
Stronger Together



6 Years
09-06-2014, 09:05 AM

Azalea had begun her decent into the lower reaches of Alacritia. She was on a mission to get to know the other packs and decide in neutral terms where they would stand. She didn't expect to get along with everyone but that was just the way things would be.

The first place she came upon was Ludicael, though moved and now known as Sawtooth. From what she had caught wind of, Ludicael had split. Scholarly wolves went to Sawtooth and the others went to Threar. It really made her curious to find out more about Threar. What did the wolves of Ludicael who did not prize knowledge over all other want? Were they friendly or did they crave a fight? Maybe an even mix of both.

She sat on the edge of the delta, clearing her throat and lifting her muzzle to call for company. Would her sister be here? Last she knew this was her home but it had been a while and time had a way of changing things.



09-06-2014, 03:35 PM

Dhiren had decided to take more steps as the Lead Beta. He wanted to make his mother proud and by acting as a grown man, he was eager to prove his point. What better way to begin his career as a Destruction leader than by answering foreign calls? He temporarily abandoned his border patrolling and immediately trotted towards the source of the howl.
Silver and gold eyes chanced upon a female that greatly resembled Guinevere. He didn't know they were related, nor did he know who she was. White and black ears perked forward as he stopped to appropriately stand in front of her on the opposing side of the border. "Good afternoon," he greeted, voice gruff, but curious. "Welcome to Sawtooth. I am Dhiren, the Lead Beta. What has brought you to our borders today?"

Talk like this



6 Years
09-06-2014, 04:19 PM

When it came to packs it was easy to trust that company was never far away. The black and white wolf that came now moved with purpose, suggesting rank. He was someone who could help her in her quest today. "Good afternoon," He said, coming to stand before her.

Azalea smiled politely while taking him in. He was young but of a good build and surely a destruction wolf or at least she figured the odds of him being one over weighed those of him being of another bloodline. His voice was a rough, chaffing tone but different in her ears and thus a welcome sound. He was young, probably only around the age of her own sons though now they were nearly half way to two years old.

"Welcome to Sawtooth. I am Dhiren, the Lead Beta. What has brought you to our borders today?" She nodded to him, taking in his name and mentally huffing over his lack of last name. Destruction or not, she wanted to know.

"I am Empress Azalea Adravendi of Ethereal, formerly Regium. I have come in hopes of talking politics, so that we might figure out where our packs stand in relation to one another." Her own tone was curt, a nature she had taken up since taking over. If she hadn't been here on official business then she probably would have been telling him it was a shame he was so young and equally a shame that all the handsome Destruction wolves seemed to stay close to home. She would not at all mind inviting one or two of them to her bed quarters.



09-06-2014, 05:08 PM

The growing man realized shortly after his words left his mouth that he had been rude. He didn't give his last name and therefore prevented the female from realizing he was part of the legendary Destruction heritage. Rather than apologize and reintroduce himself, he remained quiet as the russet-faced woman returned her greeting. She was an Adravendi, just like Guinevere. They were definitely related, even if he didn't put two and two together. Her amber eyes burned into his bi-colored gaze as she spoke of politics. Dhiren was not the biggest fan of government, but then again, he was bred for this day.
He pulled himself up to his full thirty-six inches before slowly reclining to his haunches. His black head gave a gentle nod as a warm smile appeared on his currently vacant face. "Yes, Miss Azalea Adravendi, I would be more than eager to discuss politics with you." He decided then would be a good time to slip in his mess up. "I forgot to add my last name before -- Destruction. I humbly apologize for my fumbling with my formalities." Warm gaze continued to rest with hers as he cleared his throat and saw a mental picture of an open floor between them. "What can you tell me about Ethereal?"


Awesome pic by Seren <3



6 Years
09-06-2014, 06:32 PM

The Sawtooth stranger seemed to accept her offer to talk, taking a seat to show that he wasn't going anywhere. Azalea shifted her weight between her front paws before finding her own seat, ears pulling back to hear the rumble of lightning in the distance.

The sound was enough to pull her attention away for a moment, looking for the rain clouds to see if they would come this way. It did not appear so.

"Yes, Miss Azalea Adravendi, I would be more than eager to discuss politics with you." His words were friendlier now, not that she had found them cold in any way before. "I forgot to add my last name before -- Destruction. I humbly apologize for my fumbling with my formalities." She would shrug off his add on, "No worries, before taking my current position I introduced myself free of my last name more often than not." That was a story for another day, back when she only announced her first name so that she wouldn't be lost among the flock of Adravendi's. It was a time when she was still searching for herself and her first name was the only thing she knew to be truly her.

"What can you tell me about Ethereal?" His two-toned eyes would not part from her and Azalea would smile casually. "Ethereal is still at its core Regium, only more demanding now. It is a pack that is neither good nor bad but instead a pack aimed to help the wolves in it realize purpose and ability. Only capable wolves will be able to remain in the pack. I want it to rise above just that though, I want Ethereal to be a pack that helps those who have been wronged and to stand united as a family in the face of danger." Azalea blinked, pausing to take a breath and trying not to ramble. The left side of her face, littered with angry pink scar tissue, tingled in reminder that family was not always blood. "I am very interested to know what occurred to make Ludicael split. Sawtooth and Threar?"



