
Unknown Destination



07-12-2014, 05:27 PM (This post was last modified: 07-12-2014, 05:31 PM by Sable.)
Thrust, hunger, exhaustion? the cause of it was unknown, but she knew each of these played some part in weakening her slender body. Ink covered paws strides foreword in a staggering movement the action causing the girls shoulder blades to rotate under the thin membrane she called a skin. she was clearly malnourished considering that one could almost count the ribs that poked against her sides.

With parted lips, the girl panted slightly in a feeble attempt to cool her body from this burning heat that lingered within her frame and caused her mind to play tricks on her so to speak after all it was known that a fever can reap havoc upon the mind.The only thing that seemed to drive her body word was the faint scent of water that tempted her nose and so she forced her body onward.

Stepping awkwardly over the border of the pack land she moved to the shallowest part of the waters edge before she literally allowed her body to collapse as it did so it caused water to splash around her heated form. Her form lingered there, sinking slightly in the muddy under surface of the water causing her fur to become covered in water and mud while she managed to take a few mouthfuls of the cooling substance before she simply allowed her eyes to close lightly.... rest was needed and she had no choose but to linger were she was



7 Years

07-12-2014, 06:21 PM

The scent of yet another stranger crossed his nose, and no howl as well. The last time someone had simply sat and waited at the borders for him, it had not gone well at all. Grumbling to himself he stalked towards the scent, angered even further when he discovered that it led right into his boundaries. Bass growled, his paws falling heavy on the landscape as he followed the scent. He saw the black creature resting by the lake, his lake, a snarl about to rumble in his throat - but it stopped. The damsel that was laying in the lake was sick, he could tell by her emaciated form. Suddenly the anger left him, and he raced to her side.

By the looks of it she was young, probably around the same age that he was. Sniffing at her, he could indeed tell that the female was ill. With what, he didn't know. That was a question for Harmony. Harmony! Bass would need her, he knew nothing about herbs and about how to make the ill feel better. Tossing up his head he let out a quick howl, not just for Harmony but for any healer that was near by. This girl was very sick, she needed help. "Miss, are you okay?" He asked, knowing it was a stupid question. Of course she wasn't okay, she was passed out in the lake!

Trying to calm himself, Bass took a deep breath, poking the female softly with his nose. Was she going to wake up? Placing his paw by her nose, he felt her breath, and knew that she wasn't dead at least. Whining softly, the pale brutes ears lay flat against his skull. He didn't know what to do... he hoped that she woke up, and that a healer would come quick.



07-13-2014, 02:12 PM
As the Female lay there, her form shivered slightly in the cold as she continued to dream. although it wasn't long ago her mind had brought her back to were she was born with her small family once more,, she was always happy here even though her family was the only pack structure she knew of considering they were loners so to speak so there were only the four of them.

A soft tender touch seemed to stir her from her dream, returning to reality she blinked a few times as a soft groan escaped her lips.
"Mother am up, am up" She mummer in a delusional voice before her vibrant orbs lifted to rest upon the large male before her, confused slightly she stared at him for a moment before she realised what hand happened. In sheer embarrassment she managed to life her form and stumble back a few steps as she felt her body grow in temperature however she wasn't sure if it was the situation or her fever that caused it." Am sorry, so sorry I just came for the water... Sorry I did not mean to intrude" She stammered as she stepped away from the male however due to her sudden movements it caused her mind to become dizzy thus causing her to stumble slightly so it wasn't before long that the girl had landed on her tummy once again with her limbs stretched



7 Years

07-16-2014, 09:52 PM

His heart broke for this poor, ill female. At first she seemed to think that he was her mother, the fever must be making her delusional. He could feel the heat flowing off her body in waves, and he only wished that he knew what to do. He hoped that some healer would hear his call and come quick, because he was at a loss. She seemed to wake up then, stumbling backwards and trying to hold herself up. Bass' golden eyes grew wide as he raced forward, trying to soften her fall. "Please miss, don't stress. It's okay, you're safe here. This is my home, my pack, and nothing else can hurt you here." He said softly, trying to meet her gaze. He let out a soft whine, lowing his tall body slightly so that they were more on eye level. "My name is Bass Destruction, and I have called for a healer. We will help you Miss, there is no need to fret." Bass tried to keep his voice level and calm, trying not to frighten the girl.


