


08-10-2014, 07:29 PM

It was the sudden pain that woke her. A pain down low in her belly. Her eyes snapped open, her head raising as she turned to look at her abdomen. Another pain shot through her and she could smell a familiar rusty tang in the air, nearly a sweet smell. Darkness seeped at her thighs, staining her untainted ivory fur. Her head slammed back on the ground, and she let out a strangled whine. Her breath was heaving, as her legs flailed in the ground. What in the hell was happening? A strangled scream left her jaws, a sound of fear and pain. The Queen would panic, tears streaming from her violet eyes. What in the hell was happening?!

She didn't know what was happening to her, yet she knew at the same time. She was losing the remnants of the night she and Faust had spent together at the end of the epidemic. Greek shuffled around her his words were distorted though, and she stared at him in the darkness, her eyes wide and pleading.

Greek scurried from his mistress's side, his eyes wide with fear. What was happening to her? He stopped at the mouth of den and let out a loud strangled cry for any of the wolves to aide their queen. His fur was fluffed out, fear nearly seeping from his pores. "HELP!"

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak

ooc: roman is miscarrying. not really sure how this happens, so i kind of just did it.



4 Years
08-10-2014, 07:36 PM
Erm, I'm trying to play this like she can help but IDK anymore so PM me if you need me to change anything? <3

[Image: O2SqJTo.png]

Elli sensed something was wrong and so she had been looking for the source of the trouble for nearly half an hour when she heard HELP ring as an anthem that she was needed. She ran towards the source, which wasn't far away, to find Roman and Greek. Panic flooded her when she rushed forth to examine the queen. Elli tried to remain calm as she tried to identify the source. The pups. Elli remembered their one encounter in which it was obvious that Roman was with children. "Roman, you're miscarrying." She said in almost a shock. She needed more paws, more paws. She hadn't first handedly dealt with miscarriages... ever. She tried to think up some way to numb the pain. "Greek. I need to run to the closest herb storage for herbs, try and keep her calm. I'm getting her something for the pain but it's too late for me to save them." The pain was evident in her voice. Elli had failed.

[Image: p6FO9J3.png]



2 Years
08-10-2014, 07:42 PM (This post was last modified: 08-10-2014, 07:51 PM by Drashiel.)

Black lay the night over the freezing lands of the north. There was no moon tonight, it was a new moon, freshly birthed but without any light of it's own. Drashiel's breath spilled lightly from his maw. Verdant eyes strained to pierce the veil of inky darkness that stretched out before him and around him. That pushed on his gut. Something in the air was causing an ominous chill. Something was wrong? eyes narrowed as the prince strode past the Glaciem terras for Tortuga. He didn't know what inspired him to move so but he strode none the less? and then he heard it? the scream?

Ice shot through his veins stopping his heart for a brief second before it began to race. Supple limbs coiled and launched propelling the youth forward, claws scratched violently into the earth. He flew toward the call, hackles lacing down his back as he prepared to fight whatever beast was dare hurting his sister? only to find that the monster was within her and there was nothing he could do?

"ROMAN!" Drashiel froze as the scent of blood hit him? blood and? something else? her distended belly caught his attention and he felt bile well in his throat. He turned to the other femme? a healer. She spoke to some creature though he couldn't hear the words. "You're Tortuga's healer? what's? what's going to happen to my sister? Is there anything I can do?" His voice remained surprising calm apart from a few awkward pauses but deep inside he felt suddenly helpless. He might as well have been a little child? he was useless here.




6 Years
08-11-2014, 08:27 AM

Azalea slumbered peacefully outside of her den, awake enough to dream about the sounds of tiny breath coming from inside the den. Her children always slept like the dead after a long day of terrorizing the pack.

When a strangled cry for help tugged at every sense of dread and alarm in her body it was entirely unexpected of the usually peaceful night. Amber eyes flew up and legs unfolded to bring her to her paws, hackles raised as she looked about.

That was not a wolf and as she realized just who that sounded like her heart would plummet and her legs would start running.

She found herself at Roman's den, following the sounds and smells as she had never been directly to her Queen's personal den before. What she found there was panic. Roman was in her den and Elli was there too, speaking to Greek from inside the den. The Fossa ran off without a word but the silence was taken just as quickly by Drashiel. The slate and tan Armada wolf was in a panic over his sister and clearly upset by the fact that there was nothing to be done.

"Roman! Roman, I'm here if you need me. Elli, I'm willing to help in any way I can. It's going to be alright, Roman. You're going to be alright, right Elli?" She spoke from her distance. Azalea couldn't sit down, instead she found herself pacing. She was not stupid, she could smell the blood. The Armada woman inside the den was close to being due and besides that had a different smell that she knew too well.

The blood scent burned her nose as Azalea fret for Roman's will after what was occurring to her now. How did she deserve this? What had Roman done for this?


