
✗ so I hand you the key to your cell.



7 Years
08-24-2014, 08:45 PM
[Image: oNHbT9P.png]



With a heavy heart the herculean mass moved through the shadows cascading beneath the puzzle printed canopies above. As he would move slowly, the shadows formed to his massive figure, stretching and folding before returning to the ground once they came. ivory tree's would start to fade from a mixture of blanche and noir, browns and greens flushed against the trunks every once in a while in a fury of excitement. Standing out against the rather unknown lands. Glancing from his left to his right the brute kept his dial at wither height. Golden optics hitting the trunks in front of him as well, his great footsteps thundering across the grounds as he would move ever so carefully.

Like yin and yang the brute lifted from the pages of the ivory scene, stopping for a moment in his tracks, he glanced behind him and then in front. These lands were strange to say it the easiest way he could, especially to himself, though there's no telling he could be dreaming right now, when sleep allowed itself to over take him, the images in his sleeping mind were beyond the feeling of realistic and out-of control in many ways. These woods were a surprise, white colored cords swung from above, folding into the canopy printed terrain, every once in a while the highlighted brute would appear from them, like a flash he would be gone again, a single aud would fold back against his skull when it gently touched a brightly flushed vine he didn't see right away. It would lift again to catch the sounds around him, though it appeared nothing would sound. Golden bull ring would shift barely as his nostrils flared out into the atmosphere. Glazed in a shimmering layer of liquid it would ring out into the darkness with a silent scream at times when the light hit it just right.

Well, if I am dreaming, at least my death isn't imminent as of yet. His optics of gold seemed to sink and his auds pushed backwards as he thought to himself these words. Glancing about shortly with little effort one last time.


08-25-2014, 04:37 AM

Whispers of such a surreal area had hung inside her mind. Adventurous nature pleaded for her to journey to this place. With her promotion among Abaven ranks, she should be focusing on proving her worth on the battlegrounds, but maybe after this one last exploration.

It seemed to be of a later hour, though, not much light shone through the canopy overhead. Perhaps this land was embraced with an eternal darkness, but then again - when the leaves fall from ivory branches it would allow for the sun to kiss Alacritis's flesh. Kaleidoscopic eyes scanned the bare trunks in which sprouted from the soil in vast numbers. Each one seemingly trusted beyond what it should, exposing oneself to all dangers possible. Without worry or second thought, each massive tree gave oneself completely to all of the world. Mmm, if only wolfkind could offer such trust, then and only then would peace be among wolves. Or would it? Maybe it would open doors to even more hurt and deception.

Blackened heart matched the scene. Overshadowed with darkened thoughts as the land was with the vast canopy. Expanding all the more as time inevitable ticked onward. Though, once allowed to become exposed, it revealed it's true form hidden beneath. One in which was more of a purity and allowed itself to become exposed, not to all the world, but to the one the heart trusted. Was she evil? Yes. But only to mask hidden pain and regrets. Self worth had been eradicated due her imprisonment and she found comfort in the arms of the devil.

Comfort in which none-other had been able to offer her. Peace was found only when evil consumed her, when she allowed herself to be taken by man. It allowed her mind to escape such tortures of a beaten, abused childhood. For a fallen heir, it was shameful, but that part of her had long died.

Her soul was now entrapped by the body of water in which, now, rested before her. It was as if it were a mirror into her soul. Offering only a picture painted in black with stars, flecks of purity, on it's face - her face. A sigh escaped her maw as she stared into her own reflection. Ears were pinned upon her skull. Ah, how disgusted she was with who she had became. A wolf in which craved to be a tramp and welcomed the taste of crimson life upon her lips. Sometimes the thoughts of who she might have been intruded heavily upon her mind and this happened to be one of those times. Something about this place made her think about who she really was. Maybe it was the ghosts of her ancestors? Ah, what a disgrace she would be to them!

A silhouette came into view - one in which rested on opposite sides of the pond. At first glance she guessed it was a bear, but now looking up the figure was unmistakably another wolf. The bastard was huge and black in color. And most frighteningly, mocked the appearance of her former master. A tinge of fear surged through her frame, but no. . . this was not him. The aroma did not smell of decay and blood. It was not tainted with a scent of the pack - his hell; however, the stranger's appearance was a terrible reminder of her past. Venus would now rest in a sitting position. Hind limbs carefully tucked beneath her and tail carefully curled around her left flank. She would stare out at the creature with her motley gaze, quietly, watching each movement that rippled throughout his body.

my actions |
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my thoughts



7 Years
08-25-2014, 04:51 PM
[Image: oNHbT9P.png]

Quote:"Speech" Thoughts

Halting in his steps he felt yet another heavenly shaded vine grace over his bear-like features. Wide shoulders with a slightly bowed reach stayed still as a statue. Obsidian paws sunk into the terrain with such unknown force. As it were as a pup, the brute was unaware at time of the sheer strength his herculean build could therefore emit. With a heavy sigh a small snarl seemed to subconsciously sound as it exited his surprisingly clean, though damaged maw. Missing canines would grow visible as the ivories lining his jaw would slowly unsheathe from beneath the ebony curtains containing them. Gum were stained with black and pink, rich color within his jawline, like jewels they danced against the shadows. But the display seemed to fade away slowly, as did the memories following behind it. Like flashes in the night they seemed to plague his mind, slowly driving the god insane. He shook his dial gently as the memory faded, riddling his brain on it's way out. He hated these flashbacks, especially when close to nothing would bring them on, and he'd have to live through them with excruciating pain from within for however long they lasted.

Falling silent the brute slowly opened his golden gaze, pupils fell from dilated back to normal slowly as he looked on. The heavenly trunks around him caught his attention once more as he pushed his heavy figure forward, like a train pushing against the tracks he seemed to move in a similar fashion, a brief hake of his neck blowing dust and dirt akin to smoke from his figure. It wasn't long before his memories were lifting, though it was in a controlled state this time. An expression of depression fell over his darkened heart as the lively sounds of carnivals and fair's dimmed into the background, playing over and over again like a broken record in his mind, they were slowed down into a snail sped motion, sounding as unrealistic as they did at the time, that was before he got used to them. Black shining boots flashed into his mind, black pants, tight fitting, though owned by a man would appear as well, a great man, like a herculean man himself his face flashed like an empty blur in darkness, features unrecognizable, in his great arm, the size of a God's his knuckles were white in grip upon a brown stick of sorts. Like a bat for a ball he remembered being told one time. The great scar that stayed visible when the mass of ebony hair would part at times came into mind, and the brute focused once again upon the blurred hand that lifted above him, a bright flash would sound and fear shook him awake.

His auds flicked forwards as fast as ever. The image before him sent the hackles upon his long top line to settle, hiding the scar across his shoulders, his wide set figure then slowly began to relax, falling as still as the pond he starred at the goddess across the small, still pond, shadows and heavens reflecting into the pools. He blinked once, auds slowly churning about his head as to be aware for any sounds that might catch his attention. Golden optics were captured by the stars, the enrapturing galaxy that reflected from the dove's visage. Noticing his rigidity the brute relaxed himself, looking away for a moment he assessed the pool before him. Bullring glittering against the white surroundings. Wondering about it's depth he paused for a moment, noticing the silence between them, though there should be no threat. Watching her sit, the brute stayed where he was, knowing his arthritis would fail to gracefully allow him to do so for such a short amount of time. Shortly after assessing the milky shaded pool, the brute stepped forth, his great paws sinking into the still waters, hardly creating more than a few ripples as the water caressed upwards, swallowing the herculean brute until his wide underline touched the disturbed waters surface. Like a dream he floated towards the fae, footsteps hitting the pool grounds before he neared the opposite side of the pool, feeling the need to see this fae up close pushing him forward. She was a vision, and the starscape that pulled him towards her was captured once again as he reached the shore, walking out into the terrain he stopped for a moment, water dripping from his legs and underline as he gazed at the dove, thick stems he stood upon were greatly defined with wet hue. The gold bracelet on his right leg would glitter, it's black barcode now more visible then ever.

