
The Return Of The Music



7 Years
08-28-2014, 04:17 PM

Silvery paws stepped upon the shores of the island she and her family had taken refuge on after that fateful challenge issued by that red bitch. Her mother had lost, and from the injuries, had nearly died later on. Surreal?s mind had been firmly on the safety of her mother after the challenge had been lost. While revenge was a tasty sounding word, she was mature enough to cast it aside in the long run. So she, Alsander, Sarak (who had headed off not two days ago to seek out his family and mate, a wild eyed look on his face), Cormalin, and Obsidian, had taken Erani here, to Atlantis Island. Both Obsidian and Sarak had left important members of their family behind to assure Erani?s survival. Both had departed recently to search for them. Surreal hoped they were successful.

She cast a glance over her shoulder, up at the walls that protected the islands inner sanctum. It had been a haven, and she had been able to nurse her mother back to health. Her uncle was growing old. Still strong, but the hairs on his muzzle was becoming spangled with white flecks, and one eye had begun to cloud, much to her mothers displeasure. His gold eye was now bleached of color, clouded over as blindness sank in. He held himself well, adapting to the new manner of seeing. Erani, despite her age, and the battle she?s survived, had retained much of her stolid grace, eyes still keen and deep blue, fathomless in their wisdom. There was the ache in those eyes, however. The ache for a lost home. The ache of failure to protect and defend a pack, her family.

Surreal?s canines glinted under an early morning suns light as her jowls lifted in a silent growl. While they had been in the confines of the island, she had tried her best to listen in on the goings on of the mainland. Battlesong had been a great help; flying inland several times to see what the situation was for their old home. Since the challenge, Battle had reported, the pack had changed paws, the red bitch handing it to another female, who had vanished. Surreal had missed her chance to grab their home back, and now a new female held the plains and the moor in her paws. They would take their home back, and bring Valhalla home. But not yet. Surreal would bide her time, and gather their strength again before retaking what belonged to Valhalla.

Blue and gold gaze swept the distant shores of the mainland. First, however, she needed to find him Her love. Sarak and Obsidian weren?t the only members of their group that had left loved ones behind. Would he be waiting for her? Or had he moved on already, to another female?s embrace? Her eyes dropped to the sand beneath her paws. If he had? And that female made him happy? Could she ruin that for him? Her heart ached at the thought of him tangling with another female. But all in all, if he had found a new mate, it was her own fault. Still? The agonized sound that seeped up through her jaws wasn?t a sound she could help.

Soon enough, her sense of purpose returned, forcing the maelstrom of emotions aside, and she circled the base of the cliffs rising high above her, paws trailing depressions in the sand in her wake, until she had reached the southern end of the island. There was shallow water here at this time of the year. Taking a breath, she plunged into the cool seas embrace, striving powerfully away from the shore, toward another shore, just south and east of her. There was a river that emptied out into the sea, leading inland on the western side of the mainland. She would find a place to catch her breath at the rivers maw.

Around her churning legs, the current buffeted and billowed, the tide coming in, and bearing her frame to the mainland. It was a moderate swim, and she reached the mainland shore in due course, sea water pouring from her pelt in heavy streams. The sea rushed and hissed over the sand, swirling around her paws as she paused to give her body a firm shake, trying to relieve the extra weight of wet fur. It was short lived as she made her way to the river, slipping in to try and wash the salt water from her fur. She came out feeling a lot better than she had going in.

Surreal glanced up at the sky as a soft rush of feathers announced the arrival of her faithful feathered friend. How long hawks lived, she wasn?t sure, but she would mourn the day Battlesong no longer flew in the sky above her. The hawk settled on a branch above her, opal pendant glittering with many colors under the midmorning sun, preening a feather into place before her large golden eyes observed Surreal. There are wolves to the south and east of our location, in an area full of willows. They look to be of your family, some of them. I remember them being in the pack, but there are young ones I do not remember. Surreal smiled, daring to hope that they were of the family. ?Thank you, Song. You are a true friend.? Her words carried the mix of accents that had been imprinted from her puphood from her mother and father. Her mother?s Scottish and British mixed accent held sway over her father?s Russian accent, due to the long standing absence of her sire.

