
I'm too perfect for you



3 Years
08-26-2014, 12:38 PM
omg nope delete please



6 Years
08-26-2014, 01:06 PM

Azalea dodged through the rocks, running at an easy lope. She would slip up now and then as a stubborn rock found its way under paw. As the rocks and boulders grew thicker she had to slow down, moving to a walk. There was a rather large formation ahead of her now and Azalea saw it as a potential resting point from the heat of the sun. Her tongue lulled in a heavy pant as she tried to keep herself cool.

Her plush coat was not designed for the heat of summer, especially outside of the north. These days the Empress wondered how she had ever lived in the western lands of Alacritia. Here in the east was already plenty warm enough!

As she came to rest in the shade of the large boulder, she happened to glance right where she saw another wolf. A she-wolf lounging on a flat slab of stone that jutted out over the land. Azalea tipped an ear, getting up and letting out a low woof to let the other wolf know she was approaching.

When she was near enough Azalea stopped, nodding lightly. "Lovely day to be out here... if you enjoy the heat, that is." She smiled a bit, sitting down slowly. "Name's Azalea, Empress of Ethereal. What brings you out here?" Azalea had not missed the fact the she-wolf had a scarred up left eye with a hazy film over the eye. It was useless as hers had nearly become. The area around her own left eye was still raw, though clearly starting to slowly heal up.

It wasn't a point of open conversation though, so Azalea wasn't going to just casually ask the stranger what had happened to her face.



3 Years
08-26-2014, 03:25 PM
Speaks. Tongue had already found it's way out of the woman's jaws as she lie upon her side, legs pulled out aside of her. It sure was hot...and breeze didn't seem to abundant around here. A real shame. The babe often shuffled and moved around to maybe capture and area in which was shaded by the many clouds above. But nothing seemed to be at her graces. Groaning softly, the woman would curl up again with a few uncomfortable pants. But the silence was suddenly broken to a soft bark. Deirdre's ears moved forward, head lifting and eye scanning over this girl's frame.
She was a pretty little dame. But not as beautiful and lovely as Deirdre, of course. Though impressive. Her face was red with little spots of white- like the rest of her body. It was a nice little marking to have. Attractive almost. But yet again...not nearly as amazing and attractive as Deirdre's. The sooty woman slowly shuffled up onto her torso, tail coiling around her paws casually. The queen began to speak...and her words surprised her. An empress, eh? So an empress was standing before her. Hehe. Exciting.
The pretty little dame smiled casually, eyes lighting up with an amazing amount of interest for this red-headed girl. Soft words spilled from her inky lips immediately. Oh, indeed... Lips would suddenly part into an easy grin, tail softly thumping against the rough stone. It's an honor to meet such an important mistress...but my name is Deirdre. I'm new to these lands of yours... For a second, she paused and turned her muzzle to the distant view from where the pair of dame's sat. It was barely anything the girl would be fond of. It was almost gross. But she doubted she was high enough to even see it all.
table by boo



6 Years
08-26-2014, 08:49 PM

Azalea's latest travels would find her in odd company continually, though if she thought back on it hard enough she supposed every loner she met seemed a bit odd. Different wolves from different walks of life, and some who were not in any pack for a reason. It was a dangerous game to play, consorting with loners, they could be so volatile.

The ashy she-wolf sat up, having been sprawled on her side, and now looked down at her with an intense interest. One blue eye compensating for what the dead eye could not take in. "oh, indeed..." Would sing the little bird. That was what she reminded Azalea of, a bird. A Blue Jay perhaps. The stranger smiled, tail waving lazily. "It's an honor to meet such an important mistress...but my name is deirdre. i'm new to these lands of yours..."

She would let a moment of silence drop between them as she mused over the words. Did Deirdre believe that this was her land or was she simply meaning in a whole this area that she resided in? "Alacritia is a vast land. It is not often that I come to the east, my pack is in the north. Have you come in search of something or only just wandering? I myself have long enjoyed exploring new lands and becoming familiar with the unknown." She smiled coyly.