"Well, well." His deep, yet muscular vocals rumbled from his throat like thunder. Vision overlooking the obsidian and beige doe.


08-25-2014, 11:36 PM

Galactic beauty shimmered beneath the pale light in which succeeded to pass through the canopy. Such light made her seem all the more ethereal. Onyx enveloped her frame almost entirely whilst ecru hue dribbled upon her back and painted each stilt perfectly. Neck was splashed with the same buff color - Mmm, how she marveled at her own beauty. Though, focusing upon this Cerberus was necessary now. Gaze was lifted to watch the man across the water. Ah, how hard it was to meet this one's gaze! Usually such actions of bravery was no issue at all.

Once past the eerie similarity the beast had with her former master, the soul seemed (from distance) to appear troubled. Though, it was all very puzzling. He seemingly sported a decoration within his nostrils. What from and why? It was perhaps a secret that would forever be buried in this man's soul to never be uncovered by herself; however, for some nameless reason, she wanted to know why the piece intruded upon his face. Curiosity was devouring her mind as if it were a starving monster. Ah, but she would dare not ask. This gargoyle could easily demolish her feminine body and not by the way in which she so desired - but by the way of ending one's life.

The beast shifted his weight into the water after he had paused. To measure it's depth, perhaps? Or to ponder on whatever overtook his mind. . . Nevertheless, he was making his way, gracefully, to her location. Ah, how the water made the massive wolf seem to move so effortlessly. As if he were a dark angel floating across the liquid. Perhaps this man was an angel of sorts? An angel fallen from grace - the devil himself. The devil now coming to claim her soul for living such an impure life. But had she not wanted for such a demon to control her? Or perhaps it was a sadistic desire that she craved until the real possibility met her in person. In a way, at this moment, she wished to become invisible. To become unseen to this man. To vanish into her safe home of Abaven and to feel the comfort of true family.

Motley gaze swiftly retreated back toward the liquid before her and vision only caught glimpse of the beasts lower body as his massive frame emerged from the pond. The liquid pinned onyx fur to his frame revealing the muscles that hid beneath shadowed body. Ah, how effortless it was to meet the eyes of strangers! It bothered her to feel submissive to another.

Frame would slightly shift from the monster. Claws dug deep into the muddied soil that framed the pond. For what? For defense or perhaps for comfort. Either way, it was an automatic response. Breath now entrapped itself inside her lungs - forgetting to be released as the moments passed slowly. A reminder that she was visible to all the world would consume her body when a masculine timbre would call out to her. Should she respond or remain silent? Though, responding would be most polite, yes? How else could she escape? Sit silently and pray that he would grow tired and leave? No, that probably would not work, for this man seemed to have all the time in the world.

You can call me Venus, stranger. Have I stumbled upon your property? Of course it was not his land. The untainted aroma of the area would easily tell her that, but what else was there to say? Venus did her best to keep her voice calm, for beasts tend to thrive off of fear.

Her body still carefully sat upon the muddied soil in the same position. Only had it shifted slightly away from the stranger. Motley eyes still met the liquid before her. Though, her body craved to lie down in submission to this large male. Large being an understatement. A slight tremble rippled across her hind limbs and flank and echoed across the remained of her lower half. She hoped dearly the man did not pick up on such a sign of fear. Air from her lungs finally released in a slow, quiet breath. Remembering to breathe would definitely help in calming the nerves.

my actions |
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my thoughts



7 Years
08-26-2014, 11:40 AM
[Image: gQcyLsB.png]

Quote:"Speech" Thoughts

The starscape that captured his undivided attention seemed to bring him closer with silent steps beneath the shallow pool, drawing him in her direction, though not directly for this fae could quite possibly act out in an unfamiliar way, something this brute wouldn't mind, though felt the need to prevent such mindless actions for now. Golden optics remained captured by the stars, like a moth upon a tree, her camouflage seemed to entrance the predators around her, colors flashing in warning of the toxins she carried, the confidence of her to do so excited the male. Silence remained within the toxic air, as if her voice would be all too much to hear at once, overwhelming his senses. The herculean brute glided upon the shore, an angel? Hardly, though a fallen one would be more fitting for he had nothing in his past life prove his worth towards the heavens, and his past was far from a fairytale. He failed to shake the thick, obsidian coat that hugged so tightly to his wide frame, water like it's own rainstorm streamed from his underside into the already soaked earth, massive footsteps sinking into the sands beneath his heavy weight. He would glance away from her for only a moment of time.

This goddess appeared to be more than a familiar face, for only now had he managed to rest his golden optics over the remaining parts of her exquisite features, down to the very angles of her shoulders and how she would sit, the way she seated herself, like a woman of grace he noticed her positioning. Though he also noticed something within her bi-colored gaze, something her mind was at a battle with, and something he knew but dare not address for now. Submission? Yes he loved it, though what brute didn't appreciate such an action from respectable young does? Finally his gaze seemed to linger over the goddess once more, nostrils flaring as it were visible in his core as his chest sunk and then inflated wildly to catch the scent of the beauty before him. Saying nothing yet, he watched her closely. Curiosity cutting across his keen senses as he did so. His dial would turn gently, observing the dove like a predator to prey, though he would keep his distance for now, and force the excited hackles upon his top line to relax for a moment. Her gaze sent rippled of anxious adrenaline into his spine, electric energy hitting the muscles in his neck and back with sensations that were difficult to ignore, though he did well to hide them.

His underline continued to drip mercilessly, tired gaze hiding many a secret. He would stare at the dove's figure once more, mucus layered bull ring adorned within his busy nose would shimmer as it twitched and flexed in the shadows. Thick stems still soaked with the light waters behind him, revealing the barcoded bracelet and steady musculature he fought against to subdue. Like a siren's song her voice would sound out him, her curious mind he knew could no longer bear it, and so in excitement a small smirk crossed his maw. And there is was, her name, the very beginning of her story she gave to the herculean beast. Venus he repeated within the catacombs of his mind. Such beauty and magnificence. Hardly hearing the remainder of her apology, the brute said nothing for a long while. The bear-like brute would gently sigh, this time his gaze turning away from her to push his large figure slowly forward, though the chilled waters he had emerged from were sending his arthritic joints into a small frenzy. Slowly he shortened the distance between them, without much of a thought as to how that would make her react, and there he stood, dial relaxed upon his wide-set shoulders, her scent pouring into his nostrils with an abrupt meeting, subduing his senses.

"It is not my property, dove. There are no apologies needed, though I crave to know what a divine creature such as yourself is doing in these parts." Though his voice spoke with such words of praise, the vocals they radiated from remained deep and thunderous, hardly forming above a mumble they poured out like toxins from his throat. The siren before him capturing his attention once more as she shifted a bit away from him, and so he stopped, a curious smirk once again across his features. This beast of a brute had long-kept secrets of his own, though he could tell he may not be the only one who did. A deep chuckle, hardly enough effort putting it past a couple of slow sounds would emit behind his ivory colored smile. "Why do you struggle to be calm, dove? If it's fear that's driving you to do so, that's unnecessary." He slowly spoke out, a great breath following after it, though he knew he had yet to give this doe his name in return. He was just waiting for the moment, but only as a reward, for he longed to hear her voice again. The need to hear it sending his hackles up in anxious delay. Claws flexing into the sandy terrain about them both, he was close to her though a safe enough distance away of at least a few feet, enough to catch her movements but not to act out.


08-26-2014, 01:35 PM

The scene would play out as if it were a movie stuck in slow motion. Each movement the monster made seemed to take several seconds to play out when normally it would take a moment. Sounds seemed to even gradually play out rather than instantly. Perhaps the adrenaline that coursed throughout her body played tricks upon her mind in which caused each moment to drag on for what seemed like eternity. Or perhaps it were the gods with their unbelievable sense of humor.

