
The Thunder Rolls


09-12-2014, 07:58 PM

It was dark. Not from the sun's death, but from the shield of clouds that hung skyward. Electrical currents would bolt through the canvas, igniting the lands in a blue radiance for a brief moment. Droplets drizzled from the heavens softly. A gentle caress that would offer comfort in relentless weather. A time that would ring memories clear of her moment with Goliath. It was a mirror image of their time together. . . Of course, the land was more surreal with its blanched trees and mirrored pool.

Though, something whispered to her that it was time to put her skills to the test. Time to challenge for the rank that she so desired. Marbled eyes would shut for a moment and simply take in nature's fury. Allowing the thunder to surround her in it's roaring embrace. A lion like her heart. The lightning would lighten the darkness of her eyelids for continuous, brief moments. A lightness in a darkened heart. Rain would lick her fur in endless kisses - her Goliath's sweet touch, her comfort.

Head would tilt back and summon the king's presence and eyes would open as the sound would trail off. Head lowered, savoring the liquid that ran down her face. Eyes watched the drops fall off of her maw and plunge to the earth where the thirsty flesh would consume it. Breathing was slow, but steady. Talons flexed digging into the softened soil. Ah, it was always an opening move to toss debris into her opponent's eyes.

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my thoughts



7 Years

09-13-2014, 12:21 AM

Curiosity swirled around his brain as a call rang out for him -- Venus was calling him to the battlefield. With lightening cracking over head he made his way towards it, leaving Motif in charge of his pack. Abaven was hiding away in the Singing Caverns while the storms tore away at their home, making him all the more curious to her call. Had she been injured? But then why was she calling him here? A brow rose, his gait set at a trot as he stretched his sore muscles. His body had gotten quite wet, he was pretty sure that he was fighting off a cold. But no matter, he wasn't one to ignore the callings of his pack members. Entering the battlefield, he easily picked out her bold form among the barren lands. "Greetings Venus, what is the reason for your call today? I hope you are faring well." He saw her battle stance, and was pretty sure that he was certain why she howled for him. But he wanted to hear it from her own inky lips, to make sure that he wasn't thinking anything wrong.

OOC: Omg terrible post. The last one took a lot out of me and its late. Sorry!


09-13-2014, 11:40 AM

Marbled vision would look to her king, head still tilted downward. Talons would claw into the muddied earth as she would debate on her approach. To attack him without warning or to be formal? Ah, but was it not a chance to show him her full capability? Head would pull itself up in its noble setting and she would make her way to Bass, merely an inch or so from him. She slithered forward, left cheek to his right - hairs reaching out to tickle his skin. Lightning and thunder clashed loudly as she would speak - gods encouraging her. Naharar. One dark, whispered word that would seem like thousands.

She would take in the king's aroma before taking a step back. Had it been any other battle, she would have simply bound into the war without further words. Surprise giving her a temporary advantage. But this was no war, rather a battle of royals for a rank. Body would then circle the male once, eyes zoning in on any areas of weakness. Playing attacks through her mind carefully. Her tread would end back in front of the king. Body shifting so that she faced him perfectly, fore paws resting a good foot from him now. She would give him a chance to gather his thoughts and allow the king to deny or accept the challenge she summoned him to.

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my thoughts



7 Years

09-27-2014, 12:24 PM

A small smile formed on his muzzle as she whispered that one word, her rank that she desired. He knew that it would only be a matter of time before this came, she was an ambitious one and it was one of the reasons that he admired her. The woman circled him and he kept his golden gaze on her, never leaving her as she came to a stop before him once more. There was a foot between the two, the only thing separating them from standing chest to chest. "Ladies first." He cooed softly, winking at her at his own shoulders squared. It was her challenge, and he would allow her the first move. The storm raged on above them as Bass pulled his lips back into a snarl, allowing the beating of the thunder and lightening to quicken the pace of his heart. He pulled himself into a battle position, ready for this woman to show him what she was really made of. Nothing would be held back in this fight, and he knew it. The young man was ready, more than ever, to allow Venus to prove herself to not only him, but all of Abaven. He was sure that after this, they would have a Naharar. There was no one else in his pack that he wished to see hold this rank, and was pleased that she had called him here today.

OOC: Can we agree to no defaults? I will try to post as soon as I can so that you're not waiting, but I can't promise that it will be in three days time. I will try my best though



09-27-2014, 08:06 PM

ooc; yes, that's fine! no hurries.

And indeed the man would agree to such a challenge. Who could deny such an opportunity to have a wolf as herself rule an army - any army under her would be an unbeatable force. The weak would be trained to be elites or expire in the process. Ah, she would see to it that his pack thrived and was strong and loyal. And in this moment she could prove all of her worth to this king - to show him her capabilities and flaunt her inner queen.

Left talons shifted into the moistened soil, grabbing a hold onto the dirt between her claws. Marbled eyes were locked onto her king - her king in which would soon fall beneath her power, or at least that was the goal. With an unsuspecting flick of her left paw, the muddied soil was tossed in the direction of her king's eyes. Perhaps the debris would hinder his vision and offer an opportunity of roguish attacks. There really were no rules in fighting. Quickly her abdomen tensed, eyes narrowed to minor slits (careful to not obstruct her vision in the process), head lowered with opened jaw to protect her delicate throat, shoulders squared, and scruff scrunched upon her nape.

With balance evenly spread across her medium sized frame, her right limb would swipe toward his left cheek - aiming to scrape his cheek and trail down to the nose where the attack would end if successful. Hopefully causing some eye watering pain from the possible blow to the tender nose in which would, perhaps, further disrupt his vision. Growls irrupted from her throat in which would increase her flow of adrenaline as she would strike at her king's left limb an inch below the knee. If successful, she would hold onto his limb and rip it to the left in hopes to upset the man's balance or even bring him to his knees. Ah, to have the king bow before her would be thrilling and would even send more of the drug, adrenaline, through her body.


for rank
round ONE of TWO (if that's ok)

defenses: Quickly her abdomen tensed, eyes narrowed to minor slits (careful to not obstruct her vision in the process), head lowered with opened jaw to protect her delicate throat, shoulders squared, and scruff scrunched upon her nape. balance evenly spread across her medium sized frame.

attacks: tossing dirt toward bass's eyes, her right limb would swipe toward his left cheek - aiming to scrape his cheek and trail down to the nose where the attack would end if successful. Growls irrupted from her throat in which would increase her flow of adrenaline (more powerful attacks). She would strike at her king's left limb an inch below the knee - if successful, she would hold onto his limb and rip it to the left in hopes to upset the man's balance or even bring him to his knees.

injuries: none

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