3 Years
08-26-2014, 09:48 PM
Speaks. This beloved goddess seemed casually amused with Deirdre's interest toward her. Maybe she was overreacting. No...she was doing just fine. If this woman was going to smirk or grin with amusement- so beat it. After all, she was a queen. Why couldn't people bow at her feet without getting a giggle? If Deirdre was a queen she'd force pathetic rogue's to bow to her. Not just a little head movement, but a full body down beneath her. Hah. How lovely would it feel to be treated like a queen. Even though the possibility seemed very had always been the babe's dream. To be a queen. To rule like the wonderful goddess she was.
Even though Deirdre had meant the whole area as her home- the red-head explained to her that her pack resided in the north. And again the sooty woman grew interested. Her one eye that filtered that small bit of life brightened with interest yet again...and continued that way as this girl questioned her on why she had climbed the rocks. She didn't know exactly why she did, actually. Out of curiosity most likely. But she wanted to turn back right when she fell at first. Though decided not to anyhow. What the hell was she thinking?
The thought of her bruised chest suddenly made her groan. The agony from it finally came to her. She slowly lowered her chin to her chest and she shut her eyes vaguely. It took a few moments for her to stray away from the thought of the pounding and burning in the bruised area. But once she did, she lifted her head and hummed a reply to the red-head with ease. I as well love to travel and see the world for myself. So I guess you could say I'm just wandering. Was all the dame said, aching shoulders rolling forward easily.
Her chin rose a bit higher now, head cocking to the side, ear flicking back casually. She instantly added a portion of her thoughts to the statement. I guess me and you have a little bit in common then, eh? a wild smile stretched across her inky lips, tail continuing to pat weakly at the ground. Yeah...they just met. But why not make a few friends or allies while she was here? Maybe even join a pack..., miss Azalea. This pack you rule...did you challenge for it, or get it passed on to you? Deirdre reworded the question in her mind and found it a bit nosy. But it wouldn't hurt to tell her at all...would it?
table by boo



6 Years
08-27-2014, 09:03 AM

The atrractive she-wolf would continue to stare at her with interest and Azalea found herself thinking back to her brief meeting with a wolf named Medusa who had also been so interested in her. Azalea had been younger then but she was not very much different in that aspect. The attention was enjoyable, if not enticing.

The female would make an unpleasant sound then, leaning in on herself for a moment. Azalea's lips parted in concern as she moved forward to the female, her pace a brisk walk. Wide steps. "You're hurt?" Azalea questioned then, stopping herself as she realized what she was doing. Now only a good foot away from Deirdre, having come up onto the rock behind her. What she was doing, rushing to a stranger's aide like that, was something her mother would do. Azalea glanced away a bit awkwardly, clearing her throat.

The conversation rolled on, "I as well love to travel and see the world for myself. so i guess you could say i'm just wandering." She gave a light nod, her eyes wading over the fem now that she was closer and could see her in more detail. As well, the vision in her left eye had still not entirely returned so she was not as capable as she would normally be. The grey female grinned widely to her, "I guess me and you have a little bit in common then, eh?" She smiled slyly, nodding back. Ironically she had been noting the ways in which they would appear similar.

"It would appear so."

", miss azalea. this pack you rule...did you challenge for it, or get it passed on to you?" Azalea tipped her head a bit, wondering the value in the question. Surely it would show Azalea's worth in her title. It was passed to me by the former queen after proving my loyalty and ability." She lifted a paw, carpus pointing the way toward her left eye. "It was a close family member." She said, remaining cryptic about what exactly went down.

She licked her chops, paw returning to the ground and her weight shifting a bit. "If you are interested, you are welcome to come to Ethereal. I warn you now, though, you will get nothing you do not earn."




