
Wealth and Taste



1 Year
08-17-2014, 02:33 PM
AW - Any Bevroren wolves would be appreciated. Possible joining maybe?

It was so tempting, almost to tempting. He stared at the marks of the woods before him, the borders that he might be inclined to cross without permission. He was asking himself the important questions though, like what if a freedom fight was one that he could not win. As he contemplated, his tail thumped up and down onto the ground as he fell back onto his haunches to sit as he contemplated such a security breach. Freedom was his kind of fight, one that he would never pass up but still he wasn't sure he was comfortable with it in the new lands he had found. This pack, these entire lands known as Alacritia were lands that he had never even heard of until he had found them.

Oh what to do.

Perhaps he could call and get a read on the pack before attempting to cross the lines and risk being claimed as a prisoner of the pack. Perhaps that pack was so friendly that they would let any old wolf cross the borders without an issue. He had seen stranger. He decided that he would like to do some scouting to get a read on the pack and that mean that he would NOT cross the borders but remain a few paces off as he let out a call. "HELLLLLOO? Anybody home?" He would call out with a small smirk of amusement in his eyes but an expressionless muzzle. He was on a mission and he could not get distracted.



08-17-2014, 05:27 PM

She was always watching, always had her eyes in the members within the ranks as well as on the borders. So when the scent of a stranger reached her nose, the fox coloured wolf stalked forward, keeping herself expertly hidden in the shadows. She narrowed her eyes at the brown male who was teasing their borders. A rough growl left her maw as she moved from out of her hiding place, brown eyes cutting into his form. "Of course there are wolves here, this is a pack after all." She said, her voice a bit rough as she squared her small shoulders. As Athena's personal messenger, she also had a job to keep her eye on all things Bevroren, and this male was not one of them. What brought him here anyways? She didn't like that smug look on his face, and was half tempted to slap it off his form.

She didn't set her small body down on the earth, she just stared at the stranger. She did not offer her own name, or ask or his. "What are you doing here?" She asked bluntly, her white tail swaying behind her like an angered cat. She was very protective of her new home, even if she didn't quite trust everyone within it. She was a hard nut to crack, only Athena was able to get her to even talk about herself, and even then it was rare.



1 Year
08-17-2014, 05:41 PM

The figure that appeared was a bit of a shock to him but he kept his same emotionless maw with his amused eyes trained on her. She looked almost like a fox and it made him wonder if she acted like one too. She responded to his call with her own rough voice. He started to analyze what the pack might be like through her and his eyes narrowed slightly in concentration for what he was doing. It wasn't until she asked what he was doing at the borders that be broke this deep concentration to answer somewhat honestly. "I'm just observing really. I'm trying to decide if my actions are worth it or not." He left the comment vague on purpose to see how she might react to his borderline words.

So far the pack didn't seem too bad of a fight as he slowly stood and walked alongside the borders. His paws dared to dance close to the edges to see if he could get the woman before him to snap. That was his favorite thing to do. He loved knowing what made wolves tick, what their hot spots were. She was much smaller and no doubt way faster than him. He towered over her as he stood. He was most likely a lot stronger than her and probably more aggressive. "I was thinking about seeking entry into a pack but I need to get a proper read on the packs around here to make sure I choose the right one." He explained further with his eyes locked on her form to watch her every movement.



08-17-2014, 06:44 PM

She glared back at his watchful eyes, not liking how he was studying her. That was her job, to watch and observe, not the other way around. Holding her head up high, she scoffed at his words. "Actions do speak much louder than words, if you know how to use them to your advantage." She said, her ears pinning flat against her skull when he teased their borders. Haruka was very level headed, it took quite a bit to make her mad. She was defensive, yes, but that was different than anger. She knew their size difference was quite large, but that didn't mean that she wasn't a skilled fighter. Smirking at the male, she took a few steps closer to him.