Castiel, too, had long been absent. Where was her golden eyed, white pelted brother, anyway? She had seen him once, after they had disappeared, but soon after, not even a day after, he had been gone again. And she hadn?t seen him since. Brow points pulling together in a frown, she started off in the direction Battlesong had indicated, deciding to put aside the sadness for a lost brother for the time being, and check to see if this was indeed her family that her companion had seen. Her eyes were alert, and yet, she wasn?t seeing much beyond her path. Her mind was returning to Falk, and what she would do if he was still waiting for her. It was her season, if she recalled rightly? She was three now. Well enough into life to consider a family of her own; children of her own.

Her paws halted, and she looked up, ears perked. She could smell them now. Imena, Cael, Deviant, maybe even a few others, and pups she didn?t recognize. The song that issued from her jaws was both a joyous greeting, as she bounded forward a few paces, and a call to the island that the coast was safe for her aged mother and uncle to find their ways ashore. And she charged forward with a bark to the family that was so close.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



11 Years
08-28-2014, 06:23 PM
It was by sheer, sheer luck that Castiel had been in this particular area at this particular time. For the moment, he had left Amia behind, confident in her abilities to take care of herself, and wandered aimlessly. It had only been a few short hours before he would hear a howl echoing in the air - one that was beautifully, astoundingly familiar. The white male stopped, the breath escaping his lungs in a whoosh as he froze. His muscles tensed, and his brain struggled to process what was happening.

Surreal. She was here! And as soon as that thought had sunk into his skull, Castiel was racing forward, paws slamming into the ground as he shoved himself forward, chasing that voice before it could dare vanish. He would not lose her, not this time, not when she was so close that he could taste her scent in the air. And with every moment that passed, her scent grew stronger and stronger until suddenly, she was there, and running towards him too and Castiel didn't have time to react before they were colliding with each other. And down they went, in a tangle of limbs, tumbling towards the earth. A few desperate twists ensured that Castiel landed beneath Surreal as much as possible, protecting her body from the bruises that this fall would surely cause.

Panting, the wolf stared up at his sister, stretching up enough to cover her maw and face in licks and kisses. "Surreal! You're all right!" He had not seen hide nor hair of them in the seasons since he'd arrived here, but now she was standing right in front of him and the months seemed to have melted away. He had not been this happy in months - if not years. There was sheer joy in Castiel's thoughts, and the only thing that he could think was that she was alive and she was all right. If only their.. father could have been there too.

The thought of Nova sobered Castiel up instantly, and he backed swiftly away from his sister, rising carefully to his own four paws. Suddenly serious, he watched his sister in silence, struggling with how to frame the words that needed to be said. He was the herald of bad news, the one that would bring hurt to his entire family; their father was dead.

Castiel's current avatar is by Caltics on DeviantArt.



7 Years
08-28-2014, 07:24 PM

He hit like a tidal wave, and the next thing she knew, she was on top of the large white male that she?d crashed into, or had crashed into her. It took her brain a few seconds to realize who this huge white male with golden eyes was, and reconcile this image with the much younger, lankier version she had seen so long ago. ?C-Castiel?? The name came out as an astounded croak. Then louder, clearer. ?Castiel?!? The licks he was planting on her face and muzzle were swiftly returned as she fully understood that she wasn?t just dreaming. ?Cas! Of course I?m alright. It?d take way more to kill me off that one would think.?

Castiel seemed to sober up abruptly, scrambling to his paws and backing up, and she took the moment to gaze at her bog brother. He was so grown up. He was big, too. Fluffy, his dirty brown muzzle of younger years having bleached out to a snowy white that matched the rest of his frame. His eyes were a molten gold, like their fathers. Come to think of it; her eyes flicked around. Their father?s massive black frame was nowhere to be seen. ?He didn?t make it.? The solemnity in her voice was a note of understanding. She had never truly expected to see her father again; had only begun accepting that she might never see Castiel again. Gabriel? Something in her heart knew that he was never coming back again. He wasn?t dead. She just knew he wasn?t dead.

