
have you gone out drinking



08-31-2014, 08:20 PM (This post was last modified: 08-31-2014, 09:40 PM by Rentaro.)

It was most definitely not one of his favorite places. The summer heat making him even more irritated than he usually was. Then again, the man was always irritated on the inside. It was just a natural fact of life that he hated everyone and everything within this world. Even himself was a demon, an angel who wished to defile everything that he saw. And he didn't regret a single moment of it either. His mis-matches paws would pull him forward still, and he would move forward even if he didn't want to. Why? Because he didn't want to die.
Death was the end, of everything and anything. The darkness that over-came him would only come when he gave up or something stronger took him down. Which was how he felt about his life. Always fighting, dominating, it was a sad sad cycle but he loved it. The thought of it made him shiver with delight and smile, boy was it fun to tear into flesh. He would never forget the sensation, and he wanted to feel it over and over again.

?I speak?


08-31-2014, 08:42 PM

Having finally pulled her self from the hole that had sheltered her for a few nights, Morgana had found her self in yet another land. Moving on from the rock garden and into this strange place; despite having been here two years before the fea had much to learn about these lands much less to explore. Ears flicking the ebony fea found her self largely alone, disappointing at best and yet a blessing at the same time.

That salmon tongue drifted off those inky black lips, the taste of wolf flesh still lingering in her maw. A pity such an easy meal had escaped her but alas Morgana knew she would find more, for that body was craving the sweet taste of wolven flesh. Where and when she would gain such a treat was unknown to the chaotic women, but if she was to wait such an opportunity would no doubt rear it's ugly head to her once more. Being up stream of the male the Pendragon had no idea that another was out and about, despite the summers heat it proved not to hinder her in the least. For the heat was one thing the fea thrived upon.



08-31-2014, 09:15 PM

The male would stop in his tracks once the scent of the woman came to his nostrils. Suddenly his mood was fairly uplifted, women made everything better. Everything about them, their womb, their hips, that delicious scent that they gave off. Rentaro was no stranger to the intimate moments both male and female could feel. Though himself was strictly a dominance man, love was almost a fake word in the back of his mind. The man would place himself closer to her, it was time to put his charm to the test.
?My my, what special treat has the gods placed in front of me on this hot summer evening.? he said, sliding closer to her. Trying to face side to side with her. Rentaro was aware any woman could be feisty, but he was confident in his own skills as a man. Women were the lesser sex, it took them above and beyond to get anywhere in life. Only on rare occasions could they do this, and normally it was the man's fault for creating such things.

?I speak?


08-31-2014, 09:35 PM

It would seem it wouldn't be long before Morgana had company, the wind happened to blow the brutes scent towards her. Making that nose wrinkle slightly at his stench; at least he didn't smell of dirt or whatever the other she had taken the top part ear had been rolling in. God knows what they had gotten into, but the smell was unique unto it self. Seemingly smelling of the ever shifting seas and something else that had a almost sour smell to it. That head would title as it would peer past her shoulder and onto the one of whom was making him self oh so readily comfortable against her.

Those cold frosted eyes stared at the mismatched man, one paw was a dark brown with a small strip above his nose. While the right was white along with that tail of his, a odd mix and match for sure. Then again Morgana didn't have much to her self save for the white patch upon her chest and throat, including the underside of her jaw. "Me a special treat? I fear you have the wrong impression." Purred the french women, only to take a side step away from the man; teasing him, then again; why not? It had been ages since she had bothered with either sex.



08-31-2014, 09:48 PM

Unappealing. Was he really that way? He loved it when they played along. Rentaro was always one for a game, his teeth would clench together. He was a demon he could not deny. In this world he always wanted to be on top. Those who gave him the thrill of a challenge made him love them. If it was easy, Rentaro probably wouldn't enjoy it as much as he did. No, he did not expect life to be explained and given to him on a silver platter, that would be boring. He would bleed for anything so he felt that he earned it from day one. As she moved away, his grin widened a little. He tried to be a gentleman shifting his shoulders a little as he raised his eyebrows at her. A fun dance it would be. Perhaps even a fun fight would be involved!
?Oh but you are, why not dance with me pretty little thing.? he circled for a moment, pulling his white tail in front of her like a snake. Until he faced her directly like a straight line. ?I want to see my spawn running around with your gene's lady of the night.? he had no quarrels with fighting with a lady. He would make her HIS if she refused. Or at least attempt to do so.

