
This is Me



08-17-2014, 08:54 AM

The first of the contractions would be masked by sleep as Song found herself relaxing in the den that late afternoon. The heat of the day would beat her down and under the earth in their little oasis, though her peace would soon be disturbed by the timely arrival of her daughter. Song?s mind would break back through to consciousness as the pain seeped through her small frame. Bicolored eyes would blink open as a groan left her lips, this was the part of pregnancy she was rather not looking forward to. However, since her absense from Ludicael she was feeling particularly strong. So alone, but not afraid she would endure the birth. Her call would be sent to no one, it was likely though that Garth would be there.
Still in the intimate environment she would find herself struggling with little aside from the pain of labor. Though it felt an eternity would pass, the cool air of the night would eventually seep into the cave and greet the newest of Destructions. ?Arivae??




2 Years
08-17-2014, 10:50 AM

The small, closed in space in which the little bundle called home wasn't the most lively place. It was cramped- and over time, the walls that she could feel around her seemed to pressing in closer and closer. There was barely enough room to even move the slightest bit, or to stretch those tiny legs of hers. And she was the only one squeezed in to that tiny space. She couldn't think of it as lonely...because she couldn't see, nor sense much of anything besides feeling. It just...felt empty. Though suddenly, rocking and movement surrounded her tiny form. And within moments she slipped through the unknown, and into a new life. One that she had been completely oblivious to while being trapped inside her old 'home.'
This new space she had slipped into was wasn't cramped, it wasn't dark. Yes...even despite her closed eyes, she could notice the mere change of lighting here. Her little form squirmed around aimlessly, her stubby, wet legs wiggling and reaching out for...something? Though it was exciting to be out of that closed in space...she was almost a bit nervous. Where was she? Why was she here? Was she even safe...? Her little maw slowly opened to a distressed yap, her exhausted body slowly giving out upon the floor and awaiting care...or help, at least.




08-17-2014, 10:51 AM

He had protectively guarded Song's den once the pregnancy had made it difficult for her to walk. His large paws remained muffled as he stepped would pace, ears perking for any sound from the den. Garth had been a good provider once Song was on den rest. He went and caught her food, ensured her water intake, and brought nesting materials when discomfort arose for the small woman. In his mind, he didn't want to spoil her until near the end, when she needed it most. She was still a grown woman who could make her own decisions...and carry his children.
The spring had left and the summer crept into the Ludicael grounds. Garth despised the summer, particularly for the heat and his dark coat was made for winter climates. At the end of his last pace, Garth had reclined outside of Song's den, resting his head on his paws. Ears remained perked for any sign of change from the inside of the Queen's den.
Finally, something did happen. Garth detected something new in the air, aside from Song's scent. It was as if it had mingled with hers in the last few minutes. A soft voice left Song's lips and a name was wrapped in its coils. Darkness had covered the lands and Garth rose with graceful agility for one his size. His massive head peeked in the entrance, ears pricked forward. The time had come and his child, born after many years of not seeing his previous offspring, was here. A smile rose on his features and a soft bark left his kissers, waiting for permission to slip in next to Song.


Requiem I


2 Years
08-17-2014, 02:10 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

It felt wonderful to have his mother back in Ludicael again. She had been gone so long and so much had happened in each of their lives, but despite it all they were able to slip into their old ways as if she had only been gone a few hours rather than a few months. He would have never expected her to take up the old position as leader that she once had, not after everything that had happened and her current condition - it was still hard for Requiem to wrap his mind around the fact she was pregnant - but she had. Though it made him worry about her, it filled him with joy. If Song meant to begin leading them again, it meant she had no intentions of picking up and taking off again. It meant he had his mother back.

He had stayed close at the beginning, half afraid he might wake up one morning and find her gone again, but then the dark male who had shown up with her was always close too. He knew his name, knew that he had helped his mother in her time of need when she had been beyond Ludicael's borders, but his own trust in the man had yet to be built. He felt uncertain around him, a little shy but also guarded. But at least he knew there was someone keeping a careful watch on his mother at all times.

Considering his mother had been spending more time in her den of late, resting and preparing for the birth of her third litter, there was always the chance of stopping by when she was in the middle of a nap or unable to sleep, so he did not think too heavily over dropping by even now that night had fallen. His steps were quiet, softly placed as he wound through the darkening wood that surrounded the springs, his gaze downward and his thoughts absently wondering how she might be faring. It was not until he was closer that the telling scent hit him, alerting him to a change near the den that his mother had recently claimed as her own, and anxiously he hurried to reach it faster.