3 Years
08-27-2014, 01:18 PM
Speaks. The tall sooty mistress studied the expression from the red-headed queen as she casually made her way closer to her. Eyes would raise to her, a single forelimb slowly raising up to her bruised chest as she questioned her condition at the moment. No...she didn't want to seem weak. But maybe it was too late to deny that she was. After all...she did put on a groan 'n cringe show for the queen as her chest began to filter the horrific agony. damn rocks. ruining her future. Deirdre winced and tipped her muzzle downward, drawing her salmon tongue along her sore chest with an uneasy smile.
The topic seemed to instantly change, to Deirdre's relief. She began to answer her statements and questions...the one in which she mentioned the pair of them being alike. She seemed a bit bemused by it. Almost confused. But the sooty dame ignored the confused look, and paid in on her next response about her pack. "It was passed to me by the former queen after proving my loyalty and ability." Loyalty and ability. Deirdre raised a brow curiously.
Her tail finally ceased to thump and instead, it curled around her paws again. She smirked and nodded. A spar...a spar was on the woman's mind. Just a fun little practice spar. Maybe to bring the pair closer as friends. Not because she wanted to be the most liked and appreciated in her pack...but just to be friendly. After all...Deirdre did need some spar practice. She felt fat and useless.
"If you are interested, you are welcome to come to Ethereal. I warn you now, though, you will get nothing you do not earn." Instead of growing excited and jumpy, Deirdre just nodded with a brief smirk. That spar was still on her mind. And she would blurt out her thought to the queen. But...nicely. Not, "I think your weak fight me," but... "Wanna spar, for fun?" The sooty woman knew not of what this red-head was capable of. She knew not of the flawless skilled she held. But maybe this was the chance to find out... I understand completely. But yes, I would love to join you...
Deirdre paused for a moment, smirk fizzling for a moment and becoming an easy smile. Spar... Though I wanted to ask...if you were interested in sparring with me sometime. A friendly spar. The woman slowly removed her tail from her paws, rear lifting to align with her long spine. She turned her head and grinned, brow raising yet again with interest. Was the queen willing...or was she too busy...?

table by boo



6 Years
08-27-2014, 03:09 PM

The dame would lick at her chest delicately, playing the part of the injured but seemingly enough unwelcome for the attention. It was a relief to them both to just let it go though Azalea wished silently that Elli was here to see to her.

It would appear that something about her explanation had amused Deirdre but she didn't bother to ask what. As she invited her to join the pack the other she-wolf simply smirked and nodded along. "I understand completely. but yes, i would love to join you..."

Azalea was beginning to feel that everything this soot colored female had to say would sound like it was wandering off in some sort of suggestion. However, Deirdre had accepted her offer and Azalea nodded sagely. She pushed up into a standing position before the Empress, placing an offer before her. "Though i wanted to ask...if you were interested in sparring with me sometime. a friendly spar." A spar. Firstly her face would tingle around the left half and second she would run a body check. She had been lucky to only damage such a concentrated area of her body, her aunt's poorly attacks were to thank for that.

Now Azalea was the one smirking, a light sparking in her eyes showing true to the passion she had for fighting. She found herself standing up slowly, stretching out her limbs. "If you're up for it." She would speak with a more cocky tone now, her amber eyes roaming away to decide if this would be their only option for a sparring location.

It would appear so, unless they wanted to stumble awkwardly over rocks trying to maneuver in fight. Instead Azalea took a few steps back, making sure there was a respectable distance between them. 'Your game," She said, welcoming the she-wolf to take the first move.

ooc: I will let you decide how many rounds



3 Years
08-27-2014, 09:19 PM
Speaks. Finally...the queen seemed to become excited and relatively willing to spar with the partially-blind goddess. Finally. All this time she seemed to be rather blunt. Friendly...but not excited or interested. And now that she had offered to spar with her...oh. Things would go down now. Though a pang of worry shot through the sooty babe's frame. She wasn't very good at holding back when she became violent. She suddenly craved to tear into whatever she could. So maybe...maybe this time she'll remind herself each time that this spar is friendly. Not for dominance, not for maim. But for practice.
"Your game." Deirdre smiled wildly, healthy eye becoming full of excitement. Maybe this...would determine her rank. As a fighter or just a regular pack commoner. Heh. Bring it on. The woman slowly lowered her body with the slightest bend of her knees, sliding her legs out evenly and distributing weight to each of her paws for the precious balance she so dearly needed. Her toes splayed, claws scraping and scratching at the stone platform beneath her. She slowly rolled her shoulders to bunch the fur at her neck while raising her hackles to look larger than she actually was.
Head and tail slowly aligned with her spine...though her tail, ready to fly down between her legs at any time. Muscles and abdomen would tighten, ears pining back against her crown and brows crinkling over her narrowed eyes as protection. Finally, she would tuck her chin to protect her jugular and curl her inky black lips up, revealing two rows of sharp ivories. Soft growls would unfold from her bruised chest...which she was sure the queen would target. But maybe she didn't know yet. Hah! Thank god she hadn't told her what happened!
Suddenly, the woman propelled forward at a fleet speed, aiming to close the distance between the pair. Deirdre had made sure that she moved to her own left just slightly while approaching her- hopefully accurate aiming. Now, hopefully near to being chest-to-chest with the red-head, the sooty dame would attempt to throw her right shoulder blade into the chest of the girl, while aiming to crane her head up and to the left side of Azalea's face, only to attempt to snag a chunk of flesh from her left cheek. By aiming to throw her shoulder in the chest of the queen, she would hope to create pain and advantage. Nearly the same for biting at her cheek.
While hopefully completing all of her attempts, she kept her defensive postures set. Ears pinned, tail partially leveled out with her spine, paws evenly carrying her weight, chin tucked, etcetera.