?I speak?


08-31-2014, 11:43 PM

It seemed this man was intent on having some fun, Morgana's inner demons were screaming to come out and play, whispering sweet nothings into her ears and clawing at her wolfen skull to be let lose upon the world once more. A slight snort escaped the ashen women as she knew they would not cease until she let them out for a bit, perhaps she could upon his one and he in turn would be more willing to react except for that poor dirty she-wolf from before. Poor example for a wolf, not at all being quite right in the mind..but ah who was Morgana to judge? She wasn't quite right in her own mind and yet she could not help her self, at least she kept her hygiene at a pristine level. Never one to see her self dirty, matted or infested with some kind of filth. The only thing that had lingered upon her coat had been that of slain enemies.

Ears flickered at his teasing lyrics, a scoff was given as he called her a pretty little thing; was she a pretty little thing? Morgana could hardly recall being called such a thing but the middle-aged women would not take insult to his teasing words. That tail was tempting to snap at, to grab a hold and pull, break at an unnatural angle and yet Morgana held her composure. "That will be no easy feat; for you have yet to prove your self worthy." The french women would reply curtly, testing him and seeing what he may attempt to do. Even as those ears began to lower against that blacken skull of which lowered to protect her throat, those shoulders rolled forth in order to protect the sides of her neck. Weight was evenly distributed evenly among all her limbs, as those claws came into play at gripping the soil to better help her balance. That tail was held out acting as a rudder and something to keep her balance.

Morgana vs Rentaro for Dominance.

Move 0 of 4.

Attacks: None.

Defense: Ears pinned against skull, head lowered, shoulders rolled forward, distributed weight among limbs, claws used to help grip the ground, tail to be used as a rudder/balance.



09-01-2014, 01:53 AM



She would comply with his wishes, and he would enjoy it. Rentaro's eyes widened a little, as his muzzle pulled into a large grin. He didn't know if she was playing into him, or if this was just way this wonderful life would play out for him. His tail came to rest just at level with his spine, its ivory glory helping his balance. Ears coming to rest upon the back of his skull as he growled at her. Eyes narrowing, his knee's bent before he charged her in a flurry of aggressive behavior. The male was the same size as her, but he charged her head on. As he tried to push his body weight towards her, at a straight angle his head tilted to the right side and jaws splaying open. The beasts canine's aiming to her snout to the bridge at a straight forward angle. Hoping to cause an intense amount of pain.
His toes splayed, digging into the terrain of the sand. Abdomen muscles tightening to protect his stomach, as his shoulders rolled inward. Head tucked downwards within his attack to protect his throat. The male's scruff would scrunch forward to avoid her getting a hold on his neck. Knee's bending slightly.
1/4 Morgana v Rentaro for dominance

Attack: Trying to get a firm hold on the bridge of her muzzle and cause pain.

Defense: Ears pinned, abdomen tightened, eyes narrowed, tail level with spine, toes splayed, nails digging into the dirt, shoulders rolled, scruff scrunched, knee's bent, head tucked.



09-01-2014, 02:12 AM

Teeth grazed the top of her ashen muzzle as Morgana stepped to the right, the contact was brief but enough to draw blood. Having stepped to the left to avoid the majority of his charge, they collided still with his shoulder nailing the left side of her chest near that shoulder. Her own body would surge forth in raw power as those jaws aimed for the area just behind his right shoulder, her teeth aiming to grab a hold of the sternum area of the chest. If she gained a hold, Morgana would begin to shake her head left and right in an attempt to cause more damage. Those ears would remain tucked against her skull, those toes splayed out for balance as her tail aligned with that spine. Eyes were narrowed for protection, her scruff scrunched up in order to deny him a grip there.

Morgana Vs Rentaro for Dominance.

Move I of 4.

Attacks: Surged forth in an effort to grab a hold of the upper chest in the sternum area, then if she gain hold began to shake her head left and right.

