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05-12-2013, 02:31 PM

The silvery hued fae would move with grace that seemed almost unnatural. Her paws moved with such fluidity that her bodice seemed to almost hover, float above the ground, her long languid fur only adding to this visage of a phantom. Silver hued eyes would bore out at the scenery, but would pay it no heed, her broken mind swirled with thoughts and runaway promises. Her mind was her own... well at least as much as was possible to her. The voices in her mind still lingered, still chatted incessantly but they weren't overwhelming, she could tolerate them with ease. They had returned to keeping her company, she loved them when they spoke as they did now.

It had been a month, perhaps a touch more since her pups had joined the earth, and her body had been quick to slim back down, border lining, dancing on the soft end of emaciation. She had scarcely left her pups, she clung to them and they to her. She made sure they imprinted on her and Segar's scent and no one else's. Undeniably protective and quick to temper, she often lay with her steadily growing pups humming or singing softly beneath her breath. They were beautiful, the most perfect thing her twisted mind could drum up, and Segar seemed to agree.

But late the previous night, she had found Segar, has asked him to watch the pups for a few days at the most, there was a friend she had needed to see, a friend that had probably saved her life and those of the unborn pups. She had not told him who or where she was going, but she had asked for her trust and despite his soft but rightful hesitation, he had agreed, and like her namesake... she had vanished. The pups were beginning to nibble upon meat they could live without her milk, Segar would guard them with everything he was she was certain. Her journey had taken her well through the night and well into the morning. The sun rose high above the earth by the time she had reached her destination. A piece of her wanted to glide through the territory and surprise the Queen, but respect and dignity would need to be shown here, not everyone would be as loving and gentle, so with a soft sigh and a restful movement to sit upon her haunches, she careened her throat back, maw pointed to the heavens. Lyrics calling in a loving tone for the dire wolf, her name sung into the air with gentle adoration. Newt.



05-17-2013, 02:30 PM

There it was. The called she had been waiting for. The soft lyrics of the wolf who had shaped her whole existence as an alpha. Ghost had set the standers in her and she had been living by them since that faithful day. She had made a choice to know each and every one of her wolves. She had listened to them when they had felt confused. She had allowed some to leave when she had spoken of the new order of things and though it had hurt her to see them go she had truly cared for what they desired. It had been difficult but she was managing just fine and now she had pups to care for. She couldn?t help the smile that crossed her muzzle. So much had changed since she had met ghost the first time and she was eager to hear the news of her family as well.

It hadn?t taken her long to find the ivory female. She had wandered the shadows countless times and knew the forest like the back of her paw. The tall redwoods guarded others from seeing her as she moved from tree to tree, concealing her behemoth figure and silently making her way towards her companion. It was as if she emerged from another world. One moment she was not and the next moment she was. It was as if the world had blinked and created her. Her tail wagged behind her in an informal greeting. She was happy to see that ghost was indeed doing better then the last time. The time she had found her mind unraveling just as she had done a thousand times.

?Hello my friend!? she said with excitement. She was so grateful to see her again. She wondered if the female had considered moving to Amenti. Had she spoken of this to her mate, Segar? Did he desire to come with her and bring the pups or had he convinced her to stay in her prison of a pack? She was unsure but she would ease that part of the conversation at a later time. For now she was curious to see what had happened since their last meeting. ?How are you doing? Are your pups and mate well?? she asked, and she almost laughed at the thought. Before, she had merely been pregnant by a stranger. Now that stranger was her loving and surprisingly faithful mate Kaios.


05-21-2013, 01:53 AM

Ghost was comically tiny in comparison to the massive dire wolf. her ivory pelt barely reached thirty-four inches, standing next to one another, you would never know how close the two had become over a single conversation, the most unlikely of friends, and yet, the most unforgettable. She seemed to have an abundance of patience, but not today. Ghost was eager, excited, emotions the silky woman rarely felt. Her bodice quivered in silent anticipation and shortly after her call and what felt like an eternity later the woman would glide into her view. Ghost would hesitate no more. She would slide up, onto her pads and without a word would glide to her companion.

