

Skaði I


3 Years
Extra large
08-21-2014, 04:05 PM
Back up for adoption is Fenrir Hr??vitnisson, full-blooded younger brother to Thor, Loki, Hati, Baldur, et cetera, and littermate of Skoll and Akemi. The design and personality will need to be changed and probably the name too though his last name will remain Hroovitnisson.

The original adoption thread can be found here and will give you a good idea of the history and genetics of the family. If you have any more questions about it please catch Tea on the cbox or PM me on my staff account. So this is what I need from interested people:

Appearance: (site minimum)
Personality: (site minimum)
Alignment: (pretty wide range but keep in mind the history and abuse they have been subject to)
RP Sample: (200 word minimum)
Plans: (what will you do with this boy if you get him?)



5 Years
Extra large
09-20-2014, 10:56 AM (This post was last modified: 09-27-2014, 10:10 PM by Laufey.)
Name: Ska?i Hr??vitnisdottir
Appearance: A catlike fluidity graces her movements; a fluidity that suggests feminine softness but was actually born out of brutal battle training. Skadi is a seasoned warrior and as such she's built like one. Lean muscle coils across her frame, giving her a surprising amount of strength. Her limbs are long, her features fine, and if not for the small scars that dot her face and legs, her appearance would suggest that she is nothing more than a silly, empty-headed girl. Mistaking her for such isn't recommended.

Wildly different than her littermates, Skadi's coat is made up entirely of shades of brown. Her base coat is #1e110b, covering her from neck to rump. From there, her limbs, tail and face are a gradient that runs from #1e110b at the top to #0f0704 at the tips, and her belly and chest are #371c11. She has #371c11 colored markings around each glacier blue eye. Skadi's ears are #0f0704.

Personality: Above all else, Skadi is loyal. Her respect, once earned, will motivate her to do anything that is asked of her without question. This respect, however, is exceptionally hard to earn and generally reserved for the direct members of her family.

A thoughtful tactician, Skadi values strategy and competence over brute force and mindless numbers. She desires the best of the best and expects it from others as well as herself at all times. This trait gives her personality an abrasive edge that she uses like a sift to weed out weaker minded individuals. Self control is a highly valued skill of hers and if others can't handle what she exudes then they are immediately marked as inferior and not worth her efforts.

Having grown up in a society that believes females are inferior, Skadi had to learn how to handle the wants and needs of others in order to survive. She's a capable manipulator, easily picking up the physical cues that betray the emotional state of whoever she's dealing with. The ability is a natural one born out of a will to survive. Without it, her life would have been far harsher. Using it, she was able to befriend many of her relatives and generally came across as agreeable, perhaps even likeable; that side contrasting sharply with the merciless side she showed during war campaigns.

Anger is not something that comes quickly to her. Instead, Skadi deals with tense situations with a level head, remaining calm and somewhat detached unless something important to her is at stake.

She is her own person, having her own thoughts, feelings and motivators, and now that her father is gone, these things are beginning to override the follower mentality that he instilled in her. She still believes in their superior blood, but now has her own plans for spreading their power. Skadi is driven and highly motivated. Anything she sets her sights on will be pursued with an unmatchable zeal.

Compassion isn't something that comes naturally to her. Her heart is occasionally plagued by an ache she doesn't understand, possibly the leftovers of a trait that was stifled before it could take hold. She has a soft spot for pups, although what counts as soft for her is still rather harsh by most standards. Weakness in older individuals, however, is something she has no tolerance for. For those who can't defend themselves or are too chicken-hearted to do so, she holds nothing but scorn. Uselessness isn't something to be fostered or coddled, rather, in her mind, it's something that needs to be purged.

Alignment: Lawful Evil
RP Sample: She moved with grace despite her haste. Behind her, being quickly left behind, lay the body of one of Vili's sons. She'd done her best to deaden the smell of blood coming off of him with dirt, but in the scheme of things her efforts were simply not enough. The smell of him lingered on her, a fact that was both an annoyance considering their last moments together and a reminder that her own scent damningly mingled with his corpse. They would know she was responsible, if not by her scent then by her blood which surely stained his lips. It wouldn't matter that he was a willing participant in the fight that ended his life or that he had brought it upon himself by thinking he had a right to take what definitely did not belong to him. His brothers would punish her all the same.

As much as she despised what her uncle had done to the pack, Skadi was unhappy with her need to leave it. There was much she was leaving behind. Her wives, children, husbands; the captives that had shown promise, but it was more than that. Regardless of how tattered it was, she was leaving behind a legacy. For now the fruits of her father's labors were unquestionably out of reach. Before the regrettable death of her cousin, only time had stood between her and the place of esteem in her father's pack. Time, and the inevitable demise of Vili, who was too stupid to do anything other than fail. The crown rightfully belonged to Hroovitnir's heirs, and while her gender put her out of the running in the minds of her uncles, she was certain that the next generation could be slowly swayed to a broader way of thinking.

She refused to think that the dynasty had been lost. No, this was merely a setback. Somewhere beyond the reach of the pack skulked a number of Hroovitnir's offspring. While a few were undesirable, far more were worth pursuing. If she couldn't get the pack on her own, then she would seek out the army her father had created.

Plans: She wishes to find her littermates, Skoll in particular, although reuniting with her other siblings (well, most of them) would be a pleasant surprise.

Skadi is everything her father looked for in one of his sons. She's stout of heart and loyal to a fault, giving 110% in all that Hroovitnir asked of her. Never questioning, never wavering, she did as she was commanded. The cries of the damned rolled off her like water off a duck's back. She killed, maimed and kidnapped in the name of the pack, turning a blind eye to the suffering she created. Nothing was too great for her, to heavy to bear; she did it all. She took captives just like her father, although her sights were set wider than his. Useful males were kept as potential mates or healers (either being crippled, blinded or castrated depending on their use), females were taken for whatever she wanted (mostly status, although they had their usefulness too), and pups were taken for various reasons. Companionship played a role in it all, but any mention of something so soft would be scoffed at and quickly dismissed with scorn.

Skadi was crushed when her father died. She'd built her whole world around him, and with him gone, was purposeless for a time. Vili didn't command her respect in the slightest and so none was given to him. Slowly her own ideals began to form, fanciful visions of a kingdom of her own making dancing before her eyes. She began to long for an empire that was as strong as her father's had been, but not quite so narrow. Sons and daughters alike would be raised for their usefulness. Together, with their numbers doubled, they would take anything they set their sights on. Nothing would stand in their way.

The pack fell into disarray. Vili raised up his own sons over Hroovitnir's brood and the boys, feeling empowered, began to look for mates where they shouldn't have. One such son set his sights on Skadi and for awhile sought to win her over. When his attempts at affection failed, he ambushed her as she was crouched down to drink, sliding over her back in an attempt to claim her as was customary for outsiders to be taken. A fight ensued, leaving the boy dead. Fearing retaliation, Skadi fled the pack.
This character is prone to acts of EXTREME violence when provoked. If this makes you uncomfortable do not thread with him.

Katja the First


8 Years
09-28-2014, 09:13 AM
Since there's been no other interest in this particular adoption, Fenrir/Ska?i goes to Laz.