
keep it hidden


08-25-2014, 11:14 PM (This post was last modified: 08-25-2014, 11:16 PM by Nikko.)

Ha! This was a joke! "This place ain't scary! What the actual fuck! Wolves in this place are pussy-cats." A snicker that was soon cut short, tan face contorting into irritation as the voice in his head again spoke up, the thing's low, raspy voice sending chills down his spine. You are too loud, Kit. The voice chided him, scolding him. And then, insulting him. The earthen-toned wolf snorted at the nickname, his russet ears swerving to pin against his head skull. Shut up, asshole. I'm allowed to say whatever I damn well please! His chin lifted defiantly. Duo-toned eyes set ahead, the multi-hued lupine began to continue his adventure, his muscles loose, gaze surveying the volcanic mountain that he was determined to climb up. He heard an irritated sigh, though if anyone else was around, they wouldn't have heard it. I didn't say anything about what you were saying. I was speaking about the volume, Nikko. After a pause, the voice spoke up again, and Nikko could hear the smirk in his voice. You are the idiot of idiots.

"Hey!" He barked out indignantly, then looked around quickly, his eyes wide. He hoped there was no one around to hear his sudden outburst. He didn't need anyone thinking he was crazy. The hefty brute sighed and continued, yet again, to move forward, steadily climbing up the volcano. He could feel the warmth of the mountain beneath his paws. Teumesios must have liked it, because he growled, and Nikko could feel him attempting to shove his own consciousness aside. "Not today, fuckin' asshole." The true owner of the body grumbled, giving his head a rough shake. Mentally, he forced aside his demon's, though it required much willpower. Nikko was thankful that willpower was one of his strongest skills. He blocked out Si's presence - well, he pretended Si didn't exist - as he walked, falling unusually silent.

Acts. "Nikko Speaks." "Si Speaks." Nikko Thinks. Si Thinks.



2 Years
08-26-2014, 12:24 AM

She had wondered all over the east is the spring and thought maybe going north would be a good idea this summer. After all it was cooler up here in the north. Her earthen toned coat rippled as she gave herself a good shake. Bright iridescent green eyes lifted from her paws to the volcano. Was this the volcano that had erupted when she first came to Ala and was part of Seracia? Ears twisted back at the memories flashing through her mind. Lips lifted in a silent growl, her anger and depression growing deeper and darker in her chest. Her limbs trembled, as if they might give out. Before they could she leap forwards, eating up the ground in long elegant strides. Her lithe body cutting through the wind. She wasn't sure where she was going, her mind void of anything but the overwhelming emotions inside her.

She did not see the male ahead of her as her eyes seemed to be only looking up at the volcanic mountain. Her body was tensed, as if she could hold her emotions inside her by tensing up her body. Her breathing was hoarse and uneven, her eyes held so much emotions they felt like they would burn out of the sockets. Where was she going? To the top of the mountain? Would she find peace there? Suddenly she felt like she had crashed right into a wall. She crashed into something but not a wall. It sent her flipping over and landing on her back in a grunt, limbs pulling in as her narrow face screwed up in pain as the air swooshed out of her lungs. What happened? What did she hit? She was almost too afraid to open her eyes to find out.


08-26-2014, 12:59 AM

Not one creature on this earth would ever claim that Nikko was intelligent. In fact, every single one, in some form or another, would say that the valiant, brave, and generally very good-hearted young wolf, was incredibly, painfully stupid. Now, Nikko could occasionally come up with decent ideas, and it was true that his strength lied more in his seemingly natural way to gather allies. Others generally liked a truly well-intentioned, but faulty person. But, nonetheless, he was stupid. This was only proved when, upon hearing the pawsteps, the male turned to see the approaching wolf, and didn't move. Dark rust ears pricked forward, duo-toned gaze on the speeding earthen-toned canid, each eye clouded with confusion and curiosity. When he did finally realize that, no, she could not see him, it was already too late. He was knocked over, and sent tumbling to the ground, sliding a short distance. The brute groaned in mild pain, before lifting his head to glare at the stupid wolf that ran into him. Seriously, what the fuck?