A golden ring hung loosely from the man's right limb. A decoration that she had failed to notice earlier. The metal band gleamed brilliantly beneath the dim-lit terrain. Colors danced about the jewelry in a rainbow of hues, though, it was a rainbow limited to shades of gold. Reflections of white trickled upon it in areas creating an eye catching ornament. Ah, the thing fit so perfectly upon his shadowed frame.

Raven paws would relax from its grip upon the drenched soil, shifting slightly as she moved them a bit from it's former static location. The liquified terrain felt strange as it seeped between each toe and intruded beneath each claw. The noise it made was only a light sloshing sound, one that resemble the soft padding sound across a freshly formed rain puddle. She much preferred the lifeless snow upon her paws.

Venus carefully stood up, slowly. Her frame backed away from the moist ground in an angled fashion - shifting backwards and to the side a bit so that she could face her Cerberus. Ah, it was like looking the devil himself in the face. Her devil. Golden eyes mirrored the same deathly gaze that rested upon her former puppeteer's face. Though, running from such a past would not do. Had she not faced her demon before? No. . . not quite. She faced his mistress but never the devil himself.

The creature's positioning and expression seemed to not be of a threat. Perhaps this man had no ill intentions. She scanned his stature carefully, ensuring that no defenses were being taken - any sign of an attack. Though, none were visible upon his body. Her tense muscles relaxed a fraction. Growing a bit more comfortable in this man's presence as moments inevitably passed by. Though, a knot still formed itself in her throat and flecks of fear could be found upon her facial expressions from time-to-time.

She masked most of her feelings well, though, it proved to be very difficult in this one's presence. Venus allowed marbled eyes to finally lock on to the man's golden gaze. She took a deep breath and formed her usual regal posture. The one in which she held so well when meeting others. One that would tell all the world that she was arrogant - that she was confident and strong.

Perhaps he was no devil after all, though, appearance screamed that he was more than that. The devil's master? Dark vocals would mock his appearance perfectly. It had been a while since the man had last spoken. A seemingly eternal silence over-fell the place. Though, Venus had been so caught up in her own thoughts to remember to respond. But, she shook her dark memories from her mind and played the long lost words in her brain as if it had been recorded there.

The stranger had addressed her as "dove" - for what? To woo her or perhaps a display of kindness? Maybe it was an offering of friendship. Though, whatever it was, she would not deny the name. In fact, she rather liked it, although Raven would have been much more suitable.

I find myself roaming lands without reason. I wish I could offer you an answer, though, I cannot answer it myself. Silence then poured over the land once more, but this time it was brief. Voice was not it's usual flirtatious purr as she addressed this male. Though, Summer was the season that ignited her fire, she desired to not make enemies with this colossal man. This place puts me at unease, that is all.

Was there a reason this beast did not offer his own name? Of course it had to be. Starlit face carried a puzzled look as she questioned his inner desires. Scars painted the beast's face enhancing his demonic appearance. Though, thinking back, she could almost remember than man showing signs of discomfort. Pain, perhaps? Due to age or maybe old battle scars. . . Though, her mind had been clouded at the time. Masking fear and history - clouded to offer some form of comfort to her lost and darkened soul. What should I call you, stranger? Surely, you too, have a name.

my actions |
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my thoughts



7 Years
08-26-2014, 02:26 PM
[Image: gQcyLsB.png]

Quote:"Speech" Thoughts

And so it would seem the god's would not give this edged herculean a moment of peace. His joints would continue to ache as he moved, sitting was a bit of a challenge though he managed to deal with the discomfort in order to bring the idea of comfort to this siren known as Venus. Ahh, he would play her name in his mind like a broken record, lounging within the short syllables that gave this goddess such a calling. And yet, the name seemed to fit the doe, he solid size, though feminine physique was carried with her very well. He knew she was no stranger to affections and both her voice, mannerisms, and even her scent failed to suggest him otherwise. With given time the brute finally brought himself to focus, the galactic goddess finally speaking to him with what he longed to hear.

His attention lifted as she spoke, the one and a half auds upon the top of his head would swivel forward slowly, the golden studs within his intact ear now facing her. This anomaly of a brute growing more and more interested to the point where control may no longer compromise with who it belonged too. He was no threat, and he let her know as such, but there was something about this doe, something raw and inviting that he told himself to tolerate for now. But who was to say this normally docile brute could loose control at times? He did his best to hide it, to hide everything that wanted to break out at once and overtake this doe.

With outward poise he listened as she spoke, remaining where he stood, though mostly relaxed. "Is that so?" He questioned her with a coy manner, though his vocals remained dark, they rolled from his throat from the depths of his great chest. Though something made him itch, perhaps it was the fae's indirect answer. His maimed aud twitched momentarily and he felt a sigh lift at his great lungs. He could tell she was dancing about, perhaps avoiding acquaintance with the brute, or maybe just wishing to stay her distance, all with good reason. Though he failed to usually keep up his teasing demeanor, taking advantage of his looks and demonic voice he could only do it for so long before eventually growing back into his true self, a mere loner of a male, wishing to only satisfy the doe's who abided by his own wishes to do so. He never allowed his past to define who he was now. A half-decrepid beast who had no home, he was never the type who had dove's wanting his ever lasting attention, only a select few in a blue moon would come along, but fade away after the seasons passed, whether that be the founding of a pack, or they passed from the earth itself by the hand of an enemy, illness, or childbirth.

"Ah, I see." He commented upon her uneasiness in these areas, another ivory smirk crossing his dark maw. It seemed to fade as she asked for his name. Before replying the brute seemed to look away from the doe, moving towards her with easy, slow steps, his musculature seemed to relax as he did so, not wishing to send her the wrong intentions. As he neared her he would veer to her left, golden optics capturing her gaze of evening sunset, moving slowly he would allow his figure to drift around her, slowly making his way to her opposite side, tail set low, dial somewhat lifted as to capture all of her features. The musky beast spoke as he neared her tail end, pausing for a moment to see what her reaction may be, he played with the situation. He finally decided to give her his dubbance, wishing not to cause trouble. "Goliath. Toh Beru." He slowly gave her the last of his calling.

Lingering at the fae's seated position he glanced up towards her dial, catching the stars in their places as they faded over her dial. He observed her odd markings, something he had seen much of lately, these wolves of strange coloration, yet beautiful all the same, and intriguing. "If these lands bring you such uneasiness, why linger?"


08-27-2014, 11:09 AM

This extraterrestrial goddess grew all the more pleasant in the presence of her personal Hades. The man displayed no sign of threat or ill intentions and perhaps she was simply quick to judge the beast based on such demonic looks. Mangled face mad the hellhound seem all the more evil. Though, evil did not yet seem to festoon his identity. Some only were temporarily good, however, until one had simply willingly gave themselves to a demonic power. . . Then to only display their true personality when one was beneath his or her grasp. Venus would continue to be cautious of the man - observing each movement that passed over such grand muscles.

She was now much more alert and things restored to its natural speed as nerves became more at ease. No longer drugged by her natural heroin, focusing on the man's words and interactions became much more effortless. Confidence had once more been restored upon her soul.

Regal posture shifted once more as the muddied soil continued to seep between her toes. Ah, such an annoyance. Marbled eyes stared at the man attentively and patiently as he responded to each of her statements. She took in each syllable and as she did so, the man's dark voice became all the more attractive. Her typical whorish behavior surfacing - craving this beast to consume her and inject her with his medication. Though, this season would be a dangerous time to take a large dose for it could result in unwanted side effects in which would, ultimately, delay her desires to become an Alacritan queen.

Though, she could not help but think of what a magnificent king this man would be. She was unsure of his personality and ability to demand control; however, his size and appearance could easily strike fear into the hearts of others! What a benefit that would be. . . Further enabling her to manipulate others as she so chose to do. Maybe this was the reason for their meeting? Mmm, such possibilities this man offered and so she wished not to make enemies of him.

