


06-19-2014, 09:24 PM

It was time to her her ass into shape. Sure, she had just slaughtered her first Wolf. But, that did not make her a fighter. She wanted to show everyone she was not to be fucked with. The woman was already giant. She stood at a whopping forty inches tall. Her body was covered in a thick winter coat. Black resided along her entire body except her smile. Silver slipped along the sides of her large muzzle and dipped down to her chest. It was a nice contrast to her very dark figure. Yet, the most unique thing about her was the dark purple hue of her shaggy fur within the light. It shined a soft violet, giving her an even more luxurious look. Yet, her massive paws slammed down upon the blood stained dirt with a maleficent grin upon her inky lips. Purple orbs scoured the lands in search of someone, yet her steps came to a hault. The girls huge head thrusted into the brisk air as she let forth her deadly song. She beckoned forth anyone who would dare to challenge the giant creature.



5 Years
06-21-2014, 03:17 PM

Poison dripping off my fangs...

Lithe frame kissed the terra as the wraith moved silently across the battlefield. Her body was singing for the electric thrill of battle, the adrenaline, the sweat, the blood. She had to admit there was a certain freedom to being a rogue again. To have her movements and being dictated only by her sudden and fleeting desires though that wasn't to say she was content to stay a rogue. Battle was more enjoyable when leading an army to slay the enemy. A scent caught D?gmar's attention and her pink tongue caressed her teeth. Nausica. She knew that scent anywhere. The large and violent vixen had a form that simply made D?gmar purr with the desire to rip into it. And here the Saxe woman was looking for physical release? Oh now this was too good to pass up.

"Hello, darling. Fancy running into you again." Sultry voice slipped through ivory shielded lips as she began to set her defenses, making her desire clear. "I've been wanting to taste you for awhile now. Surely, you won't deny me?" Dappled hackles raised along her frame, emerald eyes narrowed as her ears pinned tightly against her skull. Her legs spread evenly apart to equally distribute her weight and set her balance. Limbs the bent as her muscles coiled preparing her to spring while also lowering her center of gravity. Toes spread as claws bit into the earth. Her head lowered to align with her spine as her tail streamed out behind her for balance. Shoulders rolled smoothly forward as her neck scrunched back, her chin tucking as her jaws parted in a lustful snarl. She needed this.

Supple limbs uncoiled as D?gmar rocketed toward her opponent, attempting to close the distance and face Nausica head on and slightly to her right (Nausica's left). Her body lifted off the ground in a forward leap as she twisted her body in an arc to the left, fangs hoping to gain a hold on the left side of Nausica's face. Upper fangs sought the flesh along the top of her opponents cheekbone, just below the left eye. The bottom fangs hoped to hook under the femme's lower jaw, near the jaw's corner. Tail tensed ready to twist to the right to help her stabilize her balance whether she scored her target or not.

In addition to attacking with her fangs, as D?gmar's body arced to the left she threw her right shoulder forward and up targeting the lower left side of Nausica's neck aiming to catch the throat and knock the breath from her opponent. Her left front limb was tense and at the ready, should she need to adjust her balance or counter her opponent. She wanted this fight to be rough. She wanted to make her opponent sweat and bleed.

D?gmar vs Nausica

For ...Arousal? xD haha (Spar or Dominance)

Round: 1 of 3 (sound good?)

Attack: Attacking Nausica head on, slightly to her right (Nausica's left) attempting to close distance then fling herself forward and up in a leap as her body arc's to the left. Fangs aiming to grasp the left side of Nausica's face, top fangs below the left eye, bottom fangs looking to hook the lower jaw near the corner. As she arc's to the left she's using the momentum from her twist to throw her right shoulder forward aiming to catch the lower left side of Nausica's throat to knock the breath from her.