Her mismatched eyes turned to her brothers golden eyes. ?Luna?s Light, I?m so glad you?re okay, at least. Mother will be so happy!? She bounced forward a pace, coming to meet his chest with her shoulder as she made to embrace her big brother. ?You?ve grown so much, you big galoot.? The affection in her tones made up for the name-calling. Right now, even her heat couldn?t? She backed up a step, checking the wind to be sure it wasn?t blowing in her brother?s direction. No need to blast her brother with her feminine things right off the bat?

Her mind returned to the family she had been expecting to see. ?How are they, Cas? Imena, Cousin Cael? Or? Have you not met them yet? You don?t smell like you have, but you do smell like Amia?? The words were out in a tumble as she cast a look over his frame again, tail waving curiously. Then her mind tripped over the thought of Falk. Luna?s teeth, what would her brother think of her hating a mate? Possibly having a mate, she corrected herself. It all depended on whether Falk would even still want or have her after her atrocious disappearance. Did Castiel have a mate? Maybe Amia? She studied her brother.

?Oh brother, there?s so much to tell you about? Where do I even begin??

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



6 Years
08-28-2014, 07:36 PM

It was some twist of fate that seemed to have driven Azalea west. She had plenty to worry about in her northern home and had departed herself from her roots. It would seem, though, that she was not as departed as she first thought. Almost, just almost, she wished for the guidance of an elder family member.

No longer were there any for her to speak to. She didn't know where most of her existing family was and Epiphron was certainly no longer on her "must visit" list. As her nose pressed to the ground in search for familiar scents, nearing the old territory of Valhalla, she was stopped by the sound of wolves talking.

She didn't pay attention to the tones much, instead moving to see who it was that spoke. There was nothing shy about the red headed female who walked right out into the open. However, as she laid eyes on the familiars, she wished she had been a little more sneaky so that maybe they wouldn't see the look of pure shock on her face.

Surreal and Castiel, neither of which she had seen since the challenge, stood before her. They were buzzing with excitement and she wondered what had them so worked up. She stood with her jaw slack, amber eyes staring widely at the pair.

She didn't even know what to say.



10 Years
Athena I
08-29-2014, 01:24 AM

The voice that reached his ears was one that was completely unexpected but far from unwelcomed. He had been resting in the shade of one of the many trees around his and Imena's den, watching his children play, when the howl drifted through the air, clearly near-by. Of course he recognized his cousin's voice and there was only a moment of surprise before it gave way to joy. Glancing toward Imena to make sure she had an eye on the pups, he rose to his paws and trotted off to find Surreal. It would only take him a few moments to do just that and when he got there he saw a white male he was unfamiliar with and the red-faced woman he remembered to be Azalea. He hadn't really had a chance to speak with Azalea before, but he remembered most if not all of Valhalla's former members.

He padded toward Surreal, greeting her with a wide smile. His tail wagged happily behind him as he went to embrace the younger wolf, saying, "Surreal! It's so good to finally see you again! I've been so worried about you. Well, about all our family really. I haven't seen anyone since the challenge." He took a step back to look her over, glad to see she was well. He suddenly caught Erani and Cormallin's scents on her pelt and his gaze widened with surprise. "Erani and my father are okay as well? Where have you all been?"




5 Years
08-29-2014, 01:33 AM

The howl wasn't really interesting enough to stop him from his playing, but his father padding off to find the source of it certainly was. Laoch suddenly stopped in his tracks, his two-toned gaze glued to his dad's pale form as he watched him go. Who was it? Who made his dad leave? Laoch only glanced at Mom before scrambling after Dad, ignoring his Mom's calls after him telling him to come back. He knew he'd probably be in trouble with Mom later, but he really wanted to know what was going on!

He hopped quickly through the brush, just a few feet behind his father. He stumbled a few times here and there, still not quite steady on his over-sized paws, but he kept up well enough to burst onto the scene just as his father was hugging some silver-colored girl that he had never seen. There was another white wolf that looked kind of like Dad and then another wolf with a weird red face. Laoch had never seen a wolf with red fur before!

But the silver one was more interesting because Dad knew her and she had eyes just like his! Laoch bounded up to her, standing right beside Cael's right foreleg. He had to turn up his head to look up to the woman, but he tried to pull himself up to look bigger and more like a grown-up. "I'm Laoch! Who're you?"