The beast's responses always seemed to be condensed. Saying what he meant with as little words as possible. It was admirable in its own way. The man seemed to be careful not to display any sign of dominance - keeping his tail low to ensure that he was of no threat. That was a welcome sign. Though, the man would make his way to her rear which sent shivers of pure desire throughout her body. Thoughts of wanting him flooding through her mind would only cloud her thoughts once more.

Venus could not help herself. Ah, how she must toy with this devil! She gently pressed her now standing body against the man allowing her warmth to touch his body wherever it may. A slight moan escaped from her throat - surely the man must want her as well. The man's voice would then offer her his name. Goliath. It suited the man well.

Then he would question her decision of lingering in such a surreal place. She would answer him, but this time in her typical flirtatious timbre. Goliath. The name fits such a beast so well. Mmm. . . Perhaps you are the reason I linger. Indeed he was. If the man had not interrupted her travels she would have probably been in new places by now. Though, she wished to not add the rest. It sounded much more wooing shortened the way she had. Perhaps the man would understand her hints of desire. Then again, he may not be interested. What about yourself? What brings you here if you don't mind me asking?

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7 Years
08-27-2014, 12:53 PM
[Image: gQcyLsB.png]

Quote:"Speech" Thoughts

Oh this dove was good, she ay have been showing such brief moments of fear before, well hidden with a steady hear rate, he felt he could palpate in the atmosphere between them. Though, it would seem that now this fae was beginning to discover her upper hand. Something the brute knew she may gain, though doubted her prior to the show she decided to put on for him, and a dazzling show at that.

With an audible sigh, the brute continued to make his way towards the fae's rear, all the while realizing just what it was that had brought him to her, that dream-like state that would overtake his mind in the most lonesome times of his life. Each day was a battle to wake himself from the memories and the past that plagued him. As the beast slowed to barely a movement, his musculature rippled over his every step, still soaking from the stomach down he tolerated the slow drips and traveling beads of water as they seeped into the earth via his thick stems. He stopped behind the galactic goddess, failing to see her gaze right away he took advantage of the time he spent there, not moving from his perpendicular position, nor did he touch her, he merely stood, watching the dove's bodice sway gently. Boy was she something, something that could, on all planes, become his. The thought lingered in his mind, the temptress who could have many options circulating within her own mind at this point.

As the atmosphere around them fell still and all that there was seemed to suddenly disappear, the brute only watched this fae and nothing else. Simple thoughts seemed to etch into the core of his mind, craving this dove seemed to dominate the rest for the time being, an escape from the world he usually lived in, a world of solitude and aggravation constantly overruling his subconscious. It had yet to drive him to madness, and he knew this galactic goddess could very well be an out for him. Other thoughts would linger, she would bring a feeling of togetherness when a time of lonesome would hit him in his every day life, not to mention love. Ahh, love, it was possible though such times that had been felt while in love were greatly underestimated and ignored. Could he be capable of these things again? Possibly ruling his own lands again? Taking what could be rightfully his? He had been on his own for so long the ideas had crossed his mind, but were quickly shaken off. But upon just seeing her, this goddess... The thoughts seemed to spawn again.

Deep within him he wished for this doe to accept him quite fully, hoping it could lead to whatever may happen. Though who's to say she wouldn't just take advantage of the brute? He didn't know her, not her true self as of yet. As he thought about this, golden optics would slide into a curious, shimmering gaze towards the doe. Piercing through the back of her skull, his pupils would widen as he felt a sudden pressure at his flank. Stiffening his physique the bear-like brute glanced at the fae's rump as she seemed to push against him quite provocatively. Blinking slowly the moan she would allow to escape from his throat would widen them once more, only before an inward shiver would fall down his spine. His breath would catch and his claws would dig into the earth, stems barely shaking as if ready to jump. But he kept himself where he was, tense as the fibers in his every muscle seemed to fire all at once, and the hackles along his top line would raise to reveal such hidden scars from before. As moments passed the excited brute would calm himself, optics like daggers at the doe, he would slowly lean gently into where she was pushing, flank stiff and strong against her rump. Another gentle chuckle pushed from his throat, small snicker appearing as he would then slowly push himself forward, this young siren was becoming harder and harder to keep from himself, and he could feel the game getting more serious than ever before.

Her powerful scent overtook his nostrils once more before she spoke out again. Lovely vocals pouring towards him like a poison. Bullring within his obsidian nose was wet and glimmering. He stepped to the goddesses right side this time, golden gaze waiting to meet with her own. His slow, eerie chuckle would consume the air after her voice sounded, bringing him closer to her, as he moved he would allow his flank to linger against her before finally breaking off and swinging around so he could face her once more. As difficult as the task was, the bull seemed to shake himself through it, wanting nothing more than to remain where he had been, subduing the goddess as she so wished.

"Oh then I must remain immobilized, so as to avoid separation." He felt the words pour out towards her, honest in their every syllable, deep vocals pouring out like a distant thunderstorm in the heavens. Another shiver of anticipation flew down his spine, he would give an invisible shiver before feeling his hackles remain where they were. "I do not, though I also have no correct answer. I was merely traveling until a goddess divine seemed to capture my attention." He had to throw that small amount of cheap and cheesy flirtation in there, just to see what the dove's reaction might be, so eagerly waiting. An overwhelmingly tense desire flew over him again, raising his heart rate and dilating the pupils within the golden orbs meeting her own of marbled sunset. The galaxy across her stunning visage captured him, unsure of how this fae may want a troubled beast such as himself, half maimed with arthritic joints, scars both physical and physiological. He wasn't as troubled as he could have been from such a history as he had, though he didn't quite understand why someone would want to be associated with him as well. Pushing that aside the brute watched the dove, wishing for nothing more than to take the advantage, standing uneasily where he was, riddled with anticipation.


08-27-2014, 06:06 PM

Slowly, though inescapably, darkness began to overtake the remaining hours of daylight. Silver light now gently poured through cracks in the canopy overhead. Silver light in which whispered that it was close to hours of twilight. And soon stars would decorate the sky, though, the flecks of light would be invisible through the vegetation above. But her own starlit face would offer a personal, eternal galaxy. One in which a constant reminder of the beauty that rested in the heavens. Sometimes she desired life would end early so that she may travel there. Perhaps that is where she truly belonged. For at times (most times), on Alacritis, she felt detached. Perhaps that is why she yearned for man to touch her. It offered a temporary relief from all that is normal. Allowing one to travel beyond this planet temporarily. The mind could escape all that is bad and focus on being in pure ecstasy.

Scars that painted this creature named Goliath were not horrifying, in fact, she found each one fascinating. They were like a permanent story etched in stone. Maybe her encounter with Goliath would be more than temporary, and she would get to know the secrets each scar held. Not only did she find these scars fascinating, but she found this entire wolf fascinating. Whether it was because the man reminded her of her former puppeteer or if it was some other underlying reason yet to be uncovered, she found him riveting, nevertheless. The way his paws pressed upon the ground in such a force that seemingly made Alacritis's flesh tremble, the way his masculine voice rumbled from deep within his chest. . . It was all so perfect.

At this time, she desired so much to have godly powers that would allow her to enter the thoughts in his mind. To be able to understand what the man thought of her, though, it was obvious that he found her fascinating as well. But what was his intentions? To manipulate her? To woo her for the moment and then to disappear to whatever realm he had came? Though, at this moment, her mind told her that it really did not matter if the two of them never crossed paths again; however, her vital heart implored her to not let this one go.

Seductive advances seemed to ignite some sort of fire in the man. Ah, but did she really want this meeting to end that way? Or did she want to leave him with something to think about? She decided to refrain from additional hints to woo the male - instead, she would let him make the next seductive move if there was one to be made. Instead of her wanting him, she wanted him to want her. To feel wanted. . . Ah, is that not what everyone desired at some point? To feel as if another genuinely cared would be such a different feeling. Though, at this time, this man did not appear to be the family-oriented type. But, neither was she, right? Mmm, what a pair they would make!