There was no hatred or suspicion in her gaze, no biting negativity or screaming madness, the woman's body posture was relaxed, liquid-silk and her gaze was filled with love and adoration. Gliding forward, she invaded the Queen's personal bubble without care, extending her maw up, to lovingly brush the tender cheek of the Queen. Gently, her tongue would escape her maw, bathing the soft fur in a delicate kiss, before nuzzling the spot gently and pulling away. Affection was something rare for the mad dame, something very few received. Newt was a rare... rare exception.

"Newt..." She would purr the name like a lovers caress, the sweetest of sins, the softest of lullabies. Delicately, she would recline to her haunches, tail coiling around her flank, to lie still. A smile would adorn her maw and she would dip her head. "Segar is well, minding our three pups, while I venture to visit you. How are your pups beloved? Healthy? Well?" Her words soft and curious, she would await Newt's response, excitement and intrigue, lighting the silvery disks she called her eyes.



05-29-2013, 01:32 PM

It was like they were magnetically connected. Though far apart for a time when the two came close they would stick to each other. She was unsurprised by the affection that ghost had delivered to her. Her smiled widened and her stomach danced with excitement to know ghost was feeling well. Things were falling apart everywhere around them and yet an innocent friendship could destroy all the monsters threatening to steal their sanity. Sanity was a rarity in itself for the duo and they could relish in the moment as long as their minds allowed it.

She had allowed her affections to be given in turn to her companion. The mighty behemoth had bent down to allow her own return kiss to grace the cheek of her friend. It was funny how many friends she had acquired over the past few months. She had once been a slave to her desires, A slave to the pain. Now she was the master of her own chains and indulged her darker fetishes with her lover and sire of her children. Her tail swayed gently behind her rump in her pleasantries as she smiled at the news.

?My pups are flourishing as well. My daughter is to be heading to Tortuga in a few weeks time. She is to be my offer for a hopefully healthy alliance between our pack and theirs.? she said with a smile. She knew Ameiva would enjoy exploring a new kingdom. She would also be her eyes in all the chaos that was happening within that pack.

?I have also become mates with the father of my children. Kaios. He came to claim me and so I allowed him to. I can?t say it?s a true love story but it has turned into something mysterious and fitting.? She said with a laugh. She had never truly thought herself to ever have a mate. No, she had thought perhaps at one point Lothaire would have been the closest to love she had ever felt. Until Kaios had come into her life and turned everything she new into a madness she couldn?t help but love. ?As for our discussion before. I have indeed met all of my wolves and kept all of them safe and secure. Their paths matter to me, just as I promised you they would. What of your king? Has he been kind since your pup?s birth? Or do you perhaps need to be saved?? she questioned, the certainty in her voice was almost alarming. If Ghost needed to be released of her binds to her pack then she would fight for the girl and win her.


06-04-2013, 12:21 AM

Ghost's luxurious fur was soft as sin, silky and smooth as a baby's breath, she was meticulously groomed and absolutely stunning to behold, but at the moment her attention wasn't on her own bodice, her attention was on the woman before her, her beauty and her strength, she had remembered Newt's words in her most desolate of hours, she had been the only one to save her from herself. Segar was gone, hardly ever home, she assumed he had returned to his whorish ways and had forgotten her. She no longer cared what became of him, a horribly twisted idea trailed through her cracked mind as the Queen returned her gentle affections. Ghost hummed, shivering as the behemoths tongue bathed her cheek.

"I bid your daughter the best of luck... what token will Tortuga offer you? A mound of gold? A plethora of bodies? Pray tell my Queen, such a trade I do not imagine would be taken easily." Ghost's voice was silky smooth, a purr, a whisper of devotion against the Queen's fur. Her next words would take the silvery dame by utter shock, Newt possessed a mate? How intriguing. She would blink, nodding along, a smile drifting across her maw. "I am happy for you love, such things you deserve far more than anyone I have ever had the pleasure of meeting." Her words were genuine, she loved the Queen, that much was abundantly clear.

