
even a god-king can bleed

Andromeda I

Ebon Knight

3 Years
09-02-2014, 02:26 PM

Quickly some members of the pack would request the right to leave. Svetlana's choice was the one that Andromeda really cared about the most. In some ways it wasn't a surprise, her sister had never given Olympus the chance it truly deserved though equally forcing her to stay was going to do anything good. She could see her point, she couldn't imagine leaving Olympus now but equally if she had to live in Ebony, she would survive.

Unfortunately however this news was hardly the biggest shock for the meeting. Her great uncle would suddenly speak up demanding Nemesis to move and then all too quickly her great aunt requested that all but Olympus family would leave. Wolves began to disperse and it was now that Andromeda would notice the strangers amongst them, what on earth were they doing here for starters and secondly why had they not listened when it was requested that all but family left?

All would be revealed though. These wolves were apparently family in a sense though it seemed her great uncle did not want them to be and she could certainly understand why if his words were true. There was a war amongst the Olympus wolves? She was shocked of course though Andromeda would simply listen and keep quiet for now, it wasn't her place to speak up on any matters nor did she know the story at all.

image by lunarcat7



4 Years
09-02-2014, 09:04 PM

She?d feel a smile appear on her features as the scent of Solo would appear on her nose, she?d missed him the last few day and he?d yet to take her on an adventures yet. She?d hear his approach and a smile would fill her features, as he placed himself beside her the silver girl would lean into his side. She?d scent only a few more wolves to arrive before her aunt?s words filled the clearing, ears perked she?d listen carefully to the announcements. The first would shock her, and she?d keep the sadness from overwhelming her because she knew it was best for the woman to be where she could be taken care of. She would listen as her aunt explained the new ranks, and would go on to explain they would all need to be proficient in combat. This both excited and frightened the Olympian girl. Her nerves only increasing as she was named Princess, but the news that she and Solo were blessed as a pair would cause her tail to wag. She?d feel her lips pull up as her maw would show a toothy grin, she?d lean over to nuzzle Solo?s shoulder, excitement would run over her skin.
She?d mostly stop listening after her aunt announced their betrothal, after that she found it hard to focus on anything but Solo?s heartbeat. The gods had said he would be her prince, and the excitement was evident on her. She would stay in this euphoric state until her uncles booming voice raced over the clearing. What was going on? She?d cling to Solo as she flinched away from the sound, unsure what was happening. Her aunt would speak again, and Solo would leave her side. It was hard to let him go after he?d only just gotten back to her side but she would certainly seek him out as soon as she was released. A nuzzle would be left on his neck as her attention was focused back on her aunt, her guard high as she expected any kind of danger. Now she would cling to Andromeda?s side, trusting her to keep her out of trouble.
She would listen to the words that would be thrown to one side of the family to another. Then the girl would learn more of their people?s history and who the enemy was. She would face them with courage, but she still felt an uncertainty that was hard to shake. Her form would lean into her golden sister?s, what would happen here today?


if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



2 Years
09-04-2014, 04:50 PM

Hephaestus' muzzle swung from side to side, tracking as words flew between one side and the other. Helios spoke so... so furiously to the cringing male. What had he done that was so terrible? He didn't sound like a bad person - he sounded apologetic, even maybe scared. Why would Helios treat him this way? It wasn't right, was it? Nemesis had spoken up to say just that before his slower older brother could really begin to muster the words. Finally a brief lull in words allowed him to speak up. "Uncle Helios," he rumbled thoughtfully, "How can he prove whether he's good or bad if we don't let him make that choice at all?Isn't it actions that speak louder than words? Please give him a chance." He didn't really know why he stood up for the gold-marked male, except that Nemesis seemed willing to trust him and while Nemesis was rather hasty in general Hephaestus wholeheartedly believed he had a good heart and was willing to go along with him.

Helios I


9 Years
09-05-2014, 12:48 AM

His son?s response was like a kick to the gut, and he visibly recoiled taking a sudden involuntary step back. Helios felt the rage displace suddenly and slightly. The pain was evident in his face, his stance as head suddenly ducked low and tilted away from Apollo. The russet man ground his teeth for a moment. The black and gold boy was still talking and it was grating on his nerves, his already fragile control starting to slip. Goddammit, what had they done? How could they have wormed their way in so fast and so thoroughly without his notice?
Natalya spoke then and he leaned into her, seeking her support for a moment. Voices were coalescing upon him, urging him for mercy, to allow the demons a chance. ?Enough!? He growled, snapping his head back up the fire once more returned to his eyes. ?You will get your chance if you so desire it. You and your kin will be slaves, our personal slaves," he indicated himself and his wife, "you will not go anywhere without a trusted family member watching you and you are not to under any circumstance leave the pack lands!? He narrowed his eyes. ?As for you!? He turned his gaze upon the Albino boy. ?Since you vouch for her, you?re stay in the pack and as a member of our family will depend upon her success or failure. You have been demoted to Airesis and are subject to all the same limitations.? His voice dropped in volume slightly. ?For your sake I hope she proves as loyal as you believe.?
Helios paused russet orbs traveling over to the pup cowering at the black woman?s paws. ?As for the child, he will share your fate.? He gazed directly into the woman?s deep blue orbs. ?As he is a burden upon the pack he will be your responsibility and yours only! These terms are set into effect immediately and will remain so until such time that Natalya and I see fit!? He took a step back, righting himself.
?As for the rest of you.? He spoke, in command once more, only a hint of anger creeping into his voice. ?There will be no more resting upon your laurels, any family a year or older will be expected to participate in training and events or risk demotion. Olympus will be idle no longer.?

talk, think

((OOC: Alright guys here?s the deal, Raii and I have finally settled upon some OOC. Rules for Olympus that we would very much like to see acted upon. We both love this pack so much and we?d like to see it flourish. For now there is no set start date but don?t worry about this week at least. I will update you all A.S.A.P when we have a date, for now the OOC rules are linked on the pack page. ))



7 Years
09-12-2014, 03:08 PM
Skipping people because.... Raii is impatient and has been waiting a week.

Raii and Lolag will be posting two separate fight trainings - one for children and one for adults - OOC rules will go into affect when that is posted.

