



6 Years
08-22-2014, 12:09 AM

All it took was one sentence to change Azalea's life. It seemed silly if she thought about it, but there she was, walking around like she owned the place. Why? She DID own the place. Roman had handed over the kingdom to her and now she absolutely needed to tell Liberty.

She sat near the border of the redwood forest, lifting her muzzle to the sky and waiting the arrival of her dear Bevroren friend. Her gaze went skyward, the vision in her left eye still blurred and the ripped flesh still very much tender. She had been mutilated by her own aunt, she still could not believe it.

Perhaps now was the time she should strip herself of her Adravendi name in favor of something she could make into her own?


08-26-2014, 03:12 PM

The babe had just reclined onto her haunches when her friend's summon rings out across the northern territory, audits perking atop her skill as they swiveled toward the direction it came from. Ramses also looks toward the red forest, his right brow lifting as he waits for Liberty's command. She glances at him for a moment, a silent command that does not require words. The duo rises, and Liberty takes a moment to compose herself. She has gotten a bit bigger since seeing Azalea last, her pregnancy starting to rise to the surface of her exterior. She wonders if her friend will notice her slight weight change, she already knew of her plans to get pregnant with Isardis as the sire. The duo travels at a slower pace than normal, as she doesn't want to put too much strain on herself while pregnant. They reach the border within a few minutes, the figure of her dear friend coming into her view. ?Azalea!? She says aloud, excitement present in her tone. ?Hi Azalea.? Ramses greets the woman after his master does, a warm smile gripping his lips. Liberty comes to a halt a few feet away from her friend, her lips creasing into a warm smile that matches Ramses'.




6 Years
08-26-2014, 08:27 PM

It wouldn't take Liberty long to respond, and yet it took longer than what she expected. When she saw her friend her eyes glued to the bulge in her abdomen. Her first response was sadness for her friend but then she recalled that it was what she had wanted, which meant that Isardis was the father. This, in a strange way, would make the two part of a massive family in which their children were siblings.

The gorgeous woman with rich blue eyes would call out to Azalea, her companion greeting Azalea as well. Both would smile and she would smile back to them both. Liberty stopped with a few feet between them so it was the red headed she-wolf who jumped up and rushed forward. She would embrace her friend, something they had not done before. "Congratulations, crazy." Her congratulations was serious but there was a tease intended to the name calling which she knew Liberty would understand. Azalea, the female wolf who had never wanted children.

She would step back a ways after, to seat herself with her chest puffed out proudly. "As my closest friend, I have some news that i thought you would like to be the first to hear." She grinned like a cheshire cat though in the back of her mind she could not remove the defeated form of Roman. She would need to make sure that Roman was well.

"Roman had handed the pack to me. I know there is a lot of work to be done, but I think I can make something of it. Annnddd, I want to offer you a place as Officium, beta if you will." She would not speak the words out loud now, but Azalea would even welcome her friend as a secondary alpha if she provided capable. Liberty had been groomed to become a beta wolf but she knew her ambitious friend had to be ready for far greater things. When Azalea thought about it, ruling as equals with the grey she-wolf seemed a perfect plan. She wouldn't push her though, especially as she was of Bevroren currently and pregnant to boot.

Momentarily Azalea wondered the repercussions of this offer. She had hoped to remain allied with Athena's pack but would she take it personally if Liberty accepted her offer?