Defenses: Hackles raised | eyes narrowed | ears pinned | legs spread evenly apart | weight equally distributed across her legs | limbs coiled | center of gravity lowered | toes spread | claws digging into the ground | head lowering to align with spine | tail streaming out behind her for balance | shoulders rolled forward | neck scrunched back | chin tucked | jaws parted and at the ready

n/a first round

ooc: Skype me if you need anything! I'm lousy with pm's xD

[Image: Dag_bot_zps26a4da16.jpg]


06-22-2014, 07:07 PM

The woman did not have to wait long until her call was met. The scent of the dappled femme from the little meeting with her sister invaded her nose. Nausica rolled her broad shoulders and licked her sultry lips in excitement. The girl had enticed the Saxe fae from the start. The way she spoke, breathed, and moved. It all enticed the ebony temptress. The grey temptresses words filled her obsidian ears slowly, "Hello, darling. Fancy running into you again." The purple hued girl nodded softly, "I have missed you, my little vixen." The woman licked her lips once again, her back arched up slightly in bubbling excitement. More of the grey furred babe's words filled her ears once more "I've been wanting to taste you for awhile now. Surely, you won't deny me?" Nausica let forth a quick breath as her core tingled with yearning for the girl before her. Surly her brother would not mind. Nausica emitted her dark vocals once again, "I would never deny you, love."

Nausica got ready for the first attack, which she would leave to the challenger. Her shoulders rolled forward as her legs bent to brace herself for possible impact. Ears slid back to flatten against her ebony skull. Lips curled up to show huge fangs and to protect her cheeks bu bunching up the tough skin of her face. Eyes narrowed to protect her delightful purple orbs. Claws dug into the ear even more, to get more of a grip on the earth below. Her core tightened, as she steadied her breathing. Her tail was aligned with her spine to gain balance. Hackles puffed up into lopping rolls to protect her neck. Toes were spread to gain mobility. Paws were spread evenly for balance as well. Last but not least, her head was tucked to protect her throat and neck. The girl was set for battle and Daegmar was as well.

slaughter them all, they said

it will be alright, they said

Daegmar then shot forth at Nausica head on. Due to the defenses she was nothing but ready. The forty inch tall behemoth watched it all happen. Daegmar launched forward, her jaws snapping at Nausica's left cheek and jaw. The attack purchased. Daeg's upper fangs slid into her cheek right below her eye and her lower fangs clamped down on the area right below Nausica's lower jaw, near the corner. The obsidian black femme growled in pain, blood trickled from her lower jaw and cheek due to the attack. Though, in swift movements Daegmar would also slam her right shoulder up into Nausica's throat causing her to gag and cough for a moment. Her air was cut off for those moments and the jab would likely induce bruising. The girl already had a feel for the fight. Daegmar wanted to play rough.

The dark woman loved to play rough. Daegmar was then in front of her, angled slightly to where her right shoulder was near the center of nausicas body and her jaws were upon the purple hued bitch's face. Despite the horrible pain of a bite to her face, which would likely cause scarring, Nausica attempted to throw her body forward, like a chest bump, to perhaps push the smaller wolf back and maybe even cause bruising. This action, if purchased, would involve Nausica's center chest attempting to push into Daeg's right shoulder quickly. Due, to the ebony girls jaws being in a lock, the beast would try to whip her head back. If succeed this could result in Daeg's jaws sliding from their grasp on Nausica's face, but in the time being it may also involve ripping of move flesh due to a sudden movement. As she would attempt to do such, the vixen would attempt to lift her left foreleg up and raise it all the way up to slam it back down on Daegmars spine. She would blindly aim for the dappled babes upper back, right in the center. If achieved, this would allow for her to have even more leverage on the smaller girl and perhaps push her down even a little bit due to Nausicas hefty weight. Though, bruising may be in the equation for Daegmar as well.


one two three

for spar/dominance/arousal/sexyfuntime

Defenses: second paragraph bitches

Attacks: Attempted thrust forward to potentialy knock her center chest into Daegs right shoulder. - (not really an attack but..) Attempt to whip her head back to potentially remove daegs jaws from her head, even if it would involve more pain and ripping. - Attempt to raise up her left front foreleg to smash it back down into daegmars upper back, on the spine. This could push daeg down, bruise, or just give nausica leverage if achieved.

Injuries: Bites to her left cheek below her eye and beneath her lower jaw in the corner. Bruising to her throat, and loss of breath, temporarily.



5 Years
06-25-2014, 08:36 PM

Poison dripping off my fangs...

Sweet blood coated her tongue as her jaws latched onto the left side of Nausica's face, her upper fangs below her opponents eye, the lower one's hooked along the corner of Nausica's jaw. Right shoulder rammed forward and up into her opponents throat. There was no denying, this fight would be rough? but ohhhh it was going to be fun.

