
Wars with Just Faces



08-30-2014, 12:41 PM

Haruka had only had a handful of fights, but it was yet that she had to lose. She was small and mighty, not many wolves thought that she was a good fighter because of how small she was. Haruka stood at a low 24 inches, weighing in at 56 pounds. But that didn't mean that she was weak, oh no. That is why she made her way to the battlefield now, looking to prove that even the smallest of wolves could fight with the strength of ten. Walking to the middle of the battlefield, she sat within the center, the small of stale blood tainting her nose. Wrinkling her features, she awaited a wolf to dare come and fight her. It would be a spar of sorts, a wish to grow stronger. But if anyone came and insulted her height, well it wouldn't end too well. She would be out for blood then, looking to further prove herself.

Walk "Talk" Think



3 Years
08-30-2014, 12:54 PM

It was a grand thing, being summoned to war. Nothing matched teh exhilaration, the thrill of knowing that any moment might be her last. The smell of blood was a sweet fragrance, and the feeling of her teeth tearing at another's flesh was divine. These battlegrounds were laced with the ghosts of all the battles that had come before, and Freyja's skin began to prickle and heat up in the most delightful way. Oh yes, there would be blood for her tonight. She let out a breathy chuckle, and spotted a challenger seated just upon the next rise. Freyja broke into a lope, swinging around so that she might approach this wolf head on. It was only polite, after all. "Hail, challenger," she called out in her sultry way. She would not ask her name, nor where she came from or where she was going. Such meager details interested the goddess about as much as her opponents no doubt tragic back story. They were nothing but sacks of meat, she knew, equipped with fangs and claws and itching to use them. She needed no introduction, no laying down of terms. Freyja sank into a ready pose, waiting for this smallish wolf to make the first move. She would not underestimate her, Freyja decided. Size meant nothing compared to experience and skill, and both were yet to be determined.

"Talk" "You" Think

OOC: Eve and I have both agreed to no defaults!



08-30-2014, 02:03 PM

She didn't have to wait long, a pretty cream and white female came at her head on. Haruka grinned at her slightly, nodding her head in a greeting. "Greetings stranger." She called back, watching the taller female pull herself into her own defensive matter. Ah, so she was being allowed the first move, was she? Well, she wasn't about to pass that up. She allowed herself to take in the female first, noticing that there was a 6 inch height difference between them. She had won against taller, but she was not one to judge. Taking in a deep breath, the fox-coloured woman was ready.

Haruka aimed to close the distance between her and Freyja, her pace was at a fast walk. She wasn't too hurried to close the gap, but when she came to a stop she hoped that her and Freyja were standing about an inch apart. Seeing as she was shorter than her opponent, she knew that she would have to aim for the lower half of the creamy female. Pinning her ears flat against her head, Haruka rolled her shoulders forward as her tail rose to align with her spine. Lips pulled back into a snarl, the skin folding around her narrowed eyes to protect the vital organs. Aligning her neck with her spine, she tucked her chin towards her chest as her hackles rose. Bending her legs slightly, her toes spread and claws locked into the ground as she aimed to make her first move.

Haruka aimed to leap towards Freyja, the two females were still standing head to head with hopefully only an inch of space between them. Her jaws opened and aimed to bite into Freyja's lower neck, slightly to the left to avoid the major arteries, {about 3/4th of an inch to the left from the center of her neck, just above her collar bone} as she hoped to lock her teeth in to cause a moderate bite. Haruka tried to raise her front left leg, attempting to wrap it around Freyja's front right leg, right around her knee. Haruka tried to pull her own leg forward, hoping to either pull Freyja's right leg out from under her or at least set her off balance. Because Haruka was now on a tripod state, she shifted her weight so that she was harder to knock over.


Round 1 of 3? 2? Up to you

Defenses: {ears flattened}, {shoulders rolled}, {tail aligned with spine}, {lips snarling}, {eyes narrowed}, {neck aligned with spine}, {chin tucked}, {hackles raised}, {legs bent}, {toes spread}, {claws biting into earth}, {balance adjusted for tripod state}

Attacks: Trying to bite Freyja on her neck, about 3/4ths of an inch to the left of the center of her neck. Aiming to try and knock Freyja's front right leg out from under her

Injuries: N/A

Notes: Yes, we did agree on no defaults! Forgot to put that in my first post.



3 Years
08-31-2014, 04:21 PM (This post was last modified: 08-31-2014, 04:34 PM by Freyja.)

Freyja would watch the woman approach with calculated apathy. Let this woman wonder about her, let her grow distracted. Freyja would give nothing away. She did however take a pace back as this smaller fae drew closer and closer, her now narrowed eyes flashing with barely contained malice. I suppose manners were not taught wherever you hail from, she thought, but did not say. Personal space was something the warrior valued quite highly, especially when engaging in a conflict, until it was time for fangs to meet flesh. Her ears pinned of their own accord, startled, and she bared her teeth. This woman would not be easily predicted. Freyja allowed the tension to leave her shoulders and hindquarters, readying herself for whatever nimble actions might be asked of her. Each paw was placed firmly on the earth, toes splayed and claws dug in, grounding her as she slipped into the lowered fighting stance she had come to know and love. Her abdominal muscles tensed in anticipation of an impact, shifted to align her spine with the challengers frame, and allowed her tail to sweep out for balance. No sooner than she had did the smaller woman lunge. It had begun.

The distance Freyja had created provided some modicum of protection, but it was not enough to avoid the fae completely. Snapping jaws clenched only around the thick fur of her mane, but the grasping paw did find purchase around her foreleg. She wanted the leg to move, did she? Then move it would! Freyja coiled energy into her hindquarters before springing forwards, intending to ram the woman's rib cage with her own right shoulder. She would push through the charge, hoping to off balance or wind her foe, if not knock her from her feet entirely. Her grounded advance would maintain her stance and balance, if all went well. After all, a dazed foe was half beaten already. Freyja allowed herself a smirk, and waited to see how her smaller counterpart might fight back.

"Talk" "You" Think

Freyja v. Haruka for SPAR

Round 1 of 2 (More likely to finish it this way xD)

Defenses: Creates space, Ears pinned, teeth bared, eyes narrowed, found good footing, toes splayed for balance, claws dug in for stability, lowers her stance, aligns spine, tail out for balance.

Attacks: Charges Haruka, attempting to ram her rib cage, leading with her right shoulder.

Injuries: N/A

Notes: Eve let Fox edit 'cuz Fox is a dumbass.