more of their family history would be revealed.

She found herself suddenly unsure what to make of the former King now. She'd never really gotten the chance to get to know the man though to maim one of his own children in such a way was an odd and rather scary concept to Talvi. Her sister had fled the lands, would the same fate await her if she was found by Isardis? She certainly couldn't see herself ever wanting to harm her should she turn up again, how could Isardis do the same to his own blood?

And then finally came the final details, the words that would put their father in the light that Talvi had always seen him, as a man that had abandoned his family. Clearly he had some issues staying faithful given the two litters in such close time frame, she didn't think the age gap between herself and Pandora was too much after all. She now knew of course that it wasn't entirely his fault, her mother had fled from him and returned to Glaciem meanwhile Isardia perhaps would have harmed him even further if he showed his face upon the lands. Still though, clearly at heart he had commitment issues if he would leave Pandora and her family as well.

"I think in some ways it was easier." Talvi would admit, her entire life was suddenly far more confusing than she had ever thought it was previously. "I've never heard most of this information though, my family have kept a lot of secrets from me." It hurt a little if she was honest, she'd always been told her father was useless, a waste of space though it seemed it wasn't the entire truth.

A moment of silence would pass as all was left to settle once more. "I'm Talvi by the way." It'd occur to her now that they'd never introduced themselves. At first she'd been concerned after Pandora's collision with a tree and then they had given each other far more to think about. Perhaps now that the pair were becoming a little more relaxed starting to view each other as sisters it was time they actually knew each others names. If one thing had come out of this news, it was the sudden revelation that this irritation she'd felt had been very wrongly placed on the girl before her now.


08-06-2014, 07:09 PM

Pandora knew that the information may startle Talvi, considering that they hadn't shared anything except fathers before then. What she didn't expect was a bunch of things: how Talvi's facial reactions hit at all the right moments, how quiet she remained throughout the full story, and how she still remained in shock moments after being told. Pandora didn't know what to make of her sister's continuing silence, but as she waited, Talvi spoke. She revealed that her family had kept secrets from her and the cobalt babe silently shook her head. How could they, when family is supposed to be out in the open with many things? That was how it was for her and her family...Maija had kept their father's past a secret, but only because that was how she was. The golden vixen never told anyone anything...except Sibelle, of course.
Talvi then introduced herself and another shock wave was sent into the air. Instead of hitting Talvi, however, it hit her. Pandora wasn't sure what to think or say about it, so she let it digest until she was able to speak again. Her voice pushed down the heartbeat that had been in her throat and properly worked as her mouth formed around the words. "I'm...Pandora," she revealed, thinking that her sister deserved to know the name of the storyteller. The designs on her body shimmered in the sunlight as she shifted her weight before lowering herself down onto her left side. Legs remained stretched in front of her as she basked her right half in the warm sun. Clearly, the girl was becoming more relaxed around her long lost sibling, something she hadn't expected to happen. "I know we are not the ideal image of a family, but know that I wouldn't want to keep anything from you...Talvi..."




3 Years
08-06-2014, 07:59 PM

Talvi's family had been far from perfect though it seemed, now they were scattered with the girl only knowing where to find her mother and some of her half siblings. Details were of course left out of her life, she could understand the reasoning to want to keep some parts quiet but to hide the fact that she was related to so many other wolves, to Isardis himself was a fact she simply couldn't get her head around easily. There would certainly need to be some explaining later, though how she would confront her family with these new truths was at a loss to the girl. For now she would simply concentrate on Pandora though, and her time with her sister.

Now the sisters finally knew the names of each other. It was strange really that they'd taken so long but then their relationship had hardly had the greatest of starts really. She couldn't help but scoff slightly at the girl's comment upon not being the ideal image of family. Her family, their family was pretty damn screwed up really it seemed. "Even if we stayed apart it seems our families aren't exactly the ideal image anyway." Talvi would point out. "But thanks." It was strange this sudden change of pace, one moment she'd wanted nothing to do with her but now; "I won't keep anything from you either."


08-08-2014, 11:29 AM

Pandora couldn't help but lightly snort at Talvi's observation, but not in vain. She saw the ironic sense of humor that came from Talvi's mouth and agreed with it. Her snort was followed by a small smile, one that would slowly grow when her sister said that she wouldn't keep anything from her. Maybe there would be a promising outcome of their relationship after all.
Pandora's ears remained perked forward at the positive energy that came from her half sibling. The desire to know more about Talvi was increasing by the minute, but not so much to overwhelm the babe. She wanted to treasure whatever time she had with Talvi, especially since they had only come across each other twice in six months. "Despite us living in different areas of the world, do you think we will be able to get sisters?" The Artenie was silently hoping she would say 'yes', only because she wanted to keep that line of relation open...and build on it.

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3 Years
08-09-2014, 04:55 AM

Pandora's little story-telling session had certainly pointed out a number of the flaws with their family, some may have been rather well hidden over the year but it was rather obvious now that the family had problems. How many more would be revealed from talking to the older members of the pack, those who had witnessed it all? She dared not to think about it really. Instead it was better to think of the positives that had come from that story, she understood her own life a little more now and actually had a chance it seemed of getting to know some of her other siblings, starting now of course with Pandora.

Before this meeting to be honest Talvi didn't care if she had never seen Pandora again, evident from the rather friendly greeting she had given her. Now however that misplaced anger had turned to guilt. Pandora was no more to blame for their father's mistakes than Talvi was, they were both victims as perhaps now was the chance to repair the family. They may have only been half sisters but she'd always accepted Athena, Vereux and Genesis unquestionably, even without actually knowing the latter brother well at all, in fact, it could easily be argued that she was closer to Pandora.

"I think we owe it to ourselves to try." Talvi responded. There was no telling what the future had in store for them, personalities could clash, or time could once more refuse to be on their side for meetings. They deserved a chance to be sisters now that they knew and were actually getting along.