
Count on It [puppy birthing]


02-05-2013, 09:27 AM

Winter was a bitter season. Most places were buried under layers and layers of snow. That was what Soleil liked about the West. It never failed to flourish in this season of cold. To the West it meant that hot temperatures were brought down. Warm days fading into cold nights. In most cases there was no snow to be had. Soleil walked with purpose. A vagabond once more.

She had been happy as a member of Valhalla. She had found love. Yet fate would not hear of it and a volcano rocked her world. Everyone had fled, moving south into unknown territory. It was still Alacritia but surely this region of the continent had another name from where they were previously. Soleil was aware that this might well end up as home to them all, but it would take time for her to grow truly acquainted to the land. There was always a chance that she might never like this new land. For now her heart wept with the thought of their homeland now hidden under a crust of cooling magma.

The white she-wolf paused as she saw what lie ahead. A lake. A gentle breeze stirred its surface and maybe a hundred yards off the shore grew grapes. It was only a small patch, brought here likely by bird or squirrel. They were soaking up the sun, choking the sapling trees on which they had colonized.

Winter, season of the grape.

Her blue eyes grew clouded and the female doubled over in pain. She realized she had finally found her purpose in seeking out the west when likely most of those she knew had stopped in the north. It was time. The miss was heavy with child and it seemed now they were choosing to be born.

In a panic she realized that she had lost track of Collision for a good while now. Alone in a strange new place with no pack or mate to help her and ease her mind. She wondered if Collision would find her, if he would protect her, and then she realized that was foolish thing to ask herself because Collision would always take care of her.

The wolf settled under a tree, the lake before her, grapes to the left and open pastures to the right. Panting heavily she cried out as a contraction ripped through her, "Collision!"

Table by Amanda, Image by Lutara



02-05-2013, 11:06 PM

He had seen pain and remarkable tolerance towards it in the past few months. He had witnessed grievance at it's finest, stepped up to ward off the biddings of the world when everyone else was fighting too hard to be strong. Was it some cruel retribution they had to be? Atonement, perhaps. Why when things were at their worst did nature seem to react? The burning fumes of toxic smoke curdling in the air. Molten flames devouring everything. Alacritis had become hell. But, had they left it? No, they had merely relocated, sought out a new domain to proclaim as their own. Hopefully this time it would mean something powerfully permanent.

the grey brute was roaming the lands his purpose being to find s shelter for his family. Valhalla needs would come much later. His center was Soleil, and the babes that grew within' her fat little stomach. Oh how she'd kill him if he said that out load. Pregnant people were indeed temperamental.

Though, his games and personal laughter would cease, thoughts began to burn in his head as he heard his name summoned through a series of cries. Well, naturally she wasn't tough, everyone knew that, but this was something else entirely, and it didn't take the brute long to pair the fact she looked like she was gonna explode with that of the gut-wrenching sounds she commandeered. Arriving in the arena eyes glared around until he happened upon the white silhouette of his lover, immediately her pain soaked bodice made him feel ever so guilty. This was all his fault.

Waiting as patiently as he could, he kept a distance, birthing mothers having a tendency not to want anyone around he would not risk having retribution wrought upon him. Though, admittedly what was happening here, was kinda cool.



02-06-2013, 10:45 PM

The pale female panted heavily, looking around with a panic in her eyes. There was no one there and it felt like forever before her eyes finally locked on Collision. It was clear in her eyes, the relief she felt to have him there. She wasn't alone. In a normal situation the small wolf would be self conscious having him stand there watching her but with contractions ripping through her she really couldn't even be bothered.

She was going to call him over. She was going to demand him to cuddle her. She couldn't do either and it was clear that Collision wasn't looking to approach her. The healer couldn't complain. On one paw she wanted him there to comfort and reassure her, on the other paw she wanted privacy and had grew up on the idea that giving birth was something to do alone. Who had time for standards though?

It was finally time to start pushing, her delicate body showing off just how strong it really was. There was nothing quite like the battle to bring new life into the world. And boy was there nothing quite like the pain.

A puppy. Male.

Soleil licked him off, her heart leaping into her throat when the small life form cried out. She had time enough to nudge him in the right direction, her tail wagging near the tip. Then her body tensed, legs bracing.