Defense: Side stepped to avoid most of the charge, Ears pinned against skull, eyes narrowed, tail aligned with spine for balance, scrunched scruff, splayed toes.

Injuries: Scraps onto of the maw, light bruising in the right chest/shoulder area.



09-01-2014, 12:49 PM



His ears would remain pinned to the back of his skull. Eyes narrowed and kept locked on his prey. The man took a step back to left relative to himself as her teeth grabbed hold just above his sternum. As she began to shake her head back and forth a shiver of pleasure pulled down his spine fur and skin being irritatingly pulled off to reveal blood. At a forty five degree angle the male would aim for her right shoulder just above the shoulder blade, trying to get in a deep chunk to pull it off rather than to shake his head back and forth. His right leg trying to lift and hook her left leg in an attempt to slam it into her toes.
The man's shoulders kept rolled inward and scruff rolled forward his eyes kept locked on his target. He spread his toes and dug them into the dirt. Abdomen muscles tightened he kept his weight evenly distributed throughout his body. Tail keeping level with his spine to help with his balance as he bent his knee's slightly. Scruff scrunched, he tried to keep close proximity to the female.
2/4 Morgana v Rentaro for dominance

Attack: At a forty five degree angle from her left side he is aiming for her right shoulder just above the shoulder blade to try and tear off a large piece of flesh. At the same time trying to slam his right paw into her own right toes as hard as he can.

Defense: Ears pinned, eyes narrowed, abdomen tightened, tail level with spine, shoulders rolled, scruff scrunched and knee's slightly bent. Toes spread into the dirt.

Injuries: Half-inch wound just above the sternum, sore around the edges with patches of fur missing and been pulled off.


09-01-2014, 01:19 PM

Occ: I didn't mention the hook/toe slam seeing her front feet would be more near his rear end then his front. But you didn't specify if it was the front right leg or rear leg <3.

Ashen ears would remain pinned against her skull, eyes narrowed and lips curled back into a silent snarl. That tail remained aligned with her spine in case of a sudden need to shift to either side to help balance her weight; those toes remained splayed and gripping the ground. That scruff remained scrunched to protect her scruff and deny him a possible hold there. Teeth met fur and skin but with the shaking of her head left and right, that metallic taste filled her mouth, that sweet tasting blood and aroma that only made that ashen body shudder with delight. Flesh was flesh, no matter who it may come from, the sweet taste of blood was something she longed for; having gone far too long without it's delicate taste. A shame really, but now that was behind her.

With her still having a hold of the sternum area of the chest, the ashen women would let it go only to move that head further down along his body; those teeth aiming to sink into a most vulnerable area on any wolf. The soft lower under belly, Morgana would rinse and repeat her earlier actions; aim to grab a hold of the soft under belly flesh, then shake and tear in an effort to cause more damage. Morgana was not going to make this easy for Rentaro, he just may end up with quite the glorious scar from this. A sharp pain ignited within her as his teeth cut into the skin above the right shoulder blade, no cry of pain was given as her body would only shift to the left in an effort to escape those fangs of his. There was little else Morgana could do, save for hoping that her attack on his lower stomach area would cause enough distraction or pain to force him to let go.

Morgana Vs Rentaro for Dominance.

Move 2 of 4.

Attacks: Let go of the sternum/chest area to attack the lower belly area, grab and then tear.

Defense: Narrowed eyes, pinned ears, tail aligned with spine, scrunched scruff, lips pulled back, splayed toes for grip and balance.

Injuries: Scraps onto of the maw, light bruising in the right chest/shoulder area. Puncture wounds above the right shoulder.