- - - - -

Azalea v Deirdre
for practice/rank
one two three

Defenses: Legs spread out evenly, weight distributed to each paw, toes splayed and gripping at the ground, knees bent, muscles and abdomen tightened, head and tail aligned with spine, shoulders rolled, hackles raised, ears pinned back against head, brows wrinkled, eyes narrowed, lips curled back into a snarl, chin tucked over her jugular
Attacks: attempting to close the distance between her and Azalea, Deirdre would aim to throw her right shoulder into the chest of Azalea, while twisting her muzzle around to the right side of Azalea's face only to aim to bite her cheek.
Injuries: None so far.
Notes: PM me for any questions!
table by boo



6 Years
08-28-2014, 07:56 AM

Both of the women would come alive, jumping to attention as their bodies went through the standard motions of prepping for a battle. As Deirdre readied herself so would Azalea, mirroring her largely.

Fur would rise along her spine, progressively appearing larger as her hackles went up. Eyes narrowed to deflect any debris while her ears pulled back tight against her skull to keep them safe. Her face fixed into a snarl as a growl rumbled up through her.

Azalea's tongue would escape, licking up over her exposed fangs as she widened her stance, bending her knees slightly. A low center of gravity was better for balance. Her shoulders moved forward as she lowered her head and tucked her chin slightly, to lend added protection to her neck. Her tail stood out behind her, sitting slightly above the level of her spine as it waited to become useful.

As always her body would tense slightly, though not enough to lock her up, and her toes flexed to get a feel for the ground. This hard surface was not perfect, but there were holds to be found.

Deirdre would set off like a rocket, the small distance between closing too quickly for Azalea to attempt to dodge what became a shoulder to the middle of her chest. She let out an "oof" sound as her back left leg took a step in reverse to brace her body as her tail curled in tightly to the right, as if folding back in on itself.

The she-wolf's teeth made a snap for Azalea's cheek and she felt grateful now that the blur over her vision in her left eye was nearly gone now. It was the fear of added pain and suffering to that left half of her face that powered her to retaliate so quickly. Azalea reared, front legs searching for a hold around the grey fem's neck. All the while her jaws split wide, turning in on those approaching ivories and looking to bite twice, once on her skull and again on her muzzle. That dead eye seemed to bore into her soul as Deirdre's jaws finally snapped close, as if it were all happening in slow motion, grabbing the edge of her lip instead and dragging down.

The lips were delicate and she could feel the flesh tear apart in the wake of two clamped canines. Azalea growled, the sound turning to a yelp as she registered the pain and began to taste her own blood as it dripped from her upper left lip.

Azalea v Deirdre for practice/rank

1 of 3

attack: Azalea tries to grab Deirdre around the neck to hold her close while she aims to do two quick bite and release attacks on her face, the first on her skull and the next on her muzzle, left side.



