
You've Woken A Demon Within


09-10-2014, 10:00 AM

He was scared. Terrified. The russet man was horrible forcing them to stay here, being mean to his momma and Apollo. Hypnos didn't understand what was going on at all, but he wasn't allowed to leave the lands... and they were being punished. But he hadn't done anything, and neither had his momma or Polly! Fear made his small heart pound in his chest, as well as a feeling of anger at the bottom of it. They were being punished for no reason! That wasn't right, and he had decided he hated that man and the woman of all black for making them stay here. Something that man had said too had Hypnos hurting much more than the fear though. Burden. He was a burden on the pack because of his leg.

That was what truly woke a fire in his heart.

Scared or not, Hypnos was forcing himself to work hard. He had waited until his momma went to speak with Polly before slipping from the den. After letting the tears fall, his face set with resolve. His stupid back leg... he'd make it strong! He'd prove that man wrong, prove this whole pack wrong, and he'd show them he wasn't a burden, and he wasn't weak! His seagreen eyes were still shiny with tears that threatened to form, but the boy was on the move, walking face, putting down weight on the back leg even though it hurt. Even though it hurt and throbbed and he just wanted to lay down. But he wasn't going to. No. Hypnos gritted his teeth, ears flicked back as he kept pushing. He didn't care what it took... he was going to show them all.


09-10-2014, 03:15 PM
Chrys is gonna hardcore stalk him xD

Her her spat with Apollo, the woman's anger had cooled enough that she would return to Hypnos, she had been gone far too long. By the time she arrived at the den, he was gone. Panic set in as she scanned the surrounding area but saw nothing of him. Nostrils quivered, seeking his trail and finding it with ease, though it was steadily going stale, she would follow, her pace hurried until she finally caught site of him, after what seemed like an eternity. Shoulders would slump with relief, though she didm't approach. She merely trailed behind him silently, watching with mild curiosity. He moved with a limp, and for a moment her brows would furrow in confusion. But the more she watched, the more she began to realize that he was using his mangled leg. A sad smile lifted her lips as she watched her adoptive son. He must have understood who Helio was referring to at the meeting and taken it to heart. Those bastards would pay for the trouble they have caused her family.

Her pace was slow so that she didn't catch up right away. She was merely here to observe and protect, unless he caught her, then they would talk. Audits swiveled back and forth, listening for the sound of any approaching wolves. She would need to have a talk with Hypnos. He was not to go anywhere alone, not without her or Apollo. She did not trust a single wolf here. Again her irritation with Apollo would flare up. If anything happened to Hypnos, she would blame him.



09-17-2014, 05:17 PM

How long the boy marched, forcing himself to push beyond his limits, he didn't know. His mind was full of bitter, stinging thoughts. His breath came out in pants, and he was shaking with anger. There was pain too, so much pain in that back leg. It felt numb, and finally, from him pushing, it would simply give out under him, and Hypnos would crumple to the earth. Tears had threatened to form in his eyes, though from the pain or his emotions, well, Hypnos didn't know. He wasn't really sure he cared. He would squeeze his eyes closed, gulping down breaths as he shuddered. "Not a burden..." He would say softly to himself. "I won't be. He's wrong. He's very, very wrong." For now, with his leg throbbing as it was, he was just going to lay there. It didn't seem like anyone else was near him after all. He doubted any of the pack would care... and he thought his mom and Apollo would still be talking. Oh how he had lost track of time.