
Skeleton in the Closet



10 Years
08-15-2014, 11:47 AM

Summer had arrived and with it came Odette's birthday. She was now two years old and her hormones came right along. Thanks to being in Solstice for a bit, she was able to work out her newfound energy and crazy thoughts. However, today was different and she knew something more interesting would happen. With tan paws hitting the dirt early, she left the pack at a gallop, eager to see where she would end up once she tired herself out.
Her racing led her to Wolfpaw Lake, a place that had been taken by Valhalla once upon a time. Red and blue eyes looked around for any sign of life; none seemed to exist. Her body began to get exhausted and she trotted towards the lake for a swim. The cool water consumed her and she dove under the surface for a nice wash. A few minutes later, she rose and broke the surface to get a gulp of air. After regaining her oxygen intake, she paddled back to the shallows.



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Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
08-23-2014, 06:47 AM

It had been so long since he had been in the western lands of Alacriita. Slowly his paws would carry him across the terrain, his head low as he took in the scents of the land. His mind was heavy with thoughts but he found them slowly ebbing away as walked away from the territory claimed by Cataleya. He had been here once, to this lake -- warily he made his way to approach it, purple gaze darting to and fro. He was strangely quiet for a man his size, slinking carefully toward the edge of the lake, suddenly feeling more parched than he had realized.

The scent of a woman was strong in the air. It was familiar to him and yet it took him a long moment to place it. Silently he would move along the lake's edge, his gaze cast out over the water as he searched for her. It took him some time to find her, but he did -- the woman with black and tan fur, with mismatched eyes. The one that had been abandoned and the one he had wanted so badly to corrupt. Curiosity shone in his amethyst stare as he lowered himself to his hindquarters, watching her and wondering when she might notice she was being watched.



10 Years
08-23-2014, 06:24 PM

When the purple brute appeared, she rose from the water. Tan paws moved slowly through the lake, soft sounds of water being disturbed as she took her small steps. Water fell in drops across her frame as more of her rose from the depths, revealing coiling muscles beneath drenched fur. At two years old, Odette had grown into a curvy figure of muscle and healthy body fat. Her tail flicked behind her as she chose to refrain from shaking off any extra water. She was a beaut.
She had been wrapped up in enjoying her soak that she was not aware of anyone being around. Slowly, she realized that someone else was there and she turned her gaze upon the edge of the lake. His massive, purple form sat on his haunches, quietly watching her as she moved. Surprise didn't come to her, but rather a soft smile of realization struck her and her brilliantly lit eyes. As she walked, each muscle quivered beneath her soaked coat -- of this, she was well aware.
Odette didn't waste any time in approaching his large frame. Ears slowly perked forward and she stretched out her nose to sniff at him. Yup, this was definitely him. Slowly, she pulled her neck back and as she came within a foot or so of him, she breathed in his scent.
"My purple knight..."
she said, words mixed with nostalgia and a new tone that hadn't crossed her lips before...want.

"You" Think


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Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
09-07-2014, 07:28 PM

Basilisk had wanted so badly to claim her as his own when he'd found her as a child. She had been alone and so inherently trusting, but he had not found it within himself to harm her, to corrupt her. But things were so much different now. He had been abandoned -- and he had lost everything. Hatred had found its way into his heart and it was there to stay. Purple gaze remained fixated on her as she slid from the depths of the water, watching him with obvious interest. They had met again, when she was older, but things had been so much different then. He had been weak. A slight smirk toyed at his lips, his tail twitching behind him as he studied her.

'My purple knight,' she began, and he felt a low chuckle bubbling up within his throat. He was a knight now? Basilisk had told her once before that he wasn't the kind of knight she could ever want -- and things had only changed for the worse. "Odette," he answered in turn, tones low but audible as he stood his ground, not yet approaching her. At their first meeting, he knew he had seemed so strong and so dangerous to her -- but considerably less so at their second meeting. And now he didn't feel necessarily strong, simply reckless and suddenly amused at how she looked at him with so much need. He had never felt what it was like to be needed, or even wanted; he was usually on the other side of things. It sent a pleasant shiver down his spine and his tail began to wave from side to side in long, slow sweeps. "It has been so long." The brute wore a dangerous smirk, painting his rugged features with a mysterious kind of amusement.



10 Years
09-07-2014, 08:11 PM

Odette was no fool, she could tell that Basilisk had grown. His body was taller, his muscles were more broad, and he didn't have the youthful look upon his face anymore. She hadn't seen him in so long and the ways he had changed were obvious to the young fae. Yet, as she stood there with her body dripping excess water, she didn't let it phase her. Darkness was something she had avoided for almost all of her short life. Maybe it was time to get a taste of it.
Her nose gently twitched in the air, taking in his scent. It was so unfamiliar, but some of it brought nostalgia to the present situation. Part of her was hesitant because of his dark profile, but the other didn't want to be held back. "You're right," she agreed, tones resembling a soft whisper upon the winds. Red and blue eyes continued to twinkle as she took a few more steps towards the purple giant. "Time has gotten away from the both of us."
She remained in the shallows of the water until her paws' grips became slippery. Silently, she tread the remainder of the lake until she reached the shore and ended up walking a couple of yards away from Basilisk. Once she was completely standing on the damp ground, she shook all over and freed her body from the remaining bits of lake that was still in her fur. Her pelt stuck out in various directions and she began to lay them down with no bashfulness in front of her childhood acquaintance.
Odette appeared more presentable when she was done and she kept her gaze upon the male's own violet opts. "Tis a shame, too. You could have watched me blossom into a young woman." A soft giggle escaped her lips, but she knew that her flirting wasn't top notch. Her smile returned and she reclined to her haunches. "Tell me...what has changed with you?"

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