09-01-2014, 01:45 PM



Pain was pleasure for the man, it wouldn't make him let go no matter what. His body simply tried to shift even further to his left, making the angle even wider than it had been as her teeth aimed for his lower stomach. His abdomen muscles tightened and toes splayed into the dirt would prevent any bad damage coming to him. As those teeth sank into the flesh a mild giggle left his throat involuntarily. Her head shaking would only last for a moment as he tried to step into a straight right angle with the female, ripping some flesh off but still his muscles helping to protect any vitals from getting hit. Tail level with his spine, ears pinned to his head, and lips curled back the male surged his larger body weight in an attempt to slam into her. Keeping his scruff scrunched so that she could not get a hold of it.
Rolling his shoulders inward, his jaws would open at a right angle straight for the right side of her neck just between the jaw and right shoulder. Rentaro would hope to try and keep a hold on her this time; shake his head back and forth just as she had done. Hoping that his chest would also ram into her right leg and make her lose balance. Eyes narrowed on her, he splayed out his toes and dug his nails into the dirt. His hackles bristled at her with the pain that built up with his injuries. Bending his knee's slightly to keep himself situated on the ground. He tucked his tail between his legs to avoid any genital damage and any more damage to his tightened abdomen area.

3/4 Morgana v Rentaro for dominance

Attack: Coming at Morgana's right side from a right angle, he is trying to get a hold on the side of her neck and slam his chest into her right side for closer proximity. If he gains a hold he wishes to shake his head back and forth for damage.

Defense: Ears pinned, eyes narrowed, lips curled, hackles raised. Toes spread, abdomen tightened, tail tucked, shoulders rolled inward, scruff scrunched. Knee's slightly bent.

Injuries: Half inch wound just above the sternum. Inch deep wound on abdomen area(most likely will scar).


09-01-2014, 02:14 PM

An annoyed snarl left the ashen women, she had hit her mark yet had failed to cause any major damage. Damn it all; swallowing the piece of flesh Morgana had torn from the under belly. Those lips pulled back into a silent snarl, eyes narrowed and ears pinned against that skull. That tail would remain aligned with her spine as that scruff was scrunched to once more deny him a hold upon her scruff. Toes were splayed for balance, while the weight was distributed evenly between her four limbs; knees bent slightly to allow for flexibility. A surprising shift of weight slammed into her right side, forcing the women back and with the ram to her right leg it would send Morgana to the right, skidding a bit and being forced to take a few steps and yet the women would boomerang back upon the male as that head lowered. Jaws open and gaping, aiming to in turn grab a hold of the males muzzle in an effort to both deflect his attack but at the same time to inflict one of her own upon him. If a hold was gained, Morgana would force his head downwards while using the momentum from her own weight to slam into the right side of his own body in an effort to knock him off balance. That right front paw would lift and then make an attempt to slam down upon his own left front foot to hinder his balance.

Morgana Vs Rentaro for Dominance.

Move 3 of 4.

Attacks: Aiming to grab a hold of the muzzle, force his head down if a hold is gained, right front foot slammed down upon his on.

Defense: Narrowed eyes, pinned ears, tail aligned with spine, scrunched scruff, lips pulled back, splayed toes for grip and balance, bent knees for flexibility.

Injuries: Scraps onto of the maw, light bruising in the right chest/shoulder area. Puncture wounds above the right shoulder. Bruising along right side. (Minor at point of impact.)



09-01-2014, 02:41 PM



Morgana had suddenly turned to face him head on. Her jaws opening in a rage aiming for his muzzle, as his ears still pinned to his head and eyes narrowed on her he stepped slightly to the left. Her jaws skimming the surface of the right side of his face feeling the skin tear open in a wound as she pulled her weight to his right side. Throwing his balance off slightly, having his left leg pull outwards and dig into the dirt in order to keep his balance. Shoulders rolled inward as her right paw went upward to try and slam into his left he aimed forward to bit into the middle of her forelimb. Rentaro hoped to tug it forward into his chest and make her lose balance.
His abdomen muscles tightened, tail level with his spine as he tried to pull his right shoulder up towards her soft throat. To help with his attempt at throwing her balance off and trying to regain his own at the straight angle. Toes splayed and digging into the dirt, his right paw would slightly be lifted off the ground as he attempted to dig his shoulder into her throat. Scruff scrunched and most of his balance being situated on his left side to avoid falling. Keeping his back legs bent slightly to help with balance.
4/4 Morgana v Rentaro for dominance

Attack: Aiming for her right forelimb(the one she raised to slam into his left) to try and grab hold and pull it towards his chest. Meanwhile raising his right shoulder in the hopes of slamming it up into her throat.