09-07-2014, 06:43 PM

If Dhiren had been a human who believed in such things, he would have wanted to go there and figure out his purpose in life. Alas, he already knew what his destiny was, but he would accept any kind of help he needed if he wasn't familiar with his chosen path. Ethereal was pretty much defined as a place that wasn't good or bad, but one where someone could go if they wanted to find refuge and not have judgment passed over them. Family was also another cornerstone of Azalea's pack and he respected that because he knew all too well about the importance of family.
He gave a firm nod to her explanation and voiced his own opinion. "Miss Azalea, your pack sounds like a place to go if someone ever needed help. I hope that if something were to happen in the future, I would be able to come to you for that...and vice versa." She asked about Sawtooth's recent split and how Threar now existed right next door. "Ah, that," he said, smile still remaining on his handsome features. "Ludicael's members were starting to rise, and we had to think of a way to keep the family connected. My mother, Song Destruction, came up with an idea to have some of our members form another pack, one that would give leeway for more wolves to establish their families among our ranks." His tail idly thumped on the ground beside him as he continued to explain the Sawtooth situation. "My family is pretty big, as I'm sure you can relate to that as well..." Dhiren was aware of how big the Adravendis had been (and still were), so he could relate to being lost in a sea of Destruction wolves.


Awesome pic by Seren <3



6 Years
09-09-2014, 08:11 PM

The Destruction before her evaluated her words as she spoke and when he replied it was with a smile on his face. "Miss Azalea, your pack sounds like a place to go if someone ever needed help. I hope that if something were to happen in the future, I would be able to come to you for that...and vice versa." She smiled back, nodding to him. That was exactly what she had hoped to hear, seeing no reason the two could not ally together.

"Ludicael's members were starting to rise, and we had to think of a way to keep the family connected. My mother, Song Destruction, came up with an idea to have some of our members form another pack, one that would give leeway for more wolves to establish their families among our ranks." She would nod again, this time thoughtful. She had never concerned herself with the inner workings of Ludicael, only knowing the basic guide to it. No wonder the pack had been made up damn near solely of Destructions.

"My family is pretty big, as I'm sure you can relate to that as well..." Azalea's brow spots lifted and she chortled lightly, her eyes glancing away. "Ah, yes, but my family seems to be dwindling and do not favor my choices in life. I didn't just happen into these nasty scars by chance." She would smile and bit sorrowfully, eyes meeting his only long enough to flit away again. "My aunt seemed to feel that I betrayed the family, quite unfortunate of her," She would grin them, a bit wicked that way. It was clear who had won by the way she reacted.

Her face would fall and she cleared her throat, "There is, however, family that I still enjoy the company of... one of which would be my sister, Guinevere. Last I knew she resided in Ludicael, would you tell me if she is still here or in your sister pack?" Her eyes searched his now, clearly eager to hear of her sister.

She paused, ears perking, "On a business note though, I would be more than happy to have Sawtooth as an ally. And surely Threar as well, though I will talk to whomever is in charge there directly."




09-11-2014, 12:40 PM

Azalea talked of family dwindling and how her aunt felt she had betrayed them. Dhiren leaned his head to the side, not sure how to properly respond. He didn't know what had transpired between Azalea and her family, but the evidence was upon her face and she looked bolder with the scars. His silver and gold eyes gracefully ran over the markings upon that side of her face and bravery was noted in his observation. If he ever had a problem, Azalea would be a great wolf to run to for help.
Then, the russet-faced female asked about Guinevere. Dhiren hadn't put two and two together until she voiced their relations and his eyes widened. "Guin is your sister?" he asked, tones quiet from the surprise. "I had no idea, but I should have known...She's a part of Sawtooth." A soft smile appeared on his face as he spoke of the young Adravendi. Another realization hit him then. Guinevere had told him she was going to visit her sister...that was a few weeks ago. To have Azalea inquire about her meant that she had never made it. Silently, Dhiren's heart began to race, but he carried it off as the flutters he got whenever he thought of her. "She is a special girl," he concluded, knowing that what he said was true.
The confirmation of Ethereal becoming an ally to Sawtooth made Dhiren's faded smile brighten again. "That is wonderful, Miss Azalea. I am glad that we are on the same page and same side of things." A soft chuckle left his lips as he nodded to her desire to look for Threar as well. "My Aunt Novella and Uncle Frith are in charge of our sister pack. Either one is easy to speak with and they will be more than eager to meet with you."

Talk like this



6 Years
09-15-2014, 01:26 PM

Dhiren didn't seem to have words for her little tangent but the way he looked at her, eyes embracing her scars as if they were a noble thing, made the ghost of a smile find her lips and her eyes glance away.

She reminded herself that he was but a boy, like Kismet and Soren.

He seemed shocked to find out the Azalea and Guinevere the Second were siblings though she could not understand why. "Guin is your sister?" His tone was quiet, only barely reaching her ears. She would nod once, her gaze resolute.

"I had no idea, but I should have known...She's a part of Sawtooth." She smiled, reassured by the fact that her sibling was still here. She needed the regularity in her life, Guin had always been a bit delicate in Azalea's mind. "That's good!' Her tone was enthusiastic.

"She is a special girl," Her smile was soft, her eyes filling with familial love as she thought of not just Guin but all of her siblings, even those who she could only remember as puppies. "She certainly is, and much like our mother which always makes me worry for her. When she told me a friend of hers had brought her here I was very happy for her... she had become so lost, and defeated, when our parents disappeared."

There was a heavy sigh as she contented herself with the well being of her sister, "If you could, tell her she is more than welcome to visit... when you see her, of course, don't feel you have to go out of your way."

As their alliance was confirmed Dhiren seemed happier, "That is wonderful, Miss Azalea. I am glad that we are on the same page and same side of things." He chuckled at her, "My Aunt Novella and Uncle Frith are in charge of our sister pack. Either one is easy to speak with and they will be more than eager to meet with you." She nodded, standing up and smiling widely at the Destruction male.

"It has been a pleasure, Dhiren Destruction."
