
Crawling Like A Worm From A Bird


09-08-2014, 11:01 PM

The aroma that painted these lands was sweet and delicate. A mixture of apples, pears, peaches, and plums. The perfume intertwined perfectly, creating a relaxing environment. Birds fluttered above in vast amounts, knocking down the fruits as they tried to devour the delicate nutrition. An apple fell from the tree she now stood under, landing perfectly in front on her forepaws. It rolled a bit toward her and stopped when it touched her left front paw. She toyed with the fruit with her claws rolling it a bit beneath her foot.

A small creature would wriggle its way out of the fruit. A tiny green worm that had made the apple its home. Motley eyes would observe it carefully as it struggled to evacuate. Ah, it made her thankful for the animal she was, though, she was not exactly proud of who she had became. Right paw would hold the fruit steady and she tried to gently help the worm from the apple, though she ended up squishing the creature in the process. A sigh escaped her lips and she sat down upon the grass. Ah, but it seemed even doing right went wrong.

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09-08-2014, 11:47 PM

He had his eye on that apple, worms seemed to prefer the tasty fruit. His golden eyes were locked on its wriggling form, until a large colourful wolf came into sight. B hopped away quickly, eying the large wolf with wary eyes. It seemed that these lands were over run with the beasts. Letting out a little huff, his feathers ruffled as B watched the wolf hold the apple still that the worm was crawling out of, squishing it in the process. Letting out a caw, B boldly hopped forward, his wings slightly outstretched as his feathers fluffed out to their full extent. "Oi, oi! Woof squished B's snack with her big fat paw!" He cawed, beak clacking together as he took another hop closer to the pretty wolf, yellow eyes narrowed. "B was going to eat that bug and then you killed it, caw! Woof owes B a new treat now, yes yes! A new treat!" Came his harsh voice, green striped crest bobbing with his crazy head movements. Yes, this wolf took his worm which meant that she owed him, right? Was that how things worked?

Still wary of being this close to a wolf, he hopped back a few steps, wings still unfurled and ready to take flight the moment he needed too. B's eyes locked on the wolf though, angrily clacking his beak together several times. Yes, B liked the worms that hid in the apples! That one had been fat and juicy, and miss fat paws made it go splat. A squished worm was no good, he wanted a big wiggly one! Oh yes, then he could play with it a bit before he ate his snack. But there were so many wolves about, always messing with his problems. Most of the time he was the noisy one who started things, but he didn't know that. To him the wolves seemed to not like him, and he didn't know why. B was fun, oh yes he was!


09-09-2014, 06:53 PM

Marbled eyes stared at the inanimate worm. The defenseless creature had curled helplessly in a coil as its life drained from its tiny body. Paw gently raked the worm from the apple as its juices had glued its form to the fruit. The thing fell to the ground and disappeared forever into the tall grasses where its body would decay and once more become part of the earth.

A caw would pull her thoughts back to reality. A bird had apparently decided to keep her company. Though, it did not seem he was here to make friends. Ears pinned against her crown as the creature would degrade her appearance with its claims of "fat paw." Right paw would shove the apple in the creature's direction, though not aiming to injure him in any way.

Frame would lift off the ground and head would snake toward the bird's direction. Ear still pinned against her skull. Oh, do I now? Words would trail venomously. I hear birds make a good treat. What about one of those? Venus would snap her jaws at the creature, a growl ending the action when maw would close shut. She had no intentions to harm the bird, just to show him who was the boss.

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09-09-2014, 07:11 PM

Looks like being bold had not been a good idea. The wolf kicked the apple at him, making him caw and flap his wings, hopping to the side. That wasn't the end of her assalt though, she came at him and snapped her jaws. Clacking his beak together B easily took flight, only to land in the middle of the wolf's two shoulder blades. She couldn't get him from back here, he was untouchable! B peaked his beak at her skull, but not too hard. "Oi, oi! B doesn't taste good, too many feathers!" He called, wings flapping as he fought to maintain balance on her. He was sure to make sure that his claws were nor digging into her, he didn't want to hurt the wolf unless she tried to hurt him. "Now B is on you, and you can't reach B! Fat paws can't touch back here, no oh no! B is untouchable, caw!" He called happily, his head tipping back as he let out a gurgled laugh. He was going to get himself in trouble, but he didn't care. This was fun, yes! Oh yes so much fun! He didn't often grow bold like this, but it was time for B to not be such a scardy-bird. See, he was riding the big wolf! Jumping a few times, he hopped up so that he was on her head, wings again flapping against her cheeks so that he could keep balanced. Now she really couldn't reach him, he was all the way up here! Lowering his head so that he was looking down into the wolf's eyes, his head upside down to her and tilted to the side. His green feathers tickled towards her nose and he gently poked her forehead with his beak. "Now B is way high, woof cannot get me!" He called happily, his claws gently clinging to her ebony fur. Now lets see the fat-paw wolf get the best of him!


09-10-2014, 12:56 AM

This bird had some courage to dance with wolves the way he did. Making demands and prancing about as if he were some immortal warrior. Tossing the apple in the feathered creature's direction did not appear to be enough to shoo him away. Instead, it seemed to do just the opposite - the thing fluttered to her shoulders, landing between them. Ears pinned against her skull and annoyed growl rumbled in her throat as the thing pecked at her head. Was she now cursed to be a bird's slave? Ah, the gods would have such a sense of humor! How would you know? Have you eaten a bird before?

Tiny beating wings could be heard as the thing seemed to struggle to keep its balance. At least the bird kept its talons out of her flesh - then they would have a problem. Putting up with it's beak was bad enough. You know, if I could. . . I would so tie that beak of yours shut. A sigh escaped her maw as he leaped on top of her head. Well, a royal as herself needed a crown after all, right? Heh, except hers, unfortunately, appeared to be alive.

Eyebrows raised in surprise when the bold bird would dip his head upside-down to meet her marbled eyes. She blinked when he would peck her on her forehead with that annoying beak of his. Oh, yeah? Venus would lower her head and use her left forelimb to swat at the bird in attempt to, gently, swat him off. She had to admit, she found the bird quite humorous. For a moment, she felt a smile cross her lips.

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