
You won't forget me


05-14-2013, 08:36 PM

She waited. Waited for things to settle down after the initial rush after the pack meeting. Certainly the new Queen was busy. She shook her head, paws placing themselves lightly on the earth. She had no destination in mind so long as she met with the new Queen. And perhaps she would run into Nnoitra. She had only last seen after she had accepted a new wolf and he didn't say much then. Choosing a small clearing the ebony dame settled down, haunches dropping to the earth, tail flipping over her paws. Maw lifted toward the afternoon sky, lips forming an O to release her song. She called for the Queen, but she had no doubt that Nnoitra would show as well. She didn't mind. Ending her call, she dropped her muzzle, pushing her ears forward attentively.

At 8 years old, her muzzle had greyed, but the rest of her pelt managed to stay its rich black. She had put on weight since her incident, filling out her frame once more. She had aged gracefully. And with her age came her wisdom that had been gathered over the years. Along with her rank. She had been accepted into the pack under Nnoitras ruled, and had climbed the ranks, earning the rank of Commander, and also accepting wolves at the borders. She had excelled and she knew it, picking up the slack where it was needed. And here was this new Queen who had come along and stripped her of her rank. She had kept her cool at the meeting, but a fire was lit within her. Now she would be heard. She wouldn't be able to fight a younger wolf for her position, she lacked the strength for it now but she'd be damned if some pup took her place.

OOC- short post:(

"Talk here."


05-14-2013, 09:16 PM

Desdemona had been swarmed. Questions, inquiries, concerns, questions... a thousand souls bombarded her, demanded answers, some border lined on excitement and others on hatred and disgust. Regardless, she had spoken with them all, handled them with as much grace and dignity as she could muster and she had patched things up with her loving mate. Overall, the pack seemed content with her reign and her admission of Queen, she had been in Tortuga a lot less then most of the pack members, but given a chance to explain her decision and her abrupt announcements most simmered down. She wasn't beyond reason, she merely wasn't a push over. Head strong but understanding and accepting, she had done her past to hold true to her word and appease the masses.

A song, a whisper, a caress upon the wind sang to her, it was strange hearing those aside from her mate beckon for her and yet she would need to adjust, these were her people now, they would seek her for advice and for help. She needed to be vigilant, protective but stern. She wanted to be a leader with a touch of humility and grace, not just a power hungry mongrel. The call would come and Desdemona would answer, pivoting to her left she would set off in a heady gallop, tracing the sound of the call. Leaping over the underbrush that got in her way and racing up the mountain side, she would reach the woman shortly, her gait slowing until finally she came to a halt before her.

She had never personally met the dame but she had heard, and had seen her many a time. Out of respect for the loyalty and the time she had spent amongst the pack, she would dip her head in a respectful greeting. Her two toned eyes giving the obsidian dame her full attention. "You called for me Secret?"



05-14-2013, 09:40 PM

The Queen would make her appearance first, heading towards the dame at a run, slowing to halt before her. The new Queen towered of Secret greatly, even as she dipped her head in a sign of respect. While she appreciated it, returning her down sign of respect with a drop of her skull, it surprised the she-wolf. Surely this new Alpha knew little, if not nothing about her. It surprised her even further when the Queen spoke her name. No matter how surprised she felt, her outward appearance never changed, expression void of any emotion, gaze even.

Little time was wasted getting to the point. "Yes. I'm not sure what you know about me, seeing as you already know who I am, but I am old. I have been with this pack since I was 5, joining as nothing more than a warrior, before climbing the ranks to be a Commander. I'm sure you can understand why I would be upset to have it all stripped from me. While I agree with this tournament, wolves in this pack seem to have forgotten their purpose, I would never earn my rank back in a battle against a younger wolf. Events in my life have slowed me down, but I have been loyal to Tortuga since day one, and I won't leave this world as nothing more than a lowly pack member, I'd sooner die a rouge." Vivid memories flashed in her mind. The pain. The confusion. The horror. One can't forget the vision of their dead child being eaten before them. While she spoke, words held no disrespect, she only meant to state her thoughts to this new Queen. Each word held meaning behind it. She had earned her place. She refused to die as nothing in this pack.