She stood still as Helios sought her support, moving almost un-noticeably to press her side into his. She had handed the reigns of the meeting over to him, quietly showing her endorsement of his every word. It was now, in this moment, they showed their hand - sturdiness, cruelty, mercy. Some members of their family, the young and naive, couldn't understand why these cousins could not be welcomed with open arms. What they saw was cruel, and maybe to some degree it actually was.

But had Virgil still ruled, or even Zeus and Selene, they would not have made it past their first words. The cousins, Apollo, and Nat's abandoned child, all would have been murdered for their treachery. And Natalya told them just that. "The four of you should consider yourselves fortunate that you chose to make this case after the change of leadership here. My king has been merciful in his decision to give you the opporunity to prove yourselves, especially you, Apollo." She grimaced as she faced her son, only for a moment.

"As for the rest of you, a selection of ranks is in order. First, Phoebe. You have been working hard and though you still have much to learn, I would like to ask that you take the position of Delphi. With that, I will need your assistance in planning a festival around the wedding of Gaia and Solo. Will you accept?" She would pause for an answer, twisting to face her sister, before moving on.

"Andromeda, Hephaestus, Nemesis - now is the time to choose your specialties. Will you serve as antistrategoi, antipeltasts, or antiatomists?"



1 Year
09-13-2014, 09:09 PM

Disbelief colored his features as he watched the descent into madness. The boy alternated between staring at Helios and Natalya like they'd each just grown a third eye. They were wrong. He was certain of it. Had he not had some kind of history with Charon, it's likely that the young Olympian wouldn't have felt so strongly about the situation, but as it stood he liked the brute. Nemesis was crushed at their rejection of him; being a slave was no better than being a stranger. On top of this, his emotions were already running high from the departure of his mother.

More than anything else, he wished to be alone.

Natalya would continue speaking and Nemesis, ever dutiful, would fix her with a sour expression. She had every right to his attention and so it would be given, but the boy was young enough that concealing his true feelings was out of the question. In fact, part of him wanted them all to know how he felt about it. His reply to her question was curt and to the point. In anger he refused to waste more words on her. "Antipeltast."

"Speaking" Thinking




8 Years
Chrono I
09-14-2014, 12:01 AM

(OOC: I'm so sorry this is like a couple rounds late, I poofed for a while and got real backed up on this thread, so I'll try my best to make an accurate reply :x)

"Blah Blah Blah, Shit's in shambles." Charon bugged at her mind. She didn't understand the slightest whatever her mother was speaking of. It was all too much for her to understand. She made contact with her father, his eyes trying to settle for that love thing or whatever. But Chione looked away, rolling her eyes, but just in time to catch Helios turn his gaze heavily to someone other than her. And as she matched that direction, is was none other than her eldest brother Apollo. She didn't know much of him, he wasn't around hardly at all, but her gut fired up as jealously rose to her eyes.

Her blood started to boil, her mother speaking more of ranks and changes. "Make them feel what you feel. Make them hurt!" Chione tightly closed her eyes trying to let the menacing voice go away without inflicting pain to herself. "I won't go away dearie, make them hurt!" And just as she rose to her paws, eyes rising aggressively, her father made a flash and a threatening growl which made her pause in her tracks. Does he know? Did he hear Charon? she sloatched over, willing to take a punishment, but instead she noticed the fiery male going away from her and into the crowd, his voice raised at some other wolf. And relief rushed over her.

Once Natalya moved to Helios, the relief had vanished. Quickly, Chione padded over Herc and stayed close to him, only worrying more as he hesitated a paw toward their parents. Chaos intertwined through the pack of wolves, the meeting was crashed as her enraged father went for a kill. Well, figuratively of course.

After the non-Olympians made their way to a new meeting place,the gold man father hissed at made his deepest apologies claiming that there was nothing wrong of him. And just after, the boy father was defending stated what seemed to be true; the man was innocent. But Helios refused forgiveness. At this point Chione wanted the world to just explode; she had to deal with all this anger and evil in her own dreams and mind, she didn't want it out here. She was more frightened than mad though. But it only became worse.

It was like she was counting sheep, or frogs, or anything of the sort. Anything that would keep everyone else's voices from her head. Her gravel optics plastered to the ground, watching Herc's feet prepared for them to move, for she would follow.



10 Years
Athena I
09-22-2014, 07:26 PM (This post was last modified: 09-22-2014, 07:26 PM by Phoebe.)

Phoebe sat in resolute silence as wolves around her argued and clashed with each other. Her silver gaze watched them all closely and took every word in. More often than not she had a smart remark or comeback to throw into a conversation, but she also knew when it was best to keep her mouth shut and stay out of the fight. This was a battle for her brother and sister, but she sat near them in a sign of support. Whatever they said she would stand behind them on.

Finally Natalya would speak again. Phoebe's ears perked up with surprise as her sister-in-law spoke her name first, offering her the highest rank in the pack, not including the king and queen of course. She was stunned for a moment, but she was entirely flattered that Natalya would even consider her for it. "I would be honored, Natalya," she replied with a dip of her head, a small smile touching her muzzle. Knowing the position she now held it inspired her to work even harder to better her skills. She wouldn't let her family down again... well, maybe right after she was done being pregnant.