Another puppy. Another male. She did the same as the first puppy. The following contractions being more brutal than before. The puppy that followed was smaller than the others and vigorously as she worked, she couldn't rouse it. Stillborn. No amount of effort would bring life to an already dead puppy.

She settled in with her two puppies, certain that was the last of them. The lifeless pup lay near her paws and though her heart ached for it, she needed to focus on the living. They suckled greedily, kneading her belly to persuade milk to flow. It was almost an instant reaction. She was about to call to Collision when she was again taken by contractions. They lasted longer than the others, much like the ones that came before the stillborn puppy, and she feared for another just like it. As a horrible dread came over her, another puppy was born. She licked the puppy with more vigor than before, desperate to make this one live. It wasn't moving.

When finally a cry was heard, Soleil was the happiest wolf in the world. She emitted an "ar-roo-oo," of joy. Her eyes lit up and picked the puppy up to place it with the others. Three puppies. She panted heavily but it was hard to imagine that she had ever been happier. She felt so full, so complete. This was her life as it was meant to be.

She looked over to Collision, eyes bidding him to come to her. He needed to see them, to revel in this moment as she was.

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02-09-2013, 01:39 PM

The palladin would remain silent. His paws pressed near eachother and his grey skull watching her intently. The arkhos's golden eyes keenly observing the birth of his-their children. A delighted smile would play on his lips at his distance, perhaps not the most beautiful state he had observed her in, but what was there to be displeased with. She was the mother of his young, and he loved her dearly.

One by one they would come from her, two perfect being, two creatures that would become no less great than the parents themselves, he had been more rough of late than perhaps he had been with anyone in a long time, but did it matter? Could he truly be so coarse with life? As the third entity was brought from her womb the answer was clear; yes. Even in the wake of happiness, and pleasure, spawned destruction. Where there was life, there was death, but, even as he seemed to falter, two children, two children would tie him to this earth, along with their magnificent mother.

There was no time to leave her with such a vision, no time to have her bow to sorrow in such a happy hour, eyes would grow on the young, lifeless male, and for the first time, the king would move towards his bride, but aimed at the failed youth. His mouth would grab the tiny thing by the scruff as two others clambered for their mother's belly, begging for food. He would begin to bring the small pup away, but not before hearing another sharp whimper from his beloved.

Gently, he would lay the youth on the earth. Prodding it with his nose one last time in hopes that it would suddenly being breathing and also reach for its mother, but alas, upon turning, he was brought to the realization that there were not just two being suckling from their mother, but three. A smile would pull at his inky lips, and he would make the same cry of joy as his wife.

The lord's body would deliver to her side and he would lay down beside her, burying his dead would come shortly after, His head would arch over her shoulder as she lay on the Earth and with a smile he would run his muzzle the course of her neck, "You've done perfectly," He would compliment, the joy evident in his eyes. Looking at each of the babes he noticed so many aspects of both of them, the most unique the young girl with the brown head, no less from him. He would laugh lightly and look at her, "Name them," It was her job, after all, she had done most of the work.




02-09-2013, 02:36 PM
Valhalla... home... the volcano had spread everyone that she had known as a pup, and the little Adravendi woman for a while had been alone. Yet it wouldn't be for long - she would follow the scent of family, let herself wander over the western lands. Steeled blue eyes flicked over the area, her ears perked atop her head as she listened for signs of life. Yet it wasn't a sound that caught her attention, but a particular scent - one of hormones and blood and a newness that she had never come across before. The scent of birth - Collision and his mate were here, and it seemed that the little woman had finally popped. Soliel was a mother - and that meant that Chrysanthe herself was an aunt. A part of her was buzzing with excitement, for how often does one gain new family this way? Yet another was not sure what to feel, she had no experience whatsoever with pups, nor mothers with pups, and although she was family to Collision in name she was not sure whether his mate felt the same way. The last thing that she wanted to do was to upset the new mother.

