
Make a noise and make it clear



4 Years
08-29-2014, 01:31 AM

Aoto was moving quickly and quietly or at least what he thought was quiet through the Avian Estuary once again. He could remember when he was last here when the encounter with Ashtoreth and Vaishya had happened. The dusty brown brute couldn't help but let out a laugh and a playful howl as he rushed towards where he could remember where the willow tree was. Aoto wasn't paying much attention to his surroundings because he had someone who loved him and he loved her and coming back here to show Tallulah this very same willow tree made him happier than he ever was before. Heavy foot falls shifted the light ground beneath his paws, everything was now much more brighter to know that life was not going to leave him to be alone.

Finally Aoto came across the willow tree and there he stood proud as can be. He let out a loud and powerful howl not caring what attention he might gather from this. The dusty brown brute was just happy to have found what he wanted to show to his beloved mate. Aoto sat down on his haunches and just took in the sights once again, took in the sounds that he could hear. Perhaps the estuary could be their home if they didn't seek to become apart of a pack, here seemed like a decent place to possibly raise pups of his own eventually. There was no reason for him to be silent any longer as he wouldn't sit here in silence and no longer live in fear of being alone. Hopefully he would be able to meet more wolves and also become friends with them.



08-29-2014, 02:40 PM

She lay behind a tree, curled up in a little ball of white and grey, enjoying a well needed rest. For days the girl had been exploring the lands, traveling pretty much all day and night, only stopping now and then for a rest and meal, then was off again. Today she had taken a break from wandering and exploring new areas in this land, relax, enjoy the scenery and maybe make a friend or two, whether they were wolves or not.

Something would cause the girl to stir, her still body starting to come to life. Head shifted as well as her limbs, forelegs tucked closer into her body, head trying to nuzzle itself deeper between her limbs. Then again, her ears flicked at this one, much closer and louder than the previous sound. It was enough to ruin her sleep, so reluctantly the girl would uncurl from her ball and stretch herself out.

With a moan Koi managed to roll over and onto her back, all four limbs stretched as far as they would go in the air above her, tail arching into her body. With that done she finally rolled back onto her stomach and lifted herself from the ground, with a small shake of her body and flick of her tail the girl would make her way around the tree she had been resting besides but suddenly freeze when she saw somebody was right there.

"Um..." Her whole body had froze in surprise, wondering if he was the source of the sound that had woken up. But there was something more important she should be asking herself rather than if he was being noisy, was he dangerous or friendly? "Hi there." She said in a friendly and smooth voice, flashing a small smile at the man.




4 Years
08-30-2014, 01:09 AM

Aoto froze as soon as he heard the voice and spotted just where it was coming from. The voice belonged to a fae who was beautiful but then again he thought all female wolves were beautiful due to his nature of being kind. He couldn't help but shine a smile at her "Hello, do you live here? wait hang on, where are my manners I should probably introduce myself, I'm Aoto Akani, and you are?" Aoto laughed a little as his bright blue eyes scanned over the fae taking in her appearance looking for any possible injuries that he may have to take care of. He was almost always concerned about someone else's health over his own and taking this first chance to get a glance over the fae was his first step.

The brute stayed where he was at however and waited to see if he would get a introduction in return from the women. However he opened his maw once again and spoke "I promise you I will not harm you, on my honor I swear" he gently bowed his head toward her. Perhaps it might ease up the mood with him being gentle in his words and kind in his demeanor. Aoto wasn't going to push her for an answer and he most certainly wasn't going to move towards her as he didn't want to get into a fight with her.



08-30-2014, 02:10 AM

Ears had pinned against the young woman's head, waiting to see what would happen once the unknown male had noticed her. She was cautious, but still tried to be her usual friendly self. Tail wagged gently behind her, body calm, not quite relaxed for obvious reasons but she would not show any aggression.

To her relief the man smiled and spoke, he asked if she lived here, but then went and introduced himself and asked who she was. Koi smiled, her tail lifting and wagging faster, eyes brightening up. "Hi Aoto, I'm Koi." She chimed with a large grin, amber gaze running over the man briefly before refocusing on his gaze. "I don't live here, just resting temporarily." She answered his first question honestly, though not giving away too much about why she was resting or how long she had been here so far.

Aoto then tried to assure her that he wasn't dangerous, he promised he wouldn't harm her, on his honor he swore. That was nice to hear, and from the way he acted she would label him as a good guy she could get along with. Yes, a good man. "That's good, if you were a bad man then I would've had to chew your face off." Head tilted to the side with the grin still there, but her tones would hold mystery to them. She had come off as friendly and sweet, yet hide something. Was she serious about chewing his face off if he had been a mean guy?




4 Years
08-30-2014, 11:35 PM

Aoto couldn't help but laugh when he heard her tell him that if he were a bad man she'd chew his face off. He tried to hold back from laughing even more but however he couldn't "If I were a bad man, I'd probably have tried to chew my own face off, but I'm not... its a pleasure to meet you Koi, anyways, you're traveler then as well?" He smiled as he calmed down a little. Aoto's expression remaining the same though. He watched her carefully still holding his same smile towards her before he chuckled again.

He was interested in Koi in the sense that maybe she could become a good friend. Aoto chuckled again and thought about his idea for a bit, something that often occurred to his flighty mind. However he had to think about it though would she really have chewed his face off if he were a bad man. Once again he burst out loud with laughter. Aoto didn't quite care if he was sometimes random in his mood but one thing was certain that it was still him, he had a sense of humor but he could be serious when needed. However he had to ask "If you'd like you can come a bit closer, I won't bite, violence is something I always try to avoid if able" and so far he was able to avoid getting into fights with other wolves.