Nausica surged suddenly forward, the behemoth ripping her head back in an attempt to rest it from D?gmar's jaws. Chest collided into D?gmar's right shoulder knocking her to her left, the larger fae's left paw striking between D?gmar's shoulder blades pushing her down as well as knocking breath from her. The combined attacks sent her stumbling to the left as her forelimbs quickly sought purchase on the ground. Thankfully neither limb had been too terribly far from the ground or preoccupied.

Despite her hope to maintain her grip as Nausica pushed her D?gmar's jaws slid from the succubus' face as she was forced to relinquish her grip. In the second she'd been pushed aside she was forming a right angle with Nausica. D?gmar quickly pulled her hindquarters behind her as she twisted in an effort to face to quickly face her opponent. Defenses were held in check. Hackles spiked down her neck as her eyes narrowed intently on the vixen before her, ears remained folded against her crown as her chin tucked, maw parted and desperate to taste blood again. Shoulders rolled forward as her neck scrunched back pushing up her fur and fat in a protective layer. Limbs spread evenly apart as her weight shifted equally across them. Legs coiled, drawing her center of gravity down as her toes spread, claws biting into the earth. Tail aligned gracefully with her spine.

Supple thighs pulsed as she aimed to close the distance between them, to feel the other woman's body up against hers, to breath in the scent of sweat and blood that was not her own. D?gmar leapt, body launching forward and slightly up. Open maw sought to seize the underside of her opponents neck, a few inches below the jawline where the jugular would lie. Her head would twist to her right, upper fangs seeking purchase on the lower left side of Nausica's neck, D?gmar's lower fangs hoping to sink into the lower right side of her harlot's neck. She longed to wrap her maw around this fae, to gain a solid hold and feel the life's blood pumping beneath the other's flesh. The heat? the scent...

In addition as she lunged, D?gmar's right front paw sought to wrap around Nausica's front left wrist. If successful she aimed to shift her weight back onto her haunches pulling the limb forward to unbalance her opponent.

D?gmar vs Nausica

For Spar/Smexy Times

Round: 2 of 3

Attack: Repositioning herself to face her opponent D?gmar lauches herself forward and slightly up in an attempt to close the distance between her and Nausica and wrap her jaws around the underside of the others neck a few inches below the jawline where the jugular runs. Head twisting to her right, top fangs aiming to sink into the left side of Nausica's neck, lower fangs seeking the right. In addition she's attempting to wrap her front right paw around Nausica's left wrist. If she successful she seeks to pull the limb towards herself to disrupt Nausica's balance.

Defenses: Hackles raised | eyes narrowed | ears pinned | legs spread evenly apart | weight equally distributed across her legs | limbs coiled | center of gravity lowered | toes spread | claws digging into the ground | tail streaming out behind her for balance | shoulders rolled forward | neck scrunched back | chin tucked | jaws parted and at the ready

moderate bruising to chest, severe bruising to back right between shoulder blades.

ooc: :D

[Image: Dag_bot_zps26a4da16.jpg]


06-27-2014, 01:20 PM
please let me know if this is bad. im super duper sick and merh. meds. lol XD skype me for questions.

Nausica's assault on Daegmar had purchased. Her chest hit Daegmar's right shoulder, causing the smaller fae to stumbled to her left. This casued Nausica to endure more bruising on her chest. When the ebony ladies paw slammed down on Daeg's shoulder blades the other lady stumbled. During all fo this the dappled faes jaws slid from Nausica's face, ultimately causing ripping of flesh down the side of her muzzle from such a movement. Though, Daegmar did not fall, the lady attempted to straighten herself to the larger fae. Nausica had no mind to stop her. But, as Daeg was no aligned with the obsidian behemoths body the lady lurched forward suddenly. The green eyed girl suddenly closed the distance between them, the hitting of chests caused more pain upon the already tenderly bruised area. Nausica instantly let her head slip down to tuck and protect her neck. Though in her attempts to stop such an attack Daeg aimed to lurched forward and have her jaws wrapped around Nausica's lower neck. Her lower jaws connected with Nausica's right lower bit of neck and her upper bit of jaws slid into her left side of neck. The bit would be deep but barely deep enough to cause any sort of life threatening lasserations. Yet, the wound would bleed, blood trickling now from her muzzle and her neck. The bite would be inched from Nausicas own jaws. Due to her lack of site down below, she did not suspect another attack to come. Daeg's front right paw slipped around the purple eyed girls left wrist and tugged. Nausica tried her hardest to resist the tugging. Her leg did not give out, but it made her stumble just enough to be distracted.