07-16-2014, 10:39 PM

The dark-coated young male was in his tree-den, sitting, his long, slender form crouched slightly. He would need to continue adjustments in his new home, but so far, he quite enjoyed it. It was perfectly settled near the lake, and yet, close to the plains as well. That meant a nice variety of herbs for him to pick and study. Of course, it was also situated quite close to Bass's den. Xae knew that his leader probably trusted him as far as he could throw him. Well... Bass could probably effortlessly throw Xae pretty far... The mere thought sent a frightful shiver down his dark russet-covered spine. But the thought was only a second's notice. Bass may not of have trusted him, but surely he wouldn't harm Xae without reason. He definitely didn't seem the type. And Xae wasn't the type to give anyone a reason to wish him harm. Though, he had been a bit snappy lately. The male grumbled to himself, shaking his skull and forcing his attention back to his personal lesson. Before his skinny form, he had several herbs laid out. He was currently studying them intently, mentally naming them off and describing their uses. It was painfully slow for him. Harmony's beautiful face continued to show itself in his mind, reminding him that she was his teacher, and she was off limits. Especially if he wanted to keep the "peace" between himself and Bass.

He was pulled from his thoughts by a sudden, urgent call. A call for a healer. The Kruni wasted no time. He jumped to his paws, grabbing the very basics of herbs in his jaws - boneset for any possible fevers or muscle pain, horsetail for any wounds. Xae also managed to grasp a bit of meadowsweet. All three herbs were relatively easy to find, even if they weren't the greatest and the russet male truly wished he knew more. Still, what he had would have to do. Long limbs carried his light frame swiftly from his tree-den to the call, realizing as he arrived that Bass had been the one to call. Even so, Xae did not hesitate in his step, slowing only so he did not frighten the clearly emaciated wolf. Xae looked at her, mentally going over anything he might need. From where he stood, he could feel the heat rolling off of her body, and he could see plain as day that she was ill. The healer in training dropped his bundle gentle, nosed through it until he picked up the long, thin, hairy stem, with long hairy leaves and white flowers that looked more like seeds. Unfortunately, as the russet male attempted to recall which part the wolf being healed needed to chew, all he could imagine was a pair of mismatched orbs.

Xae was quick to squash the image before her face could fully form. Without much more hesitation, he jumped over the bundle in front of him and carried the thin plant to the ill, blackened mistress. Xae, careful not to overdose his first true patient, tore a piece of the stem with a small, slender leaf. He nosed the smaller piece to the female, keeping the larger piece with the seedlings between his paws. "To bring your fever down, you must consume this. It is called Boneset." He explained in his low, quiet, nearly monotoned voice, looking the ill female in the eye to make sure she understood. He wanted her to be informed on what he was giving her. He turned, bringing the larger piece back to his pile, dropped it, and picked up the meadowsweet he'd brought. He dropped that in front of her as well. "If you are in any pain, you should ingest this as well. Meadowsweet will also aid in your fatigue." For it was clear to Xae, having lived the loner life for a short time, that she was fatigued. His gaze finally shifted to Bass, his face guarded, trying not to show the uncertainty itching at his paws. Damn Harmony for making him so confused. Damn her for making him lose his ability to remember! But Xae did not allow his frustration to show on his face. "With your permission, Azat Bass, I would like to bring her to my den to better look her over and feed her. I believe Lady Harmony should also look her over, as she may be able to provide better treatment."




08-13-2014, 02:46 PM
The young female rested her head upon her paws as her ears flicked upon her cranium the voices around her were slightly muffled but she could just make them out. lifting her glazed orbs she rested them upon the ivory male as he spoke of his name along with some frantic words of her own health...strange normal she permed she would be left to her own devices but it seemed this male was helping? In all honestly it did confuse her however her thoughts were quickly pushed aside when she realised she was staring at the male before for a good five minutes. shaking her head she gathered her thoughts before she parted her lips to speak however was interrupted by another male. As the two males conversed for a moment she shifted her weight slightly in the hopes to stand once more though stopped when she spotted the darker male provide some herbs and offer instruction. Hesitating for a moment she looked at the plant before she inhaled and consumed the leaf much to her disgust. taking a moment to ensure she wasn't nauseous after eating she lifted her softened gaze to both males " Thank you" she stated in a weakened tone as she shifted her weight to once again stand on wobble platforms " I do not wish to be a bother " she added as she managed to keep her balance for now