Even though waiting for the man to make the next advancement if there was one to come, she could not help but feel a shiver of excitement consume her body entirely once he accepted her touch with a lean into her body. Ah, to feel such power to gently press against her flank was overwhelming - though, welcoming. A slight feeling of frustration would radiate through her when the man would make his way to her right side. How well he controlled himself around her! A temptation most others could not deny. And to feel his touch leave her - how she desired to close the space between them once more - to feel such masculinity to simply caress her gently.

Motley eyes would glance at the man's nostril decoration before returning to his golden eyes. Locking on to both of them as the man would adjust his body to face her. Each movement he mad was colossal. As if he were a stone giant gliding across the planet. Each step he took seemed to sink deeply into the mud causing her body to tip in his direction. Though, that could have also been from her continuous shifting.

Goliath would speak soon after, words mirrored her flirtatious tone. Mmm, she loved to hear such words pour from the man's maw. Smiling and laughter simply did not happen to Venus herself, though, if it did she would have probably smiled shyly at the male's attempt. Well, Goliath. . . She spoke slowly, savoring the way his name tasted upon her lips. I am glad that I captured your attention. I must be awful lucky to capture such a masculine male as yourself. Her eyes captured the movement of his dilating pupils, savoring the desire this man seemed to obtain. Perhaps this is why his eyes danced in such a beautiful manner. Surely you cannot be alone? Why did that matter to her she did not understand, but the question poured from onyx lips before she could stop it. It was a question that was obviously asking of his relationship status. Ah, and how she secretly hoped he was, in fact, alone.

Tail swayed gently in the breeze that managed to flow across the surreal landscape. Playing with the hairs upon her body creating a galactic dance. A swirl of colors that mocked their own galaxy like so many otherworldly gases swirling and dancing creating a rainbow of hues that were simply dreamlike. ears were pointed forward, alert and curious. Eyes left the man's gaze momentarily to once again take in his size. He towered over her in such a magnificent way. Eyes peered at the fur in which was still stuck against his frame due to the liquid he had glided through. An ear seemed to be severed from battle long ago. Ah, mangled and scarred - it made the man all the more appealing.

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my thoughts



7 Years
08-27-2014, 11:36 PM
[Image: gQcyLsB.png]

Quote:"Speech" Thoughts

Silver that once painted their surroundings, brightened by the heavens and every shadow among them fed by absent darkness. And among them stood the beast of a wolf. His obsidian hue and hackles raising ever so sharply over the sharply palpated air, so thin with desire, greed, and lust it was a flavor on the winds. He could tell that soon the air would cool, and the still summer breeze would relax to allow cool whisps time to intertwine within the warm waves. Like the beautiful face he had been watching, galaxy's would appear across the canopy hidden sky, like a game of hide and seek they would occasionally be able to become visible.

As the winds stirred gently, hardly eradicating the dust from his filthy figure, his nostrils would flare to take in the scent of the doe before him, a vision she was, something he was incapable to getting over in more ways than one, and there was only one thing that would be able to rid that feeling of curiosity and overwhelming lust, and he knew that she could only understand what it was as well. Besides the need to fulfill this woman in more ways than one captivating his mind so forcefully, he failed to notice his exhausted self, or the lack of insomnia plaguing his mind and body. As though it never existed the pain was absent, at least for now. Something that hadn't happened in quite a long time. Images of the past failed to plague his mind, flashes of smeared faces and harmful memories or day dreams. They felt like a constant hell for the brute, and he walked and walked perhaps as some subconscious way to get rid of the memories, maybe thats why he was a reckless rogue, controlled by his need to escape so he would just wander.

The thoughts of such times would cause him to sigh at times, a constant state of fighting with himself, but now? Now was not one of those times. He felt captured by something else, something real and it was happening all right now, he just only realized he didn't feel the need to walk or run from it, to free himself from it. And it was her, this galactic goddess who captured his undivided attention so fully. The spots and speckles that so finely covered her visage were a vision, and with the fading light of the day the brute couldn't help but stare with such an intense gaze, the stars in her sky were glowing and he had to stay to see it happen to it's full extent. There was something so secret and so unknown about this fae, something he wanted to know about, but also, she may want to know this about him as well. And so a sinking feeling seemed to hit him in the gut only for a moment. His auds would turn back and he would cut his gaze from the goddess. Gold staring down at the mud beneath him, practically concave to his massive form.

Muscle upon muscle would tense at her next words. He desired her so fully it almost hurt, and the thoughts that plagued him for that moment had to fade away for he knew she was there in front of him, and she was real and present, and she could be his, all his and no one else's. He wanted her, no, needed her.

As he brought himself around to face her he would remain ever so tense and on-edge. Breaths being pushed from the onyx nostrils swallowing part of the ring inside of it would flex and shift as to take in their surroundings. His side reflecting that of protection and greed combined. With each inhale his chest would widen, if that were even more possible, and his lungs with fill with the poisonous air that belonged to the siren before him, constantly bringing his mind back to her. Golden optics would then turn up to meet hers as she spoke, her voice filling his auds with such an addictive sound.

He was accustomed to those he had only just met being curious about his adornments, though he never seemed to speak of them. As her watched her look upon him he felt a sense of puzzlement and also curiosity. Her audible amusement within her words was recognized, and so he continued to tease her along, awaiting for the right moment to take her completely both physically and mentally. They were both alone, and he needed her now more than ever. His body language continued to send her the signs he knew she could so clearly read. "Venus." He lingered on her name for a long while, a small smirk upon his maw as she spoke of his physical form. As he spoke his next words, he would take slow and meaningful steps towards the goddess divine. "Goddess... Oh, but I am alone." He stopped mere inches between himself and her, his musk seemed to palpate into the air as did her own. His dial lifted and arched quite magnificently, the matted and thick mane hugging his neck and chest would stir and flex as he did so, auds lying back against his skull. His optics were soft now, merely watching her figure instead of staring at her sunset orbs. Taking in her every curve and edge. As the great breeze flew by them both, patches of black hue would sail from his body, dust would flutter from him and the thick hue sticking to his masculine self would wave and flick within the heavy gusts. She was more than a vision at that moment.

As he neared her he allowed his cheek to barely touched her own, golden bull ring barely touching the fine feathers of her ears, his voice hardly above a whisper as he spoke to her quietly. "Alone with you." His deep vocals curled from his throat into tempting tones. His nose pushing forward to gently nuzzle at the dove's ear slowly, his tense figure towering beside her in width and in height. Golden optics would close for a moment, and for the first time in forever, nothing would capture his attention in the darkness, nothing but Venus. Another breeze would capture them, and in the distance his aud would flick briefly, capturing the sound of a distant thunderstorm, flashing light and quiet thunder rolling over the heavens. He continued to gently nuzzle at the dove's ear, hardly breaking the ebony hue that so neatly gave off her sweet scent. Shadows and light pouring over them both.


08-28-2014, 05:20 PM

Shadowed shades increased with darkness - darkness now overtaking the last silver beams of light that had managed to escape the overhead prison. There was beauty in darkness and she, herself, was proof of that. Dull sounds of thunder in the distance would echo across the surreal landscape. Ah, there was beauty in storms. The way the clouds whirled swiftly in the heavens, consuming the sapphire heavens, eventually creating a scene that appeared to be painted by Van Gogh.

Her personal Hades had emerged from his realm. Finally reaching out to her. Mmm, how well he taunted such haunting memories of antecedent events. Though, it was welcoming. Most wolves retreated from their history, but she chose to embrace it. Maybe this is what was so hypnotic about this male. Maybe this is what pleaded for her to find comfort within his hell. Hell being so familiar, she considered it her home. A hell in which had been long lost in the family setting of Abaven. How she needed this beast for her own personal demonic guardian, and she could be his angel with black wings.

Though, being this bastard's personal addiction would force her to give up her life as a succubus. A trade that would, perhaps, be worthy to forever hold the devil within her grasp. Giving up her learned ways would be a difficult road and not a perfect one. Though, who knew where it may end up at if this demon chose to stand by her side. Would they rule a land of their own? Maybe building an empire alongside Abaven, creating a force so powerful that others dared not to threaten with bloodied claws. Ah, such visions and such power to be obtained.

