


08-18-2014, 02:25 PM (This post was last modified: 08-18-2014, 11:41 PM by Crucifix.)
Attendance is mandatory for everyone, excluding pups and one parent to pup sit. Those who do not show here and also did not show in the hunt will be kicked out of Solstice. All posts must be made by August 28th

Irritation flared in her chest. The pack hunt had not turned out as well as she had hoped. Only had a handful of wolves participated, while she knew that there were plenty more who failed to show. Lips threatened to lift in a faint snarl as she left the forest behind, venturing to the grass plains. Grass tickled her belly as she moved to the heart of the territory. Once she was satisfied with a spot, her crown would tip back, a booming call leaving her scarred lips. Their lead warrior has failed entirely. He had yet to call a single meeting for the pack to begin training. Hackles would bristle down her back before falling flat once more. They desperately needed someone capable. Already she was considering Dayton as leader hunter, he had proven himself already. Orchid made a wonderful lead healer. Now all they needed was a lead warrior, someone capable of training others. Haunches would reclined as she mulled over her plans. As always, Ekko had followed and now sat quietly beside her. The petite woman would have a smile shot her way as they waited.

Today she would sort out the warriors from the rest, determine who would make up their fighting force, she would also need to start looking out for who could join their Elite force. Anyone who wasn't equipped for fighting would be given another job to do. The russet Queen was not fond of those who were content to remain without a job, in her opinion, everyone needed a job. It was something that her and cru didn't exactly see eye to eye on all the time, but she refused to lead a pack of useless bodies. her tail would twitch back and forth as she waited for the pack to flock to her. There was much to be done today. Everyone would be given a sparring partner, then she would announce who was going to be a warrior, and the rest could choose between hunter, healer or unsorted. After the warriors were chosen, she planned to call a second meeting solely for them, they would begin a more rigorous training that would undoubtedly put them to the test. At the back of her mind she made a note to inform Cru of her plans later.


Twig I


08-18-2014, 04:31 PM

She?d enjoyed getting out of the den and hunting with the pack, though she had certainly remembered there being more members at the meeting than had shown for the hunt. Even so, she felt an excitement inside her at the thought of battle training. She had taken a rather long break from any kind of warrior training, and she very well knew how important it was to be able to defend yourself. As she heard Sibelle?s call her ears would perk forward and paws would carry her effortlessly to the woman?s side.
Twig was a creature of grace, silence would cloak her as she travelled the grasses. Vibrant violet gaze would appear through the tall grasses and they would take in her brother?s chosen secondary. A polite nod would be given as she took a deep breath and sat, ready to wait on the rest of the pack.


Ares 1


08-18-2014, 04:37 PM

Being able to spend some one on one time with the children had been fun, he?d elected to stay behind with the pups while Devya went on the hunt. Now, fight training would be a mandatory activity. He would admit to himself that he was nervous. He?d not used tooth or claw since ending the life of the woman who birthed him. He wasn?t completely sure he was ready to return to the life of a warrior. Still, he was not ready to defy his leaders and dutifully he would appear after the cross marked girl. Eyes would avert as he took a seat farther away from the high ranking she wolves, still unsure of his ability to participate in the bouts soon to follow. His head would bow respectfully to the pair as he waited.




10 Years
08-18-2014, 04:49 PM

Odette had been attempting to fish when the howl broke the air. Her lunch swam away and she was left with an empty pit in her stomach. Softly, she sighed and resigned to attending the call post haste. Her tan paws carried her through the woods, her body intending to reach the source of the call. Her mind started to wander what the familiar voice had rung for.
In no time at all, she appeared from the nearby forest, breaking free to see the exposed plains in front of her. A smile crept upon her face when she realized that Sibelle had called. Bi-colored eyes turned to see Twig and an unfamiliar white male appear, making Odette's questions run faster in her mind. Whatever would happen would be told, she thought to herself.
She slipped through the grass, body crouched so no one would see. Her legs maintained their balance as she silently moved, paws remaining silent with each step. Ears pulled themselves to the back of her skull, eyes peeled for any signs of changes in the present surroundings. Odette was well aware that her scent could be detected because of the changing breezes, but that didn't stop her from moving towards Twig without a sign of regret. Immediately, she popped up from the grass and aimed to tackle the Black female.
Odette's face had a happy smile upon it as she got within close range of Twig. She pushed off from the ground with hind legs, intending to use her front legs to wrap around Twig's front legs and shoulders. However, she decided to change her mind and landed gracefully on the ground, sliding towards her instead. Dirt and grass flew everywhere until she stopped moving. Once the dirt and debris cleared, Odette was sitting next to Twig with twinkling red and blue eyes. She gave a bark in greeting before looking up at Sibelle. Tail thumped the ground and she grinned widely at the russet-furred woman. "Goood afternoon, Sibelle!"

