
A Present For You

Requiem I


2 Years
09-11-2014, 12:33 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

With a trudging gait, Requiem followed along behind the male who he had had the misfortune of stumbling upon in the Swamplands. It seemed safe to say that the search he had been so adamant on making had failed wholly and pitifully. He had been so determined to keep looking for her, for a sign from the divine that he was still with favor in the form of the lovely red lady who had met him once before, the likes of which he had already come to associate as being an emissary from the one who watched over them all. But rather than find her in all her glorious beauty, so reminiscent of the woman who had brought the cure to the sickness in answer to his prayers what felt like seasons ago, he had found this man and was now a claimed servant instead.

It smarted what little pride he possessed in knowing he had been subdued so quickly. He had hardly had time to react before the male had him pinned, effecting a violence that the brown yearling had been wary about evoking in full. His muzzle still stung from where the other wolf's teeth had held his jaws firmly together, preventing injury and attack and basically stealing away any chance Requiem had of defending himself. Teal eyes that faded to green upon their lower edge stared at the wolf's form that walked with him in both nervousness but also in spite. He might have been forced to come along quietly, but that in no means meant he had to like it.

The walk they made to the place his captor had called Apollyon had been a relatively short one so he had to assume his misfortune in finding himself in this position was entirely his own dumb luck. If he had only stayed closer to Ludicael - Sawtooth - then he might still have had his freedom. A touch of further anxiety crawled up his spine and made the fur along his scruff rise when he scented the border, noting the instant it was crossed over. The territory itself did not make him feel any better. Where his home had always seemed so bright and welcoming, even the Hot Springs shrouded in their warm mists, this was less hospitable. The forest was dense and twisted, adding a chill that was at odds with the warmth of the season. What sorts of creatures lived here? Was this the punishment of some sort? Had he well and truly fell out of favor with his powerful divine? Ears turning back upon his head once again to betray his anxiety, Requiem followed silently behind Aurelio, fearing the worst.



1 Year
09-11-2014, 04:06 PM

He felt so successful to find a serf so soon and one as obedient as Requiem with so little effort to control him. He had a proud grin on his face as he reached his home, the Apollyon borders, and let out a crisp call for the Empress Fiamette herself. He stood tall, eyeing the slave carefully as he awaited the judgement of the queen. Would she approve of the toy that he had picked out for her out of so many or would be be told to find another? His russet frame would find the ground as he fell to a sitting position with grace but the slightest bit of aggression. He hoped that the boy was scared of him because, in Aurelio's mind, he had good reason to be. "You are not to speak unless spoken to or if you are given permission." He would lay down a quick rule before Fia was to show.



5 Years
09-15-2014, 12:56 PM

Ahh, the hunter has enslaved his prey. A delighted sneer curls the corners of her ebony lips, pleasure coursing through her veins as her jaws slacken and she cries out in response to Aurelio's summon. Her body pivots toward the direction of the summon, and she hastily takes off toward him, excitement coiling within her gut. What magnificent prize has he brought her? An Olympus? Maybe even Hephaestus, the golden boy she desired all to herself? Thoughts of her prize flooded her mind as she fled across the territory, her limbs not bothering to slow down in pace until the two men had come into her vision. She slows herself to a steady trot now, eventually stopping herself completely a few feet away from them. He has not brought her an Olympus boy, and although she would have preferred the golden boy over this one, she was pleased with his catch. She had meet this boy a few seasons ago when she was still a younger pup, and he had been so dumbfounded by her he had dared to question her existence. Would he question her existence now? Now that he belonged to her, now that he was a slave to her every bidding? "You've done well Aurelio. In exchange for your services you will be given the rank of Veioi, a beta if you will." Volcanic gaze rests within his pools of grey before shifting toward the teal eyes of her new slave, a wicked grin creasing her lips to flash her fangs toward the prisoner. "It seems fate has brought us together again." She coo's, venomous intentions lacing her tone as a sinister chuckle bubbles within her throat.

*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"

Requiem I


2 Years
09-15-2014, 02:31 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The sound of his captor's voice rising above the quiet din of the forest to call the express that he served to them was startling enough to cause Requiem to jump a little in place, his head swinging around to stare at the grey-eyed man with a new wariness. This was it. There was no escape now. He had missed his chance. He should have been looking for a way to get to safety while they had walked, should have paid more attention to the directions they traveled rather than letting the spookiness of the locale to unsettle him so. However was he going to get back home now? However might he convince these wolves to release him and give him his freedom back? He might have never been much of a dominant, independent wolf during his one year of life, but that did not mean he was incapable of thinking for himself enough to know that the predicament he found himself in was wrong.

The brown youth?s ears were still turned back against his head as his captor reclined in such a relaxed fashion to sit and wait for the one who would greet them, his gaze staring at him with a mixture of loathing and envy. It was unfair that the man could sit so comfortably while handing the life of someone else over to the demands of their ruler, whatever those demands might have been. For the first time he began to wonder what his treatment would be like here, what would be expected of him. Would he be ordered about to fetch things, ordered to protect someone or watch over them? What sort of things did a servant do anyway? Not that he was very keen on sticking around long enough to learn of all the details, but since he could hardly envision himself getting away just yet, it felt like a decent enough worry.

The order was given that he not speak or talk out of turn unless given the appropriate permission, and Requiem?s brow furrowed in an almost defiant manner. And what if he refused and continued to speak out of turn? Despite wishing to put on a brave front, he thought he already knew, and his jaws still stung from the last bite he had received when he had been captured. Reluctantly, grudgingly, he did as he was told and remained silent while they waited for the empress of Apollyon to appear, which hardly took any time at all.

It was the sudden shot of red within the darkness around them that first captured and held the yearling?s attention, causing his heart to constrict within his chest and his breath to catch in his throat. It can?t be, he thought desperately, never taking his gaze from the figure as he continued to stare openly. It grew nearer, purpose within those dainty paws it possessed, and only stopped when it stood before the both of them with the air and authority of someone with great importance. Like an empress. Like a messenger from the divine.

Requiem was dumbstruck, disbelieving. It was her! All this time he had been looking for her, and she had used someone to fetch him to her instead. Was it part of the plan? Was he meant to be here after all? His jaw remained slackened as he stared, his teal-green eyes wide. Her voice of silk addressed the one who had brought him here but the words she spoke were hardly registered, amazement dulling his senses. Only when she turned her vibrant, burning gaze on him - a look that seemed to burn all the way through him and send a shiver down his spine - with an impish smile did he finally hear her, and it took him a moment to find his voice. "'s you. You?re an empress?" His tone was breathless, awestruck, and belatedly he wondered if he had managed to break the single rule that had been given to him. Was he allowed to speak? Unsure, he closed his gaping jaws and fell silent, never taking his stunned gaze off of the mesmerizing red woman who he had been claimed for.



1 Year
09-15-2014, 07:31 PM

He would let a grin on his muzzle as the Empress arrived, examining her new toy before giving him the rank of a beta. He would dip his head and speak. "I apologize that he is not one of those 'fine Olympus boys'. I will leave you to play with your new toy." He could not hide the devilish smirk on his muzzle as he walked past her. He had duties to attend to now as a high ranking wolf and he would not slack. Oh yes, he could stay in Apollyon for a bit longer than he did his other packs. He related to Fia a bit and he felt like he could trust her to give him orders despite her age.

-Leave taken?-