Defense: Ears pinned, toes splayed, weight to left side, abdomen tightened, knee's bent slightly. Eyes narrowed, tail level with spine nails digging into terrain. Scruff scrunched.

Injuries:Half-inch wound just above sternum, inch deep wound on lower stomach, half inch deep wound on right cheek slight bruising to his right side.


09-01-2014, 06:01 PM

Facing the male straight on so suddenly likely had been a surprise for the heavier brute, he proved to avoid her gaping maw only to leave a stream of blood flowing down the side of his cheek. An annoyed growl would rumble in her chest and throat as she found her right front limb within the males maw, forsaking it as he moved to shove his shoulder into her throat. Shifting her weight slightly to the left, Morgana would pull backwards to both soften the blow to her throat and to free her limb from his maw; despite the scrapes Morgana proved to inflict upon her self with this movement.

Her own muzzle would dip towards him, this time in an aim to grab a hold of the right side of his neck. If a hold was gained, she would bite down and then pull backwards in an effort to both throw him off balance but to cause puncture and tear wounds as well. Her eyes narrowed, ears tucked against her skull, toes splayed and her weight shifted backwards among her three free limbs to help with balance. That tail aligned with her spine, being used to keep her balance while those knees bent just enough to hold her weight and allow flexibility.

Morgana Vs Rentaro for Dominance.

Move 4 of 4.

Attacks: Aiming to grab a hold of the right side of his neck, biting down as she pulls backwards.

Defense: Narrowed eyes, pinned ears, tail aligned with spine, splayed toes for grip and balance, bent knees for flexibility.

Injuries: Scraps onto of the maw, light bruising in the right chest/shoulder area. Puncture wounds above the right shoulder. Bruising along right side. (Minor at point of impact.) Scrapes across her right front limb.

The Judge


09-01-2014, 10:04 PM




clarity -- 8 out of 10 ; ?The beasts canine's aiming to her snout to the bridge at a straight forward angle. Hoping to cause an intense amount of pain.? There are serious grammar errors here that effect the clarity of the attack. It is rather confusing and took me a few times to try and understand what he is trying to do.

powerplay -- 10 out of 10 ; none seen

defences -- 9 out of 10 ; +1 tail aligned with spine, +1 ears pinned, +1 eyes narrowed, +1 legs bent, +1 toes splayed, +1 claws dug into earth, -1 abdominal muscles tightened (Should be all muscles tightened, not just stomach. That does little to aid in fighting), +1 shoulders rolled, +1 scruff scrunched, +1 neck tucked (careful on your wording there, ?Head tucked downwards within his attack to protect his throat?)

attack -- 1 out of 10 ; +1 bite to the bridge of her nose. Lost points here for not listing how severe the bite would be and for clarity

injuries -- 10 out of 10 ; first round.

round one RENTARO total --- 38 out of 50


clarity -- 9 out of 10 ; ?Teeth grazed the top of her ashen muzzle ... the contact was brief but enough to draw blood.? How severe was the bite? Minor, moderate, or major? -1

powerplay -- 10 out of 10 ;

defences -- 5 out of 10 ; +1 ears tucked, +1 toes splayed, +1 tail aligned with spine, +1 eyes narrowed, +1 scruff scrunched

attack -- 2 out of 10 ;
+2 bite to the right shoulder and shaking, points taken away from the conditional
injuries -- 8 out of 10 ; first round ? Minor? Bites to muzzle -1 light bruising on shoulder -1

round one MORGANA total --- 34 out of 50



clarity -- 7 out of 10 ; ?The man took a step back to left relative to himself as her teeth grabbed hold just above his sternum.? A bit confusing here, not sure where he is going. Grammar my friend! -1 ?As she began to shake her head back and forth a shiver of pleasure pulled down his spine fur and skin being irritatingly pulled off to reveal blood.? How severe is the bite? Did it tear? -1 ?His right leg trying to lift and hook her left leg in an attempt to slam it into her toes.? Is he hooking her leg here, or slamming on her toes? -1