They would be locked together once again. Theirs body's were met together with such passion. Her blood spilled out all over Daegmar's body. Though, she made sure all of her defenses were set and locked. Her head was already tucked to protect her already bitten throat. Paws were squared on the ground, evenly spread from each other. Ears were pinned to her head and lips were of coursed curled up to flash pearly whites. The womans tail was aligned with her spine which was aligned with her head. Knees were bent for more mobility and hackles were puffed out to protect anything around her scruff. The woman's core was tight and her breathing was steady. Last but not least her eyes were narrowed to make sure no funny eye business would go down. She was ready.

Daegmar was in front of her with her jaws wrapped around Nausica's neck. Mobility would be minimal to make sure no more ripping of her throat would happen. Though, as she searched for an attack the woman's head would aim to shoot forth. Daeg's head was angled to the right, her upper jaws at Nausica's left side. The behemoth would attempt to snap her jaws at the upper left bits of Daeg's neck. Though, they would aim to the side, behind Daeg's left ear. She would seek to latch down onto the thick scruff there. Though, as she would do such the woman would attempt to push the girl in front of her back. The huge woman would dig her paws into the earth and aim to begin to pushing her back slowly bit steady but pushing her body forward with her massive paws. If succeeded Nausica would have the upper hand and could possibly do more to knock her down in the future. But that would only be if Daeg did not oppose such a move.


for spar/arousal

one two three

Defenses: Her head was already tucked to protect her already bitten throat. Paws were squared on the ground, evenly spread from each other. Ears were pinned to her head and lips were of coursed curled up to flash pearly whites. The woman's tail was aligned with her spine which was aligned with her head. Knees were bent for more mobility and hackles were puffed out to protect anything around her scruff. The woman's core was tight and her breathing was steady. Last but not least her eyes were narrowed to make sure no funny eye business would go down. She was ready.

Attacks:Attempted to lurched her head forward and bite down on Daeg's upper left side of neck just behind her left ear. She would also try to dig her paws into the ground and push Daeg back.

Injuries: Severe bite to lower throat area. Wounds to upper left nack and lower right due to position of jaws. Bite wound to her left lower jaw and cheek, still bleeding. Heavy bruising to chest. Bruising on her the bits of skin near her windpipe.



5 Years
06-29-2014, 03:05 PM

Poison dripping off my fangs...

Fangs met flesh as D?gmar's jaws seized Nausica's neck, her lower jaws along the lower right of the other woman's neck, her upper jaws along the lower left. The bite was deep and she tasted the blood in her mouth the pulse of the other along her tongue. D?gmar felt heat rising in her own body at the thought of it and once again her senses were flooded with Nausica's scent. This heated contact. She loved it! It sent bolts of electricity crackling through her body, she never wanted to let go. Not til she was satiated.

Nausica stumbled as D?gmar tugged her wrist but she did not fall. They were so evenly matched it thrilled her. Neither one wanting to submit to desire just yet. Not while there was still more blood to slick the ground on which they were uniting. She felt Nausica move and shift and she quickly followed suit checking her own defenses. D?gmar released Nausica's wrist as she moved to plant all feet on the ground as best she could, weight resting evenly across the four limbs though mostly in her back legs which were coiled tight. Hackles raised as her eyes narrowed, ears pinning to her skull. Toes spread wide as nails bit into the earth. Her tail streamed out behind for balance. Jaws remained parted as she held onto the other woman's throat, a silky growl that was almost a purr rumbling from her throat. Her core tightened as she rolled her shoulders forward. It was then that Nausica made her move just as D?gmar prepared hers.

As D?gmar had no intention of relenting her grip this time she had no choice but to take Nausica's assault. Fangs latched securely into her scruff right behind her left ear, breaking skin and creating several moderate punctures. Though as the area was mostly fat and fur she was spared a severe injury. Nausica's chest slammed into her's once again and D?gmar stumbled back, her paws grasping to hang onto the ground as she was shoved back. D?gmar's grip on Nausica's neck held but was significantly loosened. She was going to loose it any second.