His steps faltered only when he spotted the large figure of Garth standing within the den's entrance, practically filling the space and hiding his mother's smaller form within its shadows. Requiem stared, hesitant and worried, before he made himself speak to the dark wolf's back. "Is she okay?"



08-24-2014, 10:56 AM

Song would nuzzle her newborn, amazed at how tiny she was, and even more amazed at how much she had to grow. Were her other children ever this small? She?d nudge the tiny girl to her belly, coaxing her to latch on and start to take in the nourishment that was so needed. It would not be very long before Garthinaw was at the entrance of the den, his eyes searching for what he had helped to create. ?Come in, Garth. Come and meet your daughter.? She?d coo quietly with her bicolored gaze fixed upon the tiny dark form at her side.
As she said it though the sound of her son?s voice would flow into the cave, Requiem had come to visit, just in time to meet his new baby sister. She?d find a smile on her features as she tore her sight?s from Arivae?s form, looking for her son. ?Requiem, you may come in too. Meet your sister, Arivae.? She also found herself rather amazed that she had been born alone, this was the only pup that had taken up residence within her womb. Still, she could already feel an unbreakable bond forming.




3 Years
08-28-2014, 12:15 AM (This post was last modified: 08-28-2014, 12:16 AM by Dutiron.)

Dutiron would be a little behind his brother. Something seemed a little off, Saga of course was the main problem he supposed, her hostility towards their mother not exactly creating the nicest of environments for the family. It have the white boy an urge to make sure that his brother was alright and so as Dutiron realised that Requiem was close, he would pause in his own actions and begin to follow the brown boy's steps to catch up with him. It seemed that the other was heading to their mother's den, perhaps it would be the time to leave and let him seek out Song alone if that was what he wished but catching the same scent that Reqiuem had, Dutiron would find himself continuing along, his thoughts now mainly upon their mother as well.

He would arrive in time to catch Song's words, meet your sister. She had given birth then? There were already a couple of other litters, his new uncles and aunt from his grandparents and cousins from Novella and Frith, this however was likely to be the one that would affect him the most, he had a new little sister it seemed. Quietly he would hover behind Garth and Reqiuem, golden eyes seeking a little glimpse of his mother and new sister. Requiem was allowed in, it was likely he would be too once Song realised he had arrived but he would remain silent and not ask for the invitation.

image by lunarcat7



2 Years
08-28-2014, 01:13 AM

She was in the area now, still sticking around and waiting for her mother to give birth. She wasn't leaving Ludicael until she was sure that her newest siblings were safe, and then she'd feel a little better about keeping up to her travelling. Her paws constantly itched to find new ground, the familiarity of the east and it's humid climates were becoming a bore on her adventurous nature. Even her skin wanted to feel the itch of dry air and the bite of frigid wind. However, the sense that something was amiss sent her trotting off in the direction of her mothers den. She just had to check, make sure everything was alright, because she'd feel worse than shitty if she found out something had happened to Song. The pallid princess was dealing with the stress of going into her first heat, and wasn't enjoying the horrors of desiring the things she did, far from happy about the itch in the back of her mind that she couldn't scratch. Nor did she want to find someone to sate her needs, for whatever reasons. She felt like seeing the birth of her latest siblings would remind her of how bad an idea that would be. Children were not something she wanted, not now, and as of now, not ever.

As she reached her mother's den, the alabaster femme was made aware of the scents of birth. So she had been right to come, and now she might get to see her newest siblings! Dainty cranium would lower to peer into the den, and dual toned optics would fix on the pale form of her mother, with a single dark bundle pressed up to her belly. A small smile of glee would twitch upon her dark lips, and the fae would take a small step inside. Congrats mom! Has this little bug got a name yet? She would hum, ivory banner wagging slowly behind her. She wasn't here for the last birth, and before that had been her own, so she had absolutely no idea what she was supposed to do. Did she walk in? Wait outside? She stood there awkwardly, with her head ducked into the den, half in and half out while she stared at the teeny tiny little wolf who was all snuggled up to her mom and suckling milk like nobody's business. What a little cutie! When she was old enough, Lakota felt like she should take the little one exploring. Always good to get out and see the world, as long as you didn't get.. lost...
OOC: Had to butt in, Kota's been waiting for this!!