
Peace In A Place Of Beauty


06-29-2014, 08:47 PM

Allen had never before seen this place. He had taken a walk from Hajime and the pups during the middle of the night, though not before letting his nephew know that he would be returning before the sun rose. Just a run, a bit of exploring, and he would have cleared his head surely. Allen felt a bit frustrated, irritated with the new holder of Ebony. Hajime had spoken highly of the previous Queen, and yet she had place the pack with someone who was not empathic enough to hold her post. It was a shame, especially since none of the family would be able to visit Elsa's grave now, but such was the cost. They were not wanted there, deemed traitors. Yet it was only due to the pain of their hearts and the losses that seemed endless in coming. This woman clearly didn't understand that.

But that was behind them now, and Allen would focus instead on the beauty around him. Water sloshed under his paws as he walked under the willows. The moon shown down from above, lighting the water with an almost otherworldly beauty. It was as if he had walked into a dream. He felt strangely at peace in this moment, breathing in and out as he moved his calico coated form onward. Surely he would need to bring the children her someday. Hajime's children, since they were still young. Perhaps they would believe the place was magic, full of fairytale and wonder. Some lighthearted stories would do them well in these dark times he was sure. Stories of happiness and love, of things going right.

The brute would slow, giving a soft sigh as he looked around. There was time before morning yet, and for now he was content to remain where he was. Dark forest green orbs would shift up to the moon filtering down to the world below. "There are so many others I wish could be with me to see this..." He would whisper softly.

"Speech", 'Thought'


06-30-2014, 08:03 PM

It wasn't often that she left her boys, but she desperately needed some time alone. They were growing big enough to roam and play, which often led to fighting and bickering. As if she didn't have enough yelling going on in her head. She had left the kids with Rune, knowing he was dying to spend some time with his nephews. But her boys were still significantly smaller than his. But night had settled and she knew her two babies would be sound asleep. Ebony limbs carried her out of Covari territory, and into a nearby land that blended seamlessly with her home. Verdant gaze would rest easily before her, enjoying the silence, even though voices continued to scream insults at her. A sigh rolled off her tongue, would they ever leave? Probably not, she doubted it. An unfamiliar scent would interrupt her thoughts, gazing landing a strange male. She would pause for a moment, coughing lightly to announce her presence. He seemed to be mesmerized by something. Her gaze would lift, spotting the moon that peeked through the trees gently. It had been far to long since she last enjoyed the beauty of the world. A faint smile tugged at dark lips as she still stood several get away from the man. Ringed plume swayed gently at her hocks before her gaze would return to the man.

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07-05-2014, 09:16 PM

The light cough would pull Allen from his moment of enchantment, dark eyes shifting to the ebony femme who stood not too far from him. The calico male would dip his head, a look of respect within his gaze and a soft smile gracing his features. ?Good evening, miss.? His tones would come out polite, nothing but kindness within. Head would lift once more, becoming level as he took a moment to look the she-wolf over. Was there a trace of a smile? Or were the shadows here playing tricks on him? Allen would lean into the possibility that it was indeed, and continued to speak in his gentle tone to her. He did not seek violence after all.

?It is a lovely night, for winter, and these woods have a charming beauty, don?t you think? The kind of place children would dream of.? He was completely at ease, relaxed as he spoke to this stranger. His spirit felt light and at ease, his smile brightening a bit more. Perhaps his night here might be spent in a bit of company? He certainly wouldn?t mind it. There was enough stress in this world... A night, one that could be carefree and light, would surely ease the mind of any involved.

"Speech", 'Thought'


07-13-2014, 06:53 PM

The man would greet her with a polite dip of his head and she would smile, returning to dip of her crown. "Good evening."" She would take a few steps closer, bringing her to his side by still several feet away. Her gaze would lift to what he had been looking at, her expression smoothing in something more peaceful. It was truly beautiful, she would have to bring her children here one night. His voice would break her from her thoughts, her verdant gaze returning to the stranger. "It is, my boys would love it." A smile pulled lightly at her lips as she spoke, her gaze drifting away from the man once more. It was entirely peaceful here, she didn't know why. Haunches would recline towards the earth with ease, ringed plume curling around her. Kill him. Do it. Now! Voices whispered sweet threats into her earths, wanting so desperately for her to obey. "I'm Maia." Instead she would introduce herself, her gaze tipping towards him for a brief moment. Perhaps tonight would be her little get away, a brief carefree night spent away from the worries of her life. Her body would relax, settling in easily for a long night spent awake.