A proper read on the pack, eh? Huffing out a soft laugh, she shook her small head back and forth at him. "Perhaps it is you that needs to prove yourself good enough for this pack. Is that easy enough for you, big boy?" She teased, leaving about a two feet between the two wolves, allowing him access into the pack to prove his worth to her. She may not be able to accept him, but she sure would be able to test him. Setting her own defenses, she allowed this male to decide if he wanted to fight or not. This wouldn't be something for the death, or major injuries either. Just a little spar if you will, for this strange male to prove that he would be worth carrying Bevroren's scent on him.


Round 0 of 3



1 Year
08-17-2014, 07:01 PM (This post was last modified: 08-17-2014, 08:30 PM by Aurelio.)
Permission to edit given by Eve and staff

She challenged him with words of her own, saying that maybe he needed to prove himself before the pack he sought acceptance into proved themselves to him. He gave her a small but sly grin. "Before I prove myself I need to figure out if I even want to prove myself." He would counter her as she challenged him silently to a spar. He grinned even more as he rolled his neck, feeling a soft crack like the cracking of knuckles. There was about two feet between him and the mysterious woman from the mysterious pack. It would be a fight that he would definitely enjoy. He supposed it would be his attack first since she seemed to present herself in a way to suggest that it was the truth. Normally he might have gone for something like a maim or some other serious injury but he decided to play it safe and call it a spar as she suggested.

He would keep his eyes locked on her as he danced from side to side briefly before he leapt forth towards her, crossing the border in order to start the spar which he assumed he was allowed since she started this idea, and aimed to fly past her left side. He still towered over her so he would duck his head and attempt to snap at both of her left legs as he passed by. His aim was simple enough, make her hesitate or perhaps even let her develop a small limp until the bites heal if he were to hit his mark. As he flew by he would also attempt to ram her right shoulder in order to bruise it as he tried to prove himself to her. He had to admit her mysterious behavior had intrigued him enough to try and prove himself.

Once he made his attempts he would immediately start with his defensive measures. His legs would spread slightly to lower his center of gravity while his claws would dig into the earth to keep him steady. His head would lower slightly to protect his neck while his eyes would lock on her frame again to prepare for her attacks. His eyes would narrow has his scruff scrunched up to further protect his neck. His tail would fold softly against his body to limit the amount of space his body took up which would hopefully make it harder for her to hit. His ears would fold back against his head with this same goal as he prepared for whatever she had to throw at him.

Round 1 of 3 for SPAR



08-17-2014, 08:55 PM

He told her that he wanted to wait to see if he would even fight her, but she wasn't daft, she knew that he was going to come after her. Keeping that smirk on her maw she set her own defenses as she waited, legs bending slightly, her ears laying flat against her skull. Both her head and her tail aligned with her spine. Her tail was straight out behind her, aiding in her balance and quick movements. Shoulders rolled forward as her chin tucked, protecting her little neck from any teeth that dared impale her there. Haruka spread her toes, claws biting into the frozen terrain. As her hackles rose, her lips pulled back in a snarl as her eyes squinted, further protecting her eyes. As she saw the brute start to move towards her, Haruka tensed her muscles as he came at her, fully ready to dodge if needed.

As Aurelio charged for her, she was fully ready for it. He came at her on her left side, and she quickly slid her body to the right to dodge his attack. Or at least she thought so. Haruka was just a little too late in her movement, the bites that were aimed at her legs had been avoided, but Aurelio's right shoulder connected with the side of her own left shoulder, just close enough to bash against the outer edge of her left shoulder plate. Haruka flinched slightly, slight bruising already making her left shoulder more tender and an easy target for further attack. The male would be facing her rump now, mere inches between their bodies. Letting out a snarl, Haruka attempted to turn her body to the left, hoping to bring the two of them into a parallel position. While turning, Haruka attempted to pull her head closer to her body as she turned to avoid hitting it against Aurelio's side, given that the wolves only stood a few inches apart.