And so the female waited, her head shifting in the mother's direction quite while away when she heard her howl. Healthy children, she would not be celebrating if they weren't. Chrys grinned, daring to step closer, to let herself be seen by the couple. In the end, she stood before the two, mere feet between she and the growing family. "Collision, Soliel - congratulations." Her words were simple but joyous, and the smile on her face was celebratory. The woman's tail wagged gently behind her, the only obvious way that one could tell that she was brimming with excitement. "How many are there? Are they boys or girls?" Her voice was surprisingly quiet, composed as she voiced a couple of her inquiries. She was full of questions, curiosity about the birthing, but she would be patient with how quickly she received -or didn't receive- her answers. Her eyes would roam from the eyes of the new parents to the tiny wriggling pups laying beside their mother. They were far from cute at this moment - but they were clearly something to be proud of.
She couldn't wait to know their names.

"Talk like this
ooc: I hope that it's okay if I post here (:


02-10-2013, 12:52 AM

Without question the dame's steely mate sauntered over and grabbed away the lifeless body. Honestly, Soleil hardly noticed. Her attention consumed with bidding life into the last whelp. When it was finally over and she had expressed her joy, Collision was right there to join in. He too sounded his enthusiasm. Her tail thumped the ground and she leaned into him as he lay down near her and nuzzled into her.

"You've done perfectly!" He proclaimed. Soleil's blue eyes locked on the puppy that Collision had moved. For a moment she doubted his words but then she considered everything that had happened lately. The loss of Guinevere. An unexpected volcano eruption. They had truly been tested and to lose one puppy rather than them all was more a blessing than anything. Her moment of grief was interrupted, cut off by the shrill cry of one of the puppies who squirmed in the curve of her abdomen. They were so tiny. Instinct made her first reaction to nudge and lick them, reassuring them and drawing them close.

When another wolf arrived, Soleil was taken off guard. Instantly she tensed up, a growl bubbling in her throat. Likely everything about her reaction was surprising to Collision. She felt an intense need to protect the newborns. It surprised even her how fierce she felt at the moment. She looked up to see a creamy wolf with a dark face. One ear was not colored and her eyes were a tell-tale blue. This wolf was family. "Collision, Soliel - congratulations." Those were her worlds.

Soleil swallowed her overpowering drive to get rid of the female. If she were to go after Chrysanthe then Collision would to pull her off and in the end it would only mean that Soleil would feel really bad about it and make Collision find the herbs to heal the wounds she would inflict. No need attacking family, plus the pup was merely curious.

Chys hadn't been around any litters as far as she knew plus she was likely just as lost as they were. After a prolonged silence, Soleil finally managed a smile. She looked at Collision, meeting his solid gaze. "Name them," he bid while the yearling she-wolf worked slowly closer. "How many are there? Are they boys or girls?" Soleil motioned the young wolf closer, sidelining Collision's question. "It's alright, Chrysanthe, you can come see them. Be slow and gentle." Soleil paused, feeling rushed to lay down ground rules, "Don't touch. There are two boys and a girl. See? The little female looks quite like you, doesn't she?"

Newborn puppies or not, Soleil was a friendly as ever. More friendly even. She wanted to let the young wolf take in the situation so that she could remember it later in life. She was just relieved the rest of the yearlings weren't with her, then she would feel like she was on exhibit.

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02-11-2013, 09:16 PM

The ashen based beast would remain with his head locked over his lover, eyes staring down in sheer adoration of the lives she had delviered into the world. A smile stained upon his lips his xanthous eyes swallowed them whole, taking every exact piece of them to memory. Oh, but he wished to have titles for them, titles that would declare their independency and set them apart from anyone in all of alacritia. Their thin bodies pulling supplments and nourishment from their mother, only made him ponder, what would they do? Valhalla was gone, what would he seek out to protect his family? He could only protect against so many...Where was Cairo...He knew where Erani and the boy's children were, but as far as Cairo....he was completely vanished.

Lost in thought the lord would be brought to a slow vibration in his lover, alarming at first he realized that it was another she was sending her attention to. Eyes would grow upwards and he would place his sights on Chrysanthe. Cairo's daughter. What was she doing so near? Nevermind, he smiled politely and reared from his wife to move near her skull. He knew very well she didn't want to hurt they babe, she was merely being protective. Mother's intuition. He would nod gently to her, a smile warming his features and the canine would watch as Soleil invited her to come see their youth.

