
The Third Wheel


09-08-2014, 01:32 AM

The lands he found himself were full of cold, the ground frostbitten and bearing snow in parts even in the depths of summer. He wasn?t sure where he found himself now... But it seemed too far from the islands where his sister and Emery had designated as their home. But Biull found himself here all the same. The lands weren?t anything he was familiar with at all... But scents of packs were around him, making the flecked brown would feel uncomfortable. Bi-colored orbs scanned the area he found himself in, head tilted to the side as he found himself facing some large... Structure. It seemed to have run aground on the cold shores, water lapping around it and the sand. Some scents, mainly stale, lingered here, but it wasn?t anything Biull was too concerned with.

The male would flick his ears forward, padding towards the way up to the deck -- a ramp in rather poor shape. He would stop at the bottom of it, sniffing cautiously. Some wolves had lived here... Their scents, stale or not, were stronger upon the wood. He would let out a little sigh before looking back up the ramp and tilting his head to the side. So... What was he to do? Search it? Head home? He would give a soft sigh. As much as he loved Silveris... And was getting used to Emery... He didn?t exactly feel comfortable with their relationship yet. Especially when he seemed like a third wheel.

He would let a ragged sigh leave his form. He thought finding Silveris would make him happy... Yet... He still found his heart broken. He would step onto the wood, testing to make sure it would hold his weight, and then walked onto the deck. Once there he would walk to the far end of the ship, gazing out over the water as the morning sun shimmered on the waves, wind playing with his fur.

Walk "Talk" Think



4 Years
09-08-2014, 09:32 AM

The ivory Queen would once again find herself in the unforgiving tundra in the North of Alacritis- unforgiving to those who weren't experienced with it's bone chilling weather. Even in the summer the snow still lingered on the soft ground, never leaving. It seemed the ice never left this land, as perhaps the gods of heaven and hell both decided upon this one land to always be covered in ice, one way or another.

But the pale Queen wouldn't strain herself with the act of over-thinking, shaking her head, throwing the thoughts away. She tilted her ivory crown into the air and sniffed, taking a step closer towards the large vessel as she did so. A scent lingered here now, stronger than all the other's. It was definitely male, and perhaps a young one, younger than herself.
It angered the Queen that the fool would step upon the ship when it was obvious that her scent was the first strongest, next to his own. She hadn't necessarily marked the territory, but she had rubbed up against the ship enough to make her scent linger over the other's.

The ivory Queen would trot up the deck, large muscles rippling beneath her pale fur. She didn't make herself silent, making sure the male knew her presence here. "Well, well, well. Hello there, little one. Do you like intruding on other's kingdoms as well?" She would ask with a low growl, placing herself next to the male, dipping down upon her haunches and wrapping her caramel dipped tail over her large paws. "Tell me, what brings you here?" Her voice was it's usual soft and quiet tones, held with elegance, and this time- curiosity, and laced with the slightest bit of her venemous hate. She would question him, eyebrows raised in curiosity of what lies the male may come up with. She kept her mismatched gaze of gold and violet narrowed into small slits as she watched the boy, head raised high, and chin tipped to the sky the slightest bit, as any Queen should hold herself. Her posture was calm, yet she wouldn't be too patient for the boy if he did not answer her soon.

[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!


09-12-2014, 07:38 AM

The approach of another would catch the brown male off-guard. He had thought the scents stale enough that maybe he would be alone here, allowed to examine the ship and leave. But it seemed that was not the case, for an ivory woman had come without trying to hid her presence. When his mismatched gaze fell upon her a question, rumbling from her chest with a low growl, would leave her lips. Worry gripped Biull, his words caught in his throat. He worried about getting attacked by this woman, torn to shreds simply because she felt like it. Ears would flick back some. He wasn?t exactly the strongest... And had little faith in his own ability.

Yet when she spoke again her voice was soft and quiet. But Biull was uncertain. There was a slight edge to it... He could feel it there, ready to turn on him like the sharpest blade. Biull would try to keep himself calm, however, to not betray his weakness. But perhaps she had already caught on to his initial surprise; his initial fear. Biull would adjust himself, keeping his gaze upon her, tail kept low. He would run if need be. He felt like, maybe, he might be able to outrun her if it came down to it.

?I wasn?t... Claimed...? His words were soft. They had fallen into this habit, some words being dropped, as if he hadn?t gotten enough air to speak them. ?...Curiosity... Alone... Sister and her mate together... Felt... Burden.? There was a bit of frustration at his own voice, his inability to properly speak. He was hoping, as he spoke more, that maybe his voice would recover. But there was more to it than that.... Something psychological that discouraged him from speaking louder, or, in some cases, at all.

Walk "Talk" Think



4 Years
09-12-2014, 09:43 AM

It's The Devil Inside That Tells Me To Let You Die
Pale ears would flick back as the male would speak in broken words, broken sentences, broken thoughts. She could smell the fear coming off of him, inviting her in. Oh how she would love to rip his throat out and nibble open his small, brown flesh.