Power coiled in back legs as her weight shifted fully to her haunches. Tail streamed out behind her for balance. It was a risky move but one worth trying. Then they could get on to sweeter things. D?gmar grinned as forelegs lifted off the ground, back legs uncoiling in a lunge forward and up as D?gmar attempted to push her jaws forward and re-solidify her grip. She could feel her scruff tearing as she made the attempt. Pain coursing down her spine as more of her blood spilled into the air. Her right front forelimb lifted, seeking to wrap around the lower left side of Nausica's neck, just in front of the shoulder blades hoping to give herself more stability and leverage. Her left front forelimb lurched up as she sought to slam her left paw into the base of Nausica's throat, just above the chest, hopefully to cause bruising and maybe a spasm in the other's windpipe.

D?gmar vs Nausica

For Dominance/Sexiness

Round: 3 of 3

Attack: final paragraph (haha lunars feeling lazy xD)

Defenses:paragraph 2

Moderate puncture wounds to scruff, blood was drawn and the punctures will likely turn into lacerations as the flesh tears.

ooc: Whee! This was fun Cantti! And don't worry I'm sick too so I totally understand haha.

[Image: Dag_bot_zps26a4da16.jpg]


07-07-2014, 04:35 PM
ooc: not my best but good fight! <3

Nausica would not give up. Though, her core tingled with such intensity, the girl wanted to bathe in blood. To elope in the fluids that ran the body made Nausica horribly excited. Her eyes glistened with pure lust. Her attack on Daegmars's neck stuck. Her jaws sunk into the scruff right behind her left grey ear. The purple hued girl loved the taste of blood when it drizzled into her jowls. Several moderate puncture wounds would be taken by her opponent. As Nausica went to slam her chest into the smaller girls, the move was easily purchased. Bruising would be likely to appear upon her own chest by such a slam, but throbbing would only urge her on more. Daeg's hold on Nausica's neck was loosened but she held up when the 40 inched behemoth tried to push her back.

Nausica took a moment to set her defenses once again. The woman's core was completely tightened to ease impact and air flow. Her toes were spread out and her claws dug into the blood covered ground to allow easy balance. Nausica's tail was tucked between her legs to protect it from any sort of bites. Her spine was aligned with her shoulders. Puffy and scarred hackles were raised. Ears were flattened to her head and eyes were narrowed to protect her beautiful purple orbs. Lips were curled up to show her blood stained teeth and to bunch up the skin upon her cheeks to protect the already injured area. Broad knees were bent to allow more mobility and stability. Her head was tucked despite the fact that Daeg had a hold on her lower throat. Last but not least, her paws were spread out evenly to allow her to have easy balance.

Nausica felt a shift as Daeg allowed her weight to fall on her hinds. Suddenly, the lighter colored fae uncoiled and her bodice shot forward and up. Daegmar's jaws jabbed further into Nausica's lower throat, her grip tightening. The behemoth would gasp slightly, being forced to attempt to take a step back, but she could nto act fully in those moments, Daeg's attack would allow her to leave a heavy bite into the fatty bits of her scruff, along her lower throat. If Daeg were to aim to bite higher, it might have been a fatal attack if purchased. Though, as Daeg launched up, Nausicas jaws were torn from behind her ear. Nausica would snap her jaws back at Daeg's left side but obviously in such an angle, nothing would hit. The grey girls paws would seek to wrap around her. Their closeness enticed the huge girl. Daegmar's right forelimb wrapped around the purple hued girls lower left bit of neck. This would give Daegmar leverage. Her right paw then went up and jabbed Nausica right in the lower bit of throat, causing Nausica to gag. Her windpipe did in fact spasm, cutting off air flow for a moment. The huge girl snorted, getting ready for her own attack.

Currently, Daegmar had her left leg wrapped around Nausica, slightly lifted from the air. Her jaws were hooked onto Nausica's lower left bit of neck. They were face to face. The behemoth studied everything for a moment before she would act. The Saxe would let a growl ripple through the air as she too shifted her weight to her hinds. The massive lady would then attempt to lurche froward and up. Her paws seeking to find their places to wrap around the girl before her. The woman's left limb aimed to slide between Daeg's right limb and her neck to let her paw to seek purchase along her upper back, right on her shoulder blades. The girls right leg attempted to simply slam down on Daeg's shoulder blades as well, right on the spine for potential brusing. If such a move purchased the smaller girl would be beneath Nausica, giving the purple hued girl perhaps more leverage. Yet, her jaws would also attempt to meet Daegmar's left scruff once again, right where she bit before, to allow more damage to the area. Though, with such movement would also cause more damage to her lower neck where Daegs jaws were clamped down.


one two three

for spar/sexyness

Attacks: last para yup

Defenses: Second para

Injuries: Severe bite to lower throat area. Wounds to upper left nack and lower right due to position of jaws. Bite wound to her left lower jaw and cheek, still bleeding. Heavy bruising to chest. Bruising on her the bits of skin near her windpipe. More damage to windpipe. Now, heavy bite to lower left bit of neck.