3 Years
08-28-2014, 04:35 PM
Speaks. Everything happened so quickly right after she reached her jaws up to the left side of Azalea's face. Suddenly, the semi-large body in which she had just thrown a blow at rose up like a rearing horse, flailing her arms about and eventually coiling around the woman's neck. Deirdre felt her body being pulled in, and it all was so quick and swift that she couldn't think or find the time to slip away from the attacks. Jaws would quickly sink into her skull and then in her muzzle, a pained grunt leaving the babe's lips as she fought to readjust her legs so that they were planted on the ground evenly.
with the red-heads arm wrapped around her head firmly, Deirdre couldn't think to do much of anything with her jaws or her claws. Or...maybe she could, but they wouldn't be too accurate. Breathes would quicken for a moment as sticky red blood rolled down her face and lips, dripping off her brows and some even finding it's way into her mouth. Growls would become even louder, eyes slowly becoming narrowed again to the rather cruel reminder.
Then, she found herself planning out her attack, hindquarters slowly lowering to the ground and back knees bending back a lot more than they should. Deirdre attempted to lower her head just slightly more than it already that it hopefully aligned with Azalea's own head. Then, she attempted to extend her hind legs and push off the ground, therefore forcing her body forward quickly and aiming to headbutt the queen. Everything was hopefully quick enough so that the red-head didn't have time to move her head.
The attack was meant to force her opponent backward, hopefully giving her an advantage and drawing pain forward to the queen's head. Of course, pain would begin to well up in Deirdre's own head if the attack were to succeed. But it wouldn't be as painful as Azalea's...
If the attempted headbutt was to force the woman backward, or better, for her to release Deirdre from the hold she had around her, Deirdre would fleetingly make yet another attempted move toward her. Head would crane to the right, and she would hope to extend her head forward and toward the girl, aiming to plant a vicious bite to the top of Azalea's muzzle. And unlike Azalea had, Deirdre would hope to keep her attempted hold on the woman's muzzle.

- - - - -

Azalea v Deirdre
for practice/rank
one two three

Defenses: Legs still keeping her balanced on the ground, ears pined back against her crown, toes splayed, chin tucked, shoulders rolled and hackles raised, lips curled back and eyes continuing to remain narrowed, head lowered to align with her spine a long with her tail, muscles and abdomen tightened.
Attacks: With Azalea's arm wrapped around her, Deirdre would attempt to force herself forward into a powerful headbutt, aiming to move Azalea backward and draw forth pain. Then, Deirdre would aim to bite into the top of Azalea's muzzle, hoping to keep her grip on the small amount of skin she would hopefully snag
Injuries: Moderate bites on both the left side of her skull and the top of her muzzle
Notes: PM me for any questions! Also- I read this too myself. Please please please ask me if you are confused. I also have a little sloppy chart of the positions in which both Azalea and Deirdre are standing. (My view, that is.) If you want to see it please state it in your next post! <3
table by boo



6 Years
08-28-2014, 08:46 PM

Azalea felt the kiss of skull against the tips of her canines and retracted each bite. She didn't mean Deirdre any real harm here, after all that would just leave one pissed off Medicus back home. She was sure Elli would appreciate something to do but she didn't want to anger her by being needlessly cruel in her sparring.

For a moment there seemed to be a stalemate, Azalea grasping the sooty female around the neck as they both became very vocal, enraged over their wounds. It was in this moment that Azalea allowed herself to off the bloody wound, finding to bizarre to lick her lips and find a slit there.

Deirdre would move them, worming her way back and down to slip the white and russet woman's hold. It seemed to work for her opponent as Azalea slipped, dragging Deirdre's fur backward before she was forced to release her hold so that she didn't stumble to the ground. Her eyes sprang wide for a moment and as she caught herself they would narrow again and then clench shut as she realized with hardly a spare second that they were about to collide.

Her tail dipped between her legs as she stumbled backward, curling in on herself slightly as she tried to block all her vital organs at once while thrown off. Her vision reeled and her head fucking hurt. Before she knew what was happening there were jaws clamped firmly around the top of her muzzle. Azalea froze, eyes opening to look Deirdre in her one good eye. She snarled now, her hackles returning full force. Never had her ears left her skull, if anything they held melted into her skull by now.

She prepared herself, gripping the earth carefully to not give away her coming retaliation. Deirdre seemed to make the mistake of thinking Azalea would not harm herself. If it would benefit her position, she would do what was needed.

Her face went slack to keep rolls of skin on her muzzle from interfering with her action. Right front leg stepped back, pulling her muzzle diagonally down and away from Deirdre's hold, canines raking lines into her muzzle. As her paw touched the ground she put her weight into it, now that her left side was facing Deirdre at roughly a 30 degree angle, throwing her weight at Deirdre.

Her tail curled wide to her right as she braced the broad side of her left shoulder to slam it into Deirdre's chest without thinking much else about it. Her head tipped in to the left, blocking her neck and teeth aiming to bite at the front of Deirdre's right shoulder, just above the start of the leg as her weight worked to press the woman off balance.