Collision noticed for the first time that Chrysanthe really did look like his only daughter, so peculiar. So peculiar indeed, especially considering they weren't related by blood, only by adoption. Still, Soleil had offered the white genetics the young woman bore, him the brunette made sense. Oddly enough though, Chrysanthe only had two-thirds of her head wrapped in the warm brunette, such an odd pattern, but it didn't subtract from his sister in the slightest.

His gaze would follow the course of his lover's body. She had done so perfectly, even in pregnancy it had been no secret how completely attracted to her he was, and now it was going to remain that way. No secret. They were both far too young to pretend things were off limits. Besides, she was indeed his and everyone needed to know it. Collision and Soleil. Perfection. Lips remained in a simply simper, drawn apart slowly with an idea, "That first male, Soleil, can we call him Soleon?"




02-12-2013, 04:05 PM
The female watched the smaller one, her blue eyes locking with the woman's own for a moment. She didn't seem to be too happy to see her at first, but the yearling pressed forward and asked her questions regardless. She would stay on her toes with Soliel, and watch to make sure that she didn't make her upset. Yet even after her congratulations it seemed that she was not calming completely, the young female could still see the tenseness of the other woman's muscles, and Chrysanthe found herself holding her breath in response to the tension.

It was a standoff, albeit accidental. And Chrys was moments from turning around and leaving when the older female smiled. It was enough for her to inch closer, but she remained wary. There was nothing stopping this woman from attacking - she wasn't family, she had no reason to look after her or see her as such. If the new mother wanted to attack then she had every right to... and so she froze, only staring as she was beckoned closer, but she was still attentive. Her ears twitched as she was told what to do, how to handle the tiny pups, like she was some sort of monster, or incapable of understanding just how precious the puppies were.

Two boys and a girl, Chrysanthe nodded, looking at them with a softened expression. Her feelings toward their mother were not quite identifiable - but she couldn't help but love their tiny squirming form. The yearling smiled when she realized that yet - one did look a bit like her. "She does - how peculiar." Almost like they were really family - like Chrys had the right to call herself the children's aunt even though their family was a bit strange. "They're precious." She said, finally, before stepping back. The young female's gaze turned to Collision, smiling as he offered to begin naming their children. He wanted to name one Soleon - a name that sounded much like a mixture of the two of their names. Chrysanthe nodded in approval.

But... Perhaps this was something that the couple should have to themselves. "Thank you for letting me see them." No longer wishing to intrude any farther, she moved to leave. It was something that she knew was right but... it was strange. It left her missing her siblings, her father, her mother. Yet she would show no sign of anything but quiet praise. She would come back later with something hunted, and ask what they had named them - but for the most part she would take to wandering yet again. Without Valhalla she had no reason to stay in one place.

"Talk like this."


02-13-2013, 12:04 AM

Collision's reaction to the newcomer was slower than she had expected. He was too enthralled with the puppies. The inbetween of A and B were insignificant otherwise. Chrysanthe would live to see another day, not a scratch on her, and the pair moved on to politely greet the young wolf.

She was kin, after all, it would rude not to.

The male beside her relaxed when Chrys was invited over to join them and he settled back in to look on in adoration. When he spoke up again, Soleil wasn't expecting it and was taken off guard. "THAT FIRST MALE, SOLEIL, CAN WE CALL HIM SOLEON?" Soleon. When she heard it she first thought of the sun and all things solar. Light. Energy. Then she realized that probably wasn't what her mate meant at all but rather, upon further examination of the name, it was like a mashing of both their names. It fit well and she loved it from the minute it came off his lips.

The female turned her head, licking his muzzle swiftly. "It's perfect!"

Chrysanthe sat sidelined, still frozen in awkward silence after Soleil's initial reaction. She didn't know how to say sorry to the young female or how to convince her that she wouldn't bite. The wolf didn't walk away though, she stayed where she was, watching the tiny bodies from a distance. Her face lit up a bit when she noticed the runt. "She does - how peculiar." Was her response to Soleil's words.