11 Years
08-29-2014, 01:18 PM (This post was last modified: 08-29-2014, 01:20 PM by Castiel.)

It was Surreal's instinctive understanding of why Castiel pulled away that lifted that weight from his chest. He was unable to find the right words to agree with her statement, and so he simply nodded, closing his golden eyes for a long moment to ward off the memories of his father falling. They did not need to know the details - Castiel could protect them from that much, at least. "No, he didn't." Castiel would admit solemnly, hating how ugly those words tasted in his mouth. Nova had been a great man, and now he was gone, and the world a little less bright.

Still, the change in topic was welcome. Castiel stood silent for a moment, listening to the words that rolled off Surreal's tongue. "I have been travelling with Amia," He would admit with a twitch of his ears. "But I have not seen any other members of our family." And even as he spoke, another wolf would appear - Azalea, was that right? She was an Adravendi, not exactly one of Castiel's family members, but the Adravendis had always been close to his mother. Perhaps not so close that one of them belonged at a family reunion, but what could be done about it now? Needless to say, a lot of things had happened during Castiel's absence that he was not yet aware of, such as his mother adopting the Adravendi name.

Even as his maw moved to form a greeting, another two wolves would appear - one an adult and one a pup. Castiel fell silent as they both addressed Surreal, sinking back on his haunches as his tail wrapped around his paws. Perhaps he was the stranger here, the odd one out. Maybe it was Castiel that didn't belong here. The impulse to vanish now that he had carried his foul news to his sister's ears rose up in Castiel's chest, but he remained still for the moment, waiting to see what Surreal would say and do. Still, the feeling that he didn't quite belong was something that he could not shake off. The family had changed while Castiel had been gone, and he had changed as well; maybe they simply didn't fit together as they had before.

Castiel's current avatar is by Caltics on DeviantArt.



08-29-2014, 02:07 PM
Amia Tulip

She had been sitting under the willows when Castiel left to go wonder around. It did not bother her when he left for she knew they would meet up sooner or later again. She smiled and closed her eyes as her white face dropped to her paws. She needed sleep, her nights were spent restless with nightmares and an unease of still not finding Imena. The breeze rustled the thin branches of the willows, the sun dancing in golden spots on the forest floor, lulled her to sleep. For once her dreams were not of bad memories but those spent with the dark healer. There were good times, training lessons, sunbathing, chatting the day away. She woke suddenly to a howl calling out for family.

Head lifted up slowly eyes blinking in confusing. Why did that voice sound so familiar? Getting to her paws with a yawn she looked around. Maybe she should find Castiel first. With a nod to herself she set to tracking down his trail. Thankfully she had a good enough nose to find his scent with ease. She moved at an ease pace, no where near in a rush. Plus being slightly distracted by her own thoughts. Every waking moment she thought of Castiel, he was strong, handsome, and so kind. He was every much like the rest of his family. She could see the resemblance from those s knew, Erani, Cormalin, and Cael. A bittersweet crossed her lips, she missed them all so much. They had started to become her family. She wasn't afraid to let others get close to her anymore.

Voices reached her ears as Castiel's scent grew stronger. Head lifted as she paused to look up. At once her eyes widened in surprise. There was Catiel, Cael, Surreal, a red faced woman and a pup who looked a lot like Cormalin. She yipped out to them happily before bouncing forwards. She came first to Castiel's side with a happy smile, tail wagging madly. "Cael! Surreal! It's really you two! I've missed you so much. Where's Imena and the others? And who is the pup?" She said quickly. Turning to Castiel she nudged his shoulder with a grin.

Shikoba I


3 Years
08-29-2014, 06:19 PM

She had finally found the courage to venture out of the den all thanks to her siblings and patient parents. Still though she glued herself to Imena or Laoch finding reassurance from them. Today she managed on her own to wonder a few feet away to inspect a clump of wild flower. Her bright blue eyes wide with silent wonder. They were so pretty and vivid in color. But her little solid adventure was broken by some unknown howl. Cowering she scuttled over to mommy to hide under her belly. Though she would have preferred daddy since she couldblend in with his fur color better. But he got up and left.

she turned to her brothers with a frown. What was going on? Next thing she knew was Laoch running after daddy. Little mouth gaped open in surprise as he disobeyed mommy's calls to come back. A whine slipped from her as she pressed into her mother. Mommy bent down to nuzzle her before calling Ar over and telling him stay next to her. They were going to go meet friends and family. Shikoba looked up just when mommy picked her up. At first her little legs kicked out. Why couldn't she walk like Laoch and Ar? But soon enough her tiny body curled up onto a white ball of fluff.

