
Where Do People Like Us Float? (Festival Spar)



5 Years
08-09-2014, 12:16 PM
ooc: blarg short sorry!

At last! Sweet release! The mercenary moved away from the gathering to claim a flat clearing as the spot where she would spar her fellow packmate Jupiter. She knew little of the woman except that Artemis held her in high regard. This would be a thrilling match, she was sure of it! And while others might be disappointed to fight members of their own pack D?gmar felt differently in this instance. It was a perfect chance to test the substance of Elysium. Tipping back her head she howled for Jupiter.

Jupiter I


7 Years
08-10-2014, 11:26 PM

[Image: G6wzw14.png]

Jupiter had kept to herself in Elysium, more or less lurking under the affiliation, biding her time, gut tight with anticipation. She knew only Artemis and that was all she wished to know--to her, nobody else had earned it. Paws carried her to her summons, Mercury close behind. An obsidian woman smelling of Elyisum appeared to be her caller. Brilliant celestial eyes flickered briefly with interest from lowered dial. Legs stopped her moving form about two yards from the other woman, facing her head-on, defenses setting immediately, no words leaving her lips in that moment.

Ears tipped back, legs spreading to distribute her weight, eyes narrowing and hackles raising. Tail flagged even with her spine and head lowered, jaw parting slightly to serve as minor guard to her throat, shoulder blades shifting forward to protect her chest. Neck scrunched as the scarred firebird drew the layers of fat and fur close together. Muscles tensed with preparation, toes splayed and claws dipped slightly into the lakeside soil. Head turned briefly to fix her gaze upon Mercury. Only the brief connection of their eyes was needed for leagues to communicate between them--within an instant, the tasmanian devil backed off, settling down comfortably to watch the spar.

"Your move." There were no formalities, no introductions. It seemed like the dark beast had already heard of the scarred phoenix. Jupiter planned on earning her name should she be a worthy opponent, but until then, the itch in her paws proved too violent and overbearing to prolong with petty talk. It was like this that the woman waited, attentive eyes slitted and watching.

jupiter vs. daegmar


festival spar

zero ONE TWO

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.



5 Years
08-17-2014, 04:06 PM

Poison dripping off my fangs...

D?gmar dipped her head in greeting as her opponent showed but there was no need for words. They were both here to fight. The green-eyed wraith squared off against her opponent her defenses slipping into practiced place. Wiry fur stands on end as hackles lace down her back. Velveteen ears pin tightly to the mercenary's crown, her emerald eyes narrowing as jaws part to release her ivory fangs. D?gmar's head lowered to align with her spine her chin dipping down to help shield her neck. Tail moved gracefully to also align with her spine. Lithe shoulders rolled sensuously forward as her neck scrunched back pushing fur and flesh over the vitals in her neck. Abdomen tensed as her limbs spread equally apart the joints bending slightly as her legs coiled, ready to spring. Her toes splayed out to steady her balance, claws digging sharply into the dirt. D?gmar's weight spread evenly across the limbs as her center of gravity lowered.

D?gmar could tell her opponent was a practiced warrior and as a fellow wolf of Elysium she knew that there was a heightened level of violence expected with this battle. Besides, they'd all been denied bloodshead in the siege. Time to tear flesh asunder even if they were packmates. D?gmar took a deep breath, letting silence fall for just a moment before legs of coiled steel unfurled launching D?gmar straight-on for Jupiter before D?gmar shifted a few inches to her own right.

D?gmar's neck curved up and to her right, head turning to her left as fangs sought the left side of Jupiter's face. Upper fangs hoped to embed themselves in the russet femme's left eye socket, the lower fangs seeking to latch underneath Jupiters lowers jaw just in front of the corner of the jaw. D?gmar hoped to get a solid grip and potentially blind her opponents left eye.

As jaws moved in an attempted bite for Jupiter's face, D?gmar's left shoulder shoulder thrusted forward and up as she attempted to ram the top of her shoulderblade into the lower portion of Jupiter's trachea just above the top of the sternum. She hoped to knock the breath from her opponent and maybe bruise or crush the organ.

As D?gmar's weight shifted to her back haunches and left front leg for the shoulder throw her right forelimb lifted of the ground. D?gmar sought to wrap her right forepaw behind the middle of Jupiter's left foreleg a few inches above the wrist. Spread toes and claws sought to snag the limb and pull it forward, hopefully to throw her opponent off balance.

D?gmar vs Jupiter

For Festival Spar

Round: 1 of 2?

[Image: Dag_bot_zps26a4da16.jpg]

Jupiter I


7 Years
08-18-2014, 08:18 PM

[Image: G6wzw14.png]

Her opponent didn't toy with their time with petty words and this was to Jupiter's favor. Standing defenses held strong as she waited for the woman to gather herself, attentive eyes watching the Elysium femme, searching for any shift. Her brow furrowed with concentration, knotting the flesh around her narrowed optics. When the change came, it was explosive, in a form that she'd been faced with many times--a head on charge--but Jupiter held her ground until she saw it: the rightward shift in the other's trajectory.

She rose up and forward on haunches in a sudden burst of energy to meet the oncoming dark woman. Back legs braced and shifted back to balance herself better against the incoming impact. Tail flagged parallel with the ground to try and hold her balance and back claws sinking into the earth to keep herself from sliding. Muscles in her chest relaxed to make the collision less damaging to her if it came. Ears remained pinned so they could not be so easily grabbed. The other woman curved her neck to her right as she advanced, head cocking to the left and teeth flashing toward Jupiter's eyes, and in response Jupiter shifted her own head forward, cocking her head to her left. She would, in this motion, try to sink her fangs into the left side of the wolf's neck and try to grab the flesh in the middle of its broad area between her teeth.

