
To Extend Our Reach to the Stars Above[LUDMEETING}



08-10-2014, 02:07 PM

Her heart would beat erratically as her body moved through the misty morning, her brilliant bicolored eyes taking in the still dark lands around her. It was odd not calling on her pack within the Mangroves, for as long as she'd taken up residence here the pack had been nestled in those tree's capable branches. Still, change was not always bad, it was just different, and she could see the beauty in the springs too. A small smile would stick to her features, she was happier now than she'd been in nearly a year. She?d woken early to go and visit Descant?s tiny grave, she missed the boy severely, but she could feel the strength returning to her. It had been far too long since she?d seen her family, her babies were nearly grown now. Life was changing, and faster than she?d have ever anticipated.
As the sun?s rays started to brighten the sky above her she would let herself find a comfortable place in a clearing out side of the spring?s reach. Haunches would coil beneath her as she let the still air of the morning surround her, song birds would begin to chatter and morning would officially begin. Calmly she?d let her head tilt back, jaws parting to let a call summon those she loved the most. It was early but it was beautiful. She?d take another breath as her song finished, shoulders relaxing as her bicolored gaze kept watch for those soon to arrive.

"Speech" Think "You"

Dutiron i


8 Years
08-10-2014, 02:21 PM

It had been rather nice not worrying about the pack so much, no longer was the responsibility of everything on his and his mate's shoulders, instead they could simply enjoy their time with their children and in Dutiron's case actually rest his back enough that it was at last starting to get a little better. Pain was of course still an issue, though it was lessening he was sure. By no means did the man think perhaps he'd made a mistake in so hastily returning the leadership of Ludicael to Song. For the majority of his life he had been a leader and retirement truly was calling now.

At the sound of Song's call he would rise and gently nudge each member of his family until they all had awoken. "Come on, let's go." He would beckon softly making the gentle walk to the chosen meeting point. Whilst the back wasn't too bad at the moment there was certainly no need to race to the meeting. The children would likely have a few questions as well and he would take the opportunity to try his best to answer them along the way.

Despite the leisurely pace it seemed they would still be the first to arrive. "Good morning" He would greet her warmly as a swell of pride would rise within him; although the pregnancy was certainly showing now she certainly looked far from weak. This was the Song he'd always hoped to see upon arriving in Ludicael, it was good to see her faring well at last. He could only pray that it would continue this time and that the far more fragile Song would not return any time soon.

by kat



08-10-2014, 02:34 PM


Garthinaw Lainthorn had found an unused den in the forest of the springs, safely away from the misty steam and the members of the pack. He hadn't meant to remain an outcast, but after coming to Ludicael with the reputation of Song's baby daddy (he wasn't sure how many people already knew), he didn't want to be ridiculed. Trust, after all, was a big deal with him because of what had happened in his past. Then again, how could he learn to trust if he remained isolated?
The dark male sat at the entrance of his den and watched the night and day begin to switch shifts. The beauty of it all made him silently deeply breathe in, not wanting to ruin the moment. As he let the air out of his massive chest, he heard Song's howl. Beautiful and sweet to his ears, he didn't hesitate to rise, stretch, and leave his quarters to meet her. Something was afoot if she was calling so early in the morning.
The place she called from was only a mile from his den. In no time at all, Garth made it to where she sat. A warm smile broke across his face as he noted her essence among the steamy sprays. After he walked through two nearby springs, he then saw Dutiron had already arrived. His scent mingled with the warm air, making it undistinguishable to their surroundings. Garth approached the man first, awkwardly saying, "Good morning, sir," before backtracking to sit a few feet from Song's father. He felt like a young pup who had been busted for doing something bad. So, rather than dwell in the shame, he rose again to approach Song. Pink tongue gracefully met her cheek as he muttered, "Good morning," into her ear. He gave her a warm smile before pulling back to recline to his haunches. He hoped that if Dutiron wanted his head, he would wait after the meeting to try and get it.




