
Lean On Me, We'll Hold Each Other Up


08-26-2014, 01:24 AM

Peace had returned to the older brute somewhat. He lived and breathed, found purpose in his pack. Aiko had persisted denning with him now, rather than with her siblings, her great uncle finding joy in watching the girl grow. He still tried to help with the others as much as he could, though he knew he didn?t spend enough time with them as a whole. Something he would soon need to remedy. But for now the brute would move through the plains, ears perked and dark green gaze scanning ahead of him. He had been practicing moving swiftly and silently, though he felt he could do better.

Gaze would eventually fall upon Quelt?s den. The man had lost his mate, Irune, and the calico felt his heart ache for him. Paws would lead him over, calling inside now to him, if he was there. ?Quelt?? Since it was the middle of the day he expected the children to be gone, though the blue-coated male was recovering from some wounds. Allen would wait for now, hoping that he might be able to spend some time with the other.

"Speech", 'Thought'



7 Years
Extra large
08-26-2014, 06:36 AM

The male was gaining bits and pieces of confident boosts, while waiting to get healed was the worst part. He finally understood how Bass felt when Harmony tried to keep him in the den. While Quelt was happy about spending time with little Renhet if anything. Since Aiko was off spending time with Allen. That would mean at least one of the walkers was getting the culture they seemed to need. Wiggling his black tail, he leaned on his right side before getting himself up. And the whole situation with Irune. Quelt was trusting her that she'd wait for him, and he'd wait for her. After all speaking with her brother made him be reassured she'd be fine. And she was training to become a fine queen.
"Allen, it's nice to see you." he said, the scab on his left shoulder was healing. And he just needed to remind himself, it was nothing compared to the pain Bass had been feeling. But he had saved Darrah in a way, another reason to be indebted to the man. Though if Bass lost to Isardis and Quelt lost to Bass, it meant he had much to learn. And training was key. As soon as he was healed he'd practice again, before jumping into anything that was dangerous.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]


08-29-2014, 12:26 AM

The calico man?s face would brighten as Quelt came to greet him. His wound had healed to a scab, healing most certainly. When it did he would be stronger, able to push onward without any doubts. Any hesitation. Quelt was strong, and Allen saw so much in him that couldn?t help but stir memories and smiles. He was a good man, and one that he was certainly glad he had met. He had been so necessary to holding this broken family together. His dark eyes would shine, dipping his head in response to the greeting.

?...and to see you as well, Quelt. It looks like your shoulder is healing quite nicely.? The calico man would glance in the direction of the sky, the smile he wore brightening. ?It seems things are slowly getting better. Soon everything will fall back into place... And we?ll all be right where we should be.? The last part pertained to Irune, though less direct, and the faith that they would all be together where they should be in due time.

Dark gaze would flick back to the slate male. ?How have you been fairing? Is little Renhet growing more bold in regards to the outside world?? Her ?first? outing was exciting to the calico man, and he hoped it would encourage her to explore a little more, if only bit by bit. Everything in steps after all.

"Speech", 'Thought'



7 Years
Extra large
08-29-2014, 09:38 PM (This post was last modified: 08-29-2014, 09:39 PM by Quelt.)

How was he fairing? Well that was a whole new question all in itself. Quelt was fairing as much as he could clinging onto the hope nothing bad would happen to the love of his life. But did he express his worry? Of course the male wouldn't. It was an emotion he buried as he smirked at Allen. Of course it was no secret he had lost to Bass. Though that only motivated him to move along faster, and train to be stronger as much as he could. After all, he needed to defend his family with his life.
"I'm fine, and she's certainly the observing type. It always seems like she can read my mind." His black tail would flick upward. As he sighed a little trying to relax himself, he would always move forward. He knew that there was no moving backward in his life. "How are you Allen?" the young adopted walker would ask.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]


09-04-2014, 07:50 PM

Quelt?s reaction was one that the calico would expect of the brute. He would give a nod, eyes shining a bit more. ?Never changing, Quelt. It is a good quality about you. You?ll carry on.? His words were encouraging, full of the wisdom he had learned from experience himself. ?...and honestly that doesn?t surprise me. Females tend to have more of a keen eye then men. It wouldn?t surprise me if she could, figuratively speaking.? He?d give a little laugh. ?Definitely different then her sister, that?s for sure.? Aiko was still very naive, though Allen hadn?t really had the heart to correct her on her childish antics.

The question would turn around on him and the calico would smile warmly. ?The days have been kinder to my heart, Quelt. I?m finding myself able to look at life with that fire of hope burning at full strength again. Aiko keeps me busy, wanting to play a lot, though I?m trying to slip lessons into the games.? Allen?s gaze would soften some. ?I?ve also met a very kind young lady by the name of Nona. She has the voice of an angel, and the heart of one too. She composed a song just for me to cheer me up on our first meeting. She?s something else. I look at her like a daughter to be honest with you.? He would glance out towards the horizon, frowning deeply. ?...and my heart can?t help but have a bit of worry... About what happened to my actual children...? Gavroche and Amber... What had become of them? It was due to his lightened mood that Allen was so chatty, but the male had needed the uplifting of his spirits, surely.

"Speech", 'Thought'