The man's muscles seemingly tensed as her words sung out to him. Perhaps, he too, found some sick comfort from her presence. Or perhaps it was from unshielded desire - and soon she would offer him relief from such sensations. Relief in which he probably needed more so than herself.

Each breath the man took seemingly made him look all the more demonic. Lungs increasing his size to the point where it appeared it could no longer stretch his masculine chest. Ah, this macabre beast was so perfect. Together, they could own all the world.

The words soon to exit his maw would make a promise of him being alone. Something whispered that she could trust his statement, though, something else told her that she could not; however, what did it matter. Herself could not be trusted. Unwillingly given a life of trickery and lies would shape her ability to trust and to be trusted. Such a tale would take a brave soul to unravel and rewind into something good. To redo what had be done would take understanding and much guidance. To retrain her thought processes could, in fact, be done.

Something in her soul, or perhaps the ghosts of ancestors, seemed to plead for her to not let him go. Motley eyes would seemingly light up into a personal wildfire when Goliath would inch his way closer to her once more. Marbled gaze would scan his masculine body once - savoring the dreadlocks that poured from his flesh. Untamed - it fit this rogue so wonderfully.

I adore your unkempt mane, Goliath. It fits you so handsomely. It makes sensations of lust pour throughout my body. . . Your scars decorate your face so menacingly. I bet you have a warrior heart to match each perfect imperfection. The ornaments that hang upon your body in gold give you a dangerous appearance in which I find rather seductive.She would whisper in return as the male would touch her face. The gold metal band that hung from his nose made a shiver ripple through her body as it's cold touch kissed her ear softly. The man sent floods of excitement through her body as he would push his nose to her ear and nuzzle her warmly. And with that she knew she needed him.

Venus returned the touch - pressing her face into the beast's jawline. Nuzzling softly and allowing her warm, excited breaths to wash over his pelt in short moans. Ravage me, Goliath. Ah, she did not want him to be easy. She wanted to taste the power the hide within his colossal frame. With that said, the succubus sunk her fangs into his matted neck in attempt to lay marks on his flesh. Right forelimb intertwined with his left forelimb, pulling herself as close as she possibly could to her Hades.

Lightning continued to ignite their landscape. Becoming all the more urgent as time ticked on. Thunder rumbled fiercely. . . The gods, perhaps, disapproving or approving of their connection. Droplets made its way past the canopy overhead, pouring down upon their bodies. Her pelt soaked up the liquid quickly as if it had been deprived of hydration for far too long. Fur now matched the man's coat as it was now soaked and pressed against her skin - revealing each curve of her body more wonderfully than before.

my actions |
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my thoughts



7 Years
08-31-2014, 12:05 AM
[Image: gQcyLsB.png]

Quote:"Speech" Thoughts

Another great sigh would escape his maw as the distant thunderstorm seemed to grow closer to this serenading area. Heavenly painted landscape was growing dark and full of shadows, nearly surreal for the land in this part was dedicated to only the heavens and life above earth. The light seemed to shrink with such ferocity at the idea of darkness rolling in, and yet in a calm, undisturbed way it the ivory painted trees and vines would seem to sigh and ready themselves for a night of sleep. As if their job was now done, they would cease to shiver or flee at the idea of darkness, something so intimate and curious to this male. He appreciated taking the time to determine the personality of his surroundings. Each land he would discover, or return to had it's own waves of persona. He liked to determine each and every one and take note of their current feelings towards the earth.

As of now, he could feel the disturbances in the distant. Like a calling the massive beast would grow more and more calm as the thunder would roll closer to them both. That perfect area between excited and at peace, that was where he was. This fae was all he could have wanted and more at the time he had spotted her, and yet that distant storm was more than a comfort to bring him back to reality. Although.. Being honest with himself he was fighting to keep control of the situation, keeping himself from ravishing this doe without her very permission to do so was a form of pain most agonizing to him. And so, he longed to hear her speak, to hear the voice of this galactic siren ring out into the open.

The breeze would pick up eventually, tussling at the pelts worn by them both, not becoming one as he would near her visage. His obsidian nose, scarred with a human trinket which gave him a feeling of edge around physical contact with others, (and thus feeding his hate for the jewelry he wore) would then touch ever so gently at her laid aud. The warmth of her pelt mixing with the devil-brute's smokey breath, a heavy musk would come over him, mane and thick hackles rising to give him the appearance of a bear-like animal. Unkept hue now appearing more rough, would suddenly feel weighted down. He had hardly noticed the rainfall that had consumed them both. Her scent would deepen, mixing with that of the rains above. Petrichor and heat would take over his nostrils, and his chest would expand and fall quickly as he attempted to breath it all in as fast as he could. Growing rigid his body would tense slowly more, his feet now lifting and settling like a prey animal, wary of the ground it stands upon for something was driving it to be uneasy or excited.

Suddenly her vocals rang out, and like the song of an angel it hit his auds so hard his golden optics would close in an attempt to hear every syllable that much better. Her list of compliments made the brute stop and wonder, practically unable to understand what she was saying, only that she was speaking. He wasn't the type to take compliments so well, and instead his somewhat modest self said nothing for a while, only a small smirk would appear in silence across his tense maw. Pulling away for a moment the brute turn his golden bit nostrils towards her cheek. Finding it difficult to gather his words together for his mind was it's own thunderstorm of bad thoughts. A loud crash of thunder would shake the tree's around them, and the beast ket his ground, "They are not that impressive, for I usually do as little as possible to take care of any of it." He had to admit to the doe with some humor mixed in to his excited tone he could hardly form words through his heavy breaths. Nuzzling her still, he allowed his great maw to mess and fiddle with the spots adorning the starry eyes dove. He felt the sudden clamping of her jaws within the scruff of his neck. Unable to really form words at this point the excited brute would practically dance in place, as rigid as he could be his pelt stood on end, a low growl seemed to extractively leave the bowels of his throat as she bit down, causing his some discomfort, though the immensely sensual feeling sent am overwhelming shiver down his spine her words tipping him over the edge into a frenzy.

Her soaked pelt seemed to catch against his own as he stepped towards her, pushing his weight against her chest with his own. Golden optics would flash open in a sudden realization of the storm overhead, though he could hardly care at this point. His joints shivered as the excitement was all but too much for him, the goddesses beautiful frame now formed ever so elegantly within the flashes of the lightning above, printing the canopy over the scape with each flash. Words were not unable to form both mentally and physically for the male and he could do nothing but act on her will, his own jaws suddenly opened, his maw wrinkled back, and his ivories then gripping against the doe's scruff, at first in a series of gentle bites as to not break skin, but enough to apply a sting of sharp pressure and disturbance, finally in one last bite of a few he gathered enough and made his way fourth, teeth rigidly holding her where she was for the time being. Thunder crashed and lightning lit up the skies. Perhaps it was the approval of the god's, though if it weren't, then there would be one who would attest to it.

Fade to black...


08-31-2014, 08:14 PM

Thunder continued to roll and lightning offered continuous, brief breaths of light. Shadows retreating momentarily as the electric currents would burst across the heavens. The storm grew all the more furious, though, that did not matter in this heated, passionate moment. All that mattered was the lust that consumed her. Licking at her every cell as if it were venom. Rushes of warmth would pass through her vessels, igniting her libido into a passionate rage.

She could not help but question what would happen after their encounter. Her desire to see this man again may not be shared between the two, but who could resist her beauty? The succubus knew she craved this man to worship her - to follow her to the ends of Alacritis. Though, she would not voice these wants. She wanted him to want her. Ah, maybe it was a matter of pride. Pride in which refused to confess she wanted a man's continuous company.