She was not prepared to see so many wolves even if it was only three others. Briefly she wondered where Uncle Dev was. But that thought vanished as mommy set her down between her front paws. Eyes wide with fear and slight curiousity she shuffled back. Who were they? Mommy and daddy seemed happy to see them but that didn't make the little girl feel any better.




8 Years
Extra large
08-30-2014, 12:04 PM

He had been patrolling the area, a daily routine he had created back when Imena and Cael had decided to stay here with the children. As a friend the man felt like it was his responsibility to make sure they were well and protected, acting as the first defense should anything come their way while Cael protected his mate near the den, and both protecting their children. He moved at steady pace, head held high with golden orbs scanning around each tree and shrub, ears swiveling left and right, listening carefully to any and every song created. That's when he heard the howl, and it was close.

Curious as to how the managed to show up in an area he was just in a couple minutes ago, the man would turn around and head in the direction the howl had come from, needed to see who it was and what they were doing here. Pace quickened, not quite a job but still a fast walk. Head shifted left and right, allowing his gaze to get a bigger view of his surroundings, nose sniffing at the air. It was actually surprising, the wind carried the scent of a couple people, making him wonder why so many had suddenly gathered. Was a family coming together, or were these people looking to start a pack?

A couple short minutes and his view was greeted with a couple of wolves, Cael and two of his children, as well as some old members of Valhalla! A couple of them he had seen at a meeting not long after he had been welcomed into the pack, only one he couldn't quite identify, but from the way he was interacting with the others gave away he was somebody close to them.

A grin immediately formed as the man approached, tail wagging calmly behind him. Pace slowed as he approached, coming up near the children, and stopping beside Shikoba, flashing her a comforting smile. "They are friends, old pack-mates." He explained, hoping it would help the shy child calm down a bit and relax if she knew these people were friendly, could be trusted.

HE would then turn his attention back to the group, golden gaze focused upon the young woman Surreal, Erani's daughter. "Miss Surreal, how has Lady Erani been since the challenge? Well I hope." He spoke up but remained near Shikoba, though he wasn't a very emotional guy the man would still have a hint of worry in his voice and expression, yet also hope that the woman was alright despite her aging body.




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-30-2014, 01:05 PM

Her snowy frame cut through the sea as she strove toward the mainland shore. She had failed her pack, her family, on that horrid day. Now their lands were invaded by strangers. Moreover, she had failed Cairo, in a way. And yet, she pushed on. There was always another try. Surreal would be their new star. Surreal was intelligent, strong, and wouldn?t give up. Deep blue sapphires turned to the misty silver form at her left, then to the ebony body at her right. Alsander and Cormalin, Nephew, and Brother.

Her paws met sand as the sea shallowed, and in a moment, she and her two male family members were on the shore, shaking the heavy water from their fur. Surreal?s hawk, Battlesong, cried out from above, catching Erani?s attention, circling before soaring off toward the west. She would lead them to Surreal. Erani followed at a slow trot, the two males close behind, Alsander keeping to his father?s blind side. She arrived, in time to hear Deviant?s query to Surreal. ?I?m here, and alive.? There was faint, dry humor in her voice, but her eyes still held that ache. She tried to hide it, but in truth, she knew her family could see the ache.

Those ancient eyes turned now to observe those gathered for the first time, as she came abreast of her daughter. Azalea, Cael, Imena, Amia, two pups that looked very similar to Cael and Cormalin, Deviant, and? She froze. A mother knows her child, no matter how long it has been since she was last with that child. He had grown so much. So large, just three or four inches shy of his father's massive height. Pale as she was, but with his father?s molten gold eyes. ?Castiel?? Her boy. Her firstborn. The rest who were gathered were ignored as she charged forward, for the first time in seasons seeming young again. ?My son! My son! Castiel!? She bathed her eldestborns face with kisses, before her maternal, slash, healer instincts stamped in and she checked him over for new injuries.

