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09-04-2014, 08:32 PM

Life since the coup; it had been such a bore, but the dead goddess could not fathom what lay out there in the world of Alacritia, what treasures awaited discovery. Upon her crust, she was cold as a stone, still as a star in the night. Cyan gems were dulled, the right marred by scars, as well as a slight tear upon her left ear, a notch torn by the great war two years ago. It ached at her heart just upon thinking so much upon the coup. She had yet to see any of her family; yet she only sought out one that she truly loved and trusted, her brother Fendar. There were no signs of her maskless kin, the one supposedly having survived the battle. Had any of her other siblings survived? It had taken the wounded phoenix two years to travel to these lands; all due to broken bones and spirit. "It's all gone, and I blame them. It was all their fault for the countless lies. I should strip myself of the shameful name soon." What name could be so much more shameful than that of the Xanilov was beyond the temptress, but there were some, amongst them families whom have fled these lands in fear or fright of being challenged for their kingdom and rights. Perhaps the members of the royal court -- that she had been amongst once -- had fled here after the coup, or succumbed to the weakness that was instinct? She did not have a single care in the world.

She found herself in a world beyond hopes -- beyond desires. A gorgeous steppe in the midst of moonlight. Unbeknownst to her, the goddess stood exactly parallel to the lands of a familiar kingdom. Cyan gems searched the vast territory for any sign of her kin -- of her family even. There was no hopes of finding such characters. Even those who survived the coup were far too scattered to recollect them into one group. There was noone she trusted, but a familiar face could possibly reveal itself someday, yet remain masked by lies and deceit. "Hello? Anyone?" Quietly the firebird would call, her voice a dull monotone, lacking any excitement or emotion, aquamarines staring across the lands in utter silence.



3 Years
09-05-2014, 09:04 AM

To find another wolf bearing the markings of Old Ebony nobility was startling, but less of a shock than it had been originally. Even in the poor light her mask shone, and Valeriya drew in a deep breath before heeding the fae's call. She sounded... desolate. It was a hrd thing, hearing another wolf that seemed so broken. Especially one Valeriya knew most likely shared her blood. The young Queen came forward at a trot, stopping a dozen or so lengths away and raising a brow. "Have you come with the others, then?" Her voice was warm but quiet. She did not know what trauma this woman might have faced, and did not wish to startle her. A cloud passed from the face of the moon and with better illumination Valeriya saw that her coloring was much like her own. "I am Valeriya," she would begin gently, "Firstborn daughter of Raisa Xanilov." The rest would follow naturally, Val hoped. This woman's name and her lineage, why she had come and whence from. Valeriya would sit down and wait patiently, reluctant to press or nag the fae who had approached her borders. She knew it would come with time.

"Talk" "You" Think


09-05-2014, 02:31 PM

Her call had been desolate -- a broken melody and a mere fragment of who the goddess once had been. For moments, it remained unanswered, no others sounding in the distance. Perhaps the pack was simply deceased, an disbanded group of rogues. Just as the golden mask would turn away, came the presence of a glorious living firebird, though she paid little mind to her original pelt tones, but instead to the pearly mask displayed upon the crown of the young woman. A small growl of distaste would come from splayed lips, as her right eye would roll slightly toward the phoenix. "You're a Xanilov, aren't you? You're far too young to have fought in the coup and traveled here." Ah, no sarcasm, no humor; classic Vasilisa. Her voice was slightly eccentric, but held a steady tone throughout the verse, lyrics sung from tattered lips in a desolate and hollow sound. The phoenix's suspicions would become confirmed, as the cyan-eyed tempest would speak of her origins and ask of her reasons of coming to the lands she came upon now. "Raisa... she is alive?" The only surviving child from her aunt's litter had been killed, slaughtered in the face of the coup. There was no possibility that she had been fit enough to come to such lands. "Don't correct me, if she wasn't alive, how would you be in existence?" A quietly spoken smart-ass comment would slip from inky lips, but clearly loud enough for the tempest to hear. Perhaps if she wasn't that cheerful, she could stretch her legs and run for once. The tempest did not want any hint of fighting or war anymore. "If you are going to chase after me like a rabid dog, at least spare yourself the time and allow me to take my leave. What is the point of battle?"