08-10-2014, 02:48 PM

The replica of Cherokee himself was sleeping in his den, located in a random piece of the mangroves. Even though Ludicael had let it go, he still considered them a part of his home. Childhood memories of running through the roots as a pup flashed through his mind as he slept peacefully, enjoying the feeling of imaginary water splashing around his paws. Flashes of white and black, being his sisters, frisked around him and he happily laughed until a howl broke through the flashback.
His eyes snapped open and his head quickly rose, ears perking to the sound of his mother calling him. A yawn escaped him and shortly afterward, he left the den and proceeded towards the springs. Paws quickly carried him through the rest of the mangroves and into the open area where Song's aura stood out. She had been gone for so long and he had truly missed her. The first thing he wanted to do was race towards her and shower her with kisses. However, someone else beat him to it.
An unfamiliar male, black with distinguishable markings, appeared and gave her a lick to her right cheek. Eyebrows rose over silver and gold eyes as the male then pulled back and reclined to his haunches. Defenses wanted to rise and attack the stranger, but Dhiren knew better. Song wouldn't have just let anyone do such a thing to her. His eyes then lowered and he noticed the bulge that stood out from her abdomen. Gaze widened and he was speechless. What had she been DOING out there?
Dhiren only gave a soft whimper to his mother, hoping that she would talk with him later. At that moment, he would be the adult and think about the items that would be covered in the meeting. He noticed his grandfather there and padded in his direction. "Good morning, Grandpa," he happily voiced, tones expressing warmth and love towards his living ancestor. Eyes twinkled towards the russet-furred man before he reclined to his haunches a foot or so away from him. His eyes began to move, hoping to catch a glimpse of his sweet Guinevere. He hadn't seen her in awhile and he missed her dearly.




5 Years
08-10-2014, 02:53 PM

Novella would be lying if she said she'd gotten used to the idea of becoming a mother. She was pregnant, there was no denying that fact now, and to be honest she still worried often about the safety of those unborn children as she went about her day not to mention the safety of them and herself when it was finally time to be born. After that point, she dared not to think about, her mother had told her to take things a day at a time and so far now she would try her best to do so, there was already enough troubling her without worrying how terrible a mother she might be.

With Frith at her side however she found some confidence, at least enough to hide her worries and continue about her day. Her husband truly had become a rock of sorts in her life now, she couldn't imagine it without him and the faith he had in her managed to fill her with confidence. To be honest the entire family seemed to have more faith in her than she did, she would just have to trust their judgement and certainly accept their help. Things would be ok, right?

There was something new to think about now though as she suddenly heard her sister's howl beckoning the pack to her. That was certainly a little strange, at least now anyway given the fact that their parents were in charge of the pack or at least had been at the last check. Perhaps it had something to do with the new litter? Were Song's children on the way now? Surely it wasn't the case if she was calling for the entire pack though, not simply healers. Of course to attend the meeting was the best way to find out what was happening. And so awaiting Frith to rise as well, the girl would make her way to the meeting.

There were already a few members of the family present when she arrived, and a strange male she hadn't met before. From the greeting he gave to Song however she would assume that this was Garthinaw, the male she had spoken about. She would give a greeting to those that had gathered before sitting herself down and awaiting the rest of the pack to arrive and the meeting to start.


08-10-2014, 02:57 PM

beginning to the end

Faolan had been sleeping in a den not too far from the springs, dreaming of a bright future. Enola had returned and when she did that, his dreams had come true again. As he slept, a howl broke through his subconscious and he awoke. A meeting was going to take place. He couldn't be late, despite wanting to continue resting.
Silvery frame rose and stretched before he made his presence known to the wolves already gathered. Light green eyes looked over to Song, who had been gone for a few weeks. She looked healthier than before she had left...and more pregnant. Eyes widened, but he didn't say a thing as he briefly nodded in her direction before padding towards Dhiren and Dutiron. Although they were not related, Dhiren and Faolan had grown up calling each other 'cousin'. He greeted each male with an individual nod before reclining to his haunches. If Enola appeared, he would beseech her presence beside him. The girl had him smitten and he didn't know what he would do if she disappeared again.

Puppy Talk

we are alive

Novel i


8 Years
08-10-2014, 02:59 PM

She enjoyed being able to raise their newest litter of children without the pressure of leadership weighing down on them. It was more refreshing than he?d have ever realized, she was able to give them all of her attention. Her love for them was incredible, and she had such high hopes for their futures. She was slightly awake when she heard the drawn out howl of her daughter?s call, Dutiron?s nudge would follow after and she?d awaken the rest of the way. She?d help him gather their children and off they would go to follow song?s voice.
She would follow behind Dutiron and their young children, she would smile and greet their eldest daughter similarly to her mate, a similar pride within her breast. This was the image she had always hoped Song would become, the strong independant she wolf Novel knew she was. Though Garthinaw was a rather unexpected addition, it was becoming far too obvious her children were not as traditional as her generation had been. She would greet all of the wolves present, stepping up to nuzzle her daughter, bowing her head in greeting to Garth, kissing Dhiren and bumping her shoulder encouragingly against Novella?s. The newly wed girl was obviously showing now, and Novel was sure she wouldn?t be waiting too much longer for those grand babies.
She?d settle her own youngsters around her paws as she reclined next to Dutiron, awaiting the rest of the family and Song?s words to start.