Of Nova, she asked nothing. She already knew. Perhaps knew more than their son. She would have felt it if her lost mate was truly dead. Some instinct deep in her gut knew he was still alive, but that he was never returning. And she was at peace with that. She was old. Her time would come in a matter of years. She had family to focus on here, instead of haring off to seek out a male who was lost.

Her tail wagged fiercely as she finished her inspection of her son, finding him whole and healthy, and she stepped back, locking sapphires with molten gold for a long moment. ?And it?s about time, too.? There was warmth and love in those words, and finally, she turned her gaze to study the rest gathered, finally gazing at the youngest members of this group. It took no time at all for her to identify who?s children these two were. Her gaze turned to Cael and Imena. ?My statement stands. Congratulations, at last, Cael, Imena. Castiel, this is Cael, your cousin. Cormalin?s youngest son. Behind me is Alsander, your second oldest cousin. This is Imena, Cael?s mate.? Her eyes turned to Azalea.

?Sarak left us a few days ago to search for you. I hope that you will find it in your heart to forgive him. Life is too short to spend it filled with anger. I take the full blame for his disappearance. Had I been a better Queen, and been able to turn away the danger, he?d be at your side now.? Her eyes turned to those gathered. ?I failed you all, that day.? There was so much certainty in those words, in the sapphire eyes that were once again ancient and fathomless.



3 Years
09-01-2014, 01:15 PM

Ardal had been playing with her brother when the call sounded out and she paused only briefly to glance up before jumping straight back into it. Then as daddy moved to answer it so too did she seem to lose her playmate. A disappointed whine left her and she made to follow after Laoch only to stop as her mother called at them to stop. The pup stood still, a paw in the air and gazing after her brother and father. Her mommy was calling her over to her side and Ardal reluctantly listened, moving to walk beside the woman.
The pup pressed close to her mother?s back leg, effectively hiding, her pelt not an exact match but serving to help disguise her some. Wide emeralds gazed up at the strangers as they came into view, and she pushed even further into her mother doing her best to appear inconspicuous. She listened and watched for a few moments as names and reassurances were shared and as the child started to feel more comfortable her gaze landed upon her brother.

With a mischievous grin the girl lowered into a play bow, rump wiggling as she readied to pounce. With a grunt the pup launched herself towards the black pup, front paws outstretched to hopefully push into her brother and knock him over.

Speech, thoughts, you

[Image: MUKlXeo.png]



11 Years
09-04-2014, 10:34 AM
ooc: i wasn't sure if anyone else wanted to post before i threw cas up but i'm not sure how much i'll be posting for the next few days so <3

Castiel had not been aware of Amia's approach, still believing that she was back at their temporary densite. Still, the white boy would not be particularly surprised when she bounded forward, full of energy and joy. One thing that he had learned about her was that she rarely stayed put for long - not that he minded. He enjoyed her energy. And she belonged here, probably even more than he did.

It was hard to stay upset when Amia was around, however. Despite the fact that she greeted those around him, she was close to his side, nudging him gently. The male turned his golden gaze towards her, letting a gentle smile cross his features. Easily, he moved to nudge her back, controlling the movement so that it would not be particularly strong should it connect with her body. He wasn't aiming to hurt her, simply to have a little fun during this strange family reunion.

The only thing that could distract him from the brown female was a soft voice - an answer to a question that he hadn't dared asked. Castiel lifted his head, golden gaze seeking out the white form of his mother - and when he saw her, his heart stopped in his chest. "Mother?" It was a soft whisper, barely escaping his maw. For a moment, he was a little boy again, staring adoringly up at the woman who had raised him. But now he looked down at her, for he was larger than she was now. He had grown larger and it almost seemed that she had grown smaller, folding in on herself.

Erani was the first to break the spell, leaping forward to cover him in licks and kisses. Castiel closed his eyes for a moment, letting her affection wash over him as he nuzzled her lightly. "It's good to see you again." Castiel settled for saying just that, though it didn't even begin to describe how he felt in that moment. His world had been righted. Though many of his siblings were not present, more of his family was here than he had seen in seasons. And Amia was here too. He could not have asked for more.