Insanity was doing the same thing over and over; expecting a different result every time. The definition of the word fit the theme of the coup so well, so perfectly, as if it were modeled exactly for the war. She showed many signs of the battle, but the young fae only stood with a clean slate, no scars pockmarking such a vibrant and gorgeous pelt. "I used to be like you, miss Valeriya. War can change someone so much, especially when you watch so many of your loved ones die in front of your very eyes." This yearling obviously knew nothing of what war was, of what it could cause, what damage it can do to one's heart. "I don't blame anyone but those of Old Ebony. So many rumors and lies, I can't tell who to trust anymore. I am sure your mother learned the same way through the coup." The tempest saw a hell before a heaven, a hydra before an Eden. She had bitten the forbidden apple, and in return, her heart had been crossed, casted aside as if she were a misfit. "Just let that be a lesson for you. Don't put too much trust into someone, not even your family."



3 Years
09-07-2014, 06:36 PM

Before Valeriya could answer any of the questions this odd woman posed she would be interrupted, time and time again, as she seemed to work her way to the solutions all on her own. It wasn't until she insinuated that Val would choose to hunt her down, for any reason, that the auburn fae jumped in. "Why on earth would I do that?" she asked, perplexed. "Thanks for your wisdom I suppose, but we're not savages!" Valeriya squared her shoulders, offened to be thought so little of so soon after their first meeting. She didn't know what this woman had gone through but it didn't seem to reconcile within her. That Val would hunt this woman down, that her family would betray her... No, maybe Svet was mad but Val still believed that if it came down to is Svet would be there for her, just as Valeriya would defend her sister to the last breath. And Raisa... she had left too, but it hardly seemed like something she could control. Gods only knew where Sig and Sin were but Valeriya still trusted them. "If you think this way," Val said slowly, "These you've been hanging around the wrong sort. This Ebony, New Ebony, is different. We made it different! And my family are worth more than a hundred others, I'd give my life for them." There was steel in her gaze, turning it from cerulean to cobalt. Even if it was not direct, it was slander she did not feel like suffering.

"Talk" "You" Think


09-09-2014, 04:43 PM

Perhaps she had been too rude to such a young queen. Cyan gems were undaunted as the queen would square off, her bodice tensing. A gentle flick of her ears would be given as her crown dipped in a respectful bow, cyan gems full of remorse for the first time in what could be years. "Dear queen. You are indeed right, this is New Ebony; a whole new frontier." Her banner would sway behind her as she would lower herself to the ground, flattening and showing signs of submission, yet remaining slightly confident in herself, as not to show weakness, but fault. "I am sorry for my blunt rudeness. I haven't had the chance to communicate with another for years. I used to be kind, and I want to be again." What words came next surprised even the phoenix, her cyan gems glimmering almost in sheer shock. "Despite my awful first impressions... could I perhaps join the new beginning of Ebony? I wish to have more value to my life; to be of some use other than to laze about. I am skilled in combat, for I have fought in and survived the coup of many years ago; perhaps your mother has told you about."




3 Years
09-11-2014, 02:05 PM

Val's anger diminished at the sign of remorse, if perhaps not subservience. Not that Val really expected that of anyone. Maybe when she was a little bit older and, well, knew what she was doing, it would be different. For now all she really wanted was a period of peace that lasted long enough to restore Ebony to it's former heights. And if this fae wanted to be a part of that, if indeed she could keep the peace, Valeriya would not turn her away. After all, despite how she might feel, she was family. "Of course," Valeriya said quietly. "I would never turn away someone who sought a home, be them kin or curs." Val turned to look over her shoulder, wondering what her lands would hold for this stranger. Perhaps she wouldn't even like them. From what Raisa had told them Alacritis was very little like Old Ebony. Perhaps the northern regions, she allowed, but that was it. Most of Valeriya hoped this was not the case, but a much smaller portion wondered if Vasilisa was suited for her pack. It was hardly the mindset she would want perpetrated, but if she would keep to her word about wishing to repair her views, well... Time would tell. "I will induct you as an Ebon Knight," she said, "providing time proves your experience. In the mean time feel free to range." She knew there were many suitable sites for a den, and Vasilisa would have no problem finding one that suited her in particular. She waited, wondering if her cousin would ask for ought else.

"Talk" "You" Think

OOC: She doesn't have the fox yet of course, I just wanted to use this table :3