She paused, waiting for the Queen to respond before she would continue. There wasn't much more for her to say. She simply wanted to know where she would stand within the pack after this shift in power. Besides her children, all she had was this pack and her rank. And of course Kylar, though she wasn't sure where to place her knight in shining armor within her life. Her gaze never once left the Alpha, only briefly when she spoke of her loss and near death, not that the Queen would know that, her eyes would drift off before returning to the mighty she-wolf. Her attention was fixated on Desdemona.

"Talk here."


05-15-2013, 03:29 AM

Desdemona knew enough about her pack members to know their name, true, she hadn't met each and every one of them personally, but if they had wished to speak with her, she had left the invitation wide open. She imagined they perceived her as ruthless, blunt, uncaring and unforgiving. She wasn't a bloodthirsty mongrel, at least she wasn't anymore and she imagined quite a few of them imagined her to be. Then again... how could she blame them? Her speech had been blunt to the point and she had done quite a lot in the short span of ten minutes. She imagined there would be some speculation of her true intent for awhile now. Secret was one of many that would have approached her. She would acknowledge the returned respectful gesture and her ears would swivel forward as the dame began to speak.

Her stress would come blunt and to the point, but Desdemona could respect that, she didn't like things candy coated, she preferred to fetch the heart of the matter and resolve it to the best of her capabilities. She would wait with easy patience while the woman spoke her peace. The words were biting and harsh, but not to the point of rudeness. Her stress was understandable. Desdemona would wait until the woman was finished entirely before opening her ivory maw, lyrics falling forth in a powerful baritone. " Do not stress, I have not forgotten those who have been loyal to Tortuga long before my arrival, nor have I neglected to see those who are honored and reveared within this pack. Tortuga is viewed as a joke, a laughing stock, not worthy of so much as a backwards glance. I cannot have complacency in the high ranks, not after the disarray Kaien and Morphine have caused..." She would be honest with woman, giving her own reasons for what she had done. "As I eluded too in the meeting, a tournament is not the only thing that will be taking place. The tournament is only to decide my Akari, my seconds. There will be a series of... shall we call them games to determine my leads of everything else. I am looking for a great deal more than just a show of skill. I look for honor, respect, dignity, how you all treat and respond to one another before and after... strength alone, does not make an exceptional leader." She would pause, giving her words a moment to sink in.

"I do not command anyone to compete in all of these events unless you would like too. I want to see your strengths and where each and every wolf in Tortuga will excel... what was your title before my reign?" She would question her gently, asking for the title Nnoitra had bestowed upon her.



05-15-2013, 10:51 AM

Her mind was put at ease as the Queen spoke, stating that those who have showed their loyalty haven't been forgotten. The dame listened. The tournament would be held for the decision of the Betas, she nodded briefly in agreement, and smaller series of games would place everyone else. It soothed her that not everything would be placed on her strength in battle, but rather her wits. Muscles began to relax from their tensed position. She was already beginning to like this new Queen. "It is soothing to know that you have plans for this pack, and expecations that have to be met, and that my children will have a stable strong home." Lyrics lightened from their previous harsh tones as she spoke.

"I have bounced around all over the place. I previous held the rank of Alivar, I was the second Commander under Urlike. I would meet wolves at the border to give them acceptance or denial into the pack." A ghost of a smile crossed her features, it was something she enjoyed, save the few wolves that ended up on her bad side. Like Kaios. She tried not to dwell him much. She thought to remember all the ranks she had been given and which would be her most current. Ranks had changed often after Kaien took the throne, but she still preformed to tasks and knew that she was amongst the higher ranking wolves.

OOC: rank have changed around so much that shes bounced from a warrior to alivar to 2nd commander, feel free to tell me if Ive made a mistake or anything:)

"Talk here."


05-15-2013, 12:41 PM

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She would watch the woman before her visibly relax before her at her blunt, but gentle words. She would not lie to the woman and she hadn't. She would not dismiss the time and loyalty the veterans of this pack had placed within Tortuga. She had stripped them of their rank only because she did not know these things and she did not know their skills, there manners, it seemed foolish to leave everyone as they were when nothing was known, it was this precise reason she had left herself open and available for anyone that might wish to speak with her, granted that applied to most anytime not just now. If there was a problem she wanted to know. She didn't want to be left to chase fairies in the shadows, she refused to be as lazy as Kaien and Morphine.