Standing still once again, Haruka knew that she was at an advantage with her smaller height, the male standing 9 inches taller than her. Haruka aimed to open her jaws, hoping to lift her head towards Aurelio's neck and attempting to bite into the flesh just to the left of his jugular. She was aiming for minor puncture wounds, not wanting to gravely hurt the brute. This was after all, a fight to prove his own worth, and perhaps show him the worth of Bevroren. As she aimed for her bite, Haruka attempted to lift her left foreleg, hoping to slam it down on top of Aurelio's right paw, hoping to cause bruising on his paw. She did not have enough weight or height to hope to break a toe or two, so she would settle for bruising. She attempted to dig her dull claws into his right paw as well, hoping that if he pulled it back that they would cause minor lacerations on the hopefully bruised paw.


Round 1 of 3

Defenses: {legs bent}, {ears flattened}, {head aligned with spine}, {tail raised, also aligned with spine}, {shoulders rolled}, {chin tucked}, {toes spread}, {claws dug into ground}, {hackles raised}, {lips snarling}, {eyes narrowed}, {muscles tensed}

Attacks: Trying to bite Aurelio's neck, just left of his jugular (so on the left of his neck), attempting to slam her left paw on his right one, hoping for bruising. Trying to dig her claws slightly into his paw, hoping that if he pulls back to cause minor lacerations.

Injuries: Minor bruising to her left shoulder

Walk "Talk" Think



1 Year
08-18-2014, 08:36 PM

She was smart, deadly so it would seem, and that put her a little higher in his book as well as the idea of calling Bevroren home. She knew just how to use her size and weight to her advantage as she swiftly avoided the majority of his attacks. He couldn't hide the small grin that had caught his muzzle when she had done that. She turned almost parallel to him which was not something he had expected from her. She was on the left side of his body aiming to bite down on the left side of his neck but he wasn't going to fall for it. Just in the nick of time he managed to shift slightly to the right and forward slightly so that the bite caught his left shoulder blade rather than his neck near his jugular. Her paw had slammed down on his which caused his teeth to clench up and his jaw to tense. That would bruise. He could already feel it happening. He had managed to pull it back out of his reaction to the pain before her claws could sink into it.

He turned himself so he was positioned face to face with her before at He would attempt to lunge at her right side now as he had just swung to face her from that direction and he in his lunge he would attempt to give her right front leg a swift bite to leave a mark to remember him by but nothing too severe and in the back half of his lunge, he would try to nip at her Achilles tendon to throw her off balance while he would not attempt to bite with enough pressure to sever the weak spot harbored within every wolf. When he ended his lunge he would probably end up standing a few feet away from the woman with his defenses set again if everything went as planned.

His legs would spread a bit once more to lower his center of gravity to help him with his balance. His tail would tuck to lower his body mass that she might be lunging for while his ears would slick back for the same reason. His legs would bend a little bit as a an effort to lower his height to make it harder for her to reach his neck hopefully. His neck would be scrunched up to help protect his vitals while his head would be lowered to further protect his neck. He had a smile to him, a 'bring it on' grin that he was so famous for when it came to his fights. He was just getting warmed up.

Round 2 of 3 for SPAR



08-19-2014, 04:10 PM

Satisfaction welled within her small form as her teeth bit into his left shoulder. It was not where she was aiming for, but it was a bite nonetheless. Her fangs did not sink too deeply into his flesh, just minor bite marks that were enough to draw blood. Her left paw connected with his right one, the amount of force that she had put behind it made a slight wave of shock go up the limb. It didn't to damage to herself, but it was enough to make her hesitate, meaning that Aurelio got away without her pursuing him quickly.

After a few heartbeats she was back and ready to get back into the action, only to see that they two wolves were now face to face. Growling at him, her ears pressed flat against her skull as he jumped at her again. Her legs bent slightly as her muscles tensed, preparing for impact once more. Her toes spread as her claws dug into the earth, hoping to hold still if he tried to slam their bodies together. Instead he went for her other side, and this time Haruka was not as quick as she had hoped. His teeth bit into her right front leg, right on the upper thigh. Teeth did not go too deep, the wounds only minor as the brute once again tried to bite at her hind leg. She remembered the pattern from last time, and as soon as his teeth left her thigh she side-stepped her back legs toward the left, missing his final leg attack. He ended up a foot away from her hindquarters, herself being slightly more towards the left as her rump faced him.