Talk like this


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!


08-18-2014, 06:58 PM

A second call rang out that called for her presence. She had attended the hunt while Ares had stayed behind to watch the children. But now, this call required them to practice their battle skills. It had been some time since she last battled another, and that fight had ended her ear being shredded and Ares killing his mother. It had been a dreadful day. But times where different now. The dark woman set off after Ares, not objecting to whether or not their children followed. It would be good for them to start practicing, even though it would still be considered play fighting to them. Ares would arrive first, and a small crowd had already gathered. She would dip her head in greeting the russet queen, a smile playing on her lips before she moved to find Ares.

He had seated himself at the edge of the group, looking rather uneasy. She would move to brush against his side, placing a light kiss on his cheek. "Its okay." She would murmur gently in his ear before giving the appendage a gentle tug. Reclining onto her haunches, her tail would intertwine with his before she bump his shoulder playfully with her own. A mischievous grin toyed with her lips as she peered up at him through thick lashed. "I beat you can't beat me." Words were meant only for his ears in a sultry challenge. She would claim him as her own sparring partner, silently sealing his fate once they were once again alone and in private. "Winner takes all." Lips curled deviously before she straightened her figure and expression, returning her attention to the growing crowd.

Talk like this



2 Years
08-19-2014, 12:58 AM

Cru was resigned to his disappointment in Ahmose, and as much as he liked the other boy his pack must come first. Not only would he no longer hold his lead rank but he risked losing his place in the pack if he did not show to the meeting he had asked Sibelle to call. With a heavy heart and the hope that things would get brighter with the wolves inside his pack. As he entered the frey of wolves he would first spy Twig and nuzzle against her neck with a smile. ?Your looking well? he told her softly, and he truly meant it, she looked stunning and healthy and radiant in a way he could barely remembering her looking before.

He would smile and nod at Ares, Devya and Odette,seeing them also standing before Sibelle. He was stepping away from Twig when Odette went for Twig and he would chuckle deep in his throat ? he could see someone was eager to begin. Now at last he would make his way to Sibelle and seat himself beside the regal queen. He would smile fondly at her and nudge her with his side. ?How did you want to do, and we?ll be the judges? ? he would ask, too softly for the rest to hear- normally he would have asked Ahmose to judge, but that male had already shown an inconsistency with his appearances.


Orchid I


5 Years
08-19-2014, 01:04 AM

Orchid thought that her first pack hunt had been something of a disapointment. Few wolves had shown up, especially to the percentage of those that called Solstice their home. But she supposed the rest of it, of the wolves that had come and Dayton who had happily called the hunt and brought it all together, all that was a good experience. The healer was now however being called to a warrior training, and she heard the note of danger within the callers tone that told her that this was mandatory, and she could understand the need with how the hunt had turned out, in fact soon after this she would call a healer meeting and see how many might show up to that! And any that decided not to might find some bad mushrooms in their food, she decided.

Still,fighting was not her strong point and she was hardly keen to set herself up for an ass whopping. With a resigned sigh the hunter would make her way to the group of wolves and take a seat next to a pretty white and black wolf with the cross that marked her as one of Cru?s family. She wasn't sure she knew the girls name, but for that matter she didn't recognize any but Sib and Cru in the group assembled. ?Hey I?m Orchid? she murmured softly to Twig.




5 Years
08-19-2014, 11:01 AM

She had let them keep her from the last pack event, the pack hunt, because her parents had said it wasn't time to learn yet. Phim was still too young, too small, and hunts could be dangerous. She was glad her father had stayed behind then. It had sated her disappointment to be able to spend time with him. This time, however, he was the first to leave, and Phim intended to follow whther her mother went or not! Luckily, Devya was allowing them to watch today, so the girl didn't have to endure the disappointment of being told to stay home a second time and having to obey her mother's commands. She could think a big game in her head, but Phim would never disobey her parents for real.