08-11-2014, 06:22 PM

Roman Armada was anything but weak. The very idea that she was out of control with her body right now, made her nauseous. She was aware that Greek left her side, but she was in no state to move closer to him. She could hear voices, but they were all muffled and blurry. She struggled to make sense of them. Her legs thrashed as another sharp pain wracked her body. A pathetic whine left her, and she tried to raise her head when she heard more voices. They couldn't see her weak. She scrambled slightly, trying to drag herself to her feet. "Mistress!" She heard Greek speak, as she fumbled and fell to the floor of her den. Greek had just returned back to his den- dropping some leaves at the healers feet.

"Save them." She rasped. She wasn't sure what 'miscarrying' meant. She just knew it didn't feel right. Her lids fluttered over her eyes, as she lifted her head to look back at her stomach. Confusion apparent on her face. "Mistress Roman... your healer can't save them." Greek murmured, pressing against her. She turned her head looking at the fossa, then at the wolves who had gathered. She noted Drashiel now and Azalea, along with Elli. Crystalline tears pooled at her violet eyes, as she slowly understood the meaning of the strange word that Elli had spoken. "They're dead?" She questioned, her voice cracking on the words. They couldn't be dead. That was impossible. They hadn't even lived yet!

Athena I


9 Years
08-11-2014, 08:47 PM

Athena was worn out, but in the very best of ways. There was nothing like a good spar to really work her muscles and make her feel alive. She looked around at her pack members, proud of their work and their skills, no matter the outcome of their spars. But her happiness was shortlived as a distant voice caught her attention, the tone of it alone making her fur stand on end and her gaze to dart in its direction. "Roman?" she questioned, her tone giving away her concern. Her ears flicked back with worry. She looked to her mate, quietly telling him, "Vereux, take Haruka and the others back home. I'll check and make sure everything is okay." She turned her gaze back to Bass, to explain her suddenly running off, but she saw a similar worry in his gaze. Athena remembered Roman mentioning knowing Bass the last time they spoke and she nodded toward the Regium territory. "Come with me?" she asked quickly before taking off at a full run, not wanting to waste any more time. She didn't wait to see if Bass followed her or not. If he did fine, if not, that was fine too.

Athena crossed the Regium border without hesitation, following the scents till the found the group gathered around what she assumed was Roman's den. She saw Drashiel and Azalea there, glad that someone had been closer to check on her half-sister sooner. She slowed to a halt, worry sinking deep in her gut as she noticed the blood tainting the air. She came up alongside Azalea just in time to hear Roman and her companion's exchange of words. Dead? Athena peered breifly into the deen, realizing very quickly what had happened before taking a step back again. Athena's head dipped with sadness, turning her head away. She and Roman were very alike in the way that they did not want to show themselves in moments of weakness so she tried her best to keep her distance but still be there for her sister in her time of need.




2 Years
08-11-2014, 09:11 PM (This post was last modified: 08-16-2014, 09:56 AM by Drashiel.)

Another and another they would file in. First the red-headed wolf whom Drashiel recognized as a member of Roman's pack and then his half-sister Athena. Everything was spinning and moving around him as the brute held perfectly still, body rigid as his eyes rested on the pups. He knew before Greek even spoke that the pups were dead. Limbs felt suddenly weak. Jaw moved as if to say something but he could not force the words from his throat, they clung and clawed at the top of his lungs refusing to dislodge. She'd lost the pups. She'd lost the pups. She'd lost them.

Roman realized the words as he did and Drashiel squeezed his eyes shut as she spoke. He could not bare to gaze at her face so twisted in pain and despair. What madness had brought fate to bestow so cruel a blow to the might queen? NO, he could not merely stand here. Drashiel moved to slip inside the den, reaching out to lick Roman's cheek. "Aye? they're gone. It's not your fault Roman. I won't even allow you time to think that. Not everything always goes as we want it to but you are strong. You are the strongest woman I know and you will make it through this." His voice was soft yet calm and far more assured than he felt. Eyes moved back to the pups. Something must've not quite developed right, after all she had been sick when they were conceived hadn't she? Drashiel felt himself momentarily alarmed at this sudden rush of cold logic as he reached down to take one of the pups in his jaws. She didn't need to be staring at them while trying to recover. He'd take them outside and later they could bury them.


ooc: Drashiel leaves to take the pups and bury them. let me know if you guys want another post from me in this thread



4 Years
08-11-2014, 09:14 PM

[Image: O2SqJTo.png]

Before Elli could even react, more wolves showed up and Greek left and returned with Trillium leaves, precisely what she needed. She was bombarded with questions which she was forced to ignore as she pushed a portion of the Trillium towards Roman. "Roman, eat these. I need to know if you are feeling light headed or any form of fatigue." She said in urgency as the queen realized what was going on. She turned to the man who stated he was Roman's brother. "Your sister is miscarrying. The children she had inside her died from currently unknown causes and because of it, she is in a lot of pain right now and the body is rejecting them." She said to Drashiel before turning her attention back to Roman. The queen asked her a question and she had sorrow in her eyes. "I am so sorry, something went wrong with the children within your body and they did not survive it." She explained the science behind it in a rather vague statement. Next, right, something for the blood! She turned to Azalea. "Do you know what Meadowsweet is? If so, I need you to run to my back-up store just around the bend and get a few samples from it. If not I need you to stay with Roman while I run to get it." She stated, hoping for a quick answer.