Haruka attempted to turn her body to the right, hoping to turn the whole 180 degrees that would bring them face to face, leaving the foot between them. They were slightly off centered if they did come face to face though, Haruka standing half an inch to the left of him. Rolling her shoulders forward, she ignored the pinch of her bruised shoulder as her tail and neck once again aligned with her spine, her lips pulling back as her eyes squinted. Setting her paws an equal amount apart, she set her balance and slightly bent her legs as she scoffed softly at the brute. Did he truly think that he could win this? Only time would tell.

Haruka attempted to bring herself closer to Aurelio, her walk slow and measured as she grinned up at him. Hopefully at this point there were only a few inches between them. She then attempted to step towards him, her jaws trying to open and aiming to snap shut in the middle of his neck. She hoped to cause a bit more of a moderate bite, hoping to land the bite right in the center of his chest. Hopefully picking up her front left leg, she tried to move it behind Aurelio's front right leg, aiming to hook it around his limb and pull forward. Hopefully he would lose his balance and stumble, giving her a better chance of aiming at a higher place on his body, since he was so much taller than herself. Haruka adjusted her balance, swaying more of it to her right side to make up for only being on three legs.


Round 2 of 3

Defenses: {ears flat}, {muscles tense}, {toes spread}, {claws dug into earth}, {shoulders rolled}, {tail raised to align with spine}, {neck aligned with spine}, {lips pulled back}, {eyes squinted}, {weight evenly distributed}, {legs bent}

Attacks: Trying to cause moderate bites in the center of his chest, also trying to hook her leg around his and pull out, hopefully making him stumble and ultimately fall over.

Injuries: Minor bruising to her left shoulder, minor bites on her upper thigh of her right front leg

Note: I forgot to say this in my last post, but me and Saff gave Eli permission to edit her post.

Walk "Talk" Think



1 Year
08-19-2014, 04:55 PM
~♥~ Awesome fight Eve <3

She had noticed his pattern and that was when he knew it was time for a change. He was certain he had gotten a good bite in on her front right thigh but he knew he wasn't out of the woods, not yet. She turned to do a 180 and lunged at him but with his defenses set he reacted with speed and precision. She lunged at his chest but there was still some room between them, a few inches was enough for him. He moved as far as he could to her left and his right to attempt and avoid the bites to his chest only to get caught up in a few light ones towards the left side of his chest. There were 4 small puncture wounds which she had gotten in.

With his slight move, her paw just barely missed it's mark while it still hit him. With her having one paw off the ground, he took his chances and tried to ram his head into her center chest to knock her off balance and hopefully cause some bruising. He also would try to bring his head up to bite her neck, not trying to get a deep wound (a minor wound since it is just a spar), but at the base of her neck near her left shoulder. Then he would draw back by rearing backwards until he was a few feet away from where she stood. He would set his defenses again.

He would protect his neck by lowering his head, squaring his shoulders and scrunching up his neck. He would spread his legs slightly to lower his center of gravity and improve his balance while he would bend them slightly to keep himself lower to the ground. He would growl slightly out of instinct and thrill of the fight as his tail tucked in to minimize his mass and his ears would slick back to further make Haruka's target smaller.

Round 3 of 3 for SPAR



08-19-2014, 08:00 PM

Once again her attack didn't land where she had hoped, her teeth seeming to bounce off his fur as she merely punctured the first few layers of skin, minimal blood welling. The bite had been more to the left of his chest than in the middle where she had aimed. Growling in frustration as her paw narrowly grazed Aurelio's leg, she attempted to place it on the ground quickly. However, before her balance could be reset, Aurelio flung his head into her chest, making Haruka stumble to stop herself from falling. The force of the headbutt had been enough for a minor bruise to spread across the impact zone, right in the center of her chest. Because she had stumbled backwards, his teeth snapped just shy of her neck, instead gathering a few white hairs and tearing them free. While it didn't hurt as much as a bite, it still stung.