powerplay -- 9 out of 10 ; ?His right leg trying to lift and hook her left leg in an attempt to slam it into her toes.? Front leg or back leg for both wolves? -1

defences -- 8 out of 10 ; +1 eyes narrowed, +1 shoulders rolled, +1 scruff scrunched, +1 toes spread, +1 claws in earth, -1 abdominal muscles tightened (Again does nothing to defend yourself), +1 weight evenly distributed, +1 tail aligned with spine, +1 legs bent

attack -- 3 out of 10 ; +2 for bite to shoulder and severity, +1 for leg hook/paw slam. Points lost for clarity issues

injuries -- 8 out of 10 ; -2 for bite to shoulder and shake damage. Should be a moderate bite and most likely will scar. I know that you put it in your notes, but it needs to be in your post.

round two RENTARO total --- 35 out of 50


clarity -- 10 out of 10 ; Mostly clear

powerplay -- 7 out of 10 ; ?teeth aiming to sink into a most vulnerable area on any wolf. The soft lower under belly? This is a highly unlikely attack, both wolves are the same height and she would have to be laying on her belly to bite at his belly. -1 ?he just may end up with quite the glorious scar from this. A sharp pain ignited within her as his teeth cut into the skin above the right shoulder blade? How deep did he bite her? Is it mild, moderate, or major? His attack was aiming for deep, yet you did not say how it hit. -1 You cannot avoid attacks, ever. It says in the fighting rules that if an attack is avoiding, that it automatically lands and that the judge decides the severity. -2

defences -- 6 out of 10 ; +1 ears pinned, +1 eyes narrowed, +1 lips snarled, +1 tail aligned with spine, +1 toes splayed, +1 scruff scrunched,

attack -- 1 out of 10 ; +1 for attack to belly, points lost for lack of realism

injuries -- 3 out of 10 ; -1 for minor bites to muzzle, -1 for minor bruising to shoulder, -3 major puncture wounds to top of shoulder, -2 for bruising to toes (decided by judge)

round two MORGANA total --- 27 out of 50



clarity -- 9 out of 10 ; ?As those teeth sank into the flesh a mild giggle left his throat involuntarily. Her head shaking would only last for a moment? Again, how severe is this wound? -1,

powerplay -- 8 out of 10 ; ?his jaws would open at a right angle straight for the right side of her neck just between the jaw and right shoulder.? Has to be attempted -1, ?Hoping that his chest would also ram into her right leg and make her lose balance.? How did he attempt this? Did he ram forward? Jump forward? -1

defences -- 10 out of 10 ; +1 toes splayed, +1 abdominal muscles tightened (this time I counted it because he was trying to defend himself from her bite), +1 tail aligned with spine, +1 ears pinned, +1 lips snarling, +1 scruff scrunched, +1 shoulders rolled, +1 eyes narrowed, +1 toes splayed, +1 claws dug into earth.

attack -- 3 out of 10 ; +2 for bite to side of the neck, more points for potentially major wound, +1 for shoulder ram, points lost for pp

injuries -- 6 out of 10 ; -2 for moderate shoulder bite, -2 for moderate stomach bite

round three RENTARO total --- 27 out of 50


clarity -- 9 out of 10 ; ?surprising shift of weight slammed into her right side,? Did she take damage from this? If so, how much? -1

powerplay -- 6 out of 10 ; ?the women would boomerang back upon the male as that head lowered? How did she move back towards him, in what way? -1 Way too much movement in your attack, jumping back, trying to bite hus muzzle, pull his head down, trying to slam her right side into his body and slamming on his left paw is a lot in one go and doesn't give your opponent much time to react -3

defences -- 8 out of 10 ; +1 lips snarling, +1 eyes narrowed, +1 ears pinned, +1 tail aligned with spine, +1 scruff scrunched, +1 toes splayed, +1 weight distributed evenly, +1 legs bent

attack -- 3 out of 10 ; +1 bite on muzzle, lost points for pp and no damage was tried, +1 body slam, lost points on pp and no pending damage, +1 paw slam for pp and no pending damage

injuries -- 1 out of 10 ; -1 for minor bites to muzzle, -1 for minor bruising to shoulder, -3 major puncture wounds to top of shoulder, -2 for bruising to toes (decided by judge), -2 moderate bruising to right side (decided by judge)