"My reasons for stripping all of their rank were simple, I know little of the capabilities of the wolves of Tortuga, or what they are capable of. I would be a fool to return everyone their rank, not knowing what everyone had the capacity to achieve. I want this pack to succeed, to get stronger, both in strength and in the bond this pack needs to obtain as a whole. I don't demand everyone start sitting in a circle singing kumbaya... but a neutral respect would be a good start." She would chuckle slightly at her own jest, before returning her attention to the woman as her question was answered.

[b] "Alivar... I see no reason not to return the title too you, and if you would wish to carry your duty of patrolling the borders I see no reason to deny you... but as I told Ulrike, if you would like the opportunity to move up in the ranks and potentially snag the title of Ricttaar, than the games is where you will need to be. There will be a challenge to determine my lead hunter and you are more than welcome to participate, I would rather appreciate it if you came."
The dames words were gentle and she would recline to rest upon her haunches as she waited for the woman's reply.



05-17-2013, 02:11 PM

Soft laughter bubbled in her throat. The idea of members of this pack singing together was beyond amusing. It would be quite a sight to see though. She couldn't disagree with the Queens logic about ranks though. It made sense, it would get wolves active again, the pack would rebuild. Her laugh died away as the Queen moved on in her speech, jumping back to the matter at hand. She found herself beginning to like the new Queen, it was clear that she had plans, goals that would be met. Things would get better. She could feel it. Tortuga would be safe from the jaws of war. They wouldn't crash and burn.

Brows lifted in surprise. She hadn't expected this, being able to keep her rank so easily. The Queen didn't stop there, offering her the opportunity to advance higher up the ranks. She would consider it. The dame remained quiet until the Alpha was finished speaking. "Thank you, it is a pleasant surprise. And I will attend the games, though I can't promise my partcipation." She wouldn't miss out on seeing who would be the future leaders of this pack. Besides that she was interested in seeing who would show up for these games.

"Talk here."


05-21-2013, 01:47 AM

Desdemona's goal wasn't to make a boat load of friends, she was attempting to get this pack to a safe and amiable place, nothing more and nothing less, but it never hurt to have allies and companions that viewed one more than just a slightly intimidating figure of high power. She had made herself open to any wolf that chanced upon her, any creature that wished to speak with her. She may not be the most sociable of wolves, but if one of her people came to her with a problem, she would do everything in her power to fix it. Secret, Ulrike, Nnoitra, Luce, Xenios, Vi... she didn't care who or what it came from, she had not taken this position lightly, nor would she ever. Two toned eyes would flicker as a smile spread across the woman's face. It seemed... that Desdemona hadn't done half bad. She liked Secret. She liked her blunt honesty.

"The hunting games will be... quite the challenge, perhaps not in physical skill but in mind, I do hope you participate, I am dreadfully curious to see how my challenge will be handled." Desdemona's voice was calm, quiet, soft, and she would offer the woman a soft smile, mischief glittering in the depths of her two toned gaze. In the realm of her leads, she wanted them to have more brains than brawn. She meant to challenge them mentally more than physically.



06-04-2013, 08:37 PM

She saw the mischief that glittered in the womans eyes as she spoke of her plans for the tournament and the games. It sounded as though the challenge would be enjoyable, it seemed as though most of the wolves here relied on their size and strength rather than their wits. A sad thing really. Or so the dame thought. What use was a strong wolf if he was dumb as rocks. "I will most certainly be looking forward to it." Her own expression turning devious. The older woman still had a bit of flare to her. But at last she had fulfilled her purpose in meeting with the Alpha and didn't want to take up anymore of her time. Rising to her paws, she dipped her head low, respectively. "I won't take up anymore of your time, I'll be seeing you soon." Picking herself up, tailing twitched in a faint wag at her heels before she turned. Pausing, sapphire eyes turned, "Thank you." She spoke before finally making her exit. Steps fell as quietly as when she had entered.