
simmer down and pucker up



4 Years
09-04-2014, 11:04 PM

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Young Volcanoes - Fall Out Boy

Long legs carried a magnificent form made of shining pale silver onto the beach, and mismatched optics scanned over the terrain. Well, it was a whole lot better than the rest of the islands she'd been swimming between to get here. There were trees and things in the distance, which promised food that wasn't coming directly from the ocean. As it was, fish became very bland when it was the only meal eaten for longer than a week. Shaking out her thick coat, the femme let out a sigh and trotted onward. Part of her was tired and desired a nice, long nap in the midday sun, but the rest of her wanted to see what this island was like. Soon, pale sand became hard packed earth under her large paws. Her steel dipped banner swung to and fro across her hocks, while she drank in the area all around her. The trees and shrubbery were a welcome break from the monotonous palm trees and white sand she'd been surrounded by for so long after she'd left the last continent. The sounds of birds that were far from tropical formed a comforting ambiance, allowing her a little time to drift into her own mind and think about her travels.
It had been a while since she'd left the lands reigned over by the Xanilov line, and she wasn't really even sure if that line still reigned there. As soon as the fighting became a regular thing, she'd decided to get the hell out of dodge and find somewhere a little more stable. Now, here she was. Far away as she could get herself so far from where the war had been raging, and was probably still raging. The sunlight was falling through the canopies overhead and dappling the forest floor beneath it, which was so relaxing it was goading the giantess to simply lay down in the sunshine and go to sleep. It was tempting, oh so very tempting. Especially after her long swim. The ground underfoot gave off the faint aroma of the earth, and the quiet melodies of the songbirds were lulling. Besides, it wasn't like she only had a limited time here. She could always explore some more later on. Finally, with the suns rays coalescing over her storm splattered pelt, she decided she'd find somewhere to sleep for a little while.

Pale orbs scanned over the terrain, catching a darkened blot in between the trunks of the trees. That looked interesting. With a smooth direction change, her crown fell between her shoulders while she approached the hunkered form just a few hundred feet away from her. It was a structure made of trees, similar to the old cabins that had been scattered over the territory she used to roam. With a small smile playing at her lips, the familiar human structure coaxed her in. She stepped up the rickety, caving stairs, toes padded by moss that was slowly taking over the expanse. Crossing the porch, she was announced by the loud creaking of the warped wooden boards. Muzzle tucked toward her chest, and her forehead butted against the door, hanging from a single hinge and just barely ajar. It squealed like a stuck pig as it slowly opened under her assault, and she stepped through into the room without a sound. She looked around, drinking in the emerald green moss that was beginning to consume the innards of the building- climbing the walls and forming mats across large portions of the floor. Tattered skins were being devoured by mould all around the room, on the floor and on the bed. It was perfect, and rather homey. Plodding happily toward the huge bed, supported by moss and vine entrapped wooden poles, she reared up and dropped her large forepaws onto the quilt. So soft. A delighted sound escaped her mouth, that could have been considered a purr, but sounded a little like a growl.
Leaping up onto the bed, the angry sound of cracking wood filled the air around her. Bicoloured pools widened in surprise as three of the supports splintered like toothpicks under the sudden, albeit quite hefty, shift in mass. When the cacophony died down, she was left standing atop a bed that stood at an odd angle. With a small shrug, she curled up without a real care and let out a joyous sigh. It was like laying on a cloud. Her eyes fluttered shut, and she was quick to drift off into dreams.




2 Years
09-04-2014, 11:22 PM

This island was huge, so it didn't even occur to him for a moment that another wolf would be nearby. For the moment, his sister was napping and he had made sure to keep her hidden while he went away to find some food for them. The boy's only goal in life was to ensure she was safe and comfortable, and that was clear from his behavior in previous events anyway. Solas would rather his head be severed from his own spinal cord if it meant Adalgisa would be living another year. Perhaps that was his weakness, but also his dislike for the universe and others. While giving Xanilov what they needed, he was also complied to protect whoever Ada took a liking to. Not that he would enjoy it, but Solas was simply an apathetic beast if you weren't careful he wouldn't hesitate to cause you harm.
The male was going to search for some fish, before his nose caught the scent of a female. And his hackles instantly raised hiding his gray body to see who it was first. The girl was gray, and light, but once he got farther up he discovered the mask and the under eye marking that held that of their family. His lips still curled back regardless as he stood up. He didn't want to be noticed, after all, it didn't matter if they were family he and Ada had just distrust for the people who betrayed them in their young lives. Not even two years yet, the two had a unfair set of mind towards the world around them since the rebellion.
Though, he couldn't lie, he was curious and she was dozing off after all. Solas let the curious part of him take over surprisingly. His head tilted as he approached, and of course it could be a huge mistake. The man was not kind, if she was going to show any signs of being a threat to his sister he would immediately aim to kill her. He looked over the girl, not saying a word. He simply observed her. It was really weird to look up at another so close to see their chest heaving up and down in breathing. He had only seen Adalgisa do it since they slept so closely to each other. Or dead wolves, who didn't breath. And he could feel the warmth of this one. He wondered if it was one of their older half siblings.