There was a moments pause and then, "They're precious." With that Chrys backed off more. "Thank you for letting me see them." With that Chrysanthe slowly and quietly moved off. Soleil could feel the relief seep into her and scolded herself internally for being so uptight. In the end she was left with a sour feeling in her stomach. She needed to be easier on Chrys and the others. They had lost their mother and it was anyone's guess if Cairo was alright.

Eyes watched as the yearling disappeared from sight then her gaze wandered to Collision. She sighed heavily, sad for a long quiet minute, then she turned her attention back to the task at hand. "I know what I want to name the girl!" She declared, waiting for him to ask "what?"

After a good pause she looked at the little runt with her dark head and white body. "Azalea." She thought it was a beautiful name for the newborn. It still left one to be named though.

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02-13-2013, 01:21 PM

Collision kept a solid stature as usual, his long legs beneath him as he sat upright, giving soleil room to speak to Chrys. She would make comments of his youth, nothing disrespectful of course, and it was highly appreciated, for he wasn't the one to be feared. It was indeed his wife. Chrys would quickly bid her pardon. The golden eyed king would speak up as she turned to leave, urgency in his tone, he was not going to lose her. "Don't stray beyond my recognition, there is much to decide, and I won't lose you in the meantime," Salmon tongue would roll from his lips and slide across his inky lips as he finished speech, attention acutely turned back to his youth. Hopefully, he would prove to be a good father. It was indeed pertinent.

Proud simper would draw across his facade upon turning back to his young and wife. Soleon. Collision and Soleil. Such a blissful incorporation of the two. Hopefully, he would prove to be a powerful, capable young man. She seemed to agree with the name he had chosen, proudly shouting it was perfect and that really made the sovereign feel as though he had done something right already. Her tongue would lace his face and he would be left with one of many kisses from her. His head would run the length of her own and he would look at his other two bits of perfection. What would they call them? Tail tapped against the ground until it too seemed Soleil knew exactly what to do. His bride would smile, and look at the babe, cooing a single word. Azalea. Like a flower. She surely was as pretty as one. And may death due the pardoning bid anyone albeit himself who noticed it.

"Perfect," His large frame would settle again against the Earth and beside his wife. After figuring a title for their final whelp, he would need to speak to her on his plans for them all. He was not going to leave them to pillage as dreadful vagabonds by themselves. His family would be surrounded, provided for, and raised in an environment that would sprout undeniably capable canine. "What about Fire? Nice, simple," The male looked at her carefully in endearing wait, the timing easy, conversation light and casual. It was not the best name he could have come up with, but surely the male could grow into it if she liked the title.



02-15-2013, 09:49 PM

As Chrysanthe went to leave, Collision was quick to give her guidelines. She didn't blame him. In this foreign land, getting lost could mean the difference between life and death, especially for a yearling like her. Soleil was lucky that she had Collision to stand with. Without him she would have no one. Without him she might have no made it out at all. She could be dead right now.

The female reached up, spontaneously snuggling into him and smothering him in love in a silent thanks. When he pronounced a name, she praised him for it. It was a wonderful choice and in return she get equal praise for her choice. So that left one. What would they name him? Both were quiet, lacking a suggestion to give him significance.

"WHAT ABOUT FIRE? NICE, SIMPLE," Soleil turned her eyes to Collision as he spoke before her. He received an "are you serious" face. The last thing she wanted to even think about was fire. "Gael." It came to her mind seemingly out of the blue so it was a rushed response. "What about Gael?" She asked, slowing her voice.

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02-24-2013, 04:21 PM

The sire would happily look at his children, his wife, their perfection available for the world to see, yet for him to hold. The brute would swallow their entire scent, his ache to protect them burning ever so fierce. His head would continue to lovingly nuzzle her own, "Gael, it's perfect," and upon saying those words, voicing the perfection of what was here, he would rise, "Soleil...I must revive Valhalla. This family needs a place where protection and love is constant, Valhalla always possessed this," his head would turn and he would stand, "Let them nurse, I will return," The brute would only be gone a bit, building a shelter for them throughout the next hour, it was there they would stay until he found a good and proper territory for them to call their own, he would supply for his beloved powerfully, he would do so dutifully, and without call to fail. There was no room for the deep shaded male to just give up. No one had ever given up on him. In Valhalla. The rest of the world, eh, that was negotiable.

-Exeunt Collision-