
Comets and Meteorites


09-07-2014, 09:02 PM

Days drag on since her promotion among Abaven's ranks. She had proven herself well to the king and would continue to do so - helping the man mold a pack with his personal desires. She did not agree with the acceptance of the ecru woman, though, she would respect the king's wishes and the way he ruled his pack. She would uphold his law and not her own. The man had a seemingly tender-heart in which wanted to give all wolves a chance.

It was nightfall. Heavens were clear giving a visible few to the galaxies and stars overhead. The moon was nonexistent causing the earth to be consumed completely within shadows. Occasionally streaks of light would flash across the canvas, igniting the purple sky brilliantly only briefly before fading into darkness once again. It would stir thought in her mind. Venus, a planet orbiting a sun obediently, whilst comets and meteorites boomed throughout the heavens in disagreement. She pictured Bass as the sun in which they all inevitably followed, in orbit or not, and his siblings and followers as the shooting stars. The pack was home to a few of the Destructions and she could not help put wonder if they, the falling stars, disagreed with with an outsider moving up in the ranks. . . or perhaps it would not be a Destruction to disagree.

Mmm, but it did not matter either way. She knew her worth well and she would not fail the King. Though, for some reason she felt the urge to watch her back carefully until each member agreed with her ranking. A faint whisper in her mind would tell her that, be it jealousy or mistrust, that at least one would go against the King's words.

Though, the gal was determined and no wolf could shake her from her destination to rise beyond all others - to be the king's most trusted guard. Those who worked against her would cause her to become all the more determined to prove her worth and to show each of them that Venus was the Sun in disguise.

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