Azalea v Deirdre for practice/rank

2 of 3

attack: Azalea is looking to throw Deirdre off balance by throwing her left shoulder into her. She pairs that with a bite to the right shoulder, at the front, right above the start of the leg.



3 Years
08-28-2014, 09:41 PM
Speaks. Her new queen seemed to be in pain now...and Deirdre couldn't help but feel a pang of concern and guilt rush through her. It was a strange feeling that'd she easily deny...for she was usually selfish and she cared for her own pain and problems. Not others. But she cared for the condition of her queen and for now, opponent? What had happened to her? Deirdre took a moment while she was standing there to swallow some of her own blood that was filtered in her maw and spilling out like an overflown cup. But Azalea's attack nearly made her choke, for it was all the sudden, and right when she was finished swallowing.
The red-head's whole body seemed to be flying at her now, making an impact that came as a quick surprise to the wounded girl. It also hurt at first. But now...something she would of never imagined Azalea would do. Target right at her bruised chest that was already bad enough. Shit. Shit shit shit. The pain was like a knife stabbing into her chest, and she immediately howled out in terrible pain, attempting to shuffle backward immediately right when Azalea's shoulder made impact. Therefore, hopefully avoiding the bite to her right shoulder.
But even though Deirdre had hopefully avoided the bite to her right shoulder- the pain to her chest was still unbearable and still pounding rapidly with pain. She felt like she wanted to submit to Azalea right there and then...maybe it wouldn't be so bad to be a tribune until she could fight again. But no. Deirdre wouldn't give up just yet. She'd keep fighting. With what to support her? Rage.
Deirdre lifted her chin and swallowed hard to the continued pain, legs feeling weak and lifeless. She lowered her eyes for a moment, before slackening her lower jaw and allowing the blood in her mouth the drip and spill onto the stone beneath her paws. Her growling would grow even louder than before, and her claws would scratch and scrap at the ground beneath her. If she had successfully avoided the woman's bite, she would immediately bounce back after her few moments of horrible agony, fleetingly charging forward toward the red-heads left and yet again aiming to nearly close the distance between her and the red-head.
If doing so without any casualties, Deirdre would instantly attempt to rear her upper body forth toward her opponent, forelegs flailing out in front of her and aiming to wrap around the head of the queen. She would then pull her into her chest, grimacing to the horrible pain that the attempted attack would inflict upon herself. But through it all, Deirdre attempted to tip her muzzle downward and to wrap her jaws around some flesh located at the back of Azalea's neck, near her left side, hoping to tighten her grip around it and draw pain and blood. Lots of it. Only to then pull and yank at the skin, up and down, left to right, violently and quickly without an ounce of hesitation or regret.
- - - - -

Azalea v Deirdre
for practice/rank
one two three

Defenses: Same as previous defenses.
Attacks: After attempting to slide away from Azalea's second attack to her shoulder, Deirdre would aim to rocket herself back at her opponent (closer to Azalea's left side) and to nearly close the distance between them. Then to attempt to rear forward and wrap her forelegs around Azalea's head, aiming her jaws to bite Azalea in the back of the neck and yank violently.
Injuries: Moderate bites on both the left side of her skull and the top of her muzzle, horrible/major bruising on lower chest
Notes: PM me for any questions! My muse is dying right now. Nuff said. xnx
table by boo

permission from trynx to edit because of confusion



6 Years
08-29-2014, 05:48 PM

There was a cacophony of noise emitted from the other miss as Azalea rammed into her. There was real pain in her tone and Azalea couldn't help but lift her ears from their tight hold as a wave of concern came over her. She hadn't meant to cause such an amount of pain to Deirdre, nor did she think pushing her back like that could cause so much pain.

It was then that she would recall the fact that when Deirdre had appeared to be in pain, she had licked at her chest. There was no time to really feel sorry now, though. If the blue eyed woman had told her she would have been able to avoid this issue.

Azalea's teeth would snap shut without so much as a hair in their hold, Deirdre having slipped back enough to be out of her anticipated reach.

She would back off a bit, taking two steps in reverse as the grey tinted wolf took a moment to gather herself. Blood spewed from Deirdre's mouth in a most vile way. Azalea let the blood drip from her own face, swallowing what she had to.

