
Let us share our ideas together



4 Years
08-13-2014, 02:54 AM

Nona was excited now that she was in Abaven. There was so much to do and first thing on her list was to help Bass come up with a tradition for the pack which involved music. The very thought amused her as a wide smile played across her maw. The serpent plains was a beautiful place to try and work out how this would go. Her thoughts came out aloud for anyone near her to hear as she began to plan out how the tradition could go and hopefully Bass would show so she could help him with it. What songs they could sing and when it could happen everything raced through the fae's mind but no matter as it brought joy to her. Nona loved to sing and this tradition would allow her to sing in front of a audience instead of no one.

The earthy fae sat there as her mind wandered deep in thought about the kinds of songs they could sing, the duration of each song, would there be songs that each individual to sing. These were all there but nonetheless Nona was happy to be think about it. Before long Nona began to sing to herself ?I sing the song of my home, we stand tall and proud of what we hold... We sing the song of our home, we stand tall and proud of what we hold... The song of our people who hold fast and never forget what they hold.? The lyrics were there but she wasn't exactly sure what anyone else would think of them however after all she was just thinking of a draft for it so far as they weren't an official song yet. However she would wait to get Bass's opinion on what the lyrics should be for a group song.

"Let's come up with ideas"
-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-



7 Years

08-16-2014, 09:40 PM (This post was last modified: 08-19-2014, 10:39 AM by Bass.)

The soft voice of Nona had been heard from his den, in which he had been hoping to crawl into for a short nap. But of course, the duties of an alpha never slept. Chuckling to himself he made his way towards the newest member of Abaven, his alabaster tail swaying behind him in a steady rhythm. He had told the earthern toned fae that he had wanted to start some kind of tradition within Abaven and the power of song. Had she come up with any ideas of her own? Questions lingering in his mind, he made the short travel to the girls side.

Letting out a soft bark, Bass came up behind the healer with a smile on his maw. "Hello Nona, been thinking about the tradition for Abaven?" He asked, pausing as he came upon her flank, pulling himself to face her before collecting his rump into a seated position.



4 Years
08-22-2014, 08:04 PM

Nona could hear Bass approaching her as she heard his bark before seeing him before her. The earthen tone fae couldn't help but show a smile to Bass as she began to answer his question as her smile grew ever so wide "Indeed I have been, I was thinking of how to get everyone involved in this for whoever showed up unless you made it a mandatory thing but I personally wouldn't mandate it..." She took in and let out a deep breath before continuing on "I think perhaps we should have a opening song at the beginning and a closing song that everyone can sing but we should start, or it could be me who starts or you, or anyone who feels like kicking it off but we should be the ones who do the closing song with everyone else following in if they want or however you see fit to do it, but what do you think, Bass?" Nona giggled a little as she looked into Bass's eyes.

Nona wanted to hear what Bass thought of her current idea and if he did then she could build off that or if he didn't then she could try to think of something else. Either way the fae was interested in hearing what the Azat had to say. She was confident that he might like her base idea but even then it would become a tradition for the pack and it was important to her that he also had a chance to speak his mind of what he thought might work and what might not work. Nona just hoped that he wouldn't make it mandatory for everyone otherwise it might annoy them but if he did that was his choice.

"hear me sing."
-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-



7 Years

08-30-2014, 06:34 PM

He listened to what the female had to say, a soft smile planted on his maw. It was a good idea, he could already picture them singing in the moonlight. He chuckled softly, glad that she was so fast to input ideas towards Abaven. "I most likely won't make it mandatory, I think that it would be more pleasant if they showed up more willingly. As for songs, perhaps we could chose one that represents our pack best, and end the night with that. But otherwise, maybe we should offer the stage towards others who could sing solo or duets as they pleased." He thought of him and Wren, on how nice it would be for the two of them to sing together again. In front of the whole pack as well, that would be a lot of fun! He quite liked this idea, maybe they could call it every full moon or so? The pack could unite, and others could come as well to enjoy the night of singing. Yes... that would make a grand tradition for the whole pack.

Curling his tail around his paws, he let out a soft hum as he grinned at the earthen coloured female. It had been awhile since someone had joined and had been so willing to improve their home lands. It truly warmed his heart and made him proud of his pack, they were so active within themselves and with others. Without all these grand ideas, the pack would just sit here. That wasn't something that he would like, he put in a lot of effort into Abaven. It was all their homes now, and it would stay that way for a number of years to come.



4 Years
08-31-2014, 08:59 PM

Nona smiled as she listened to Bass's words. She was glad he wouldn't make it mandatory and kept listening to what he had to say. Her thoughts began to whir like clockwork coming alive once more as she thought about lyrics for a pack song that would fit Abaven best. Anyone who looked her in the eyes would probably see the fae was all there at the moment as thoughts danced across her song filled head however when she caught Bass grinning at her she couldn't help but return the grin letting her own tail cover her earthen paws.

She was thinking of what to say in response to Bass's words however the words weren't there for a little bit until finally her lips parted "Excellent ideas, perhaps we should get a few members together who would be willing to do this and all work together to come up with a song, to make the tradition also be more of theirs as well, to feel like they also belong in it" She kept smiling however but her mind kept going. However before then she had to get to know other members of Abaven as well so it didn't seem so strange for her to just suddenly show up and ask them for ideas. However she wanted to know more of Bass's ideas as well, he knew more about the members of the pack than she did which is why she had to hear more of his own thoughts "Also any other ideas Bass, I'm sorry for not being able to come up with a lot of things right now for this tradition idea which I want to see happen, but I don't really know anyone except for formal reasons of just rank and that is that" Nona wasn't quite sure how he would respond to the way she spoke but she had to know.

"hear me sing."
-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-