[Image: p6FO9J3.png]



6 Years
08-13-2014, 05:50 PM

Azalea stopped pacing as she saw Athena appear. It was odd to see her here, how did she know? Had Drashiel or Greek ran into another wolf and told them to go get help? Maybe Elli?

Regardless of how she knew to be here, Athena was here and now held her head hung as it was verbalized that the puppies were being lost. Suddenly Elli was looking at her and Azalea found herself holding her breath, ears pressed forward. "Do you know what Meadowsweet is? If so, I need you to run to my back-up store just around the bend and get a few samples from it. If not I need you to stay with Roman while I run to get it."

Her eyes grew wider and she shook her head, looking clearly upset by her lack of knowledge. "I don't. I-I never learned that much... I'll stay. Go, go! Go." She was rambling, her words lost in a sea of emotion as she pressed by Elli and Drash to visit Roman's side. She leaned over Roman, pressing their foreheads together and squeezing her eyes shut tight. "You will get through this," she said quietly. She didn't know what else to say. Sorry didn't seem like enough and to tell her she would be okay?

Twice Azalea had felt the maternal love that quickly bound a female to the life forms inside her womb. Roman was losing them before they even had a chance. What cruel life.



7 Years

08-13-2014, 06:24 PM (This post was last modified: 08-19-2014, 10:41 AM by Bass.)

He too had heard the call, soon after him and Athena had finished judging the spars between their members. His eyes locked with hers, concern vivid in both there gazes. He asked her to come with him, and he nodded his head, taking off after the silver female. Pounding across the landscape his ears pinned flat against his head, he knew that it couldn't be good if the strong queen had called out. He saw that Athena did not hesitate at the boarder, so he the same, keeping on her heels as he let her lead the way. She had been here more often than he had, so he trusted her to get them to where Roman was.

The scent of blood was overwhelming, the metallic scent overpowering his entire form. Golden eyes fought to search for Roman's, a sad whine slipping from his mouth. Not caring about the blood, he walked over to the queen and stood behind her, settling his body behind hers. He offered her his warmth, the only thing he could at this moment. With soft murmured words, he began to lick her coat softly, smoothing her wild alabaster coat. He wasn't the best at soothing, he didn't even really understand what had happened. But there was blood, a lot of it. So he kept his body tucked behind hers, his soft tongue caressing her form.


08-15-2014, 11:25 AM

In deep ragged breathes, she could scent the growing mass of wolves outside her den. Her brow furrowed as she strained to hear what they were saying. Then Drashiel was there, and she felt herself relax slightly. He responds to the question she had uttered on ragged breath, and she felt her ears press against her head in response to his words. She didn't feel strong. She could hear Elli speak, but was confused at her words. What had happened? Was her body just hostile? "Was it the poison?" She rasped. Azalea was there then, closer to Roman then she ever had been before, and Roman's violet eyes gazed up at her. She wanted to believe her words, she really did, but she doubted it. It just hurt.. so much.

Then of all wolves to see her in her time of weakness Bass Destrcution, the King of Abaven is there, and she's confused at first by his presence. She's in no mood to argue it though, His warm body is soon pressed up against her own cold one and she revels in the comfort it provides. She lowers her head, resting it on the ground- as the miscarriage saps the fight out of her. A shuddering sigh leaves her and she is quiet. The tears streaming down her face, are the only inclination of the pain she feels- both physical and emotional. Will she get past this?



4 Years
08-16-2014, 11:58 AM

[Image: O2SqJTo.png]

As soon as Azalea spoke, Elli took off at the speed of light. Her eyes narrowed in determination as she worked her way through the trees and towards the private storage of hers, which was the closest that she knew of. She took a small breathe as she searched for the meadowsweet and once she had it she ran back. She arrived just in time to hear Roman's words. "I am sorry Queen Roman but I do not yet know if it was the poison or not. It could have been." She responded as she nudged the correct amount of meadowsweet towards the ailing woman. She had also grabbed motherwort and nudged it towards Roman. "I need you to eat these." She said with urgency. If she was right (I'm basing this off of a google search about wolf miscarriages) then the dead children were being expelled from the body and the sooner they were out, the sooner Roman's physical pain would be gone.

[Image: p6FO9J3.png]