The round pup stumbled along behind her mother, a smile on her face until they came into range of the other wolves. Phim was still nervous that these wolves would judge her. She slowed her pace, taking more careful steps so they couldn't make fun of her big feet. If she wasn't tripping, they were much less noticeable. She was relieved to find comfort at her father's side at last, sitting between his front paws. Her head tilted upward as her mother spoke to him, confusion taking over her expression. Something seemed off. "What's wrong, father?"
Phim's brother, Daitaro, is allowed to crash literally all of her threads.

[Image: xc4TMGm.png]



4 Years
08-19-2014, 09:23 PM (This post was last modified: 06-30-2015, 01:08 AM by Daitaro.)

Daitaro considered himself his siste'?s guardian, not in the sense his parents were but rather in a much more literal sense. When their parents had chosen to keep them at home during the hunt, under the watchful eye of their father, he had breathed a silent sigh of relief knowing that Phim would be less likely to wander off, and of course he would have to follow her. Daitaro did his best not to get in her way, acting instead as a silent and agreeable solider.

So when his sister went off to follow their mother he was on her tail, trotting quietly along behind the smaller girl. As they arrived his oceanic eyes widened, roving around the gathered wolves and picking up his pace as they neared his parents, suddenly feeling rather self-conscious, he smiled nervously up at his parents snuggling in between them.


Phim, Dai's sister and charge is welcome to crash any of his threads!

Motif I


4 Years
08-23-2014, 06:28 PM

Motif had been asked by Cru to help out Solstice with their warrior training. She was suppose to work with Ahmose who had vanished before she arrived, and now she was at a lose. She had been considering heading home and was in fact intending to leave before the call came out from Sibelle, getting the pack together for training and warning them all to show up. The Abaven girl would grin and make her way over to the meeting, her eyes would dance out over those that had showed and already she would be thinking, eyeing up the candidates and considering their worth. They perhaps had their work cut out for them, they looked more like hunters then warriors to her eye ? but then how did Motif appear to others? A petite light and energetic thing perhaps, nothing that warned them of the warrior she was becoming.

The girl would come in at the side and work her way over to the one who had called the meeting. She saw Cru in the crowd and smiled to him, as one of the only people she knew. When she reached Sibelle she would learn forward and murmur to her ears. ?I?m here to offer assistance in the training as you need, i have a possible game plan if you wanted to hear it?? she didn't want to take over, after all this wasn't her pack but she would help as she could.



08-29-2014, 08:53 PM
Spars need to be completed by September 10th, 2 rounds at the max to make judging easy.

Slowly they would trickle in and she would nod to each, offering everyone a friendly smile. A few children even attended and she would smile a littler wider, they would not be able to participate but at least they were learning the importance of attending meetings. A stranger would arrive, one that she didn't recognize, and from a pack she didn't know. Briefly her hackles would threaten to bristle at the blatant disregard for the borders. The woman offered help in training and he verdant gaze would flicker to Cru briefly, a brow raised in question. Did he know this woman? "Thank you for the offer, but I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage?" A brow would raised in question as she hoped that the woman would explain what in the hell she was doing here.

She would allow the woman time to speak and for any stragglers to arrive. When it seemed that no one else would arrive she would begin. Again the meeting was pathetically small, though she saw a few more faces than last time. This would be the last straw for those who were to lazy to show. They were out, exiled from the pack. "I would like to thank you all for coming. I've called you all here for a bit of fight training. I know some of you are not fighters, but it is still important to be able to defend yourself. At the conclusion of this meeting, I will promote those capable to warriors. Those who do not wish to be fighters must chose to either be hunters or healers." Her gaze would sweep the small crowd, her tone was firm, and only slightly demanding. "If you could all pair up, we will begin with simple spars. Crucifix and I will be the judge of who becomes warriors." She would conclude with a smile, her gaze briefly flickering to the chocolate woman. "Would you like to put some of you plan into action?" She would open the floor to the stranger, graciously allowing her to share some of her knowledge. Though it was silently promised that she would kept under a watchful eye, she didn't need someone screwing up her warriors.