round three MORGANA total --- 27 out of 50



clarity -- 8 out of 10 ; ?Shoulders rolled inward as her right paw went upward to try and slam into his left he aimed forward to bit into the middle of her forelimb.? This is very confusing, its hard to tell his attack and hers apart. -1 ?To help with his attempt at throwing her balance off and trying to regain his own at the straight angle.? I'm not sure what's going on here, what is Ren trying to do? -1

powerplay -- 9 out of 10 ; ?Her jaws skimming the surface of the right side of his face feeling the skin tear open in a wound? How severe is this wound? -1

defences -- 8 out of 10 ; +1 ears flattened, +1 eyes narrowed, +1 shoulders rolled, +1 tail aligned with spine, +1 toes splayed, +1 for adjusting for tripod state, +1 scruff scrunched, +1 legs bent

attack -- 3 out of 10 ; +1 bite to forelimb, lost points on clarity, +2 for shoulder slam to throat

injuries -- 4 out of 10 ; -2 for moderate shoulder bite, -2 for moderate stomach bite, -1 for minor bite to cheek (determined by judge), -1 for minor bruising to side (determined by judge)

round four RENTARO total --- 32 out of 50


clarity -- 9 out of 10 ; ?as she found her right front limb within the males maw? Did he bite into her flesh? How severe? -1

powerplay -- 8 out of 10 ; ?and to free her limb from his maw? This has to be attempted -1 ?would bite down and then pull backwards in an effort to both throw him off balance but to cause puncture and tear wounds as well? Conditional attack -1

defences -- 6 out of 10 ; +1 eyes narrowed, +1 ears tucked, +1 toes splayed, +1 weight balanced, +1 tail aligned with spine, +1 legs bent

attack -- 1 out of 10 ; +1 for bite on right side of neck and pull back, loss of points for not determining severity and conditionals.

injuries -- 0 out of 10 ; -1 for minor bites to muzzle, -1 for minor bruising to shoulder, -3 major puncture wounds to top of shoulder, -2 for bruising to toes (decided by judge), -2 moderate bruising to right side (decided by judge), -2 for moderate bites on forelimbs

round four MORGANA total --- 24 out of 50


RENTARO -- 132 out of 200

MORGANA -- 112 out of 200


Rentaro! Morgana must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Moderate bite on right shoulder with take 5 OOC days to heal, no scar, moderate stomach wound will take 5 OOC days to heal and will scar, minor bite to right cheek will take 3 OOC days to heal and will not scar, minor bruising to his right side will take 3 OOC days to heal

Minor bites on muzzle will take 3 OOC days to heal and will not scar, minor bruising to her shoulder will take 3 OOC days to heal, major puncture wounds on top of her shoulder will take one OOC week to heal and will scar, moderate bruising to right side will take 5 OOC days to heal, moderate bites on forelimb will take 5 OOC days to heal and will scar.


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)

For Riv --

Okay guys, to be honest this was a very difficult fight to judge. You lost a lot of points on clarity and on not determining how hard he was biting, as well as not stating how much damage you took from each hit. Watch powerp playing and come up with a bit more various attacks. But you really need to watch clarity, that is what really killed you here.

For Kayi --

You also lost a lot of points here for clarity and power playing. You had the same problems, you need to state how much damage you take and how much you are trying to to inflict. While it is ultimatly up to your opponent, it makes it a lot easier. Watch your conditionals, which is saying ?if this lands than this? But yeah, this was a difficult fight guys. I can't wait to see how you two get better, you do have the makings of great fighters!

judging by [ Evelyn]



