
Gone to the Birds [B]



3 Years
08-30-2014, 12:29 PM

Water and summer went together like flowers and bees. Woe to you if you had one without the other, Freyja thought with a wry smile. The golden goddess took a few steps farther into the water, letting a happy sigh sink out of her as the water brushed the fur of her underbelly. She lowered herself, letting the feel of the water seeping into her fur cement itself in her mind. It was glorious, she decided, and well worth a day of leisure. She retreated a few lengths until she could lay down, sphinx-esque, with just her head and shoulders above the gently lapping surface. Freyja watched tiny silver fishlets scurry about beneath the surface, examining her ever so cautiously. She swiped a paw at them, chuckling as they fled, and wondering at the fear they might be feeling. It was good to be the Queen, she thought, Queen of the lake! This would be her domain and these small fish her subjects. It would be glorious, she thought with another laugh. Her father would be so proud. Her spirits were high, proud of herself for finding as escape from the sun's unruly glare. She would wait until the noonday sun had passed, she decided, before seeking out a lakeside den to call her own for a night or three.

"Talk" "You" Think


08-30-2014, 02:12 PM

B had been watching the pretty wolf walk into the water, sitting up in a near-by tree. She was a silly thing, she seemed to be prancing around like she owned the water. No one owned water! Silly wolf. Cawing, B fluttered his wings from his perch, hopping down a few branches to bring him closer to her. He was still above her head, a safe distance encase she wasn't a bird friendly wolf. He had met some like that, so he was always careful when approaching them. He watched, beady yellow eyes darting after the little fish that she scared away. "Oi, B likes those fish! Don't scare them away, caw! B was going to eat, and now the silly woof has chased them away!" He called, ebony feathers ruffling as he hopped further down his branch, head bobbing to and fro and his long green striped crest following in suite.

The crow had been hiding for a little bit, it was nice to be talking to the wolves again. This one was different though, she seemed to hold herself higher than most. Yes, he may sound stupid, but that didn't mean that he was. Clacking his beak together, his golden eyes never left her creamy form.



3 Years
08-31-2014, 06:03 AM

The harsh sound of a bird's voice invaded her kingdom, and grated on her eardrums. He mood soured in an instant, anger coiling white hot in her stomach, a barbed lance immediately aimed at the creature who had disturbed her musings. She had to search a moment before finding him, motion his downfall, as he re-adjusted himself on the perch he had found. He was not too far away to be seen, but farther than what might allow for perfect clarity. What in the gods name was on his head? "Gnats don't get opinions on the wiles of wolves," she said in an overly sweet tone, one which spoke of mockery and distaste. She would not stoop to this vile creature's level and trade insults for the 'silly woof' comment, it was distasteful, despite how her tongue itched to lash out at him. She was hardly silly and given the chance she would swat the ebon pestilence from the sky and leave him for his kindred to find and consume. Would that she had the chance. "Leave me," she ordered. "You are an irritation I will not suffer." She turned away from the creature, cold and unwilling to acknowledge his existence for any longer than she had to.

"Talk" "You" Think

OOC: I'm sorry she's a grump ass. It just happens sometimes.


09-07-2014, 02:43 PM

[Image: B_zpsb4466829.png]

B, Just B

The silly wolf called him strange names, her way of speaking was very... royal like. "Oi! B's no gnat, B is B!" He cawed, his head bobbing back and forth as he hopped further down his branch. He wasn't sure what 'wiles' meant but he could tell that this wolf wasn't too happy with having a crow hanging around. "Big talk from a little woof, caw! B is all the way up here and you are all the way down there! You can't get B!" He called, his head tipping back as a gurgling laugh bubbled in his throat. His yellow eyes once more fell on the striped wolf, no intentions of leaving because she used fancy words. B may not seem very smart, and his speech simple, but he wasn't that bird brained. Pun intended. The wolf told his to leave, and he let out another cackling laugh. "Woof can't tell B what to do, caw! B was here first, and stinky woof can't make B go!" Picking off a small twig with his claw, he then tossed it in the direction of the wolf, wings flapping as he laughed at her. He was quite pleased, he was usually a bit more scared of wolves. But up here in his tree, she couldn't get him. Plus, he had wings so, he could fly away if he really felt like it. B was rather comfortable though, he liked this tree and this lake. It is where he met Twig, and she gave him a ride on her back. Now there was a wolf he liked! This one? Not so much, she was a big stinky head.



3 Years
09-11-2014, 03:07 PM

It would seem that she had... ruffled his feathers. Freyja allowed a smirk to worm it's way onto her lips. After all, if she said he was a gnat, gnat he would remain. She leveled him with a burning glare. "If you think something so commonplace as a tree could stymie me if I wanted to kill you, you are sorely mistaken," she would hiss. Oh, he was infuriating, but she would not allow him to wipe her of her collected mindset. He would toss a twig her way and a snarl would rip from her jaws. The golden goddess heaved herself to her paws and began stalking towards the tree, robin's eyes flashing with unrestrained ire. She'd had about enough of chatty avians. Freyja charged forwards and leapt upwards upon the tree's trunk, digging her claws into the soft bark and reveling in the feeling of it buckling when met with her assault. She clawed her way up one foot, and then another, before springing away with another deep, rumbling sneer. If she truly wanted to reach the damn bird she'd find a way, but odds are even if she somehow reached his branch, the odds of it holding her were slim and the odds of the black gnat staying still for that long were nearly non-existent. It was to make a point. Birds were moronic, after all, and she hoped it would be enough. "A warning only, not that you deserve one," she would hiss. Freyja's eyes began scanning the ground around her for a sizable branch.