4 Years
09-04-2014, 11:42 PM

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It hadn't been long for the steel dame in the realm of sleep, when the presence of another became known to her, if only subconsciously at the moment. Dreams faded to shades of grey and black, before disappearing entirely. The feeling of breath tickling through her fur lifted the blanket of sleep even further, and slowly the pale silver femme began to rouse. Toes would twitch briefly, and a quiet snort would escape dark lips. Her dark audits started to twitch, and her nose twitched. Eyelids fluttered briefly, and slowly came open. Then the scent that had been gathering over her like a little cloud actually penetrated her senses, and her brain started to whir. She hadn't recalled seeing anyone, and it was not a scent she recognized. Bleary eyes began to rapidly blink and clear, until a face caught her attention. In her current pose, flopped over on her side with her legs sprawled out in front of her, she suddenly felt very exposed. When her mind actually started working, her jaws stretched wide as they could, and a screech filled the air.
Her mind was still whirling to make sense of this, recognizing the markings on the young male's face from those of her family, but not recognizing the features at all. Limbs began to flail wildly, possibly smacking the male, until she started to slid backwards. With about as much grace as a rock hitting water, she vaulted backwards off the mouldy mattress and hit the wooden floorboards beneath with a loud thud. The sound resounded through the now silent room. She'd stopped screaming as soon as the back of her head connected with the ground, and instead a loud, pained groan escaped her jaws. Teeth gritted together, she coughed a few times, getting air back into her lungs after landing on her back and having the wind knocked out of her. All four legs stuck up in the air above her, and slowly she let them fall back down onto the ground.
With effort, she hauled herself to her feet to look at the stranger. She might have just had a minor heart attack. No big deal.




2 Years
09-05-2014, 12:09 AM

The screech surprised him so much he didn't even lung at her. More over he stepped backwards, trying to look around for anything that could have possibly scared her. A bear? On this island that was not likely, though it could have been him but that did not occur to him until she finally settled down on the ground after the commotion. Hopefully Adalgisa didn't hear it and think he was doing something stupid. His two different ears swiveled a little to her. Hoping she hadn't injured herself, wait why was he hoping that? His eyes narrowed for a moment as he stayed silent, giving no expression as he usually did. Perhaps it was her markings, after all the Xanilov's were here on these lands. She could be one of them, but it reminded him of the disservice his family had caused he and his sister and it sickened him. Everyone was evil in his eyes unless they convinced him otherwise.
"You didn't hurt anything did you?" he asked stepping a little closer. She bore those markings, so that was probably why. Family was important, he didn't need to enjoy their company like Ada, yet he still had a right to respect them at least. Not that he cared, his poor apathetic state most of the time left him in wonder. He flicked his tail. "Solas Volkov. You?" he asked presenting her with a name, and hoping his assumptions were right from before.



4 Years
09-05-2014, 09:58 AM

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The male took a step closer, asking her if she'd hurt herself in the mad scramble to get away from the seemingly instantaneous appearance of the stranger. She shook out her many shaded pelt, assuring herself nothing was broken. With a small chuckle, she shook her head. "You probably scared a few years of life outta me, but other than that, I'm fine." She assured him with an easygoing smile. The male looked to be family, and when he introduced himself as another of Kasin's bastards, she was affirmed of such. She dipped her head politely to him, tail flicking at her hocks. "Sacha Volkov, it's a pleasure to meet you." She replied. Mismatched optics regarded the younger wolf closely, wondering what could have brought him here. He bore the scent of another upon his coat, though the scent itself was not familiar to her. He was not alone, and that was always good. He was a young wolf, and he needed someone there for him to keep him from losing his path in life.
She made a show of sniffing the air, rather than bring the topic up out of the blue. It was a young female, maybe a sister? Or a young love? "Who's the young lady you're with?" She hummed, raising an eyebrow. She kept the gentle smile upon her features, showing the obviously tense male that she meant no harm to him. Youths were taught never to talk to strangers, much less sharing the names of their friends. Family was important, but even half siblings you'd never met before needed to earn trust.
OOC: OMG horrible post am sorry





