
Hearts on Fire


08-07-2014, 02:03 AM

Leaving his sweet Chryseis with his brother, he had stormed towards the place where his parents called home, where HE was supposed to call home. But he spent most of his days away, and now he couldn't even stand the stench of the pack lands as he grew near. He was angry, more than angry at his parents. He had believed them to be perfect saints, and now this? Did they think that they would just get away with it? Probably, since they has tossed the whelp into a stream. Huffing, steam rose from his maw as he panted in anger, even the cold touch of night unable to quell his raging fire within. Reaching the borders he didn't even dare step passed them, he couldn't stand setting a single paw within those lines. He spat upon the other side, a snarl twisting his salmon hued face. Tipping back his head he called for his father, his rage making his howl louder and more powerful. You would think he would be a challenger, but he knew that his precious father would know his song. The large brute paced on the outside of the invisible border line, snorting to try and get rid of that stench that assaulted his nose.

Helios I


9 Years
08-07-2014, 02:35 AM

Helios had not seen his albino son since the birth of Apollo?s siblings. The new pups took up much of his and Nat?s time but he had missed his only remaining older child. Despite this, when the ferocious call went out late at night the russet man felt a wave of dread go through him, but briefly; the man checked his wife and the children assuring that they were still asleep.
As the Consul trotted briskly towards the approximate location of the summons he tried to piece together what could have induced so much rage in his son?s call. Apollo rose up like a ghost before him, pale form looking eerie at this time of night.
?Glad to see you Apollo, though I am admittedly a bit curious as to what would bring you here at this hour, and looking quite so furious.? The man remained standing, paws planted firmly on his side of the border, Apollo was visibly shaken and while he trusted his son something did not seem right.

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08-07-2014, 02:53 AM

It didn't take long for his father to appear, making his ghostly form stand still and to its full height. A growl tore its way through his maw instead of a proper greeting, hackles standing on end as he narrowed his gaze at the fiery beast before him. Angry? Angry? Ha! He was so beyond that simple word. A dark chuckle hissed through his clenched jaw, no humour what-so-ever in the sound. "In better times I would apologize for the late hour, but by my glower I am sure you are in question of its power. Why I come here is because I found a sinner out of a saint, you and mother are not quaint, with darkness to your actions taint." He spat, his lyrical words sounding like venom. They gave away nothing, it was more of a riddle than actual speech. "That one you thought you did away with, is no longer just a myth, and with us he does wirthe in the soft pith. Your mangled son has been found, after you cast him down, and hoped that he was to drown."

Apollo's eyes cut into his sire like daggers, but he did not cross the border. His stance was set, limbs were slightly bent as if he was to launch himself at Helios. He withheld, wanting to see his fathers face when he brought up his demons. "Would you have done away with me like that? Would you have tossed me in a flat and wish me to have scat? Would you have tried to kill me because I was not perfect in your eyes? Is my life just a guise? Did you hope me to realize, that this was all a devise? You did hide the pup from me, because I did not see, when I came into the lee." Accusations fell from his tongue at an alarming rate, his words twisting and mangling together into a large lump of words. But his father dearest was smart, he would figure out Apollo's heated words.

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Helios I


9 Years
08-07-2014, 03:31 AM

Never before had the man seen his son this irate and he worried. What had happened to make the boy such, especially with it so clearly aimed at him? Lyrical vitriol spewed from the child?s lips, feeling like there was a target painted upon him and Apollo was a sharpshooter, with vocabulary as his ammunition. Helios fought the urge to take a step back, to pull inward, ears and tails, instead tilting his head upwards slightly in defiance. The knowledge that Apollo had stumbled upon the abandoned child was one he seemed to take in stride though inwardly he was reeling.
?Do not presume to lecture me! You have been raised in our culture, you know our history! Tell me, based on that what would you have done, what else were we to do?? Helios had not been the one to bring up the removal of the child but he had agreed.
Then the topic shifted, ever so slightly and for a moment Helios was lost, unsure what exactly it was Apollo was accusing him of. Like a jolt it hit him. This time he did shrink, ears pulling back and tail curling down between his legs. ?Do you really think that?? He muttered softly, dropping his gaze. ?Apollo, we have never thought you a failure.? Gods, he had known that Apollo had always lacked some self-confidence but this?
?You have always belonged, there have never been any doubt of that.? If he had known, if he had only been able to make it clear earlier on, that all of the self-doubt plaguing the boy were misplaced.

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08-07-2014, 03:53 AM

His father's voice raised at him, telling the boy to not lecture him. A snort flew from his nostrils, another dark peel of laughter leaving his lips. "Oh but I am not trying to lecture you father dearest, but your ears are the nearest. I wouldn't have dumped a soul to die, does it bother you that I decry? Did you feel his loss?" He screamed the last question at his sire, that hate fire that burned within his belly not dying out. "Did you weep for him? Did you stay to watch him life dim? Was this all on a whim?" He asked, taking a step closer to the brute as his jaws snapped. At the moment he did not see his father, a darker creature stood before him. "I know our laws, I know the cause! But he was your SON! Now what have you done?" He stalked forward a few paces, rising above his father as his head lifted high.