09-02-2014, 12:54 AM



It was done, and yet again he would prove superior. The male would drop the female almost in an instant. As he stepped away he let breath over take him to engulf it in, the adrenaline was leaving him. How sad, he had always enjoyed the thrill of a fight. Rentaro would then step forward, his tongue would lick her right ear as he grinned a bit. "My name is Rentaro Bloodling pretty thing, and you now belong to me." his tone still the same as it always had been in it's seductive ways.
His wounds burned through him, leaving a reminder of the pleasure that stung at his soul. It was a guilty pleasure that Rentaro enjoyed pain, but he would never admit it. He was simply lucky that Arcanum had healers, or at least should. He would have to deal with the pain with his task to prove himself as well. Though he was uncertain if it was worth taking the girl to Arcanum itself. Perhaps he should, put her to good use if anything. He simply hated causing any source of trouble if it was not worth it.
"Come to my pack won't you? I have to say that I've taken a liking to you." he would question, and slightly demand. Though the two of them were crazed beasts always inclined on fighting. Oh it was a delightful pairing was it not, anytime he would prove over and over with actions he was worth every bit of his soul the little devil in disguise. His white tail flicked a little as he watched her. Still waiting to be graced by her name.


09-02-2014, 01:07 AM

It was over in an instant, it was clear the middle-aged women had lost and yet it had done naught to her screaming mind and pride. What is more, the man had proved him self worthy; the fight had undoubtedly been a close one. Something she would have to improve on, it was time to kick her ashen rear into gear and fight more; despite the pain or loss she may obtain. Ah, she knew beauty came in all shapes and forms, what was within counted more then what was before someones very eyes. But this remained to be seen if such a thing was true; tail flicking as those jaws would let go of what they had grasp only to stand up straight once more. That salmon tongue drifted over those lips as those frosted orbs observed the male before her. He was bold claiming that she belonged to him, then again Morgana indeed did for proving his worth.

"Quite a bold claim and yet you have earned such a claim." The cool lyrics left her lips as the women felt that rush of adrenaline leave her. The wound stung and yet it was a good sting, something she hadn't felt in a long time. The bruising would be annoying but Morgana would move on through it, not at all having a problem doing so. It was debatable if she would see a healer, then again Rentaro had quite the new responsibility and that was taking care of her.

"Your pack?" A brow lifted as the chaotic women questioned him, he acted as if he owned it. A bold thing indeed, but he was a very confident one. Stepping forward, the ashen women would mingle her pelt with his own, in a teasing embrace as her tongue licked at the wound upon his cheek. It took a few moments before she decided to speak, being ever so often a mystery in it self. "Morgana Pendragon." The soft teasing lyrics left her as the cup of his ear was teased with a carefully placed lick and nibble.



09-02-2014, 01:42 AM



The taste of blood would always be something that he enjoyed.
She would tease him, and on the inside he enjoyed that as well. She was a strong woman, and rarely did he take a liking to a female in the first place. Of course, part of him thought that his queen would be mad for him returning to the borders injured with this girl. Then again she would have to prove herself, and so would he still less he remain a commoner which he did not plan to do. Rentaro knew perfectly well how pack life went. "Well it is not MINE, but I do reside in it. So far the alphess proves strong. She will test you at the borders just a fair warning." his tail would flick over her back as he leaned into her as well. Their scents mingling, he would not do the deed just yet but they both knew when she came into heat what he wished for.
"Pendragon, are you prepared for that to become your middle name?" he smirked as he began towards the Aracnum territory. Surname's were important in this world, he knew that from hearing about Armada's and other things. The Bloodling family itself too. He was royalty, but never cared much for that title since he left after murdering half of those within the kingdom without a care. His bland eyes looked forward. Well, life tended to work this way.


09-02-2014, 01:51 AM

Nothing could beat the metallic taste of ones blood, it was a sweet wine that was to die for and yet to be treated with utmost care. Morgana knew being weak was a waste in this world, it wouldn't get her any where but nor would the proud women allow weakness to show. Though it would be a surprise to those of whom they were seemingly going to join, a new pack, a new start. Something that the french women looked forward to. Arrived injured as they were, well, it would be an interesting meeting for sure. It made her wonder just how these Arcanum wolves were. "She can test me all she likes." Morgana would purr, stepping aside from a teasing nibble to the lobe of his ear.

Those frosted eyes looked to the male, waiting for him to lead her to this Arcanum. "Perhaps, Bloodling." A tease for the male, for she was going to pull the strings as far as she could, rill him up and have her seductive fun.

Morg exits with Rentaro, to Arcanum?