2 Years
09-05-2014, 04:41 PM

It would appear that she was unharmed, he made no reaction to her however. As he usually was even around family, he was a stoic statue through and through. As his tail curled slightly though, showing his slight joy for finding the elder at least. Even if he and his sister were yearlings, they had been forced to survive on their own in their lives. Sacha was quiet the sniffer, it was a keen skill to have. The same as his, but it didn't surprise him since he and Adalgisa slept so close to each other for warmth on cold nights, or when she felt like she was having a nightmare with the demons coming out.
His ears pulled back slightly, as he gave a sharp sigh, but not out of boredom. It was more of a habit that he had, when he relaxed. "My sister, we are heading towards Ebony." Solas explained as his cyan eyes matched her own. The markings that marked them forever bastards. It was an ache in his heart, and the only thing he was worth was a mindless soldier to his sibling he cared so much about.



4 Years
09-10-2014, 04:27 PM

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Centuries - Fall Out Boy (jfc this song is my jam)
The male seemed a little disappointed that she noticed the scent of the female on him. Was it supposed to be a secret that he was not alone? Whoops. However, the male was quick to reply. He was traveling with his sister, heading for Ebony. "I don't think returning home now would be very smart." She chuckled, brow furrowing as she wore a small smile. "From what I can tell, they're still fighting." The steely femme continued, sighing deeply. She liked home a whole lot better than this, having a place to return to for sure every night. Her tail flicked absently at her hocks, as she regarded the stranger curiously. He was only a wee bit smaller than she was, but definitely bore an abundance of muscle.
"Are you two staying close to here? You're welcome to use this little cabin too, I don't mind sharing." The giantess hummed, looking around the fairly large, moss covered home she'd laid claim to recently. It was spacious, though she would definitely change that soon when she started to bring in some trinkets here and there. Padding would be needed, for beds. Shiny things to brighten it up, and maybe colourful things to add to said brightening up. Her mind drifted off to her weird sense of decoration, and she scrutinized the room as though her relative was not even present before her. Attention span of a gnat, anyone?




2 Years
09-14-2014, 10:19 PM
He would make no reaction to her saying that it wasn't smart. Obviously her blood did not call to her there, but elsewhere. Everyone had different paths, and his was with his sister no matter where she went. If she decided that today would be the day they die, then he would follow her. His mind was completely blank of anything otherwise. He wanted to best for his sister, after their shit of a childhood, and it still following them here. The best they could do was follow their blood, so if Ada wanted to go to Ebony that was where they would be. "Well then I hope by the time we get there they have settled it, if not, it doesn't matter whatever my sister wants I will give to her." he would say in his monotoned voice. He would care less for her warning, it would not reach his head.
Solas watched her carefully, so this was why she was not so tense or wanting to return home. She was one of those wolves, who saw the bright side of most things. It was a whole different world for him and his sibling, a whole different universe if you will. Age didn't matter at this point and time, they may have been yearlings but the world was far different from hers. He shut his eyes for a moment, "We'll be fine on our own, we manage." and it looked like she was fine as well.



4 Years
09-15-2014, 02:22 PM

The male was quite calm, if a little bit robotic. He didn't show emotion as freely as the steel babe did, but she didn't really mind it. He informed her that he was going regardless, and she bobbed her head. His devotion to his sister played well in her head, and she smiled a little. Good for him, keeping himself tied to someone he loved regardless of what happened. "Well, good on ya." She chuckled, haunches finally dropping heavily onto the floor under her feet. The warped boards creaked under the sudden shift in weight, and she let her ash tipped tail sit on the mossy bed she was half sitting on. Solas squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, looking thoroughly exhausted by her offer. He politely turned it down, and she gave another calm nod of her head. "Alright, but if you need somewhere to stay last second, the offer still stands." She hummed amiably, a small smile coming to play at her onyx lips.
She let out a small sigh, once again returning to gazing around the room. She would need to add to the collection here, and there was no time like the present. Her mismatched gaze would fall upon the male, and brow would quirk. "I'm thinking of going out to see what I can find out there, care to come with me and gather decorations for the cabin?" She would inquire softly, tilting her head to one side and regarding the expressionless features of the muscular brute. It was hard to believe they were related, but she wasn't about to deny the facts. Slowly, she rose again, her rest short lived but rest nonetheless. Tail would wag eagerly, her one weakness and main form of emotional expression unable to be quieted.