Aoto stayed where he was and would wait to see if Koi would move closer towards him or not. However once again he wasn't going to push her into moving closer or not, simply just wanting to have her move closer so he can examine her a bit more to check for any possible injuries that he couldn't see upon first glance. The brute looked down at his own paws and splayed the toes of his forepaws and then let them rest again. He had to also make sure he didn't acquire any injuries himself with his somewhat reckless run here. Aoto knew he would have to go and get his mate and bring her here after this meeting with this fae who he didn't know as he looked back up to her and looked into her eyes.



09-01-2014, 10:31 PM

She wouldn't become upset by the man laughing at the chew his face off thing, in fact, she even joined him. Light, sweet laughs in short bursts, only lasting a couple seconds before finally dying down enough to hear what he had to say next. A smile spread over her lips, tail wagging in a calm manner as she listened. He said how he would have chewed his face off too if he was a bad man, but he wasn't and found it a pleasure to meet her. And he'd ask if she was a traveler. To that she would give a few nods of her head with a grin. "Yes, yes! I've been exploring the lands, seeing new things and learning. It's very exciting!" She beamed with the grin still there.

Head cocked to the side when Aoto suddenly burst into laughter out of nowhere, curious as to why he laughed and about what. Was it the chewing the face off thing again? Oh well, she wouldn't question him about it, she'd let him have his little moment. Next thing she knew he was saying she could come closer and that he wouldn't bite, he wasn't one for violence, actually tried to avoid it. That was good, Koi knew that many wolves in these lands wouldn't hesitate for the chance to gnaw on somebody else.

Almost childishly, the girl hopped forward once, twice, three times before finally stopping just before the man. "What're you doing here Aoto? Just exploring too?" She questioned in a sweet voice, head tilting tot he side curiously. There were many reasons for somebody to be where they were; exploring a new area, scouting for new territory to add to a pack, looking for a home (temporary or permanent), hunting spots, etc. So many!




4 Years
09-06-2014, 07:45 PM (This post was last modified: 09-06-2014, 07:46 PM by Aoto.)

Aoto stayed where he was as he watched the female come closer to him. He gently shown her a smile as he listened intently to her words as she spoke to him. There were a couple of reasons why he came out this way and he felt that it wouldn't be a problem to share them with Koi "Well I've met someone who became my special someone, she means the world to me and I thought as a way to make it even more of an official thing between the two of us I would bring her here to this very same willow tree that I seen before... I truly want to confess my love for her where it will mean something so much more than just my words... maybe even settle down here as this place is a peaceful place" He spoke gently wanting to know how Koi would respond to him.

Would she think he was crazy with how he was talking. Oh well she did ask about what he was doing here and he answered honestly. Aoto was calm though as he normally was. Koi was a rather lovely gal and sweet at that however Aoto was going to remain faithful to his beloved, Tallulah. He was blessed to not have made any enemies so far but surely everyone has their luck run out eventually. Maybe Koi would follow him if he were to go and get Tallulah to bring her to this wonderful place. However after all Koi did say she was exploring so perhaps she wouldn't follow him. Either way he was glad that she wasn't hostile towards him as he wasn't hostile towards her.



09-09-2014, 08:48 PM

She would move her ears around, swiveling in their sockets to turn forward towards Aoto, ready to hear what he had to tell her for why he was here. The male had met someone who became special to him, a girl who meant the world to Aoto. This news made the smile upon her face grow into a grin, happy for the man that he was able to find somebody like that. Not only did he meet someone like that, but as a way to make what they had official he wanted to bring her here, to this willow tree to confess his love where it meant something and maybe even settle down here. So lovely! It made the girl's heart almost ache, not out of sadness because she wasn't able to have this happen to her, but more because it was a beautiful thing.

"That is wonderful! Congratulations Aoto!" She finally barked happily once he was finished, her tail wagging rapidly. "That is such a beautiful thing to do, it really is. I bet she will be so happy!" Of course the girl would not really know, but if the female he was with was enough to become special to him, then surely she would love what he was doing. "It will be a great spot." With that she would turn her back to the male so that she could face the willow's trunk, head lifted and amber gaze looking to the bending limbs. "It will keep the bird poop away." She chuckled lightly, turning back to Aoto with a smile.




4 Years
09-24-2014, 10:03 AM

Aoto couldn't help but chuckle a little with what Koi said. Indeed it would keep the bird poop away. She was a kind gal to him and that was something he was thankful for as he spoke "Indeed it will...indeed it will" He chuckled again "I hope she will be happy, she deserves to have happiness in a place where peace exists, and you deserve to have your happiness Koi, I believe deep down that there should be a happiness for all even if its not exactly right if that makes sense" He knew of conflicts that he didn't participate in. He knew that there were those who suffered by having happiness torn from them. Why couldn't the world be at peace and the only ones who lost their lives would be those who became old or those who had to die to help others survive such as the deer and birds who he had feasted upon.

He knew his dream of a peaceful world was sadly just that a dream, something that would never be obtained. However he thought of sharing what he dreamed of seeing to Koi "There is a dream so very much wished to come true despite it being impossible, the dream of everyone being at peace... but its a dream of a fool and I'm a fool for thinking of such things" Aoto believed that he was indeed a fool but at least he was a peaceful fool. Perhaps he was able to help give peace to some he met though and that was more than enough for him and once more his lips parted "Koi, whatever your happiness may be I wish you all the luck in the world finding it and hope that your life is full of peace as to me, you seem like such a sweet and innocent gal and deserve to be happy as well".