There were a few critical moments when she was certain that Deirdre was going to give in. It would prove to be a mistake though, as she suddenly charged at the russet headed wolf again and reared up, leg engulfing her highly damaged face and pull her into her chest. It would be the previously injured left side of her face that was rubbed against the other gal's chest. Her legs would stumble forward with the force.

Her ears pulled back again as she spilled forward, downward. She caught herself then, teeth already puncturing the back of her neck. There was no leniance now as the other female would try to savage her neck. Deirdre's attack had been executed perfectly but she forgot who she was messing with. As more pain spilled over Azalea she would feel her energy beginning to drain. Too much pain in too many places.

Azalea twisted her head, feeling the sickening pull of Deirdre's fangs in the back of her neck, reaching almost desperately to the upper left for the attacker's right elbow region, looking to grab and hold until Deirdre was forced to release her neck in favor of the freedom of motion.

Azalea v Deirdre for practice/rank

3 of 3

attack: Azalea attempts to grab Deirdre's right elbow (or something in that area) to try and keep Deirdre from being able to move away. Basically trying to force her to let go of Azalea's neck to win her freedom of movement back.

compilation of injuries: slit on her upper left side lip, four canine wounds on her muzzle, bruised head/skull, and fairly injuries to her neck.

The Judge


09-17-2014, 12:19 PM

Deidre v Azalea for Practise

Round 1

8 for clarity- [-2] where abouts on the chest did she aim? The centre? top portion?

10 for powerplaying. None seen

10 for defenses. +1 for each seen

6 for attack. +3 for barge +3 for attempted bite

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Deidre Total: 44/50


8 for clarity- [-2] where on the skull did she aim to bite?

7 for powerplaying. [-3] to much movement. First rearing to try and wrap liegs around neck, then bite to skull and muzzle. Its highly unlikely two bite attacks would happen so quickly

10 for defenses. +1 for each seen

5 for attack. [+1] for trying to control opponent, [+2] for bite to skull [+2] for muzzle [points deducted for unrealism.]

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Azalea Total: 40/50

Round 2


8 for clarity- [-2] where abouts on the queens head did she try to hit.

7 for powerplaying. [-3] highly unlikely that she can lower herself down so much and then pounce forward, especially with azalea on her.

10 for defenses. [+1] for each seen

5 for attack. [+2] for attempted head butt [+3] for attempted bite

3 for injuries.[-2] for bruising to head due to head butt [-2] for bite to muzzle [-3] for bite to skull

Round two Deidre Total: 33/50


9 for clarity- mostly clear

0 for powerplaying. [-2] attempt needed when dragging fur backwards. [-2] attempt needed when trying to get out of dei's hold. [-2] attempt needed when saying she's facing at a 30 degree angle. [-2] attempt needed when throwing weight at opponent. [-2] attempt needed for left shoulder slam

5 for defenses. +1 for each seen

6 for attack. [+3] for attempted shove [+3] for attempted bite

4 for injuries. [-3] for bruising to head [-3] for bite

Round two Azalea Total: 24/50

Round 3

8 for clarity- [-2] lowering her eyes doesnt make sense.

2 for powerplaying. [-2] attempt needed when bouncing back. [-2] attempt needed to be on opponents left side of head. [-2] attempt needed when pulling azalea in. [-2] to much movement with attempted damage to azaleas neck.

2 for defenses. [+1] for each seen. Defenses must be stated in each post.

4 for attack. [+1] for trying to control opponent [+3] for attempted bite to neck

7 for injuries. [-3] to major bruising to chest

Round three Deidre Total: 23/50


8 for clarity- [-2] which leg did she try to grab, theres 2 on each side.

6 for powerplaying. [-2] attempt needed when stepping back. [-2] attempt needed in reaching upper elbow side.

1 for defenses. you must state defenses in each post.

3 for attack. +3 for attempt at elbow

6 for injuries. [-3] for wounds to neck [-1] for strain after shake.

Round three Azalea Total: 24/50


Deidre: 100/150

azalea: 88/150

And the winner is...

Deidre! Azalea must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


- all would have healed

- all would have healed


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)

For Deidre
good job! make sure to always include defences in each post and try using more complex attacks to gain points.

For Azalea
watch for powerplay and make sure to add atleast 7 defenses in each post.

- By [Luisiana]