Her Hades seemed to hesitate when compliments poured over him. Though, it did not seem to be entirely because of the compliments themselves. The man seemed distracted. Perhaps from the delicate timbre that licked her onyx lips. Her voice was one that even angels would envy. Feminine and clear - mirroring a voice heard in ethereal music. The beast would speak and words seemingly repudiated her lyrics of admiration. Though, it seemed to trail off with a bit of humor.

Chills were sent across her body as his nuzzled kissed her face gently. Warmth and tenderness in which she had been long deprived of. Memories could not recall a time in which a male had taken a moment to fondle her. Interactions with men had always been straight to the point. As foreign as this tenderness was, she found it quite enjoyable.

Though, the tenderness ended when she had lashed out the male in her much more familiar ferocity. The growls that escaped the man's throat warmed her fire all the more. Creating a burning passion that could not be put out with a mediocre encounter; however, she was confident this man would be able to deliver. Canines had passed the dreadlocks upon his neck. She could feel his skin give in to the sharp blades that protruded from her gums. Though, teeth could not sink deep enough to draw the metallic liquid from his body.

The man's overwhelming strength pushed against her chest in return. It felt as if the man was trying to possess her body. Though, fur and flesh refused to allow his soul to enter her body. She could feel his powerful heart beat against her chest. Her excited heartbeat seemingly matched her newly found devil's heartbeat. Such a dance they would create. Bodies would collide and hearts would race. Thunder would continue to roll and lightning would illuminate two intertwined bodies. Mmm, a dance of devils or blooming love.

The man satisfied her thirst, though, after their encounter something still pleaded for her to stay - to get to know this man for more than his physical capabilities. Rapid breaths escaped her maw in pants. Limbs and body trembled slightly from the flood of excitement and pleasure. Soaked body made its way to the man's left side and gently leaned into him. Nose pressed gently beneath his jawline as her tongue offered a few kisses.

Don't leave just yet. Stay the night with me. Pride had lowered its unbreakable shield allowing her to ask the man for further company. Her heart, though blackened, still craved to be cared for. To continue to feel this foreign tenderness this male offered. It was a source of light, faint, but still a light in her dark, eternal prison. Simple acts that offered peace in her forever tortured mind. Because with him, her shadowed thoughts vanished - allowing love back in.

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my thoughts



7 Years
09-01-2014, 08:02 PM
[Image: gQcyLsB.png]


Within the heat of the moment the brute was unable to contain himself, and post passion he felt a surge of comfort float over him where he stood beside her, obsidian maw nuzzling gently, and passionately at the fae's scruff and aud where he had grabbed earlier with his powerful jaws quite forcefully with such grit behind his jagged ivories. He knew he had most likely made his mark upon this doe in more ways than one, and within every inch of his being he felt such satisfaction and content fulfillment. He wasn't about to leave the goddess divine beside him, let alone ceasing to touch every it of her as the night would go on, and he new it had only just begun.

With a content sigh the tired brute's heavy, quick breath was beginning to slow, his heart rate slowing down and returning to a normal level. Golden optics would close as his golden pierced nostrils would flex to take in the scent of this doe, the goddess who was now his and always would be if he had anything to say about it. He took in as much of her as he could, this obsidian, ivory, and starscaped goddess was a heavenly angel who he knew had to have been sent to him as a gift from above. Everything about her made his hackles stand on end, and his heart begin to race. Even her name, Venus. He whispered within the confines of his busy mind. Exhaustion took the brute over, and he felt a sudden surge of energy flow from his relaxed figure. His thick stems, still somewhat damp were shaking ever so lightly.

His lungs continued to fill with the air around them, heated though beginning to cool with the night air, the heat radiating from them both continuing as they stood, though the brute suddenly felt the cool sinking of the mud below his large paws, the sand slinking between his wide, gripping toes. The feeling suddenly hit him like a wall of relief, and without thinking he seemed to part from the angel beside him, only to lower himself like a mammoth would to the earth below, slowly dropping himself into the cool sand with a grunt of exhaustion, his unkept, ebony hue suddenly growing damp and relief overtook him. Golden optics would roll closed with satisfaction, as if it could come in such waves to him after such a passionate moment with the one beside him.

Golden gaze shot open as the galactic dove spoke out to him. He failed to reply to her immediately, somewhat confused and surprised by her question towards him. An eagerness he rarely heard towards himself was in her voice, and it ignited something within him that caused a tingly feeling of comfort to come over him. Lying flat still within the earth the brute gave a gentle grunt as he lifted his heavy form up to his feet once again, his left side now soaked in a concrete colored sand and dirt, random black clumps damp with the rains now barely sprinkling over them both. Obsidian hue continued to cling to his figure with such need to touch the skin stretched taught over his thick musculature. Pieces of matted and messy hue stuck out over heavy curves as he raised himself up, gaze somewhat soft as they searched for hers eagerly. Wanting to see the beauty of them.

A small smirk crossed half of his thick maw, wrinkles cursing one side of his muzzle. His vocals were low and still deep within his throat, deep thunderous tones rose out hardly above a mumble of masculinity, "Venus. I wouldn't dream of leaving you now." He slowly spoke out, his gaze searching over the stars cape against the goddesses visage. He then spoke again, raspy but deep voice sounding again, "Besides, what belongs to me deserves my undivided attention and protection. I won't be going anywhere." There was a bit of domination to his tone, unyielding to the dove, though speaking with a softness to it as well, such confidence oozing from the syllables. With his words the brute nuzzled at the dove with ebony kisses and affection to her cheek and neck, the golden ring in his nose blending against her hue once more, hidden as he did so with such tenderness. The bracelet upon his arm would shift and shine against the darkness he blended with so well. The two piercings in his intact ear would flick with ever turn of his aud, standing out against his unkept hue.

As he gave a few slow licks to the dove's cheek he pulled away with a brief shake of his ebony pelt into the shadows surrounding them. A blanket of sand fell to the ground though the brute still felt the need to relieve his aching joints who struggled with the internal scars of battle that had formed. Taking a step forward the mammoth male gently and playfully tugged at the doe's aud that was closes to him, hardly gripping before releasing it as he moved forward, his great figure egging her to follow him towards the pool he had previously emerged from, the make-shift flames who had swallowed the devil before meeting the angel who beaconed him forward, he would return to them, but this time with the angel following suit.


09-03-2014, 11:22 PM

Scruff ached from the devils grip upon her flesh. It was a welcoming pain, one in which flooded her body with pure pleasure and satisfaction. Ah, an encounter she wanted so badly to occur again. Her Hades would nuzzle the area affectionately, perhaps to soothe the continuous throbbing pain. This wolf, her devil, was the first man she craved to accompany her in life's adventures. Though, unknown to her at this time, it was a fleck of love blossoming inside her heart - confused with a constant reminder of her puppeteer.

The succubus contently listened as the man would sigh - perhaps a breath of pleasurable satisfaction. Indeed, she knew how to satisfy a man's hunger. Marbled eyes watched as the man would lower himself into the liquefied terrain. Surely he was exhausted from such exercise. The muddied soil painted the male's dreadlocks. It actually looked comfortable and if she were not so concerned about maintaining her galactic beauty, she probably would have lied beside him - wallowing in the refreshingly cool temperate the mud had to offer. Though, she simply could not stand the ounce that seemingly made its way between each delicate toe.

A surge of relief would wash over her when the man would decide to raise to his limbs once more. She felt out of place standing over the man. He was, after all, her tower. The muddied soil covered his masculine frame in such a way it made him look all the more enticing. The substance helped to make a creation that appeared fierce and powerful and she yearned for the man to claim her as his.

The words to follow would satisfy her in ways she had yet to understand. All she knew is that she gravitated towards him as if he were her own brand of drug, a drug in which was entirely personalized for her in order to create a moment of otherworldly euphoria. Euphoria in which she simply could not do without, and if forced to do without she would seemingly forever chase mediocre drugs in search of the same feeling that would never again be achieved.