Silent I


11 Years
08-10-2014, 03:07 PM

Silent and Bronze had been sleeping in their homey den, breathing at the same time and curled into each other's forms. They had gotten used to doing so after so many years, their movements were like clockwork. As the howl for Ludicael's meeting rose into the early morning, both slowly looked up and opened their eyes. Silent's emerald green eyes shimmered with morning sleepiness and slight bewilderment. She pondered why the call was so early, but nevertheless, she had to attend.
The black female slowly leaned over and gently nudged Bronze's neck. "Wake up, my darling, we must get up. There is a meeting about to happen." She gave him a soft smile before pushing her older frame up to all four paws. Slowly, she stretched and checked that her unborn bundle was still resting quietly in her womb. A tired smile took the place of her former soft one and with future thoughts rising in her mind, she walked with Bronze towards the springs.
In no time, they had made it. Her paws ached from the overuse, considering she had travelled from the mangroves. Her eyes met each wolf that had appeared, lingering on Faolan before stopping on Song. Gentle whimpers left her lips to meet the woman's ears before she padded towards a nearby spring. Without complaining, Silent lowered her pregnant self upon the ground and rested her front paws in the warm water. A sigh of relief escaped her lips and she leaned against Bronze as she got comfortable. The Classic could only handle so much impact these days. Silently, she pondered how she would handle the birthing of their final litter.


Saga I


3 Years
08-10-2014, 03:36 PM (This post was last modified: 08-10-2014, 03:38 PM by Saga I.)

The call of her mother was not something Saga Destruction had anticipated hearing this morning. She was not resigned to her permanent absence, but to hear from her now was startling, to say the least. Why did she think it was okay to abandon her family, and then to return, demanding their attention? The girl felt an uncomfortable pressure build inside her chest, irritation bubbling up to a gentle growl that fell on deaf ears. The corners of her lips twitched, but the girl would respond to the call, curiosity overwhelming her, a need to know why Song had left them and why she dared return now. Quietly she would leave her idle wandering, heading toward the all-too-familiar sound.

Many wolves had already gathered before Song. The pale green gaze of the silent child would dance over the crowd, eying them each carefully. A strange man stood at her mother's side -- some of her family members were already here, looking overjoyed at the return of their mother. Her own expression was guarded and cold, no joy shining in the depths of her emerald gaze, though no anger lingered on her features either. It felt so wrong to be welcoming her back when she had disappeared without a word, abandoning those that needed her -- including Saga. "Really?" she would speak out suddenly, a rare thing for the one who was rarely spoke, especially out of turn. "You abandoned us, and now you expect to return as though nothing has happened?" Something akin to hate glimmered in her vacant stare, her fur bristling at the atrocity of it all.



10 Years
08-10-2014, 03:52 PM

She had begged Ara to keep her main sleeping area within her den, she knew that the girl could not totaly abandon her aging parents. So Novel would occasionally sleep alone, but it wasn?t so bad since she?d been completely healed. She?d enjoyed the time they?d spent within the orchard and the flowers that littered her den afterwards. She was truly enjoying life.
A yawn would leave her lips as she heard the sound of her mother?s voice would awaken her fully. She?d nuzzle Ara, finding that showing her affection had become second nature. Ara was easily the wolf she was closest to, they gathered herbs together, had the same interests, and she was just as quiet. Novel was glad her family had moved to Ludicael. "Good morning," she?d whisper to her as she nuzzled her again. Pulling her feet under her body Novel would wait for the other girl to follow her out and to her mother?s call.
She?d smile at all the family that already had gathered, her shoulder bumping against Dhiren as she took a seat close to him. Of course she?d leave room for Ara next to her. Excited about having her mother back she?d smile, glad to see her so strong again. She?d sit just in time to hear Saga speak out, her voice was low and incredibly spiteful. Novel?s jaws would drop, her eyes widening as she looked upon her tiny sister. How could someone so young be so selfish? Of course Saga had gone through tragedy, the whole family had. Hackles would raise but she?d keep her nose out of it, this needed to be between Saga and their mother.