Haruka was able to catch herself, she had stumbled about three steps backwards from Aurelio. She was surprised when the brute allowed her more room between them, now standing two and a half feet away from her. She used this time to reset her defenses, making sure that her weight was balanced between all four legs so that she did not stumble again. Her toes spread as her claws dug into the frozen earth, legs bending slightly as she kept her narrowed eyes locked on Aurelio. Her head aligned with her spine, chin tucking into her chest as her shoulders rolled forward. Her tail remained straight behind her to act like a rudder in her movements, lining up with her spine to make her look like a perfect arrow. Her muscles tensed, hackles raising along her back as she made plans for her next move.

There was once again a gap between them, meaning that Haruka would have to close it if she hoped to land a more solid attack. She attempted to move forward at a slow pace, a simple walk that hopefully brought them in close quarters again. Haruka tried to push their chests together in a soft manner, almost seductive as she tried to brush their chests together ever so slightly. She looked up and blinked sweetly at him, her lips again pulling back in that snarl as she winked a brown eye at Aurelio. Her jaws attempted to open as she tried to stretch her jaws closer to his jaw, aiming to lock her teeth along the bottom jaw of Aurelio. Her own bottom jaw would be on the left side, her top jaws hoping to catch his bottom jaw on the right side. {She is coming up from under him because of their height difference, so either side of her jaws would be connecting with his lower jaw if successful} She aimed to grab hold of his lower jaw between her teeth, trying for only minor wounds along the thin flesh there. She hoped to catch him by surprise, hoping that he wouldn't notice that she was trying to pick up her right paw. Haruka aimed to slam her right paw on his left paw, attempting to bruise his non-injured paw. Hopefully it would be minor like the last one, although Aurelio might be soaking his paws in the snow if she succeeded in bruising this paw as well.


Round 3 of 3

Defenses: {weight evenly distributed}, {toes spread}, {claws dug into ground}, {legs bent}, {eyes narrowed}, {head aligned with spine}, {chin tucked}, {shoulders rolled}, {tail aligned with spine}, {muscles tensed}, {hackles raised}

Attacks: Trying to lock her jaws around Aurelio's bottom jaw, hoping for only minor injuries but trying to attain a hold.

Injuries: Minor bruising to her left shoulder, minor bites on her upper thigh of her right front leg, minor bruising on her chest, right in the middle.

Walk "Talk" Think

The Judge


08-21-2014, 11:24 PM


Round 1

6 for clarity- What part of her legs is he aiming? -1, What part of her shoulder is he trying to hit? -1, What part of his shoulder is he using? -1, Is he trying to ram her shoulder after or during his bite at her legs? -1

10 for powerplaying. Notes

5 for defenses. legs spread and lowers, claws digging into ground, head lowered, eyes narrowed, ears pinned. (his scruff can?t be scrunched, a correct defense would be scrunched shoulders/neck, Im not entirely sure what you mean by ?tail would fold softly against his body?).

5 for attack. bite at her legs +3, ramming his shoulder into hers +2

10 for injuries.First round

Round one AURELIO Total: 35/50


9 for clarity- ?parallel position? I thought they already were parrell? -1, what side of his neck is she trying to bite? -1,

9 for powerplaying. ?mere inches between their bodies? -1

10 for defenses. legs bent, ears pinned, tail aligned with spine, head aligned with spine, shoulders rolled forward, chin tucked, toes splayed, claws digging into ground, hackles rose, eyes narrowed

5 for attack. bite to left portion of neck +3, slamming her left paw down on his right paw +2 (wolf claws are too dull to cause lacerations)

8 for injuries. minor bruised left shoulder -2

Round one HARUKA Total: 41/50

Round 2


9 for clarity- ?turned almost parallel to him? I think you mean perpendicular, his first lunge at her would have put them parallel -1,