The Judge


08-17-2014, 09:21 PM (This post was last modified: 08-21-2014, 08:14 PM by Bass.)


Round 1

10 for clarity- was clear to me

10 for powerplaying. none seen

10 for defenses. hackles raised, eyes narrowed, ears pined, legs spread equidistant, legs bent for balance, toes splayed, head lowered with spine, tail straightened for balance, shoulders rolled forward, chin tucked

5 for attack. bite to the face +3, thrusting of shoulder +2

10 for injuries.First round

Round one DAEGMAR Total: 45/50


9 for clarity- how hard was the impact to her throat/how heavy was the bruise?

10 for powerplaying. None seen

10 for defenses. shoulders rolled forward, legs bent, ear pinned, eyes narrowed, claws dug into the earth, tightened core, tail aligned with spine, hackles raised, toes splayed, head lowered and tucked

4 for attack. throwing her weight forward +2, aiming to bring her left leg down on Daegs back +2

10 for injuries. Bite to her left cheek, bruise to her throat

Round one NAUSICA Total: 43/50

Round 2


9 for clarity- which way did she twist to face her opponent? -1, what side of her opponents neck is she trying to grab? -1,

10 for powerplaying. None seen

10 for defenses. hackles raised, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, chin tucked, shoulders rolled forward, limbs spread equidistant, legs bent, toes splayed, claws digging into the ground, tail aligned with spine

5 for attack. bite to the throat +3, attempted grab at opponents left leg +2

6 for injuries. moderate bruising to chest -2, sever bruising to her back -2

Round two DAEGMAR Total: 40/50


9 for clarity- What part of her body was she pushing against her opponent to push her back?

10 for powerplaying. None seen

9 for defenses. head lowered, throat tucked, legs squared, ears pinned, tail aligned with spine, knees bent, hacked raised, tightened core, eyes narrowed

5 for attack. bite to opponents scruff +3, attempted shove forward to push opponent back +2

0 for injuries. severe bite to throat -3, lacerations to upper and lower neck -2, bite to left cheek/jaw -3, bruising to chest -1, bruising to throat -1

Round two NAUSICA Total: 33/50

Round 3

10 for clarity- Was clear

10 for powerplaying. None seen

8 for defenses. hackles raised, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, toes splayed, nails digging into ground, tail streamed out,, shoulders rolled forward, weight even distributed across four limbs

4 for attack. right paw attemepted to wrap around oppoenent lower neck +2, left leg lifting to slam against opponents throat +2

5 for injuries. moderate punctures to scruff -2, moderate bruising to chest -1, sever bruising to back -2

Round three DAEGMAR Total: 37/50


10 for clarity- Was clear

10 for powerplaying. Notes

10 for defenses. core tightened, toes splayed, claws dug into ground, tail tucked, hackles raised, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, knees bent, head tucked, paws spread

6 for attack. left limb aimed to wrap around opponent +2, right leg aims to slam down on opponents shoulders blade +2, attempted bite at left scruff +2

0 for injuries. severe bite to lower throat -3, wounds to left side of neck-2, wound to left cheek/jaw-3, heavy bruising to chest-2, bruised throat -2, heavy bit to lower left neck -2

Round three NAUSICA Total: 36/50


DAEGMAR: 122/150

NAUSICA: 112/150

And the winner is...

Daegmar! Nausica must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Not even gonna bother since this took so long. So sorry for the wait!


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)

For Daegmar
Your posts were very clear and easy to understand, but just remember to be a little more clear about exactly where you are moving/positioned and where you are trying to attack. Also work on more complex attacks/multiple attacs

For Nausica
Same for you, your posts were clear and easy to understand, just remember to be super specific, even when it comes to injuries. Remember to use more complex attacks/multiple attacks

- By [saffie]