"Speech" Think "Elohim"

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



08-10-2014, 03:54 PM

She had hated the idea of moving her den from the mangroves to the springs. So much so that she refused to do so. All her herbs were there, her family's memories were there, and she couldn't bear to move without her mate. Gitan had been gone for some time now, far longer than she would have expected. He had left to go find a few friends for the wedding that was to be. A wedding she had yet to tell anyone about. And at first she regretted it in fear her parents would disapprove, that no one would show. But now she worried if it would ever happen. Was his mate still alive and well? How far was he going to go? She had not left to find him, her children needed her. Though the thought of taking them all with her to find Gitan did cross her mind. It would be good experience for them to see the outside world and tone their skills.

She had woken early that day and spent to good part of the time just sitting outside her den, her eyes hopeful and waiting. She did not loose hope, she knew he would be back, he just had too. He had at least three children to explain to for the long absence. Perhaps she should take her kids out of the safe bubble of Ludicael. She wanted the fully prepared in life for everything. Her mind had drifted, lost in time till a howl snapped her out of it. Turning her head, brows creased with confusion. A meeting? But her father nor mother was calling it together. No, it was her sister. When did Song return? Standing up she gave a soft woof to Atlas who was sleeping in the tree above her. It only took a moment till a ruffled and sleepy barn owl ungracefully fluttered down to land in her back. She grinned softly at the poor guy as he nestled into her shoulders.

She took her time getting there, enough time that a few had already gathered. At once her eyes seeked for her sister, needing to see that she was ok. And oh was her sister more than ok, her belly was round and full with new life and a dark male stood next to her. Ears twisted back in confusion and at a loss for words. She looked around noticing none of her children had arrived yet and staked a spot with enough room for her three nearly full grown children and herself.




3 Years
08-10-2014, 04:08 PM

Dutiron could understand his sister's emotion. Losing Descant hadn't been easy for any of them, and then suddenly his mother would leave. Now without warning she had returned, he would be pleased to see her back of course though it had still been confusing to suddenly be without his mother, the only parent he had known in his life. It was fortunate that the Destructions were a very supportive family, the rest of them helping the children in the absence of their mother but though it certainly wasn't a situation that he could say he was overly happy with, he didn't have the same feelings of hatred that Saga harboured.

At the sound of his mother's howl, the boy would be quick to move and join those gathering for the meeting. Many had already arrived though it was his mother that he would seek first, she looked well and rather round. Fortunately Dutiron had learnt a little of pregnancy with the other expectant mothers in the pack, enough that he would realise the truth and not assume she had put on a large amount of weight in her absence. Saga's words however would halt the boy from making any joyful run to welcome Song home, instead he would quietly move to join Dhiren, Novel and their friends. He would have moved to comfort Saga, though certainly didn't want to find himself somehow caught up in the potential drama that was unfolding.

image by lunarcat7


08-10-2014, 04:10 PM

Today was the meeting. The tan woman was rather nervous, really. She already had the aroma of Abaven glued to her, and only a very small amount of Ludicael was left on there. The wolves of Ludicael would most definitely be sending the woman strange looks, like "Why is an Abaven wolf here?" Wren still needed to explain to the authors that she was joining Bass...her friend, her...her love? She didn't know yet. But that wasn't on her mind.
Getting through this meeting and explaining everything as quickly as possible was what she wanted to achieve that morning. So, with the smooth howl that summoned the wolves of Ludicael, the woman moved her ears forward and began her trip there. was a lot farther away than she thought. Causing her to arrive late...
Many of the wolves had already arrived, some familiar, some completely new to her. But either way, she neared the group, sitting near the back and trying her best to remain unnoticed. Because, well- she didn't want to be known as an intruder. She'd gladly listen to what Dutiron and Novel had to say- but it didn't really matter anymore, did it? All she really came for was an explanation on why she won't be serving Ludicael anymore.



3 Years
08-10-2014, 04:22 PM

Sorrel despised these meetings. They were never really of any concern to him, although admittedly he would have hated attention to be suddenly focussed upon him anyway though that was besides the point. Crowds were far from his favourite thing and meetings meant joining them, lessons to but at least they were a little more useful and interesting. Meetings were just irritating in his opinion.