With that thought in his mind, Castiel would again turn his golden gaze towards the blue eyed girl, shifting his weight slightly to be closer to her. "Are you all right?" His voice was soft, little more than a whisper as he examined her. Castiel would have to be a fool to not notice that something was wrong with her - though he still was not sure what. Still, something about Amia was often just a little off, and Castiel was worried. He would destroy whatever it was, Castiel was certain, as soon as he knew what it was.

Castiel's current avatar is by Caltics on DeviantArt.



09-06-2014, 07:08 PM

(OOC: Sorry for not replying fast enough everyone)

She had been happily content laying there watching the children play while the hot sun beat down on her back. The heat and peace surrounding the family was slowly lulling her to sleep. Life couldn't be more prefect, given if only they had old Valhalla back and around them. Just as her eyes closed and head laid down on her paws a howl called out. At once her head snapped up, body tense with alertness and a protective surge for her pups. But before she could even assess anything Cael was going to greet the caller. Loach was already moving to follow and though she gave a sharp bark for him to return, it was a little too late.

She scrambled to her paws, now realizing who had howled out and joy vibrated through her. Another pup was just about to follow suite of their father, but not before she could call her son back.Don't you even think about it! She said sternly, patted to earth for Ardal to come to her. Eyes looked down at her daughter trembling under her and soothed her before picking her up and instructing Ardal to follow her closely. With the other two pups in tow she would make her way to a reunion she had once given up on. Her eyes were greeted with the sight of Surreal, Amia and a white male who no doubt looked much like a wolf she knew.

Setting Shikoba down at her paws and feeling Ardal press into her she bent to nuzzle both pups gently, tail wagging. She sat there quietly till her eyes landed on Amia and she could have nearly burst into tears. Leaping forwards she reached out to hug the girl and shower her in nuzzle.Amia my dear! your alright and safe! Thank the moon! She paused to eye the white male before whispering into Amia's ear, And with a handsome male too! She gave a toothy grin before she heard a voice she had longed to hear from. The very wolf who helped her find herself again, trained her and embraced her into the family. Turning she watched Erani greet her apparent son, no wonder why he looked so familiar, then everyone else.Erani no one blames you for anything. You did all you could, and more for the pack. You were and the best thing for Valhalla. We're just glade you are safe and sound. Plus you have Grandnephews and a Grandniece to meet. She said happily as she looked back to see Ardal try to pounce on Laoch and Shikoba shuffling closer to Dev.




09-06-2014, 08:07 PM
Amia Tulip

As she had nudged Castiel, he would nudge her back, pulling a grin more brilliantly than already. She always felt more as ease with him there at her side. Though she was beginning to wonder if he could see through she shield and notice something was wrong. Playfully though she would bump her hip into him lightly, enjoying this bumping game with him. And if she wasn't carefully she was sure it would turn into a pouncing rolling wrestle. Well maybe if it was someone else. Castiel was always careful with her because of their size difference. But believe it of not she was sure she could take on a fair share of roughing up. She might be small but she was stubborn when it came to given in. One day he'd learn that.

As Erani rushed to greet Castiel, Imena appeared to rush at her. She greeted her with open paws, literally. She jumped up, front paws stretched up to hug Imena around the neck while she whine as the dark women nuzzled her. Their reunion was intense enough to nearly knock Amia over. She missed Imena so much, the women had been like a mother to her since the day she came to Valhalla. Imena had been the one to help her through her nightmares, had helped her begin to heal. As the two females clamed down and Imena turned back to Erani to speak, Amia would settle herself down by Castiel once more.

She would be laying if she said she wasn't surprised when Castiel fixed her with his golden gaze and asked if she was alright. Of course she was! This reunion couldn't be more rewarding for the both of them. But then again she didn't think that's what he meant. Her blue eyes would look down at her paws for a moment. Maybe she should tell him. After all she was sure by now he had witnessed her during one of her nightmares. She couldn't hide it forever. But now wasn't the time for it."Yes for the most part. I'll tell you later. For now lets enjoy being with family once more." She answered back softly.