Anzhelika inhaled, and then exhaled. His mixed up words and sentences confused the girl, her attention ringing at sister. Ha. Perhaps the ivory sadist had already ripped her throat out as well. Hmm. How to address the male.. "I am Queen Anzhelika Zinaida Rusakov." She would say proudly, low timbre laced with it's usual hate and venom. She no longer felt curious about the male, no. She wanted to rip his flesh off and bury him six feet under. It was these thoughts that brought the Queen to new extremes, wicked actions.

[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!


09-13-2014, 08:03 AM

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The young man did not necessarily speak sentences improperly. No, he spoke them the right way, words just got lost within his speech. But he did speak the sentences the proper way. Ears would tip back, sensing that the danger of the situation was approaching again. This ivory woman was a threat... A poisonous snake ready to strike. When she spoke again, speaking her title, her name, he would give a small, but respectful nod. ?Nice to meet... Queen Anzhe...? He would take several steps back, bi-colored orbs revealing his uncertainty.

?I am... Biull... I... Must go.? He had to slow down his speech to ensure that none of it escaped him this time so that the Queen heard every word. However Biull didn?t think that she cared that he wanted to leave... Or would let him do so willing. The thought that a fight might ensue scared him. If it came to it he would fight the best he could, but he was no trained fighter. He did not doubt he would be in for some serious trouble. But still, he would attempt to make an exit anyway, heading towards the plank, though he kept his gaze upon her.

-Exit Biull Unless Stopped.-

{{Ooc:: Feel free to have Anzy act how she would IC Misha. ^^ I knew there was risks in threading with her, so no worries~ <3}}

Walk "Talk" Think



4 Years
09-14-2014, 01:58 AM

Anzhelika Zinaida Rusakov
It would anger the Queen that the pathetic boy couldn't even address her properly and pronounce her damn name right.

His speech would still slur but his sentence would be clear. Slow, but clear. He spoke of how he needed to leave oh, so, soon, and this made the ivory Queen snap, a low growl emerging from her chest.

"Leaving so soon?" She would ask, low tone laced with venom and sick intentions.

Suddenly the ivory sadist would snap and lunge out from behind him, her jaws seeking to slam shut on his pretty little tail, to teach this boy a damn lesson. To never disrespect the Queen.
No bad deed goes unpunished.

And Biull has just sinned.

[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!


09-19-2014, 08:13 PM

He tried to leave peacefully, but it seemed this queen was, well, not quite right. Biull would let out a started yelp as she came at him, pushing off the ground and pulling his tail up under his body as he spun to face her. His heart was pounding wildly in his chest, ears lowered, his bicolored eyes shining with worry. She had snapped at him. Would... would he need to fight his way to get off this ship alive? Would she try to claim him? Kill him? Fear bubbled within... but Biull knew a bit of fighting. He could try and fight for his freedom if needed. If he had to... he would fight for his life.

Right now his back was to the plank, still a good foot and half to freedom, but Biull didn't dare turn his back on the woman again. His breath caught in his throat, and Biull fought, no struggled to keep himself calm enough to think. "Do...n't... fight..." His words were like a plea. Spilling blood... the thought awoke memories in his mind even before he gasped out the words. No... no! This couldn't be happening! The danger was here! Before him now!

...and this time Bekkia would not be able to save him. His fate was in his own paws.

Walk "Talk" Think



4 Years
09-20-2014, 12:43 AM

She let go of the spotted male's tail, only making puncture wounds deep enough for her to taste his blood upon her alabaster fangs. She new her sudden snap had definitely got.. The exact reaction she had wanted from the boy.

A low chuckle rumbled within the woman's chest, eyes narrowing as she smirked at the boy, giving him a killer look. Her chords would be laced with venom and hate, oh the things she wanted to do to this pathetic pup displayed in front of her. "No fighting? Well, I do respect that, but if you tell anyone about me, I will find you and you will loose. . . And with that I take my leave, babe. Goodbye Biull." She would toss her head up, chin tilted to the sky. Her tail was raised as an invitation or warning, was her to know and one to find out. The large ivory hued babe would make her way down the boat and gracefully hop off, disappearing off into the shadows and becoming a mere silhouette.

(OOC; ~Exit Anzhelika)

[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!


09-27-2014, 07:58 PM

Such a strange woman she was. She had caught him, got the end of his tail and bit in, but not really enough to cause him serious harm. His heart raced, bi-colored eyes watching her warily as he waited. He expected her to lunge at him, tear him apart, to break every bone in his body. Perhaps over the top, but Biull had reason to fear such things. The scars over his one eye told of cruelty in his past after all. The female had already snapped at him... Who was to say she wouldn?t do it again?

But then... She was leaving him alone? Biull would wait, rather stiff, until she moved away from him. He followed her with his gaze, absolutely silent, until she was gone from sight. He would let out a breath he hadn?t realized he?d been holding, his chest aching from the effort. He would shudder, slowly turning to the plank again. With watchful eyes, trying to catch sight of the female in case she tried to double back around, the young male would flee the area.

-Exit Biull-

Walk "Talk" Think