Other's attacking shoulder throw caught her by surprise. The shoulder collided harshly with the center of her chest due to her own upward rise, inflicting heavy bruising she would feel later, but it was better than her throat being caved in by the woman's possibly-lethal attack. Chest would stiffen after impact and she would try press back with every last ounce of her strength-built weight and try to pin the she-wolf's shoulder awkwardly between them, seeking to abuse its position later should it hold. The woman was built like an athlete--lithe and thin, so Jupiter hoped that it wouldn't be too awfully difficult to overpower the other's push.

Breath left her slightly from the impact and pain flashed through her left temple at the same time--the lass' top teeth had grazed across her knotted brow and found the left side of her forehead (right between her chipped ear and her eye) and bottom incisors had landed on the back left edge of her bottom jaw. Both shallowly pierced her flesh but there was a potential for deeper wounds if the other tried to apply pressure. Air returned to her in the form of a sharp, instinctive, and inward hiss at the pain and she regained her focus quickly.

Simultaneous with her rise upwards was the rise of her paws. Front legs were flung upwards to try and latch around the slightly-shorter woman's neck, aiming to grip her left paw at the top of the other's right shoulder blade and her right paw at the nape of her neck. She would seek to cling to the woman in this manner. This would cause the other's attempt to hook her left leg out from under her to fail, having been made under the assumption that she would merely hold her ground on all fours.

defenses: weight upon her back legs, tail parallel with ground for balance, toes splaying, back claws sinking into the ground. brow knotted, eyes narrowed, chest muscles softened for the blow (based on, for example, someone tensed up when they hit the ground [if they're flung from a car in a car crash or something of the like] will do a lot more damage to their body than someone relaxing) and then tensing afterwards. ears pinned back to try and keep them from getting grabbed easily. the movement of her head forward in her attack on d?gmar's neck spares her left eye. her legs rising upwards causes d?gmar's attempt at a hook to miss because it was made on the assumption that her front left leg would stay on the ground.

attacks: rises up on back legs to meet d?gmar's charge, pushing her own greater body weight forward. her neck cocks to the left to try and sink her teeth into the middle area of d?gmar's neck, trying to close her jaws on the flesh there. paws are attempting to wrap around the woman's neck to cling tightly to her. her pressing forward is also an attempt to make use of d?gmar pushing her left shoulder forward by pinning it between their colliding chests.

injuries: heavy bruising to chest, skin-piercing incisions on her temple and the left edge of her lower jaw (right at the apex/outside of the bone) where d?gmar's teeth are gripping her face (further damage pending).

ooc: PM me if it confuses you any. been a terribly long time since I've fought.

jupiter vs. daegmar


festival spar

ONE two

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.



5 Years
08-23-2014, 10:36 PM
SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT! insane RL strikes again

Poison dripping off my fangs...

Jupiter blasted forward, body raising as she met D?gmar in violent contact. The upper portion of D?gmar's left shoulder blade missed her intended target but collided violently with the direct center of Jupiter's chest. D?gmar winced at the pain knowing she'd receive moderate bruising to the upper portion of her left shoulder blade for her brazen attack. D?gmar's fangs just missed their mark as upper fangs sank into the left side of Jupiter's forehead halfway between left ear and left eye. The bottom fangs dug into the back left edge of Jupiter's bottom jaw but it was a glancing blow as Jupiter pulled forward for her own assault. Jupiter's front limbs lifted causing D?gmar's trip attempt to fail and the green-eyed fae quickly brought the hovering limb down to steady herself as the other woman pushed against her. Limbs coiled, lowering her center of gravity as she evenly distributed her weight to her limbs. Toes splayed and claws dug into earth.

D?gmar quickly stepped sideways to her own right as her fangs slipped off Jupiter's flesh. However, she was too close and didn't have enough time to dodge Jupiter's attack and a pain-filled yelp slipped from her maw as her opponent's jaws fastened into the direct center of the left side of her neck in a grip. Fangs dug through scrunched fur and flesh leaving moderate woulds that punctured about half an inch into muscle, causing blood to blossom over her mottled fur. Her last minute shuffle prevented a more severe wound but all the same she'd been caught, held fast by the other female as Jupiter's front limbs wrapped around her. Shit. Jupiter's front left paw grasped onto her right shoulder blade and the right front paw at the nape of her neck. There was no where to go and the pain beat through her brain. D?gmar's fur and hackles remained raised, ears still pinned tight against her crown. Eyes remained narrowed and focused as her jaws parted once more in ready assault. Tail aligned with her spine, shoulders were rolled forward and neck scrunched back as her core tightened.

Coiled limbs unfurled as D?gmar attempted to push herself forward her upper body lifting, weight shifting back to her haunches as her forelimbs rose. The pads of her left forepaw sought to slam to into the exact center of Jupiter's chest. D?gmar's right forepaw aimed to catch the center of Jupiter's diaphragm, just below the bottom of the sternum where flesh was left unprotected by the ribcage. If she got lucky perhaps she could cause Jupiter's breath to catch even if only for a moment. However, her main goal in striking with her paws was to use the uncoiling power of her haunches to push Jupiter over onto her back, especially as Jupiter's weight was already focused back in her hind legs so her front one's could wrap around D?gmar.

At the same time she lunged D?gmar's neck moved once again to her own right her head twisting to the left in an attempt to seize the lower left side of Jupiter's neck near the base, just in front of the femme's left upper arm where she'd have a better shot at digging into the carotid artery which would lie closer to the surface than the jugular. D?gmar sought to pressure Jupiter's own flesh against the artery to cut off blood flow and if she were lucky perhaps sever it but she'd have to work her way through considerable flesh and fat to sever a major blood vessel.

D?gmar vs Jupiter

For Tournament

Round: 2/2

[Image: Dag_bot_zps26a4da16.jpg]