5 for powerplaying. ?he managed to pull it back out of his reaction? -1, ?he turned himself so that he was positioned face to face? -1, ?his lunge he would attempt to give her right front leg a swift bite to leave a mark to remember him by but nothing too severe and in the back half of his lunge, he would try to nip at her Achilles tendon? -2 (too much movement), ?he would probably end up standing a few feet away? -1 (again, way to much movement)

6 for defenses. legs spread, tail tucked, ear pinned, legs bent, neck scrunched, head lowered

6 for attack. bite to front leg +3, bite to Achilles tendon +3

5 for injuries. minor bite to left shoulder -2, bruised right paw -2

Round two AURELIO Total: 32/50


8 for clarity- what part of his leg is she attempting to hook? -1, first you said she aimed to bite mid throat, then you said she aimed to bite his chest -1

9 for powerplaying. ?he ended up a foot away from her hindquarters? -1, ?bring them face to face, leaving a foot between them -1, ?standing half an inch to the left of him? -1

9 for defenses. ears pined, legs bent, toes splayed, claws digging into ground, legs spread equidistant, shoulders rolled forward, neck and tail aligned with spine, eyes narrowed

5 for attack. bite to mid throat +3, hooking his leg +2

7 for injuries. minor bruise to left shoulder -1, bite to front upper right leg -2

Round two HARUKA Total: 38/50

Round 3

7 for clarity- ?avoid the bites to his chest only to get caught up in a few light ones towards the left side of his chest? she only tried to bite hime once -1, where exactly are the 4 puncture wounds? -1, he aimed to ram his head into her chest, yet you didn?t state where her bite landed? -1,

7 for powerplaying. too much movement of trying to ram her chest and bite her neck -1 too much movement of backing up away from her -1, ?rearing backwards until he was a feet away? -1

5 for defenses. lowered head, scrunching his neck, spread his legs, bending his legs, ears pinned

3 for attack. ramming his head to her chest +2, aimed bite at her neck +1 (full points not received because of too much movement)

3 for injuries. minor bite to left shoulder -2, bruised right paw -2 , puncture wounds to his left portion of chest -2

Round three AURELIO Total: 26/50


8 for clarity- what part of his jaw is she trying to grab? -1, which way is she turning her head to bite his jaw? -1

10 for powerplaying. None seen

10 for defenses. weight balanced, toes splayed, claws dug into ground, legs bending, narrowed eyes, skull aligned with spine, chin tucking, shoulders rolled ward, tail straight and aligned with spine, hackles raising, muscles tensed

5 for attack. attempting to grab his lower jaw +3, attempting to slam her paw down on his left paw +2

6 for injuries. minor bruise to left shoulder -1, bite to front upper right leg -2, minor bruise across her chest -1

Round three HARUKA Total: 39/50


AURELIO: 93/150

HARUKA: 118/150

And the winner is...

Haruka! Aurelio must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Aurelio- bruised left shoulder 3 OOC weeks to heal, bruised right paw 1 OOC week to heal, pending bite to lower jaw

Haruka minor bruise to left shoulder 3 OOC days to heal, bite to upper right left leg 5 OOC days to heal. Minor bruise to her chest 3 OOC days to heal


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)

For Aurelio
Remember all your defenses, and focus on my complex attacks. Also, try to avoid excess movement and PP in your posts

For Haruka
Focus on more complex attacks and watch out for power playing.

- By [saffie]



1 Year
08-25-2014, 06:58 PM

She was a formidable warrior and he was going to accept defeat with his next move. He hadn't even developed a pant yet, the adrenaline was growing strong within him and so when she went for a bite on his lower jaw, it was a hit but he managed to pull away before a decent amount of damage could be done. With his pulling away, there was tearing in the skin and blood welled within the wound. "I'll give you that you are a skilled fighter miss. I've seen all I needed." He admitted as be backed up behind the border so he was not trespassing on Bevroren lands any more. "I take it these skills were taught to you by someone or something. Tell me, was it this pack?" He begged the question of of curiosity as he moved his jaw around. That last one had really hurt and the bruised left shoulder he had would take a little bit of time to heal. She was pretty tough for a spar.