Then another sentence would fall from his lips. The words would send chills of eroticism throughout her body. She was his - she belonged to him. A statement of possession. Ah, it thrilled her and satisfied her so completely. He would be her devil and she would be his personal succubus. I would rather be claimed by you than any other. Something holds me to you. . . Something about you is just different. Different in a good way, but foreign. Tone would reflect her confused emotions, perhaps the male would help her understand.

Kisses to her cheek and playful tug to her ear would make the gal grin shyly. Ah, grinning is something she could not simply remembering doing and for the first time in forever, she felt completely happy. And so she would trail after the male into the pond. Cool liquid licked at her ethereal pelt. It was a relief to wash away the muddied soil that had clung to her paws.

A surge of bliss would course through her body, a sort of puppy-hood that she had been deprived of. Body leaped and bound playfully around Goliath. Water splashed over the male as she gleefully bounced in circles around him. She then found herself tugging at the male's scruff as if she were trying to pull him sideways into the water. And in this moment, for one time in her life, darkness had seemingly parted ways for light to shine through with all its radiance.

ooc; sorry for the delay! had some family stuff pop up

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my words |
my thoughts



7 Years
09-18-2014, 06:21 PM
[Image: gQcyLsB.png]

Quote:"Speech" Thoughts

A brief shake of the mane upon his thick bodice would subdue the air around them both. A grunt of satisfactory pain would overcome his mind as he felt the broken punctures within the scruff of his great neck, they would twist and fold as he shook the musculature so carelessly. Nervending's seemed to fire uncontrollably until his nape came to a complete stand still, clumps of matted black hair and, damp and tired from the weather around them would flutter gently down to the ground, continuing to soak up the water that fell from the sky so flawlessly, falling where it pleased, drenching everything in it's path with such a neat and pathological skill to slowly capturing every inch of the earth and it's beings.

As he slunk into the sandy, cold earth a wave of comfort momentarily enveloped him. Golden optics would close and he would sigh in such heavy, charismatic, content happiness. This galactic woman more than satisfactory in many ways, and all of it worked in complete harmony with everything he had to offer her. And as it would be in the future, she would continue to do so if he had any say in it... Though, maybe he could afford to feel differently with this woman, she was not fearing him, she was not cowering, not whimpering in fear. And the different way in which she mirrored his actions post coitus was something fascinating to him, perhaps something more than what he thought it could be? Either way, his feelings and everything within his mind told him she needed to remain his and only his. But that would be discussed in the near future, right now he wanted to remain within this content time they seemed to share together.

He would listen to her words as he stopped on his short journey to the waters beside them, intimately plaing with the tuft at the doe's cheek and ear. Golden ring, cold and lifeless would dangle against her, between them both it would continue to be a barrier. Thick, traceable scars, like a map of trophies across his visage would glitter against the rain as it would pitter patter across his figure. Pink tongue grazing the fae's cheek for a moment, licking at the stars in her sky. "Oh, how I love to hear you say that." He would quietly reply to her comment, a feeling of satisfaction and happiness upon hearing her words be spoken. "And I to you, dove." He would whisper before tugging playfully at her aud.

With another grunt, though this one much more forced, he would lift himself from the sands and near the pond's broken surface, rain slowly breaking the surface that skimmed so still and so flat. Shallow as it was, the sudden engulfment over his four paws gave off a shiver that fulfilled his nervous system, fem behind his erect auds the current flowed down his spine to the end of his briefly twitching tail, thick, long, black hairs knotted within it would begin to break the surface as he took slow, god-like steps into the liquid. Golden gaze, calm and steady, the giant would move with such grace and yet so much caution, optics skimming their surroundings briefly as his dial lifted to test the skies, obsidian nostrils flaring to take in any scents, though they found themselves drawn back to the sweet scandalous scent of the doe behind him, and a small smirk crossed his brutish maw. The bear-like wolf stood where he was, peering over his wide shoulders, allowing the cool water to glide over his old joints as he awaited her presence patiently.

Suddenly he would watch her bound forward, splashes and playful leaps would ensue and he would watch her with such amusement, a large smirk played over his visage as he watched her, waiting for the right moment to lunge forward, though before he had the chance, the sudden gaze of two-toned beauty came forward and grabbed at his scruff, ignoring small surges of pain the brute watched his gaze pulled downward, he would sway with her pull, the massive brute leaning her way, playfully snorting into the air as he snapped gently at her in a coy manner, missing canine showing vigorously through ivory painted jaws. The golden ring in his nose glittered and shifted as he moved like an extension of him. Turning about he seemed to jump as well as any man his size could, facing the fae, biting gently and nipping at her legs and nape. He watched as such happiness fell over the fae, and his own entertainment seemed to pull forward into their playful scene.

ooc: Oooohhhh wow that took me forever, it's crap i'm sorry, just getting back into this after that little break. They're so cute! <3


09-18-2014, 08:00 PM

There was so much potential with this relationship. Though, could a harlot as herself be dedicated entirely to one individual? Perhaps. She desired to be connected with the male in such a way - for the two of them to be all that mattered in all the world; however, selfish craving for the touch of man would prove difficult to subdue. It was her normal, her drug of choice. To change so entirely for a single soul would require patience and understanding. It would be a trek of heartache and regret, though, maybe this man would feel the end prize was worth it.

Beyond all darkness, an invisible magnetic force still pulled tainted heart to her Hades and it drew her to him at an incomprehensible velocity. In truth, it was a bit frightening. Feelings of overwhelming, foreign connection and though her body and mind wanted to avoid the male, to avoid the sensations of blooming love, it was physically impossible to do so. Because this invisible force, this magnetic, refused to release its powerful grip.

Tender kisses and touches would be offered by the water. Twinkles of light toyed with its surface creating a galaxy within the liquid. Beams of light shone through the canopy in places, spotlighting their location. It was as if they were the god's entertainment and this land was some sort of surreal, heavenly stage. Gentle tugs at her mane near her cheeks sent shivers throughout her body - trembles of lust. Ah, how she desired him again so soon. Eyes would narrow lustfully and she stroked her profile against his unkempt mane, beginning at his chest and ending at his jawline. Words would fall from his lips that would recognize mirrored feelings. Mmm, it was delightful to hear such words, though, a part of her wanted to tell the man to leave. To tell him that the two of them could never meet again; however, it was not because she wanted to, but because she felt she needed too. For who could love a tramp? And he simply deserved better.

Though, playful gestures were made to end such thoughts - to ease her mind of such thoughts. In the end, the dots will connect themselves and there was no way she could part way with this man now. He would forever be tattooed upon her soul and to walk away would be cowardly. To turn back on everything that could be good. The man's massive movements seemed to be of some discomfort, but that was to expected from years of carrying around a colossal frame. Bones and tendons surely had to suffer from additional wear. Marbled eyes would narrow flirtatiously as her Goliath would snap in her direction so desirably. Neck slithered out in a seductive manner, a soft smile painting her lips. Mmm, if only you knew how your aggression toyed with my desires. Tongue would reach out and kiss his golden ring softly.

Nips would target her nap and legs, twinges of pain that would send seemingly endless surges of aphrodisia. When the man grabbed hold to her limb, she tugged at his pierced ear - toying with the metal with her tongue and tugging on one very gently, tongue holding it against her upper teeth, before releasing her grasp. Body flung itself on his back, just behind his shoulders. Forelimbs crossed and resting upon him, head tilted over to grab at his shoulder with her canines. It felt nice to let all the bad wash away with the waters beneath them.

Life, her life, really did seem to get better. Growing in the ranks of Abaven, being the king's lead warrior and now to find a wolf she could honestly connect with effortlessly. Though, would her new found partner join her in her Abaven home until the two of them could create an empire of their own? It was a question in the back of her mind - was it even a good idea? A sudden wave of worry washed over her and body would drop back into the water heavily. Liquid would splash when her weight would kiss the surface, spraying on her chest and sides. Frame shifted to meet the male's gaze, questioningly look painted her face. When will I see you again? The question she spoke is, perhaps, what really concerned her. Really wanting to spend every moment with the man. How will I know where you are?

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