It wouldn't be the usual two voices calling out either, instead a single voice beckoned them. Others perhaps would find that strange though Sorrel would give the matter little thought, it didn't really matter who called they were all expected to go running along and see what all the fuss was about. Generally nothing at all. A sigh the boy would begin to make his own way there, travelling at a rather slow pace. He was always careful to take his time, never wanting to be the first to arrive and certainly hoping that someone in his family would beat him there.

The trick had worked this time, the attention certainly wasn't on him as he finally reached the gathering pack and he was even more glad to see that his mother was here. His cousin Novel often would have been fine as well, he could cope in her company though Symphony's presence would win. She sat in a slightly more spacious area and was currently alone. He sought to change that, nuzzling her in greeting as he sat himself down at her side.

Cerise I


08-10-2014, 04:27 PM (This post was last modified: 08-10-2014, 04:30 PM by Cerise I.)

She did not like change, not when is was directly linked to her family. Daddy was missing, off to find friends mother explained, but well overdue to be back home. Then Ludi gave up the mangroves, the only place she had felt peace in. She loved the trickle of running water, the trees rustling in the warm breeze, and the songs from birds, frogs and crickets. How could they just give it up so easily? Thankfully mother refused to move their den, for reasons she didn't voice but Cerise could give a few good guesses.

Nearly fully grown she spent much of her time alone. She never got close to anyone outside her direct family, but that was her fault. She wasn't much of a social butterfly among the rest of her family. And it was all because she didn't want to get involved in any drama. From what she knew her family had a knack for it. A howl made her lift her head up from her paws. Speaking for family drama, sounded like another episode was about to be unleashed. With a sigh she pulled herself up to her paws and frowned slightly. It wasn't far her brothers were much taller than her, she still felt like a pup. Shaking her head she heading to the den to see if anyone was there but found it empty. Mother must have already headed out.

She would pick up her pace, allowing her to arrive in time to hear Saga's outburst. Freezing midstep part of her wanted to go comfort her cousin, but maybe it was best to just stay out of it. Spying her mother off to the side she would slink over with a warm whine in greeting and nuzzling her mother's shoulder before settling down to watch the drama. She winked up to her brother with a warm smile, tail wagging as she laid down in her belly, front paws crossed.

Walk "Talk" Think



5 Years
08-10-2014, 04:28 PM

He couldn?t imagine being anything but supportive to Novella, for the rest of their lives. He adored her more than anything else in the world, and he didn?t have any idea what he would do if he lost her. He was so proud of her for being so strong, she was completely capable, he only had to convince her of that. He loved her more than anything, and he knew she?d be an excellent mother to their children.
His mind would be brought to consciousness as the sound of a she wolf?s call would wake him from slumber. He?d stir, pushing himself to his feet as Novella too brought herself from the ground. He?d help her up, and walk next to her on the way towards the gathering. He was just as confused, but accepting all the same.
He?d nuzzle her lovingly as they arrived, his eyes scanning the meeting and those already in attendance. He didn?t know many of them but he did recognize many from the meeting. Silently he?d take a seat beside his wife, waiting for words to be exchanged.


if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



08-10-2014, 04:51 PM

She?d avoided as much contact with Ludicael and its Destruction family members as best she could. She missed Dhiren so much, but she felt like she couldn?t be in his presence since she?d let herself be possessed by the orange deamon. She still could feel the sin cling like dirt to her pelt, and the shame would hang over her head like her own personal raincloud. She hated what she?d done, how she?d so terribly betrayed the handsome young male. She would become startled awake at the sound of a meeting being called, she?d shake her head to rid herself of the sleep and she would slink from its confines.
She would try to keep an innocent smile on her face, even though it was a lie. Her heart hurt, but she couldn?t let them see. She had to keep this secret. She?d take a deep breath as she entered the clearing her heartbeat thumping severely as she took in Dhiren with her vibrant gaze, poorly hiding the pain that grasped her. Still, her bright smile would widen as she took him in and nudged his shoulder affectionately. Ears and posture were low, an obvious difference to what she?d once been.




10 Years
08-10-2014, 05:15 PM (This post was last modified: 08-10-2014, 05:15 PM by Ara.)

Though Ara enjoyed Novel's company -- perhaps a bit too much -- she found herself spending more time with her mother as of late. After finding out she was pregnant with another litter, she was terrified for Silent's health and eager to keep her comfortable and as healthy as possible.