"My mate has all but vanished, I know not where he has wandered, I believe he cheats with others not quite so...broken." Her words were soft and sullen. " I wish to live under your reign my love, to serve you in any way I can, but I am loathe to leave my pups and Gerhardt will not allow me to leave with them. I love you Newt, I believe in you far more than I dare speak aloud, but my pups they are my world." Her lyrics were soft with just a touch of sadness and longing. She looked to the Queen, awaiting her response.



06-29-2013, 03:45 AM

What was love? When the heart sang a song only the other could hear? When even in passing they were never truly forgotten and then affections still lingered in the depths of the soul? When a wolf lived by the words of another, touched forever, and forever living by that code given to them? Gender mattered not to the queen, it had never truly mattered, since she walked the world between masculinity and femininity. Perhaps that was why her heart held so many little windows. So many hearts collected in that little organ. She felt the reaction that ghosts had given her. Something primal wanted to push that reaction further. She allowed her tail to gently curl around her friend as she placed her head atop of hers. It was simple. It was nothing overly pushy but enough to test the waters further. To assess what she had already assumed could be there in the shadow of the mad woman?s broken world.

?A son, to marry a queen daughter. To secure what has been delivered. Times carry omens of darkness and the shadows of the past haunt my home. So I am ensuring that should that darkness come to life then we are some what able to face it.? she said with a soft sigh. The past was something she left alone. Each time she tried to face her own that tug, that pull, the nothingness threatened to consume her. Panic had been a friend once. Aggression the reaction to such unknowns but she had built a stable place and it pacified the edge of fear that stroked her mind. That being. The one who held her mind in check, she could feel it peering from her eyes. Always watching and waiting to pull her mind away and bring her back to a blissful ignorance. She hated that persona. She shivered at the thought but allowed the words of Ghost to fill her mind with ease.

?I am sorry for your stress. As it may, should your king refuse your leave, I will come to claim you. As I told you before. Those that I rule may come and go as they please. They may speak as they please and if they desire to leave then so be it. I will not force them to stay so long as they are members and not slaves. Your children have their own minds and their own paths to follow. Should they desire to come along then they are welcome but don?t fret if they wish to stay. A home is a hard thing to leave and normalcy is something many crave. The unknown is a tricky thing to face, I know this all to well, but it is a mother?s duty to let her children flourish into what they are meant to be. Even if we wish otherwise or desire different paths for them.? She said softly, her daughter was fine with the idea of leaving for Tortuga. When the time was right and she was of age. She would go and leave the nest and she would fret all the while but at a distance. Parenthood hadn?t been a thing she had ever hoped or desired to achieve and yet she loved her children unconditionally.


07-13-2013, 05:40 PM

Ghost was madness, her brain a never-ending labyrinth of chaos and turmoil. Wars waged between broken fragments of her mind, Memories and falsities clashed and intertwined, driving into the silvery dame until everything collided in a catastrophic wonderland of colors. Broken memories, shattered dreams, colored fantasies, and wild imaginings they collided and entwined becoming one ethereal being and shattering into the kaleidoscope of colors that called itself Ghost. She purred leaning against the Queen, her dearest friend, her greatest ally, forever more Newt would be her Queen, no one else would command her, could command her the way Newt could. There was nothing the damsel would not do for her. Nothing.

Newt coiled around her, light and dark blurring all other lines and rested her cranium atop Ghost's own. The mad woman hummed, a soft and gentle melody that swept into the air and colored her world softly. Newt spoke and Ghost listened, further entranced by this woman's touch, the low sound of her voice, enraptured and trapped by little more than a rumbling purr. Ghost would willingly be her slave and she leaned further into the embrace, her skull tilting upwards to offer the much larger dame a kiss upon the curve of her jaw. ?Shadows of the past haunt us all my love, I will leave, I will leave Seracia in a heartbeat if it tis you that I will serve.? Her voice a rumbling purr, a promise of unyielding loyalty.

Her befuddled mind was able to register shock and surprise as the Queen so willingly offered to fight for her claim of her. Silvery orbs widened slightly and she drew back to see the Queen's eyes, her tail twining with the Queen's own. ?You would do all of that for me? Why?? Bewilderment lit her eyes so bright and lost, she loved this woman far more than she should... but did this dame love her? She couldn't imagine much less if she was willing to go so far.