Nikko quickly bounced to his paws, bounding angrily in front of the wolf. He let out a growl. "Are you blind or somethin'?! I was standing right fucking there!" Whether she was looking or not, he gestured angrily with his nose in the direction he'd been standing. He opened his mouth to say more, but a voice only he heard suddenly whispered temptingly into his ear. As if it had actually happened, as if he could feel the breath, Nikko's left ear flicked. His eyes stared vacantly off to the sky, his jaw slack. The bitch. We should prank her, Nikko. The voice purred in his ear. Pranking his elders had been something Nikko enjoyed as a pup, but he was older now. However, it was tempting. For some reason... Well, she's definitely a bitch... Although, really, it's not all her fault... He added the last part to the voice regretfully, not at all wanting to admit that he actually was stupid and hadn't noticed how close she was. Nikko shook his head, chasing Teumesios away again. He turned to look back at the earthen-toned fae, clearing his throat and giving her a sheepish, apologetic smile. "Ah, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have just started yelling at you like that. It was my fault too." He let out a chuckle.

Acts. "Nikko Speaks." "Si Speaks." Nikko Thinks. Si Thinks.



2 Years
08-26-2014, 11:31 PM

The impact of her body hitting the ground jarred her from claws to tail tip. With the air knocked out of her, her lungs squeezing. For once in a long time the feeling of real physical pain cleared her troubled mind. Her body might hurt but the weight lifted off of her oh so briefly was god sent. A sharp breath, a gasping inhale suddenly was sucked down her windpipe and into her lungs. It was then, the thing she had tumbled right over stood over her yelling. Still dazed she could only stare at him blankly. But she was sure she could figure out what he was saying. After all she did just collided right into him. She remained on her back, tail tucked in and limbs pulled in to her body. A tremble stole her body at his raised voice and bright green eyes widened in alarm and fear.

She had never been yelled at before by anyone. Those that had met her had learned she was skittish and shy. It did not take much to send this girl trembling and cowering. Maybe she should have gone with that male to his pack. But she had been so unsocialized and felt she wouldn't fit in right away. The male's voice sounded again and she chanced a look up at his face. His attitude was completely different now, allowing her to not feel so threatened. She rolled onto her belly and backed away from him. Suspicion glowed in her eyes as she stared up at him.

Something wasn't right. Someone didn't just yell at you then flip completely with and apology. She narrowed her eyes and lifted herself up, legs still slightly bent, ready to sprint like hell out of there if needed."Sorry I was running..from something.." She said in a whisper, her eyes casting away from him. In truth she had been, running from memories and emotions. Only problem was you couldn't outrun those kind of things.



08-27-2014, 01:00 AM

The young male had completely missed the female's initial nervousness, too wrapped up in his own mind to think about how his words might have effected her. But as the earthen-toned fae slid away from him, giving him an extremely distrustful look, he felt shame seep into his veins. He'd really fucked up. His impulsiveness and challenging attitude were two things he really needed to work on, but never truly thought about it. Nikko frowned, lowering his body to the ground in an attempt to show the fearful she-wolf that he wasn't a threat. "Hey, hey, you ain't gotta be afraid of me. I'm just noisy, don't worry. My bark's worse than my bite." He laughed at his own words, his muzzle splitting in an oddly wide, sincere smile, his eyes reflecting nothing but kindness. Teumesios scoffed in his head. You may not be dangerous, Kit, but I certainly am. And considering that I inhabit this... vessel... it does make you dangerous. Get up, Nikko! Showing weakness to such a fearful creature. She needs to be eliminated.

Nikko shook his head, attempting to shake all of the demon's words away, to pretend that he had said nothing - though it was difficult. When the female apologized, the male again shook his head fervently - though this time it was in reply to her words. He jumped up, pouncing in front of her eagerly, bringing his face as close to hers as she'd allow. None of this was meant to be aggressive, the boy just rarely thought about his actions, and he wanted to assure her that she had no reason to apologize. "Nononono! He repeated the word several times so quickly that each syllable merged to form one long stream. "Really, I'm sorry. I mean, you did kinda run into me, but I had no reason to yell! I was just, er, caught off guard." He glanced away briefly, showing a mixture of uncertainty and embarrassment. His duo-toned eyes quickly moved back to her. "Which doesn't normally happen, by the way! I'm usually very on-guard!" The male's chest puffed out with pride as he raised his head.

A single word that only he heard caused him to deflate, but only slightly. Liar. Although he was careful not to allow anything but pride show on his features, internally, Nikko wished he could glare at Si. Shut up, stupid demon. Teumesios let out a dark, amused laugh. You've got guts, Kit. If I wasn't stuck here, I'd have ripped that overconfident face right off your skull by now. The fox demon was always harsh, always giving Nikko warnings and threats and declarations of what would happen if he were not in Nikko's body. The male was used to them by now, living with it for nearly three years. He focused again on the earthen-toned female, bringing another friendly grin to his face. "My name is Nikko!" He declared this brightly, not caring that she hadn't asked for it.

Acts. "Nikko Speaks." "Si Speaks." Nikko Thinks. Si Thinks.