But she knew that her parents enjoyed their alone time as well. They were rarely willing to actually tell her to leave, so she had grown adept at reading the subtle cues that told her when she was not needed. On the previous evening, she would happily leave her parents alone, instead retreating to the familiar confines of Novel's den. It was growing to be her second home, and she delighted in the girl's easy and familiar company. She was happy to sleep at her side, content for her friend's warmth. She still felt selfish at times for being so enthralled with her; she was not just a friend, but a peer in her studies as well, someone she could go to not just for guidance but also for companionship.

The woman was slowly roused from sleep, a slight smiling teasing her lips. "Morning," she mumbled sleepily before parting her jaws in a slow yawn. The affection that they shared was growing to be quite common, and she was not afraid to return the girl's nuzzle with one of her own.

With a quick stretch she followed after Novel, finding that her parents were already at the meeting. Eagerly she greeted them both with a gentle bark before moving to settle alongside Ara. She wanted to speak with the rest of Novel's family soon -- many were familiar to her by name and appearance, but she hadn't spoken to most. A gentle smile graced her features as she waited, unsure why there was a hint of tension to the air, though she noted that Song had returned. How exciting! She felt her tail batting lightly against the earth, leaning into Novel as she felt the girl tense beside her.



08-10-2014, 09:16 PM

An unfamiliar howl was thrown into the air, and as much as the girl didn't want to follow it, the voice held authority, beckoning to be followed. With uncertainty she had turned to her companion, needing confirmation before she made any move. "We should at least check it out, sounds like it is within the pack lands." The skunk told her, glancing in the direction the call had come from. With a light sigh, and a brush of the male's tail against her paw, the girl would rise.

Within minutes, guided by Pluto, the girl would approach the gathering of wolves. Just yards away the girl would come to a complete stop, a wave of numerous scents mingling together and overwhelming her sensitive nose. Did they all gather because of that howl? A pack meeting? Ears would carefully fold back against her skull, a paw lifting off the ground, hanging in the air as though she was considering turning around and going back to what she was doing.

"They have the pack smell, don't worry, they're friendly." Pluto gazed up at Enola, moving his body close to hers so his side brushed up against her leg. The girl tilted her head down as though glancing down at the skunk, giving a small nod and reclining back on her haunches. With so many scents she felt more comfortable back here, she wouldn't bump into anything and if she didn't catch what the leader had to say then her companion could inform her a bit later.

"enola speech" "pluto speech"
Awesome image by Luisiana <3



5 Years
08-10-2014, 11:04 PM

Despite returning when Song had Canta was yet unaware of Song?s reinstatement in the pack. If truth be told she probably would not have approved, the last time her mother had held Ludicael the weight had nearly toppled her. Canta was very aware of the sun rising above the springs, she wasn?t yet used to her new den and sleep took a while to come and even then it had a very weak hold on her; the spilling of sunlight into the little cave was enough to rouse the girl. The Destruction was wrestling with if she really wanted to get up yet or try get some more sleep.
A familiar call finally put an end to her struggle and the girl rose. It was curious that her mother was the one to call, but she thought little of it. No doubt she would find out soon enough what was up, no point in speculating now. It took her little time to arrive a few members already filling in.
From where she was, most of the gathered wolves had their backs to her, and as she began to step forwards harsh words flew from a young wolf, she recognized with a jolt was her own younger sister. For a moment the girl hesitated, watching as more wolves came in but saying nothing finally the girl worked up her courage enough to approach the young Destruction.
?You may wish to wait to hear what she has to say before making accusations like that,? she whispered to the girl, ?She has been through more than you can imagine.? Then without looking back she set off through the crowd again, forest gaze shifting to find her litter mates and giving them a small smile, before gaping slightly at her aunt Novella. When had she gotten pregnant? As she angled off to a more remote section of the gathering she turned her attention to Garinthaw, giving him a nod; she did not know the man much but what he had done for her mother was enough for her to trust him. Finally she searched for Mercury, hoping to find his black and gold form in the crowd.
With a sigh she seated herself off to the side, turning to look again for Mercury, hoping he would arrive soon.


Goodness Gracious Great Balls of Fire, Thank you Nine!
[Image: oLGAaTF.png]