Helios shrunk back at his next words, and Apollo just smirked down at this brute. "Look at me. I am not like you and you know you agree. I don't fit in, to no one I am akin. Others look down on my coat, and on them I do not dote. There is no way that I can be like the others, I am nothing like my brothers. So tell me then, do I fit into this little pen?" He snarled, his pink hued head shaking back and forth. "I could never do what you did, not to some poor kid. Do you feel his loss even now? To think of him do you even let your self allow?" His accusations rained down upon his father, his very heart seeming to be on fire with this burning rage that filled him. "What if it had been me?" These words were a dark whisper, his salmon eyes never leaving his father's form. "would you have tossed me into the sea? "

Helios I


9 Years
08-08-2014, 11:58 AM

Helios wasn?t quite sure where he had gone wrong, what had happened to make his son quite so vengeful, where had he failed? He bristled as once more venom flew from the albino?s lips. ?Every parent prays that their children are healthy, that they are all alright! Do you think that any parent wants to find a child broken in one way or another? I did what was expected in the event nothing more, emotions do not factor into it.? Had the situation been less volatile Apollo might have been able to get a confession. Helios had feared for the child, had dreaded it?s abandonment but he had accepted it all the same. Had he prayed that it be safe? Perhaps though he would never admit to it. Apollo drew closer and Helios remained stony. ?If you know that then how can you judge me? How can you pretend that I did anything but what was needed of me??
The boy before him hardly seemed the child he had watched grow up, somewhere along the way Apollo had changed and Helios was powerless to the dread that gripped him. ?Look at me.? And so he did, lifting his gaze from the ground. ?Apollo, pelt color has never been indicative of your worth, of anyone?s worth, if it were then you would not exist for your mother would never have come to us. You belong because of your blood, simple as that.? The boy spoke again, and Helios felt his defiance returning.
?Child or not, we are bound the laws the Gods have set down for us!? His own voice raising as he spoke. ?Or have you forgotten that?? Helios could feel his temper rising, a rare phenomenon to be sure. ?You speak of not belonging, but has it ever occurred to you that while we have all been reaching out, it is you who has pulled away. If you feel you do not belong maybe you should consider that it is your own fault, not the color of your pelt no, but you clinging so tightly to the role of victim you can?t see the truth anymore.?
"What if it had been me?" Gods. Helios shrunk back again, dropping his gaze once more. ?If it had been you?? He spoke softly giving an ever so slight nod, ?If it had been Hermes, if it had been your cousins, if it had been me.? He lifted his gaze then. When he had been young that thought had plagued his mind, once upon a time he had felt much the way Apollo had. I had scared him more though, the knowledge that the only thing that had separated him from death and life had been an uncontrollable accident before he was born.

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08-22-2014, 02:09 AM

If Apollo had been in a better state of mind he would see just how much his father cared for him, and deep down he knew that his sire loved him. But he was not in that place at the moment, he was dealing with his own inner demons. He didn't understand how his father could just shut off his emotions when it came to a matter such as this, like tossing a defenseless child into a river. but his father's words rang true, causing the spitting demon to flinch away from Helios. He was right, he was in no space to judge him for doing what their laws required of him. "Maybe some laws were meant to be broken, sometimes the hardest of them are spoken. But your son should have been a token, or am I being outspoken?" He asked, his voice spoken in an angered whisper. He knew that their laws were quite firm, and that Helios had done nothing but what he had to. But could he not just haven bent the rule, even a little?

His sire's gaze rose up to meet his, his salmon gaze burning into the red depths. He listened with raised hackles as he explained that it was the blood that mattered, not the colour of his coat. He was right in saying that his mother too had a coat that was different, one that was not blessed with the godly colours that were usually displayed on Olympus members. Feeling his anger die down, Apollo let out a soft sigh. Perhaps he was right, maybe it was time that he focused instead on his blood and not on how others saw him. "I am not the only one who thinks so, others do view me as a diseased crow. It is hard for me to think as you do, it is hard to think of myself anew." The albino beast's words grew softer and softer, seeming to calm down to try and see reason.

However, Helios' next words did nothing to put out the flame within his heart. He recoiled at the blow of his words, his lips pulling back once more as a snarl tore though his throat. "I've done all I thought to do! Why should I stick around and make you carry my burdens too? There are things that my heart seek, and here things seemed to bleak. My brothers soul lingers, I can almost feel his cold fingers. I had to get away, I could not hold my feelings at bay!" He cried, stepping further away from the dark red man as his head shook to and fro. He had run, he had left his family to seek things out, to find something out there that he felt like his heart called for. Was it Chryseis that he yearned for? He knew that he cared for her, but... he just felt so lost.

His attention turned back to his father, seeming to ignore his last words. He understood what he was saying though, if it had been anyone, even himself, than the same thing would have had to happen. "Do you feel lost father?" He asked, no longer able to hold his body upright. Falling onto his rump he let out a sigh, his head hanging as he fought with the endless anger that taunted him from within. He felt lost, oh so lost.

Helios I


9 Years
09-15-2014, 02:19 AM

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Still the boy demanded that Helios reconsider, reconsider the laws laid down for them by higher beings. Laws that had never led his astray, even if at times doubts plagued his mind; in the end he had been rewarded for his loyalty. Even now the gods were testing him, pitting his own son against not only him but them, but the man was resolute. He would not waver, he would not fail, not now, not ever. ?And who are you or I to make those choices? The laws were not handed down by mere mortals. They have their reasons!? A part of him had been comforted by the idea that the child would be returning to the gods? sides. They had fallen so in love with him during his formation that they could not bear to be without him, and he would have been treated as royalty. Now that thought soured.

Still Apollo insisted in his status as outsider and Helios supressed a sigh, closing his eyes for a moment. ?And have you actually ever heard anyone saying that?? He had to know, if anyone in his own family were speaking of his son that way, retribution would be swift. They were too stretched thin as it was to be acting this way. One day soon the man would look back upon that thought and be dismayed by the irony.

Apollo recoiled, a snarl once more curling his lips and Helios felt more anger and despair course through him. ?Yes that is exactly what you are supposed to do!? He snapped taking a single step forwards. ?That is what family does! They support each other, they lessen burdens!?

Both of them seemed to collapse then, Helios too dropping onto his haunches, head dropping, gaze going with it. His ears perked slightly as his son spoke again. ?Never.?

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