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07-21-2014, 04:38 PM

By how the woman spoke, it would seem that she was a mother of young children. How young, however, was yet unknown. Still, his eyes would shine at the mention of children. He was sure that Gavroche and Amber would love it here as well, if they ever got to see this place. His son seemed to be more innocent and kindhearted, and though his daughter was a trickster she still showed signs of one who was definitely younger at heart than she really was.

He was at ease, seating himself as well. The place was definitely one of peace, and, some part of him, was certain that even Hajime would enjoy it. The thought made his own smile a bit brighter. One was never too old for such beautiful things, or even fairytales in his opinion. What was life without hope, and belief in things more beautiful than what went on?

?Maia... It is a pretty name. It suits you.? He would tip his head back, tone remaining kind, yet not overly sweet. He was sincere in his kind ways, and he hoped that this woman would see that. He had, more than once, worried than women might get the wrong idea from him being as he was. Though thus far he had not had that sort of trouble at all.

?Allen Walker, Miss Maia. It is a pleasure to meet you.? He would take note of the scent of a pack upon her coat, deciding to ask about it since it was not one he was familiar with. ?You and your children are members of a pack, correct? Which pack are you members of??

"Speech", 'Thought'


08-17-2014, 07:19 PM

His kind words would bring a smile to her face. No one had ever said such a thing to her. But she always knew a name from her mother was one that would always be special. "Thank you."
His name would follow, Allen Walker. His surname was not one that was familiar, but was committed to memory anyways. He's lying, nothing about you is pretty. Voices continue to hiss insults in her ear, never once falling completely silent. As soon as he mentioned her kids, a happy glaze fell over her dark features as she envisioned to two boys. "Yes we are. My aunt is the alpha of Covari." There was no harm in her telling him which pack she was a part of, its not like one man could take on a pack the size of Covari. "Do you belong to a pack?" She had never been very good at small talk, but she tried when necessary, not wanting to come across as rude. Her gaze would drift him his only friendly in exchange for the scenery around them before returning his shortly after.

Her boys were her world. They meant everything to her. Koray always tried to protect her and his brother, no matter how small he was. And Amarant, he was always so adventurous and ready to please. They would both were nearly old enough to begin training. Her mother had taken a part in training her and her brothers, though most of what she learned, she learned on her own. But she was determined to be a part of her kids lives, she wanted to be there every step of the way. She wanted to teach them to hunt, to fight, to be caring and kind, while not letting the world walk all over them. It didn't matter that their father had disappeared shortly after their birth, if he chose to come back, she would allow it, but she wouldn't sugar coat it to her boys when he left again. He was proving to be the least reliable man she knew.

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08-31-2014, 06:07 PM

Ahh, so they were members of Covari. It was fairly knew from what Allen had heard in passing and rumors. To top if off her aunt was their leader. A line of nobility... he hadn't expected such, but well, one said to expect the unexpected. The calico brute would give a nod, finding the question quickly turned around on him. Did he belong to a pack? "Not yet, though I am on my way to joining one soon." The male would admit. He had noticed how when he mentioned her boys her face with glaze over with happiness. It was clear she cared for them very much, and it was so beautiful to see. Allen's expression would shift for a moment, bright smile fading for the moment.

"I'm going with my nephew... he has five children and his mate died giving birth to them. I want to help them, to try and give what comfort I can, you know? You only get one family after all." He would slowly shake his head, dark gaze settling on her again. "By how your expression changed when I mentioned your sons I could tell you'd do anything for them too. It is wonderful to see. You must be a great mother." He would tilt his head to the side however, a question on his mind but not willing to ask it. She bore the scent of no male on her coat... so where was their father? "If you don't feel you'll be gone too long, maybe you'd like to walk with me for a little while?"

"Speech", 'Thought'